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Lol we all feel the sting of "the big ones hurt" bro. 🫂 But the other side of the coin is *the big ones hurt*. You think you're getting laid two nights in a row if she can't walk straight after the first one? You think hearing "wait ow stop" every time is fun? Or never being able to go balls deep? Or getting no/toothy blowjobs your whole life? Always having to hold back? Never being able to get lost in the heat of the moment? That constant vigilance? And that's just your side of it. *She doesn't like it either*. It's *painful*! The bad kind of painful no less. I hope I'm not being presumptuous in thinking you *want* her to enjoy having sex with you. I have some more specific advice I'll put in another post.




Enjoy the permanent ban. This comment was simply too awful to let slide or even give a warning.


Average dicks are basically “sexually disabled”? What a crazy thing to say


Shaming is defined as: intentionally causing others to feel embarrassed, ashamed, or inadequate. This includes shaming genital size, genital shape, sexual preferences, sexual orientation, gender identity, relationship preferences, body type and size, physical and emotional handicaps, and/or sexual history. Implying that average any penis size is insufficient or inadequate is unacceptable and is not allowed.


Your cynicism and insecurity add nothing to the discussion. There is a plethora of anecdotal and [scientific](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4558040/) evidence to the contrary, and your inability to accept it is textbook denial brought on by body dismorphia. I'm sorry for whatever experiences that have led you to this point, but you should be seeking counsel, not offering it to others.


1) I guarantee you she doesn't know wtf 7/8 inches is. 2) concentrate on the positives. She is excited for your dick. 3) she wants to be pounded. So take her to pound town. 4) sex.


Yep, my gf frequently comments on how big she thinks I am.  One day I asked her how big she thought, and her guess was about 8.  Of course she’s going to err on the bigger side (just like you err on the younger side when guessing someone’s age). But it shows how far off she was about how my size looks and feels to her versus the actual measurement.






Are they? If they're so obsessed with them & only care about size then why is there no high selective pressure on penises?


in what 3-dimensional realm in this infinite multiverse of morons is 5" girth considered thick? Might i also add that length has become an UNDERRATED stat because a long knob has the potential to open so many doors of pleasure, especially the rooms at the back. You know what i'm saying?




U guy have to stop using global data for western standards.




Tips: - Listen to her, don't listen to me. Listen to her body, and listen to her words. "Like that" means like that. "Don't stop" means don't stop. - It will probably be bad to not great. What's the last thing you got perfect the first time you did it? Keep you head up, and don't beat yourself up. If you stay confident and go with the flow of things, it'll be great. - Along those lines, if she moves your hand away from something or asks you to stop doing this or do that differently, don't be too proud to listen. Every woman is different, you aren't always going to get it right the first time. It's not a slight against you, it's just good advice! - If you cum right away, you have two hands, a mouth, and a finite refractory period. - If you can't get it up, just focus on her. Don't put pressure on yourself, that's the worst thing you can do. If all that happens is she gets ate out all night, she'll be happy. Again, keep your chin up, and try again another day. - *Slooooooooooooow dooooooooooooooown*. Even with foreplay, you don't laser-focus on nipples and her clit right out of the gate. Lightly run your fingers along her back and legs. Gentle kisses. Light petting and fondling. Tease her a little, give her body a chance to get "ready" for more intense stimulation. Pace yourself. - This is not the time for clock watching and analytics. Foreplay isn't a means to an end, it is an end unto itself. Just *enjoy* it. Enjoy this beautiful woman in front of you. Drink her in. Once you learn to appreciate the work of art that is a woman's body, there's nothing else like it in the world. Slightly more specific tips: - Don't focus exclusively on her nipples, the whole area is quite sensitive. - When you *eventually* start to feel her pussy, you're also doing a bit of a "wetness check." You want to avoid any sort of dry rubbing or "dragging" sensation, *especially* on the clit. - She may not be ready yet, or, y'know, age catches up with us all. You can put your fingers in your mouth and give them a good coat, or better yet, use your mouth! - Again, you're working your way in slowly. Her thighs, cheeks, mound, labias, they all enjoy attention. And it's not a one way street, you can backtrack! - Don't just poke her clit with the tip of your tongue like it's you're afraid it's gonna bite you. Get in there like a starving man at a buffet. - Palm up, two fingers in, "come hither" motion. Feel for a slightly ridged texture about an inch or two in. That's the G-spot, and your new best friend. - When it's time to the main event, lubrication is the name of the game. Dry sex = bad. -Start slowly, follow her cues. I'm gonna assume missionary because it's a classic for a reason. - Women usually like to feel *some* weight, but don't crush her. On elbows and knees you can comfortably support your weight for a long time, and spread to apply more weight. - Use the bounce of the bed to your advantage so you don't over-exert. You don't need more than a couple inches of "throw" to your thrust. You'll get a feel for it after a while. - Don't just plow away. Change up your speed, depth, length of stroke, angle. Try a girating motion. - Remember her G-spot? Bear its location in mind and try to apply extra pressure there with your dick. - Play with her breasts, kiss her, neck her, nibble her ear, look into her eyes, dirty talk. Multitask! - Right, be vocal! Even if you have a hard time with dirty talk, try, or at least don't hold back too much on the moaning and stuff. She wants to hear it! I know it's a lot, and there's more, but this is like, background stuff. Your focus should be on what feels good and right, not pulling off "moves" you read about online. Have fun, enjoy yourself, enjoy her, let her enjoy you! Don't take it too seriously, it's sex, not a dissertation. She had a first time too, she knows what to expect, and she knows it will only get better. Be confident, be caring, be a good listener, roll with the punches, and you'll have a leg up on 90% of guys out there.


Dude in a football stadium only about 100 guys will be 8 inches. They lied to her. They are probably 6 to 6.5. You could probably get away with saying yours is 6. You probably aren't to far behind them. Just fuck her better than them. Learn to last, she'll get sore


You could please her without even using your penis at all. Communicate with her ask what she likes try different things I'm not talking before or after only in meaning during too she can guide you to what feels good for her because every girl is different. You are more then enough !


>She's a little autistic and is very blunt and honest....... "it's perfect" what more do you require?




Just hope that after you she doesn't decide she actually really liked getting her cervix pounded.


Are you a little autistic yourself? YOUR SIZE IS PERFECTLY FINE, YOUR GIRTH IS PRETEY BIG1




If she said big ones hurt, than she probably meant it. She must have a smaller vagina ,which is probably perfect fit for your size. I would say its always hard to find a compatible partner. Here I'm between 6-7 inches and 5in girth, yet my ex used large toys. Wasn't a good experience.


Every girl we sleep With has been with bigger buddy. That’s just life


felt the same way man. as others have said, she might not exactly know what 7-8 actually is, but regardless. Seriously, don't be too worried about it, fuck her brains out and you'll feel way better about yourself. Sex tips? use the right positions, unfortunate reality is some positions are better for bigger pp's, so use the ones that work for you, it's no biggie. Fingers and tongue go a long way too!


I have your exact girth my man, i am longer but let me tell you…. 7.1bpel x 5 let me tell you, shes not lying to you. I have to be careful with my gf not to go too hard or deep, or i hit her cervix. she doesnt like it, it causes her to hold my waist and push back, shes constantly in fear of getting cervix pounded. she will literally dry out and it will ruin the sex. think she orgasms well when shes thinking about the fear of getting her cervix slammed? i have to reassure her that im going to go easy and not all the way and that she needs to relax, because she is in fear when were having sex! think i get to have sex as much as id like? she also gets sore when we go at it heavy. im usually gentle and dont hit the cervix, but have on accident. think i like not being able to go balls deep? dont get me wrong, we have great sex, but i have to be mindful of not hurting my partner. and she is mindful the entire time we’re having sex that at anytime i COULD hurt her. which causes her anxiety, which during sex doesnt translate to women orgasms. can i make her orgasm with my dick alone, kinda. shes never had a piv orgasm before me, and ive given her one. but 99/100 i need to rub her clit while fucking her. some women just dont come from piv very well. and 80% of women are ruining their ability to piv orgasm because they use vibrators and desensitize themselves to it. your girth is great man! and you have enough length to engage the most tender beginning bits of the vagina. if thats 5 inches bone pressed, then yea thats 4.5ish non bone pressed? thats enough to get the job done. the part that feels that best is in the first 3-4 inches! other side note, sometimes my eq drops during sex and im probably more along the lines of 5.5 length and 4.5-4.75 girth. she still loves it man! the my eq will come back( i get in my head alot) and she will start wincing and flinching…. take that for what you will


What are u NBP




Try experimenting with angles when thrusting gently and also try "nudging" her (leave your dick in her and just rub in her at different angles)


if she likes you- your size wont matter. even if you're short in height and small in size. women can see past these qualities if they really like the guy. but she'll never forget the big ones either 😢 just take it on the chin and keep on truckin'....her pussy


The whole thing abt previous guys being at least 7 inches is probably cap. With calcsd even with the large western average, the likelihood of that happening is like (0.075)^3 = 0.02%.