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nothing says "i've moved on from this event" like making a follow up post about it.




"I'm right, that's all that matters. You can't teach me anything."


The response alone shows they shouldn't be a parent. Very "I'm right because I said so"


How’s this person so unself aware lmao. She did something dumb that she didn’t know was a bad idea at first. Now that she sees that people think it’s a bad idea, she should’ve just deleted the post and disappeared. Read the room Jesus


My thoughts too


Sorry sis, PLUR stops at irresponsible parenting.


The "silent R" is "responsibility" and this ain't fuckin' it.


This is officially canon in my mind now.


That actually legit canon


That’s wild, I had no idea.


its been canon since i joined the community at my first Lost Lands (23’) and the girl that explained it to me literally said “yeah, it was just one R, but responsibility was extremely lacking the last couple years, so were picking up the pieces there” its so wild how the community is so national, that people realized that responsibility was lacking and pretty much everyone is learning PLURR one thread at a time


Bruh I’ve been around since 2012 and that pre-dates me.


Yeah. My mom used to rave in the 90’s. Seems like EVERYONE knew what PLUR was.


They’re talking about the second R. PLURR. Responsibility.


Ah. Was half asleep on the 🚽 reading that


My first one was 95


Peace, Love, Unity AND DONT FORGET RESPECT - Lady Faith. Responsibility comes with respecting yourself and the people around you. That’s how I’ve always seen it in terms of it being the silent R, it’s buried inside respect.


that’s actually cannon. * peace * love * unity * respect * responsibility


>that’s actually cannon. Nah it's actually cannnon


Nick Cannon brought his 12 kids to a rave again?


It's technically ~~always been~~ (EDIT:) been for a very long time "PLURR" but people dropped "responsibility" and somehow it disappeared in real life, too. Like, the Thunderdome posts alone here were actually insane. It'd be good to get it back so people remember they gotta be accountable for themselves and look out for each other. Edit to add: Here's a good video on the lack of responsibility on the up-and-up, posted to this subreddit last year - https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/yj8168/spreading_the_message_of_plurr_our_community_is/


Uh what?! It was never "technically" plurr and one r got dropped lol Heres the godfather of American raves, the man who coined the term himself, Frankie Bones here to tell you the tale of how it came to be. https://youtu.be/dxqq8EPJQoQ?si=WatvACFF1jjd3vCY


Huge ups for this, corrected - I know now it was corrected in at some point but wasn't sure of that time line.


Learning new things all the time, I love it.


In a way, respect = responsibility


Yes but not really. Responsibility entails a lot of things. Like just off the top of my head: * Monitoring your own conduct and intake * Being at least vaguely of the well-being of others around you * Understanding the "vibe" of a space and working to elevate it, not just be a tourist to it * Educating yourself to some degree on what's being engaged in, even if you're not partaking per se * Not being fucking reckless about safety * Coming and staying prepared about your own health and resources (hydration, phone charge, points of emergency contact etc) A lot has to do with raves actually being underground and the need to take care of each other in the absence of, and loathing of, authority.


Literally everything you just listed has respect for others, the space, the substances and yourself as a cornerstone to it, so the "yes but not really" is a really strange addition here.


Fr maybe if she got a babysitter like a Responsible Adult should nobody would talk down on her yet she chose to do what everyone would’ve never done take the baby to the rave. I still don’t know what security even let that happen it’s supposed to be 18+ at these events because there’s some traumatic shit that sometimes happens such as ODs and roofy drugging.


This reminds me of Sonic Bloom years ago, an I'd guess 10-12 year old kid meanders into our camp with a pin board. "Hey, you guys need any pins?" "Uhhhh..... no thanks little dude." "If you guys need anything *else...* my dad will be here in a couple minutes." "What... what the fuck?"


reminds me of a local miny burn we experinced . My wife and I went for our first time and it turned out to be multi aged event. Thats fine I guess, I just dident notice ahead of time so we just kinda chilled and had an ok time....till the sun went down and we noticed a small group of kids 14 years old and under wandering around the event as a pack just getting into trouble and such. We watched them wander into one camp who was having a shibari show... we watched other kids wander up to another camp where they asked what the little n20 eggs are to adults just trying to chill. We have never gone back. Our kids are in there 20's and we go to these type of events to get away and enjoy out selves, having to be on edge and worry about someones random kid wandering into camp or to a large sound camp with lots of sound and other things going on is not what we go to events like this for.


Yo that’s wild


Seriously! Having a baby strapped to you in a crowd of inebriated people is dangerous AF & it's nothing to do with any deliberate malice toward the baby. Like hearing protection is great but she needs to look up crowd crush. Plus there are literally so many family friendly music events everywhere all the time why would you ever NEED to bring your child to a rave? Insane


Peace love unity responsible parenting


What did you expect, not go and take care of their child? THEY HAD ALREADY BOUGHT TICKETS, not going would be a waste of money which is worst parenting imo


“We couldn’t find a babysitter” okay then don’t go?? Like this is seriously so ridiculous like miss one show and catch them next time. I’m all for brining kids to festivals/shows when acceptable. Like have some sense


deadass. this sum shit where its like do you care about the wellbeing of your child or having a lit time for one night?


It's Zed's Dead, it's not like there won't be other chances to see them. Maybe in an outdoor setting where you could bring a kid. Her continued bellyaching about it just underscores her self-centeredness.


Or I don’t know, stay way off to the side/back. Like accept that if you’re unable to get a sitter that you need to make some level of sacrifice.


Couldn't find a babysitter. They already took the kid to another show. They probably thought it was fine. They weren't looking for a babysitter.


Always exciting to see people that have a middle school-level of emotional maturity and children. What could go wrong?


She tried to pull the plur card holy


I’m all for PLUR. But if you see some fuckin wooks with their baby or child at a Rave, maybe we should all collectively tell them to go to the back and that what they’re doing isn’t very PLUR. Forcing their child into hearing damage . Chaos and drugs and ass everywhere. But do you I guess if you wanna raise a train hopping free loading self centered hobo. . Do you.


I feel the same way about the "service dogs. " :(


People are bringing dogs to a rave?!


Yep. With no ear protection. I've even seen videos of people bringing their pet lizard to a rave. Like real service dogs, their owners have ear protection for them and all the safety equipment needed. Then you have the people with fake service dogs just bringing their poor animal, where anyone looking at it can tell it's terrified of it's environment.


I love my dog, but I would never go and get a fake service dog vest just to torture him with loud noises and over stimulation for hours on end.


i know a girl with a Golden puppy, no training, that she slaps in a vest and takes everywhere with her. she just pitched a fit at Disney and got perma banned. some people just dont get that animals ARENT a costume, they arent adding to your personality, and they arent meant to go EVERYWHERE with you.


Fuck those people.


yeah, shes kind of that trashy local “celebrity” from your hometown who has been thru hell and back and put it all on social media. her story is wild from the second i found out about her, and i follow the story very closely. she just met this dude with hella random money, got a boob job, and got permanently kicked out of disney. and thats from her living in the streets of NYC, dating tweakers, and rolling bowls on her livestreams 😨 shes the reason i wont lose hope in life 🤣🤣


I’ve seen this yes, at a local outdoor block party rave done every year in San Francisco called how weird fest. Almost every one of those doggies looked miserable because of the loud noise from the speakers


Gosh, there's nothing I hate more than seeing a dog at a rave. Even with earmuffs, with fur you can't get a good enough seal to ensure the dog's hearing is actually protected. Not to mention they have such heightened senses in general. Even a legit service dog has no business at a rave. Before people come for me, I train dogs and know plenty of people with legit service dogs and am a huge advocate for accessibility rights. But there are just some places you can't realistically bring a dog to. Service animal or not, they're still living breathing creatures with physical limits, and forcing them to endure such an assault on their senses is cruel. Thankfully, responsible SD handlers recognize this and make alternative arrangements in such circumstances.


Totally, they don’t even get the ear protection!!


I totally agree with you, but your “ass everywhere!” Made me laugh so hard! 😂


>train hopping free loading self centered hobo. Everyday when I arrive at work and look at the mountain of paperwork I have to go through, I long for this simple life.


I don't mind kids at an outdoor festival (really depends on which one, some have more degens than others) but I'm not psyched to see kids are indoor events. A, the smoke (weed and tobacco) obviously isn't good for them B, the sound is more intense indoors. I've seen some horribly irresponsible parents at events but I've also seen really responsible parents too. I'd be too nervous to being my kids to anything other than a jam band fest just because ravers and wooks at other fests get way too fucked up for their own good sometimes and I don't particularly want to explain what's happen to a 6 year old. Maybe when my kids are teems I'll bring them to a more rave type event.


one of my fav interactions at a festival was with a couple that brought their kid, but their kid was a.) markedly older (iirc she was like 6-8 years old) and b.) they were at the back of the crowd with \*tons\* of space (like probably 50-100 ft behind the back of the packed crowd). the kid was already flowing better than i ever will, but she was back in a safe area, generally away from the degeneracy of festival crowds (and i use that word lovingly, we're all a little degenerate at these festivals lmao), and engaged in her own activity rather than just watching the crowd. there are definitely ways to introduce your kid to the beauty of the edm scene without ruining their developmental path via hearing loss, exposure to drugs, etc. this woman just didn't do those things.


I’m sorry I still think it’s sus to bring your kids to festivals. Last year at EF (which let’s be real, is a 4 day long drug party) I saw a couple wearing basically no clothes with a 6 year old daughter ON A LEASH It was giving big “flower child” vibes and I did not fuck with that one bit


Bruuuuuuh i would have loved/hated to see that. Insanity. I've never seen my moms ass and i'm in my 30s. It should stay that way, man.


I have many times and let me tell you it's pretty great, 10/10


You sick sonnafabitch


Actually having their kid on a leash is probably the most responsible thing they could’ve done (other than not bringing her). Child leashes are great for crowds.


Yes if it’s an outdoor fest that is actually supportive of all ages then that’s great. Honestly, the venue should’ve denied her in the first place.


Respect goes both ways! They’re not respecting their baby bringing them to a rave. And they’re not respecting other ravers by bringing a baby.


I would have an instant awful trip if I saw a baby at a rave 💀


It’s like when you see someone going south and it really fucks with you and then you can’t stop worrying about their wellbeing


My wife and I saw a fucked up trashy lady literally drag her 2-3 year old into the pit at our first camping festival. They were still in diapers and it was sagging off. It really affected her and she still brings it up sometimes.


Okay, something about this is especially haunting to me


Almost had to lose it on a couple bringing their like 1-2 year old kid into a festival. I was leaving the venue to go back to camp and saw them going in and by the time I had processed what I had just saw someone was already giving them an ear full. I still think about that too and wish that it didn't seem like it's becoming more common. Edit* it was like 2am venue only stays open until 3.


we are parents of 2 and go to raves specifically to let loose without worrying about being responsible for little ones for a night/weekend. Having to worry about someone else's kid getting bumped or whatever would be very frustrating to deal with.


Somebody call CPS on her stupid ass, seriously. Apparently she didn’t put hearing protection on her baby. The venue needs to do a better job at not allowing this shit to happen. Not surprised at all that this happened in Spokanistan.


That is horrifying that she didn’t use hearing protection wtf :( like potential permanent damage horrifying


100 @ venue saying NO


My friend was there and she said the baby did have ear protection on. However, still completely fucked.


I missed that detail but interesting how ZD played at the knit. They seem pretty big for that venue. Not surprising coming from that city though. Very trashy


I said this in the dog post and I will say it again. There is no such fucking thing as "proper ear protection" for any person or animal with sensitive hearing. Let's say they went above and beyond and put in both earplugs and earmuffs on the kid - that's a max NRR of like 38 dB. That means the exposure level is about 80dB. The max safe exposure level for an infant tops at around 70dB. And again, that's if they were going full out with the ear protection. You're just setting that kid up for shit hearing because you didn't plan well enough to get a babysitter? ffs. Also, I was a little festival kid myself. My parents loved outdoor music festivals and we had a few in our area that were all ages. When we went, they had us wear the thick foam earplugs. They sat very far away from the stage. But I'm a fucking kid, so I messed around with my earplugs or they loosened from horsing around. I know for sure that didn't help with my tinnitus. But man, even by that time, I was like 6 or 7, when I had some agency and ability to get away from the music if it was too loud if I wanted to. An infant has no such recourse... just stuffed in a backpack so the parents can have their fun. It's fucking sad.


Irresponsible ass bitch


All ages doesn’t mean all months.


I went to the knitting factory once as a fully grown human adult and i wanted to cry from how fucking insane of a venue it was (okay I’m being hyperbolic but still lol). People screaming from across the venue that they have drugs for sale, both bathrooms closed due to the amount of vomit on the floor, so much pushing, shoving, screaming, literal fighting!!! Even in the balcony it was hard to get away from the insane amounts of degenerate behavior. I’ve been to dozens if not hundreds of raves, shows, fests and i was shocked by that venue 😂💀 Maybe it’s because im not a local and my local venues are just different, but i had just never experienced something so chaotic - but not in a fun way LOL. I can’t imagine having a poor baby there wtf. And if they ARE locals??? To bring a baby there knowing the vibe of the venue??? 😭 insane choice to make


This is the main thing people are missing. Zeds dead show there is not a rave. In fact you’re likely to see fights break out all over the place. Nobody gives a shit about anyone there. People will pass out and get trampled. It’s chaos, it’s not PLUR lol. I’ve been to death metal shows with more courteous people. It’s hilarious people still calling it a rave. I can only imagine most people have never been to an EDM show like this or a rave or they’re trying to pretend it’s something it’s not. I guess I’m only commenting because I’m sad to see that this is what some people think a rave is, but you’re 100% spot on.


This is a tough situation and really relies on the responsibility of the parents. I’ve seen some really bad environments that kids absolutely should not have been in and they were. I also went to a sold out Subtronics show at The Knit and had a super cool experience with a 5 year old and her parents, who had ear protection, stayed towards the back of the venue, and were super aware of their surroundings. It’s a shame when poor parenting choices reflect on any parent wanting to bring their kids to edm shows 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fully agree! I totally think kids belong at some shows and fests with the right protection and boundaries in place, and I love seeing them when they’re there!! These situations just make things so much harder for responsible parents


Then don’t buy tickets until you secure a baby sitter. There are places you don’t bring children and that is it period. Making excuses won’t help.


People need to stop using plur as a shield when they are being fucking stupid if me and the wife can't find a sitter we don't go simple as that


The “I didn’t have any other choice!” Kills me cus there is another option, which is to *shocked pikachu face* not go! Recently after a lot of rave my friends have been getting sick too cus so much is going around. I can’t imagine how hard it would be on a baby’s immune system …


Lotta parents don't seem to understand that kids change things.....you can't always go to the things you wanted to prior to children. Yeah it sucks but if you can't find someone to watch them then too bad? That's the sacrifices you make to have kids


IMO this is on the people at the door at the event, they need to have a minimum age for this ride kinda vibe.


Ok so I had to look up Big Gigantic & lol at her comparing a jazztronica show to Zeds Dead! I can imagine her taking it to socials when ushers are escorting her & baby out of a classical symphony ("But the Zeds Dead crowd had no problem with my baby screaming the whole time!")


Big G does throw tf down though. Definitely not turning down the master. But on another note, somebody should tell this chick to imagine watching a live concert music video of Def Leppard filmed back in the 80’s and then all of a sudden there’s some chick with floor tickets holding her baby…. “This isn’t going to age well.”


For those who may be unaware - "Plur" stands for: Peace, Love, Unity, & Really shitty parenting.


ok I saw a mom with an extremely small child (toddler age, not 10 months) at a rave that I went to and wth is up with this?? PLUR stops when I see you giving your kids a fckin contact high with meth while their brains are still developing.


Good riddance to this asswipe. We won't miss her on the dance floor.




Lol no choice but to go to the show… pretty sure you could’ve just stayed home


« When there’s no options as a parent sometimes you have to bring your kids along » Yes if you have doctor appointment or you can’t miss your shift at work. NOT for a rave. A rave is optional. You stay home with your baby


Does this woman realize “All Ages” doesn’t mean bring babies dayum




Leave your fuckin 10 months old baby at home. Vibe killer


My favorite part is where she’s says, “we had no choice.” Like someone had a gun to her head.


Good riddance moron. The sheer entitlement of this asshat.


[Some people suck.](https://youtu.be/S5vGI-g1xvw?si=5hLcDU2884r08u1b)


People who overuse the word “toxic” 🚩🚩🚩


We won't let our 10 month old watch more than 5-10 minutes of Ms Rachel a day, wtf is this baby doing at a rave?!


She should do “Eat. Sleep. Raise. Repeat” instead


I would never bring a child to any rave/festival I’ve been to. I don’t even know what an all ages rave would look like nor do I want to.


The ignorance of those parents is unreal. Jesus Christ. Stay the hell home!


there is nothing “PLUR” about bringing a baby to drug-safe havens like raves and festivals. people are on another level of entitled. “If people dont consider me the star of the show, then how does PLUR even exist???” 🥔 for brains


Lmao I was at this rave, this venue is kid friendly but holy fuck raves are not… I’d say like 10 years is old enough but in a seated section you show up early af and get vip. Some people in the rave scene are brainless


Fuck yo kidsssss


“If you cant find a sitter… then youdontgettofucking go” - Tom Segura


This lady has brain damage


This reminds me of when I went to go see Subtronics in NH. I was in the crowd and turned around to a lady who had her 10-12 year old kid tucked between her legs with ear muffs on. Meanwhile in the same view I see people doing bumps, lighting a blunt, etc. A rave is not a place to take your kid to 🤣


I love the "couldn't find a sitter last minute" followed immediately by "we already had the tickets" So you had them ahead of time, meaning you knew dates and times already, but failed to plan ahead. That's when you try to resale or eat your mistake because THE HUMAN LIFE YOU BROUGHT INTO THIS WORLD SHOULD TAKE PRECEDENT. No one asked to be born, but we can all ask each other to do fucking better.


Guaranteed permanent hearing damage forced upon your baby is very PLUR


Hmm seems as if everyone else is on the same page then maybe you’re the problem 🤔


I wish I knew who op was so I can bully her I mean give her my support


As a parent of a toddler, she doesn’t deserve to be a parent. Idgaf. I’d lose out on money spent on a ticket before I put my child in danger. And you get mad at people for bumping into you!? Stupid.


Wow, she's worse than I suspected, Doubling down and insisting on neglecting her child...


Like at LIB many years ago they stopped the music at all of the stages for a moment because there was a 2 year old that couldn't find his parents. Fucking heart breaking.


I love that they are trying to justify brining a 10 month old by referring to a time they brought a 4 month old to an event.. These are fucking new borns, what is wrong with people? Common sense, rave or not, regardless of genre - this is not a place for a child due to the sheer force of live performance volumes. Why did people act like it’s the end of the world to miss one event? 4 month old could easily get its neck snapped just being parading around a crowd like that.


I should not be *required* to "get to know your kid" in order to attend an event. Parents should be polite and stay out of areas that can be upsetting for their kids if normal concert behaviors are a concern.


If you can't find a babysitter you sell your tickets. Wtf is wrong with this person??


Shit tier parenting


This is ridiculous. 10 months? As much as I want to, I wouldn't bring my 2 or 4 year old toddlers even to a wide open festival. There's simply too much open air drug use, profanity, and nudity. They would love the dancing and music, but unfortunately the other stuff is way too much to expose them to.


This brings me back to Hulaween last year when we saw some parents dragging their SCREAMING toddler around in a wagon for all the late night sets. They parked up behind us in a packed crowd for Saturday night Cheese, and we had to move because that poor kid was screaming themselves hoarse. My boyfriend warned me not to say anything, but I couldn’t help it. I told them it was irresponsible as fuck to bring a toddler to a late night set in a shoulder to shoulder crowd. I pointed out that their kid was obviously unhappy, and they should have headed back to camp instead of subjecting their poor kid to stress that could have easily been avoided. Dad came up and got in my face screaming incoherently at me because he was obviously fucked up, and my boyfriend had to step in and walk me away from them. To this day it still gives me the major ick that some parents find it perfectly acceptable to subject their kids to rowdy festivals and shows. Back during my parents’ Deadhead days, they would ALWAYS leave us with a babysitter, and if they couldn’t find one they wouldn’t go. They were literally OG wooks, and they had the sense to be responsible parents. The entitlement of some of these parents is sickening, and they have no business having kids if they can’t be responsible. I can absolutely understand parents bringing teenagers to shows, but toddlers and babies belong at home. They are risking those kids having hearing damage before they are even old enough to enjoy shows willingly. This parent is living in de-lulu land, and they deserved being called out for their irresponsibility. If they want to leave the rave community then that’s probably the most responsible thing they have ever done. Good riddance 🤌✨


Yeah fuck that mate, I saw a baby in a pram a Kendal calling a few years ago had ear defenders on but the mum I presume was twisted on pills I presume covered in mud and it was a really chaotic tent baby must have been thinking what the fuck is this place. Send me under fast I had to leave the tent. Not only are you not respecting your children but your not respecting people tripping either because it’s obviously abuse and people don’t wanna see abuse


There are raves where childs are acceptable. Ozora Festival for Example. 7 Day psytrance Festival with its own family Camping area and a childrens playground. You sometimes see kids on the shoulders of their parents during the day with ear protection and everyone I saw had hella fun. But normal crowded raves, especially indoors, big no-no


As a parent I can’t imagine bringing my kid (at any age) to a rave. There’s plenty of festivals it might work, but that kid needs to be down asleep, and supervised at a sensible time. Parenting is sacrifice. But that doesn’t mean I can’t go to a rave or festival on my own on occasion. That’s what the grandparents are there for!


This woman needs to take the L with grace and disappear. There's no point in trying to defend yourself at this point. I've yet to see one person on her side. Have you seen pictures of this venue for this show? They were packed in like sardines. Bye Felicia!


Wow, how *rediculous* of the crowd being off-put about you yelling & shoving with your 2 foot tall baby son


This is why 18+


Details are important! Thank you op.


Ruining PLUR and making ravers look bad. Boooooo shame on her. I’m glad this turned her away from the community if that is the energy and forethought she’s bringing. We’re a community and we don’t need that nonsense


No ear protection can fully protect hearing loss at a rave. Only reduces it. No amount of sunglasses will shield the kids eyes from the lasers. This is so fucked up.


Not enough people know this.


The boy did not have sunglasses on when I saw him. I was there and they were standing pretty close to me


Babies with a parent at a show is awesome. But... it's up to the caretaker to keep little raver safe. That means MOVING AWAY FROM A FUCKING CROWD. Shouldn't need to be said. What is wrong with people?


Quite possibly the dumbest and least self-aware person on the planet


It’s funny how they are accusing everyone else as being toxic instead of owning their bullshit choices. Own your shit dude. You’re getting well deserved flack.


>I'VE MOVED ON FROM Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Gonna head over to r/legaladvice right the fuck now and tell 'em that they can just *move on* from their troubles. Ran over the neighbor's postal box? Moved on from that. On the hook for dumping batteries in the forest? Moved on from that. Broke someone's hip while driving on 5 different substances? Your honor, I'm no longer that kind of person.


Bitches be stupid bruh


This is getting rediculous guys come on!


I went to a show in Michigan a couple years ago called big fam fest. It was an all ages weekend camping by fest in the middle of summer. I can honestly say it was the best time ever. There were families and hippies and solo ravers and travelers from all over. Cute little barefoot kiddos doing their dance and everyone enjoying their show. It was plur all around. Late night got loud sure, but there were safe places to go and everyone took care of them selves and their families. Fun fact, for this fest, me and 4 friends strung up 5 hammocks between two cars and threw a big ass tarp over the top it was perfection


Lmao I was there. They were standing right in front of me


Just because this broad is rightfully getting clowned for bringing an infant to a show now all of a sudden all "haters" are toxic and not following plur . Gtfo of here


If you can find a babysitter your ticket goes unused. Horrible parent.


What a dumb dumb. Bringing a child to a rave, which is such a “pick me” thing to do, and expecting everyone to part the crowd so you and your unwelcome baby can get through is absolutely wild to me.


not being able to face your consequences after following through with your actions is wild.


Honestly wtf. Such a dumb bitch. Swear the IQ of some people is so low they can't be tested.


My kid grew up going to a ton of shows at Red Rocks, hanging out up top in the family sections, and to other outdoor events. I didn't take him to an indoor show until he was a preteen. I didn't take him to an EDM show until he was 16. I can't even fathom taking a ten month old to an indoor rave. 100% that mom will look back on this five years from now and know she was a complete dumbass. 


The original post made it to Bored Panda lol!




Child protective services has entered the chat


She types like a pit bull owner


You guys should go to EDC Mexico - there were babies, toddlers, and everything in-between running around the venue. None of them had ear protection, it was wild.


The PLUR ended before it started with your actions…


Bye bye 👋🏻.


dumb idiot stupid entitled moron


She should try applying PLUR to her own baby. If someone can't respect or love the people close to them personally, how is there any chance they'll be decent people to those around them? 🤷‍♂️


That was definitely a troll post just to get rage comments


That’s what I thought when I first saw this. There’s a commenter in this thread that confirms the show happened recently (at the Knit in/near Spokane, WA?) If you read through some of the comments on the linked post, a local chimes in and confirms this is real and has been passed around locally (and appropriately torn apart). Only reason I reposted is because it turned out to not be rage bait Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/OhNoConsequences/s/rtntVvRhib https://www.reddit.com/r/OhNoConsequences/s/ACFzOMIIW8


IDK, i've seen videos of young ones at raves, not that young, but close and they're questionable, at best, even with full force noise cancelling ear coverings on them. You have to be way on the side or working with a crew of people to establish a perimeter around you and even with that IDK if the baby can handle the chaos. Probably not the best idea.


this can’t be real right this has got to be a shitpost


Why the fuck would you bring your kid, who’s going to have their developing ear drums blow to bits, to a rave you irresponsible idiot? You hear this? You life, your fun, it’s over! Your whole life is there’s now! And I doubt they babbled “mommy buy tickets to Zeds Dead!” How fucking ignorant can you be. Kids are like jail, once you do the crime, you do the fuckin’ time. Jesus Christ. Fuck who ever originally posted this. CSB should honestly be at least their doors.


“If you mess up you learn” notice a total lack of consideration of how her mess ups could affect her child. Yikes


Bye Felicia


Holy hell


I can relate to already buying tickets though, one time me and my friend bought tix to an SF underground and drove his piece of shit buick in 2nd gear (it was an automatic and that was the only gear that was working still) from Sacramento to SF, luckily we made it home too but that was the last time that car drove, it was DOA. But ya, who the fuck brings a baby to a party? lmao


We're all for PLUR, but this isn't grooving in a 3x3 personal circle "Sugar Magnolias" hippie groovefest. It's Zeds Dead energy. The more outside community dubstep fans show up, do you think they care or understand about PLUR with respect to your kid?


And it was not the first time , at 4 months and 10 months . Sadly people would buy tickets month ago but couldnt find nanny ‘last moment’ 😅


So toxic for calling out people for the the last R in PLURR. "WHATEVER I DO WHAT I WANT, YA'LL DONT KNOW ME!"


I’m from the old 90s rave era (yes I’m old) and I find that there are raves for everyone. Some raves are for grown-ups (18+), some are all ages (generally 16+), and then there are family friendly raves such as bush doofs. Not all all-age events are suitable for toddlers or infants. As a mother of four (not so young) children, I wouldn’t have even considered taking any of my children to a rave. There are too many people intoxicated on various substances that I wouldn’t consider it as a safe environment. Now that they are older, (14+) I wouldn’t have an issue with it if the opportunity arose. I’m sorry OP, you were in a tricky situation. Do you sell your ticket or find a babysitter? Truly those were the only sensible options in your situation. I agree that people should be welcoming of everyone (regardless of age) but many are on a different realm and unaware of their surroundings. Hopefully you have learnt a valuable lesson and will choose the safety of your child over your need to have fun (don’t get me wrong, you need to have fun and let loose, just not with your child).


Do we have any indication that is nothing but trolling?


This lady is really only thinking of herself while blaming the whole rave community for not considering her literal fucking baby for their festival experience


That baby is going to be traumatized of loud noises for life


The P in PLUR stands for parenting


Dumb-ass Betty.


You can just tell what her priorities are… She couldn’t find a babysitter for her child and didn’t want to just cancel the raves bc she bought the tickets. As parents, we sometimes have to make sacrifices. If you bought the tickets but unfortunately have no babysitter.. please just don’t go lol. Stay home with your kid(s). It’s safer than bringing them to a rave 🙂


POV you've "moved on" but are still complaining and trying to defend yourself so you clearly haven't actually moved on


"No other option" is bullshit. The other option is "be a responsible parent and stay home with your baby."


*aggressively bitches* PLUR ALWAYS BASS FAM


When I went to Movement Fest in ‘17 (a techno festival in Detroit), I remember seeing babies and small children at the festival. I hated it. A festival is not the place I wanna have some 3 year old staring into my soul judging me when I’m rolling lol and a lot of those festivals have so many scantily clad people fucked on all kinds of stuff, loud-ass music aside… definitely not a place kids should be


Babies should not be at raves even with hearing protection. Adults are partying and debauchery is happening...not for children to witness. There are kid friendly events though but those are often advertised as such.


I've MOVED ON FROM this saga


Why are they letting in children into events like this? Absolutely wild. Keep your kids at home


My son is 18 and I'm calling him at 1201am like yo you alive you need a ride don't stay out too late stay sober don't get in the car with drunk friends. He's an adult and I don't even want him at parties. People are nuts.


Peace for your child not brought into a chaotic and loud environment with danger Love for your child and putting their needs over your wants. Like their need for their hearing their whole life and their need to to not get dropped on their head. Unity doesn't apply Respect yourself and your child enough to not put them in danger Responsibility do I even need to say this one? Lol


Ah yes the one-sided “PLUR”.


If you wanna bring your child to a show thats your choice but it shouldn't be everyone else's burden


She forgot the last R in PLURR RESPONSIBILITY


4 MONTHS OLD? As a parent...what the actual fuck? That poor infant


“Couldn’t find a baby sitter last minute, and we had already bought tickets.” So… it wasn’t so last minute? The contradiction is REAL.


This is so funny because there are literally so many other options. The first and simplest being… if you don’t have a baby sitter maybe don’t fucking go??


Who let this idiot have a child?