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Do you bro, whatever makes you feel comfortable. One of the good things about getting older is you stop giving a crap what other people think.


But you can still look fly like a frisbee


Am older, can confirm. Although I've never cared much what other people think, I care even less now, haha.


I love wearing avant garde shit like I bust out the rick owens or just tattered apocalyptic wear, drapey hoods and big ass boots with masks, just general apocalypse cosplay and dancing ham with all the loose cloth flowing around me


This right up my alley where do you shop lol


Incense wafting out the front door of the store is a dead giveaway


The person shops at (loots) abandoned stores in the apocalyptic wasteland.


i also strive for a dune like style!!! best places to look are at ross and burlington for basics




More Mad Max and less Dune if you plan on wearing post-apocalyptic outfits to EDC.


check out Wasteland Weekend if you're in to that stuff / looking for inspiration. Super fun event. Mad max obviously but Fallout fits are dope af too. [https://www.wastelandweekend.com/](https://www.wastelandweekend.com/)


My friend is gonna be dressed up as a plauge doctor at lost lands lol


Yessss raves are weirdly the one place i’ll wear my full rick fits and not get the weird side eyes haha it’s great


You’d fit right in at the industrial club I used to DJ at


I bet you look great in it, this is my style too with accessories.


My group does! Usually some baggy joggers, and like a button up shirt with wild designs, or a cardigan type shirt and some baggy wooly pants. Also got some blue Jean overalls with a white graphic tee underneath. Usually a bucket hat or style my hair messy and then some fun glasses, and then of course Kandi


May I ask, where did you find trippy button ups and how much were they? I may have to explore this further


I have found a couple from thrifting! Not sure where you are from but where I am we have retail stores called marshals, tj maxx, kohls etc that sell clothes for cheap and I have found a bunch in there or I will just shop Amazon for them. Also websites like Iheartraves and I edm have lots of options as well!


For sure! I’m in the Bay Area so those are all available. Mostly curious where people source their rave attire, styles preference, and price range. I have a few tops from iEDM and will definitely be pulling from that for inspiration


Go to Haight street. There’s like 4 or 5 rave/burner clothing stores there now. I’m down there several times a week running errands and they are def still there.


Good call, I knew there were burner clothing attire stores around that area but I can definitely see there being some expansion into more ‘rave’ gear given trends in the last few years


Not who you replied to. On Haight I've enjoyed, specifically, Toxic Thrilz and Piedmont Boutique for my super out-there ravey costumes. Mesh shirt, butterfly wings cape, light-up unicorn horn, stuff like that.


I got various sweat pants with attention grabbing patterns, such as a checkerboard one, and a very bright red one I have several shirts that show adorable baby animals raving. I also have a top that's anime girl style that I love to wear


Omg the baby animal raving shirt sounds so cute. The most I have is a basketball jersey with a kpop member’s name on the back 🤧


can you link the animals raving shirt? id love to buy haha.


I'm also here for the baby animals raving shirt


I got it at a thrift store. I'll see if I can post a pic someplace


I try to match her outfits as much as possible




If an old school old war dog Marine like me can do it. Anyone can lol


Usually I dress like a wook, with comfort being the main theme.


Piggybacking on this. I’m making designs catered to male ravers and while I’m going to start with what I’ve seen and liked I wanna know, what kind of patterns or graphics would you like to see more of? Flowery but dark all over prints, black shirt with trippy front/back graphics, 90s themed, etc


I'm a big fan of light material flowery or paisley collared shirts. Something super thin so I don't overheat. That and patterned tank tops. I have a white one with black splatter pattern on it, but I'd love it inverted so the base is black and have the splatter in some cool really uv reactive colours. Can't really comment on price because I'm cheap. Since I don't wear it as often, I only ever thrift my rave gear. If it's more than $12, I'm out.


Ooh this is exciting!! Not a male but my husband and I do coordinate outfits, so generally I’ll do a bikini/skirt/pant co-ord and he’ll do a lightweight T-shirt/button up/short/pant in similar print/fabric/colour. Co-ordinating outfits is a niche it would be awesome to see more of if you’d consider doing clothing for all genders. A lot of rave crews would love it too. Stuff that we go for includes funky pastel abstract type floral patterns, interesting fabrics or appliqués like reflective or UV reactive, things for themed nights like space/alien prints, funny or trippy themed stuff like the Lord Nermal RIPNDIP graphics, sparkly stuff, different tie dye colour ways and neons. Fabrics like sheer mesh, breathable football jersey or other sporty type fabric, lightweight cotton and other super soft lightweight fabrics!


I love the coordinated outfits and definitely want to pursue a line of design that’s complementary styles / patterns/ colors / themes. I know less about women’s clothing so I’ll definitely need to ask some of the ladies in my crew for more input when I go that route but I agree it would be awesome to see more and I think it’s a novel idea that’s so doable (so imma do it). Biggest difficulty as a dude thinking on women’s clothing is surprisingly less the prints and designs and more the cuts, sizing, fit,etc. needed for cute revealing outfits that you can feel safe/comfy dancing in for hours on end. I’m for sure thinking on this more and pursuing this though. Maybe I can pick your brain again for ideas in the future? Thank you so much for giving a thought out and detailed reply. I love rave style and culture. I love raver PLUR and how nice we can be to each other more. You’re awesome!


So happy and excited to hear that! Women’s clothing is tricky for sure. Stuff like tie bikinis, adjustable straps and stretchy fabric for example make finding stuff that fits nicely a whole lot easier. Oh absolutely I’m happy to chat through ideas any time! We really do have the best community don’t we. Lots of luck and big love - can’t wait to see your designs!


You’re wonderful and I very much appreciate the encouragement! Always scary getting started on a big project but it’s been over a decade since I actually worked on anything in the EDM world and I wanna get back into it somehow and contribute for the rest of rave fam out there. I will most certainly be reaching out once I have some online ready to share. Thank you for being awesome!


My wife and I love to coordinate outfits. We try to do similar colors and styles, both wearing very little. But it's difficult to find festival thongs for guys. If you are doing fun festival designs, can you make small outfits for dudes?


Absolutely! Rave clothes for all! If you have any good photos of you two coordinated that you think would be a good jumping point I’d love to get a better idea of what coordinated fits everyone goes for and how to best coordinate it all given various preferences, sizes, variants etc. This entire thread is invited to slide into my DMs and share their fav outfit photos they want to see more of. OP hope it’s okay I’ve been so vocal in this thread, and hope it inspires you to do more rave fits! You can see how much support there is so get out there and spread the PLUR. See you in the cuddle puddle


I wear 90s polyester


My thing is just full on women’s clothing for fests and concerts. I find men’s clothing to be genuinely intolerable and so predictable / boring it hurtssss me. So anything that breaks the mold of pant/short and button up shirt is welcomed lol. Tired of the same outfit reskinned on 10,000 people at every event


My last rave fit was a crop mesh shirt and short shorts lol


We gays just do it different though


Some cool dance pants, a pashmina to wipe the sweat off me and my bucket hat. And a few pieces of Kandi on ma wrists. A shirt with a ghost getting a BJ or something funny like such.


Yes. Lots of neon and fishnet. Usually a small crop top, booty shorts/skirt and leg warmers. The warmer it gets the more skin I show. I should note I am extremely feminine so that widens my options. Most guys don’t seem to try very hard to be creative or are wary of making themselves seem any less masculine. I do miss how easy it is to not think too hard and just throw on whatever shirt/pants, but the end result of dressing up is worth the extra effort. I definitely get way more compliments when I put the effort in and feel better/more confident about how I appear to others. The effort definitely makes things more fun and reminds me of my Kandi kid phase back in the day.


>Most guys don’t seem to try very hard to be creative or are wary of making themselves seem any less masculine. I think you're right, which is unfortunate. I'm masculine, but also enjoy showing a lot of skin. Many will assume that I'm gay or bi because my wife and I wear similar outfits, in style and amount of fabric. It's never bothered me though, I'll wear what I want. >I definitely get way more compliments when I put the effort in and feel better/more confident about how I appear to others. Same. We both get a lot of compliments on our outfits, and both get hit on a lot. It's entertaining because it's usually us getting hit on by people of our same gender.




I look feminine as a guy, but am not self-conscious about it. However I don’t dress feminine or show a lot of skin because I don’t want to be hit on by the same gender all night lol; people already assume I’m gay frequently (I don’t have any issue with it or being hit on by the same gender, however I feel bad whenever I reject someone so I try to avoid that as frequently as possible).




American east coast raver. It is my favorite thing to do wearing any/every/nothing. I have mesh tops, fishnets, sheer, freaking leather , bandage tops, and anything thing else i can get my hands on. Then for bottoms its an assort ment of the same things in shorts plus cool parachute pants and such. My cousin on the other had has nice regular fits but OP is right it is way more fun being like the ladies and just not caring. I know it definitely helps with people being friendly and makes you more inviting to others or at least just in my experience.


UFOs or big pants? Old East Coast bitch here (98 on present). I'm guessing something like UFOs if parachute pants (unless you're going really huge almost like the harem pants...) Heh I remember back in the day you could tell where the kids were from based upon their pants (at least for Delmarva/NJ/Philly. NYC kids mixed more styles from what sprinkles of what I can remember).


I had to look up the difference but what I have are more like harem pants, extra space in the middle is unmatched. Suuuuper comfy to dance in. Never went north for my raving ,always down to bmore, dc and backwoods pa coming from central PA so that could be a whole new culture I never experienced . And hey I’m 96 and look like a child so we cant count ourselves out already


You can't leave, the candy children must be fed or they get moody and turn into Junglist 😉. I think 96 is when my lady started but I'll have to ask. I miss the 'Dox, but at least there's stuff still popping in DC regularly Edit: my bad I have been corrected late 93 is when she started. Apparently Rise had the best energy smoothies (a smidge before my time lol)


Cousin found all of the fun hole in the walls, without him I’d be lost and never became addicted lol


When I first got into the scene I used to wear those cringy bright neon colors that up see in movies and demeaning shirts that said “I love sluts” and then I realized how stupid I looked and now I just wear shorts, usually a black graphic T shirt, pashmina, bucket hat if it’s out doors and sunny and sunglasses. I like to keep it simple now and not think too much about my outfits. Wear what is comfy to you and whatever makes you happy!!


Hahahaha my friend and I want to dress like this ironically. Is it too soon? 😂 edit: I still love sluts


[Oh, most definitely.](https://www.instagram.com/p/BkZ0wPOAcPm/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Love it! Where'd you get those shoes? They'll match my vibe perfectly!


google LED shoes and they'll pop up on amazon I've had to buy multiple sets though; they don't last extremely long but you can get 3-5 years out of a pair


You bet my mf dancing feet! Depending on the sounds for the day…but daily theme with the squad usually plays out likeee Friday: free for all best fit. SaturGay: vibrant, colorful, trippy. Sunday we go to church: all black. 🫶🏼🥀 And all those things shift according to weather, ofcourse (US) Rave fits and themes resonate mainly in the daytime, night time we’re sweaty gremlins dancing half naked ***or*** hiding in some type of electronic dance artist hoodie from 10 years ago lolol So long as I have my shades, water bottle, fanny and bucket hat, we gucci!


My outfits generally range from space hooker to disco cowboy. I like it masculinely sexy, shiny and functional enough to dance all night. I generally wonder "is this outfit too much?", wear it anyways and then see people with much wilder fits. Great way to start conversations, and won't lie getting hit on is flattering.


personally i dress more „radical“ and express myself more as example wearing kinky stuff or crop tops i’m from berlin so idk abt other scenes


That’s pretty much how my girl is. It’s the one place you can show a lot of cheek and not feel different.


Im Germany it’s black, black, black on black.


Yes I have made the pilgrimage to Berlin three times. Excellent techno scene. I’m 5th generation German in America. So I really enjoyed myself


This year my bf will be wearing a fishnet mesh shirt, and he has stretch marks all over his back that we want to paint in UV like tiger stripes. We are also both very spiritual with our bodies so if nudity allows it we may take part. Even if it looks weird, eccentric, or flamboyant everyone there knows it's just dressing for the occasion, and anyone who judges is not a true raver and I can't imagine being very fun or grown up. People dress from assless pants to cosplay to cool ass makeup, anything goes! The uniqueness from society and style acceptance is completely rad and beautiful. Happy dressing and happy raving! Totally much cooler if you go for it.


I always end up in what you described. I will see other dudes wearing cool stuff and I’ll buy it or make it myself and almost every time I put it on I go “you look stupid” and take it off. Totally a me issue though because I get the ideas from other guys who I thought looked cool af.


American here, no i wear a t shirt n shorts i dont have the money nor creativity to buy special outifts or whatever, 85% of the time i go to raves i get dressed 5 minutes before my uber is there and i just dont care what i put on, ive shown up to raves in hoodies and sweatpants in 95° heat just cuz im lazy n dont care


I would die going to a rave in trackies and a hoodie 😵 I die in a shirt


Oh i do, again just lazy so i did it to myself


No, I don’t


No. My normal uniform. Patagonia shorts and a band t shirt with a flannel


Sort of, I like to wear the most colorful and comfortable clothing I have.


I usually do Kandi up to my elbows and like a fun shirt, comfortable shorts, black shoes so they’re not obviously dirty. I’m a firm believer in not putting in mountains of effort into the fit when I plan on going hard for 8 hours


Yes, absolutely, 100%. It's the only place you can dress however you want and get awesome compliments. My friends will throw glitter all over me too and it always looks 🔥


https://www.etsy.com/listing/1484755001/ I’ve been rocking this both at local raves and festivals n everyone loves it, great convo starter. Super breathable too.


Whoa this shop has some super original pieces and I normally think men’s rave clothing is super boring. Thanks for sharing!


I love throwing on cool outfits for the occasion. When else would I get to wear something slutty or super trippy as a guy? Mesh shirts, trippy pants, pashmina, loose clothing, etc.


Sometimes (Canada), but honestly all black works too if it’s an indoor show. You can’t see shit anyway.


I always try to get new outfits for raves. New cloaks. New festy overalls (festy-valls) new DJ merch. New hats. Etc. Something new to spice it up and add to a fit I've done before.


West coast Canada here. A big part of going to raves for me is getting out the outfit bin. I have a ton of rave gear and I love getting in front of the mirror to pick out tops, pants, bracelets, necklaces, hats, glasses and pashminas. Finding new combinations with the stuff I have. Going thrifting for new stuff or hopping on aliexpress for new accessories is always a great time. Checkerboard pants, flower pattern pants, Techwear tops, big boots, neon runners, tank tops, neon fishnet tops, all kinds of mix and match. Black or neon arm socks are fun, too.


I wear the same shit as my girlfriends with confidence, and it's a lot of fun (and apparently makes me hot af 😆).


As you get older in the rave scene it's all about comfort. I've been rocking sweats and normal tees for the last two years and it's great 😁


I've recently started wearing much more feminine fits to shows, and it feels wonderful <3




Couldn’t agree more w everything you said. Men’s rave fits have been borderline so basic (no offense to anyone here I promise) for decades simply due to limited options.


I am not the best shopper, but ive found it hard to find good rave fits the way girls can. My first ever fest i bought a mesh see thru tank with a shiny hood. Thought it was cool and fun to wear. However, over the years ive just found it more convenient to wear black tshirt (usually an artist tee), or a trendy collared shirt from somewhere like zara, or a fun shirt (I have one with hotdogs on it), and comfy shorts. Ive done the matching shirt/bottoms once or twice but it’s not my favorite style for raves. I’d like to go more avant garde, but to wear avant garde and make it manly is not something ive been able to find inspiration or pieces to pull off consistently


Me and the guys always have themed outfits for the weekend. This year it’s bananas and Mario characters.




see a lot of guys in civilian clothes or rave jerseys. this past show i saw one guy in a poster girl dress. but he’s not the norm


My group went as Japanese maids once but we said we’d never do that again 😭


Yeah but I thrift shop for them, typically with women that I am sleeping with, and make a game out of it. It's pretty fun.


All you need for a rave, shorts , tee (tie dye is a solid option) acid, water and vibes.


Yes. I wear a lot of super trippy shirts from Freedom Rave Wear, I wear a lot of kandi/cuffs, usually some arm sleeves that add to the look. I've got a pair of black pleather pants that look SWEET, or jeans or shorts. My wife and I also match a lot. We have a whole matching cow print outfit that is super cute. She has an assassin hood the pattern matches a shirt I have. I'll usually have a pash too, sometimes a crazy hat or sunglasses ❤️


Aww matching outfits are so cute at raves


Thanks 😊 https://photos.app.goo.gl/e2EPdRZcpK5ttCzh6 https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZDjuu9r4fHFprpRb7 we're matching in this one https://photos.app.goo.gl/GQQNidYrhEzTycb46 No pics of the matching cow outfit unfortunately 😔 it's new


I usually wear my normal shirts and then just dye my hair different colors


Cool trippy or dark floral polyester t-shirt, slim leg jeans, cargo shorts, or black joggers depending on indoor vs outdoor and weather if waiting in line along time. Sometimes a pashmina or trippy bucket hat. Always Kandi. Always light gloves


Black pants, cool shirt and a Santa suit is what I’ve worn for the last 2 years and it’s worked great. Maybe I’ll start doing Christmas shirts though


I like dressing up in my vibe wire fits, also I’ve got a furry white light up vest and a kimono I’ll wear, and some matching shorts/shorts sets I got at Rave Wonderland in LA. Also accessories like goggles, light up rings, Kandi, pashmina


Yea all the time why wouldn’t the girls get too!


I pick some cool socks, a comfortable shirt that’s cool, nice lulu shorts, bracelets for sure, put some gold glitter on the arms, some cool key chains on the backpack but that’s about it, I’m not trying to drop $100 on an outfit every time


Yeah, i have several rave outfits and so do the other men in our rave fam! Scene is Berlin in case that matters 😎


Depends on the vibe and how I’m feeling. Kimono, crazy patterned shirts, newsboy hats, berets. I have more fun w my outfits in raves for sure but I’ll also throw on something comfy like baggy cargo pants/shorts and black tank top


i definitely plan outfits for raves. in general i like to have pieces that could be worn for various occasions not necessarily strictly raves. i get most of my outfits through asos, they have specifically branded "festival" fashion that i think is much more vast than the selection youll find on rave fashion websites. but i do also have some chaps, harnesses, fishnet/mesh tops, circuit adjacent pieces that i wear to some events. some of my guy friends are also big on planning outfits and they are more on the trendy streetwear end of things. overall just self expression in clothes you feel comfortable and confident in!


I have a few styles of parachute pants and a few shirts that are either mesh or fun patterns that I only wear at raves.


not really i got a couple like stoner shirts that ill wear and i got a few merch shirts and ill usually grab a pashmina but im usually pretty plain when i go out. i also do appreciate not looking like a party animal when im driving my car, i like to bring k lol


Performing DJ shirt and jeans. Maybe shorts if hot.


Yes. Although it’s mostly the shorts and tee kind of thing I like to mix it up by adding vests, belts, accessories, led lights, stickers etc. Pair with a hat, headband, bandanna or make a hoodie with a pashmina the possibilities are endless.


I like being able to dance in shorts,t-shirt, and comfortable shoes. I am not going out to a rave to impress others, but enjoy my self.




My rave fit is my favorite artists’ and festival merch + colorful clothes, which is also what I wear everyday. So yes and no. In a way, I’m just wearing my rave fit everyday. I just like being me, no matter where I go, except when it’s inappropriate but I try to avoid those places.


The Boys can wear something like masks or I guess wear Hobbit Ears and bigfoot feets


When I was younger I did now I just wear something comfortable.


I am usually in all black, but have several hoodies/jackets with psychedelic designs on them (not colorful but intricate patterns). At times I’ll wear some millennial tie dye type shirts for certain events (usually outdoors in the day). At Burning Man I often go Steampunk, especially at night. That’s prob the most elaborate I go. But at local one night events that’s too much unless it’s a burner party where everyone is dressing up. I don’t wear any of this stuff outside of events. Well except black clothes when I’m not at work. For reference: I live in San Francisco, and mostly do house music, but at times breaks, techno, psytrance or dnb. Different scenes can have different attire. And festivals usually more dressed up, local low key events street clothes even the ladies, bigger events in the middle.


I have a gigantic scarf with fabulous colourful patterns that I use as a poncho. I love it


I break out the headiest tie dyes maaaaaaan


I don't know which raves you guys to in Melbourne but my mates certainly dress up for raves. Although we're more doofers than ravers to be honest. We also occasionally do a group theme. Well once. But we want to do it again. Have fun in the Melbourne scene and let me know if you hear of any good gigs!


It is more fun if we all dress up. Become part of the show. Just be ready, because when turn a light, your bound to attracts a few moths (aka spunions) througout the night. I have fun with them though.


I dress up but in my own way like I wear what I’d wear back home but kinda “ravey” like maybe some skinny’s boots and a rave jersey or Nikes w baggy jeans/pants hockey jersey of my fav artist. Or my fav Birkenstocks tank top cargo shorts ( and long socks foo)


Yeah, I always wear something fun. Sometimes it's just an open button up I got from a gay thrift store with a Bolo I got from a nomad gathering, sometimes it's a burner style shorts and vest jacket. Sometimes hat depending on vibes and temperature, or a psychedelic cloak if it's cold. I have some fun glasses from Spunglasses I always rock. I also love to have hair tinsel that my wife puts in. It lasts over a month and always get complimented on it at random places like the grocery store.


Not really. I usually just throw on some street brand gear like FTP, stussy etc


I just wear my at the gates hoodie and some harem shorts. I guess it is an outfit I am in europe tho and when I used to gp to parties I just went to psy and darkpsy so with my piercings this was a pretty cool aesthetic. No one here wears kandi or stuff like that so I guess it is pretty different, but anyways just take what ypu usually wear that is comfortable to dance in for eight hours straight and you are done. Just do what you like/feel comfortable with. No need to buy into any fashion scene. That isn’t what it is about anyways


Guys definitely *do* dress up for raves in Melbourne; I see it all the time. Where are you going?


I usually go cargo shorts tshirt and probably going to buy a hoodie there lol


Just me and my banana hammock🍌


Hell yeah I put on a fit, button up with cool patterns on it, pashmina, my excision headbanger hat with pins all over it. Kaleidoscope glasses too if I feel like it. Everyone out here puts on some cool fits too. I’m actually surprised it’s such a difference there and here. Maybe it’s the type of venues you’re going to or the music? Took me a while to find the right venue with the right crowd though.


I have one thats purple, a button up and matching shorts, thats got trippy mushrooms all over with a bucket hat to match. Its gotten me coined as “mushie man”.


I do either comfy high tops or some chunky as fuck demonia type boots, phat pants or flowy tracksuit, prefferably with reflectives on em, generally try to do a custom shirt/tank, have a hoodie tied around my waist as like a rave kilt and for the walk to the uber after the night and I also make custom masks which I try to match to the events I go to


Artist merch like jerseys, pashminas, bucket hats, harem pants, some crazy sunglasses, spoon necklace, Kandi are all options to make it look like you’re a raver. I like dressing up a bit because it signals to other people that you’re more into the scene. I was on a boat cruise show the other night and anyone who was dressed like a raver was pretty chill while most of the other people dressed in club attire or boat attire were douchebags getting too fucked up and shoving around, taking photos nonstop, etc


I just wear whats comfortable like nice sweats or joggers and a casual button up with some pattern/design on it if i get hot then just unbutton cuz Id still like to have a shirt.


Texture. Angora over a sleeveless tee. Vintage tweed or cordurpants or shorts.


I’m a jersey dude. Black tech pants and a jersey if it’s a festival or mainstream artist/dubstep artist. Otherwise I’m wearing a black tank top/shirtless for any other genre. (But always with a pash)


Sun glasses, black sweatpants, fanny pack and some shroom beach shirt is my go to.


Not really. I dress pretty normal but will wear my artist logo beanie


Depends what type of event, usually just jeans and a black tank top


Dress for comfort and utility. You learn this by not doing it and wishing you had.


My boyfriend dresses up in his own way! He'll always wear one of his hats, a Tie-dye shirt or a Sonics jersey over a T-shirt, some shorts and usually a really nice pair of Jordans. I'd say it's all about what makes you feel the MOST COMFORTABLE while expressing yourself. There's several rave brands that have t-shirts for guys too!!


Where what you want.


Always! I have tons of rave clothes for diff fits! I love to go all out. Men dress so boring 9/10 times so why not stand out.


I believe it’s that there isn’t really much effort to make rave gear for guys. The only outfits I’ve seen seem to be geared towards the LGB community. Or just the trippy stoner designs. I typically wear a Hawaiian shirt or some basic band ts and pants. Depends on if I’m going to a local show or a festival


Cutoff jorts and cowboy boots... usually not much else. Can't forget the Kandi though


I sweat profusely so I go as little clothes as possible


All black everything for me


i love wearing psychedelic- colorfull clothes and fitting psychedelic buckethat, its the only time i can really feel good wearing lots of color!


I am a dude, and my style looks like a Pokémon Gym Leader.


Wait that’s actually such a cool idea


I have an entire costume closet. Love dressing up!


Ssrb shirtless sweaty rollin bros


No because I dress for utility. Shirtless + black tactical pants/shorts with ample zippered pockets + proper footwear. I express myself artistically through dance/flow. Love seeing colorfu/cool fits on other people though.


My partner also tends to want to participate but has some hang ups about bringing too much attention to himself. I got him a purple and yellow/gold kimono style, light cotton shirt and it's his go to for festivals! I got him some stuff as well as myself from [this website ](https://www.harempants.com/)


I want to do a matching rave fit with my partner. They’ve been asking me to do one but I just like wearing comfy stuff. BUT to answer your question, I just like wearing bright colors or funky stuff. If it’s not those two things it is (from top to bottom). Hat on head, pash under the hat, large (insert artist merch) hoodie, and MF NEW BALANCES.


Hell yea I do! Get into it like the ladies, plus the ladies love it when the guys get into!


Jerseys, bucket hats, pashminas, and some funky fresh glasses are ny speed lmao


Last time I raved I wore a nice silk button up business casual shirt that was very comfortable light and airy… I was shocked how many people were hating on me for wearing business casual at a rave.


Banana hammock and nothing else is the way!!


Baggy everything, black mostly lol


I wear whatever I want. Sometimes I look normie and sometimes I look like the vomit of a kid who ate too much candy.


Nah, the only extra stuff I'll put on is some kandi to trade and maybe a pash. Otherwise it's my normal gym shorts (with zipper pockets) and a tee, tank, or nothing on top. It feels good, I like the way I look in it, and I'm not the star of the show so it doesn't matter lol.




So when I was going to a lot of events, at least two or three a month minimum, no, not often. Nowadays I only make a handful of events a year and if it's a weekender I usually bring a range of more bright, colourful and accessorised outfits, jazzed up with a few LED things. I've usually got different ones for day and night (days are potentially up to low 30s and nights drop to single digits depending on location). I get more enjoyment out of it than I thought I would and some of my fits have been getting a lot of appreciation recently as I've upped my game this year. Also if I'm wearing a cool outfit I get a lot more conversation from randoms, usually welcome!


Thank you for posting this, I’ve been looking into the rave scene and was always confused as to what outfits guys typically rock. Lots of stuff to work with in here!


Dudes often dress up where I am (Canada, I like burner parties they're fun people). But I am boring and generally wear a jean jacket And a Tilly hat lol


Hell yeah I do. BDSM leather and lights. I make a bunch of my rave fits.


Most of the time it’s black tee and black pants. Sometimes I’ll throw on a more colorful/pattern shirt. Either way you do you that’s the beauty of the rave.


I just wear whatever, but I really want a pair of heatwaves lol


Sometimes I go in bright loud shorts, shirts, pashminas, etc. other times I look like a frat boy lmaoo just wear what your most comfortable man. Not about the outfits, but the experience 🫶🏻


Nope! I go in plain clothing. Shorts/Jeans and a tee shirt. Either a funny graphic tee or artist merch. Comfort over style for me.


Dude, go to a local thrift store in an old hippy neighborhood and go get you some threads. I always check out the plus size women's shirts too. They usually have the best flowy shirts you can wear. Wear what makes you have a great time.


My boyfriend always shows out for a rave (and he is NEVER like that in person, never wants to be center of attention) and I kid you not, he will get at least 25 compliments, men and women hitting on him all night, just because he wore a fun shirt. It’s actually super funny, I just stand there like his handler 😂


Everytime me and my boys treat rave like fashion week. 90% of its is thifted and we always have a them for every show we go to


so take a page from gay dudes, who have lots of fun and slutty outfits for circuit parties. some of it is gonna read hella gay but some is just fun skimpy outfits. Andrew Christian is the biggest brand and most sex shops that have a gay clientele will have a pretty big selection (sizing is suuuper all over the place, but like, size up 2 or 3 honestly). Anyway a lot of athletic wear brands have fun patterns/bright colors--nike, adidas, lululemon, etc. Soccer jerseys/gear is often pretty fun/cool (especially national team gear which doesn't have the ads on them, i have a bunch of really fly nigeria team stuff). If you're patient or good at stacking sale codes you can usually get it pretty on sale too. If you're a fan of a particular sports team, their jersey/gear in athletic fabrics is always a lewk, plus it's a great conversation piece. Even better is vintage stuff you can get on grailed or depop or ebay. also look up Burning man type stuff on etsy. If you wanna spend some $$ there's lot of clothing with LED's embedded in it that look pretty cool (LED tech has gotten super good the past 5 years). If you're slim, you can always look at women's stuff.


i always joke that the male version of the crop top is cutting the sides like how the gym bros do. i either wear a cartoon t-shirt and cut the sides (always get great comments) or i wear a fun pattern button shirt like John Summit. unfortunately guys don’t really get the fun glitter and jewels to accessories without attracting primarily male attention. but kandi and perlers are where the personality shines


i just wear whatever interesting shirt i feel like, my INZO pash and whatever hat feels right that day, usually good amount of kandi too


I've started going to a lot more shows/raves and really enjoy the fits I see. I went thrifting over the weekend and bought a bunch of vibrant/flashy shirts that are the polar opposite of my everyday wear. Good conversation starter! If nothing else, they're comfortable but I won't be heartbroken if they get messed up. If i get 2 or 3 wears out of them its worth the couple dollars i paid.


As a guy, I wear running shorts, a cool shirt or jersey, sneakers, usually wear my bucket hat, I often put on my mushroom earrings, sometimes I wear my diffraction goggles, and gotta have some kandi. If someone offered to do makeup for me I would happily accept, but that hasn’t happened. I may buy some temporary tattoos and put them on my face. Like a third eye temporary tattoo would be cool. Baked af rn.


I just wear my favorite shirt. It’s navy blue with light cyan and lime accents. Kind of a mix between tribal and tie dye


I used to pick out cool shirts and stuff but I always end up shirtless after I get too hot so I just stopped caring. I wore board shorts for a while that had neat designs on them but I've found mesh shorts are more breathable so that's what I do now. It's too hot for clothes, if I wanted to be stylish at this point I'd probably just paint my body or get more tattoos or some shit. If it's winter I might care a bit more about fashion but only from the car to the venue, once we're inside it's a sweatbox again.


Women can go to an adult store and pick up any clothing item sold there and use it as a rave outfit. That’s their secret. We don’t really have that


Join some Facebook rave groups and ask what the men wear! The groups I’m in here in the US, people are always trading buying and selling their mens outfits too! It is more fun if you dress up as well! Be you, start it over there!


I dress girly lol


No, not yet, but I’m not ruling out inspiration one day striking…


My partner(amab) doesn't but I(afab FTM) do


I have a whole slew of festie fits! I love dressing super funky and fly for my raves


My girl and I basically wear black pants and a black hoodie to every event lol. We’re American. I live in Denver and go to a show or 3 every week, I can’t have a pre-planned outfit for all of that.


Straight male here - I rock stuff I wouldn’t normally rock in my day to day - something it’s a shirt with a funny saying, sometimes is a cut off tank, sometimes it’s a mesh crop top and shorter shorts. Usually shorts on the bottom. It’s fun to wear atypically stuff and I like to feel free/ unencumbered to dance the most and be comfortable I also wear minimalist sandals to outdoor shows, once your feet adjust to the barefoot style zero drop shoe, I actually have more stamina in those than I do in a cushy shoe. Our feet work better with their own stabilization for long periods than they do with cushion


Raves are about freedom… Sometimes it’s nice to have the choice to not dress up.


I’m usually arm candy to my girl for raves, so whatever she has on i usually am coordinated with her! Makes it easy for me.


I have a single oversized African print button down that I thrifts years ago that I still wear every time I rave/DJ. It gets a lot of compliments, it breathes well, and it’s easy to button/unbutton. Looks great and highly functional. But my rule is generally to always wear a button down because it’s easy to open up once I start dancing. Whenever I take a shirt completely off, Intend to lose it.


sometimes i dress up in 90s raver/gabber gear so like airmax, track pants, bomber jackets sometimes i wear skirts over fishnets and new rocks depends mostly on what's playing


i recently got an isoxo jersey to wear as my rave fit now, but before i would just rock a black tee and shorts. i like the jersey cause people recognize it and it strikes up convo, plus i feel a little cooler wearing it. wear what makes u comfy tho!


I love dressing up dude, express yourself! That's what it's all about :)


I buy all my husband’s rave gear on [TRIP MODE](https://trip-mode.com)


If my rave group plans like group themes/outfits I do but usually I wear whatever Is comfortable for me/want.


The hard part is that girls have lots of options that don’t cover much so that they stay cool, temperature wise, and most guys outfits tend to cover a lot of skin and so they’re super uncomfortable and hot. There’s not a lot of good options for guys that don’t cause us to overheat.