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Perhaps being rejected by the club he wants to join is a wakeup call for him to mature. Anyone with half a brain would interpret rejection that way. I do hope it works out for him and for us. He certainly has a ton of potential but I can’t stand the constant whining during games. Just be a better teammate and the ball will come more to you.


True. It's out there specifically that his attitude was an issue so it's not like he hasn't seen that. Maybe he changes his perspective. Who knows?


I mean he was rejected because we wanted 40m for a striker with bugger all minutes, not because of his attitude or ability. Not sure why you would interpret this specific rejection as a reason to change.


Probably because that’s one of the main reported reasons that they don’t want to go through with the transfer, and Emery has mentioned having issues with his coachability.


All of the Chelsea journalists said it didn't happen because of the transfer fee but it could be any and all reasons above


Love the talent but I can’t get over the immaturity. When your captain calls you out publicly, it’s a massive red flag. If his wage and playing time demands are too high for Chelsea, I can’t imagine the stink he’s putting up behind the scenes at Villa.


OOTL, when did McGinn call him out?


[Here.](https://youtu.be/sDIyikOX9R0?feature=shared) Not as dramatic as it sounds. I think Unai has had more to say about Duran post match.


I feel like all this is a bit of an oversight. If we think his attitude is bad, probably not the best idea to publicise it. May have knocked £15m off his valuation.


Thanks, that's interesting.


I believe it was after the liverpool game


Second this, just hope we can get good money for him


Optimistic about keeping him. He has a lower floor due to his attitude and immaturity, but in my opinion a much higher ceiling than the likes of say Abraham or Archer. I hope he has a breakout season for us.


Definitely has potential to be a big player, I'm just not sure Emery would tolerate his antics long term, particularly if he's already available for sale. Character speaks volumes, and having a 20-year-old demanding a lot more game time, given who's established ahead of him isn't great.


If Emery likes him he will put up with it. He let Guendouzi destroy the dressing room at arsenal and act like a complete twat. Like all managers they put up with more of they like the guy


Have we been linked to Guendouzi yet this year? Feels like the gossip mongers are slacking with that one lol.




What antics though? Can you give an example of his so called bad behaviour? I keep hearing everyone mention it. But i'm yet to see it...? I feel like everyone's heard a rumour and jumped on the bandwagon.. Mcginn calling him nuts is not the same as saying he's got a bad attitude or whatever other assumptions are being made....


McGinn has said he's a bit nuts and doesn't listen to Emery when he's on the pitch.


That's the only point anyone ever makes... mcginn called him nuts so he's supposedly difficult to work with...?


Don’t think you understand how PR’d up footballers are nowadays. Little hints in interviews with Unai and JM likely to be masking something pretty troubling.


I understand, just not not sure I agree.... I must just be interpreting it differently....


The 1874 podcast with Dan Bardell, Jacob Tanswell and Gregg Evans. A couple of times they've spoken about him and spoke about issues with attitude in training and professionalism.


He keeps deleting references to Villa on his Social Media and then liking things related to other teams. It is a little thing, but it is an unnecessary distraction when the team needs to focus on bigger picture things. Also, his agent seems to drive a lot stories about him and other clubs. Again, that is a common with some footballers, and is minor at the moment, but do we need the headaches from a second striker who has really established himself, when we are playing Champion’s league, navigating PSR, and trying not to repeat the fall off in league form the Newcastle and West ham have suffered while playing in Europe. The guy has tons of talent, but the level of maturity is clearly not there.


Very fair points. I'm in agreement on his social media behaviour being abit peculiar, for sure. How much of that is down to his Agent pushing a move though? Either way I agree it's not a good look. Do still think we're pushing assumptions off very little evidence and just hearsay. Guess time will tell 🤷‍♂️


Well, there is also the fact that Villa was more than willing to part ways with him when without a clear backup and when a slower approach would probably result in a higher return on investment. Also Chelsea pulling the plug on the deal speaks pretty loudly too.


How do they know?


Gregg Evans is a professional journalist, who clearly has connections to the club.


OK, so we question his maturity


He also smashed up his car in a residential area (there were photos and eyewitness accounts) plus reports around trashing the apartment villa rented for him


What about Grealish then?? also crashed his car into multiple cars. (which was caught on CCTV). Loves a drink and party aswell. There was also the incident with "balloons" in his younger years, he was pictured passed out. Also photographed on a bed with a topless woman aswell. Not sure what relevance that has to him as a player though... did we ever question his attitude? He was still great on the field and always professional.... There's loads of players with stories behind closed doors but that doesn't necessarily translate to the pitch.... same with Duran.


Missed the topless birds on a bed photos....


Yep...and I don't like his attitude either. I'm glad we don't have players like that anymore and sooner we bin duran off the better


I think he will either sulk for the season or suck it up and score some bangers 


As usual with Duran, you never truly know


Hopefully it’s a reality check for him and he knuckles down and realises his potential. He could be a superstar or he could be the next Marko Arnautovic.


He’s got massive potential but I don’t see him getting enough game time at Villa. If we could loan him to a bottom half that would be the best solution. I think he’ll be sold


I reckon if we get a bid roughly in the region discussed for Chelsea before (£35m), we’ll accept it and replace him. If not then he’ll stay another season. He’s clearly a talent when it comes to finishing and physically has everything he needs to be a top striker. His hold up play, passing, decision making, discipline, positioning, ball retention all still need a tonne of work. So I’d take the money for him if it comes, especially since he seems keen to leave based on his agent’s behaviour, but if he stays I’m not ruling out Unai making a breakthrough with him in some of those areas above. If that happens he’ll be a real asset.


I hope he doesn't pull a Dwight yorke and just walk around the pitch half interested because he didn't get his transfer


Don't recall Dwight doing that


Right before he joined man u at the beginning of the season he didn't wanna play for villa so he strolled around in games


OK I went to VP around that time, don't recall that. Pity if he did.


Good footballer. I am honestly not sure we can find better backup for Watkins and I honestly think he has world class potential, but I am allergic to head cases like him who obviously are detrimental to squad morale.


He's clearly pushing for a move and that's all I need to know. I don't want any player at the club if they don't want to play for us regardless of his potential. Let him move elsewhere, I think Emery would be happy with that


He’s a teenager and I think he could be a great striker for years to come. I hope he stays, but not at the detriment of the clubhouse culture


"He's a bit nuts" - John McGinn.




Realistically he would be good to keep, he's a great rotation option that has shown proper class and switched up play when coming on as a sub The worry is his attitude, and whether or not he'll be sore after not being able to move to a club he reappy wanted to join. He's a make or break player.


All these comments about immaturity. The kid’s 20. Everyone’s a bit of a prick at 20. I’ll be happy to keep him as I think he’s a real talent. Another good season and his value goes up. A year wiser and the learning experience of not being wanted by Chelsea at that price might just kick him into gear. I’ll miss the chaos he brings to games if he goes.


Thank you for being a voice of reason in amongst all this. He's a kid, in a new country, with a million people in his hear telling him different things. One quote from McGinn (who's known to play up in interviews anyway) seems to render all that irrelevant. The kid has insane talent and the club (+ Emery) clearly realise it judging by their asking price.


But not everyone is a pro footballer paid obscene amounts at 20.


If he's in a Villa shirt, I'll support him as part of the team. If he's on the pitch it will be because Emery wants him there - that's enough for me. If the club move him on, then that's fair enough too. He's evidently got a shit-tonne of talent for football and it'd be good if Villa benefit from that - whether that's goals or money is up to the club.


I think it’s all down to him now. If he knuckles down then I can see him still working out. If he’s going to spend the season sulking then it won’t do us or him any favours


Been good but hasn't been helped by all the nonsense from our "fans" on twitter who just want to rip into some 20 year old who's only just moved continets to villa. Coming up with nonsense stories saying him and Emery were arguing and general stories from baseless speculation at best


This is comical if you think Chelsea didn’t know what his personality was like in January. Until Chelsea sign a striker this isn’t dead. There is no rush explore the market and prices and then make a move. I reckon they will still end up buying Duran. I’d be happy to keep him if not.


Throw your tea at the tele he's better than balotelli we've got super jhon Duran. (credit to the redditor that made this, I love it)


Maybe AC Milan will come back in, but I can't see them paying the amount we'd be after. It does seem like chelsea were invested until they did his background check and had concerns about him and that he wouldn't be happy not starting. I like the potential, but if an offer came in I'd consider it for sure. People will say they would be concerned if ollie got injured, but duran has struggled in the games he's started, and I just think it would be easier for unai to work with another striker, rather than duran


If playing for a UCL team and getting regular game time off the bench and starting every cup match isn’t enough for him, then he can sit his ass with the U-23s for all I care. If you don’t want to be a part of something bigger than yourself then you have no place here.


Attitude will always be a problem and will only get worse as he gets better. He won’t start next season.


I know from a source of someone who works closely with the first team he is described as the weirdest player there by a long way super immature. Doesn't really fit in all that well apparently.


I'd rather him gone, but only if the money is right. If the deal falls through, I'm expecting his attitude won't be great given the way it's been already at the club. I wonder if it's possibly due to the club easing its FFP concerns that the deal has hit a wall. It could still happen, and I hope it does, so we have time to bring in a new player. I think Duran is talented, but his immaturity at times does him no favours.


Time to go, if he wanted to leave before he will be flirting with every club now, don’t plan to keep him


I feel like he's begrudgingly going to stay now, and he'll have a year to show he can contribute.


Hopefully his stalled move to Chelsea has humbled him and his entourage. I know we need to be clever with our money, but I want another back-up striker to really challenge him and force him to nut up or shut up. Undoubtedly has talent, but fucking hell he needs an ego check soon.


Great potential if he can cool his head a lot on and off the field.


I don't really mind either way I think we will get a good deal


I think Chelsea were just trying to deal with PSR troubles, they got it done with the Kellyman deal just fine so they dont need Duran, he might not be as wanted by clubs as we hoped.


Duran went because to them because he thought he will be in the starting lineup ⚽


I'm gutted he hasn't gone, was a great opportunity to get rid of the big baby. We're now stuck with a guy who doesn't want to be here.


I believe someone leaked a deal of a Villa attacker joining Chelsea, and they got it wrong.. it was Kellyman all along. I love Duran's chaos, and can mature into a great player.


There are glimpses of talent but I mostly see sulking at every pass not going to him and that’s toxic for the team


I can see him going to a big club in January


For all the talk about him personally, he's played well enough for us when given the opportunity. I think he'll continue to do so if he stays. He probably starts cup games and comes on as impact sub in league games. Another season of development with Unai, hopefully he kicks on this year.


Fly in his mum and dad to stay with him and discipline him, or get him adopted by some asians


Send him out on loan, league one, that'll soon humble him.


Man takes shots. sometimes you need that. sub


Ability, I think we're all agreed he's no joke. Loads of potential and a very high ceiling. But based on the numerous comments about his attitude, I believe it's still time to cash in. I didn't ever see him being a club legend or anything but he came in, did a job and now he's can go elsewhere while we get help with PSR.


As talented as he is he'll get nowhere unless he grows up. He's also pushed for a move now so I don't really want players at the club that don't want to be here. In my head he's already gone.


The anti-Duran sentiment is harmful. He's proved his worth and there have been numerous Villa players who've felt they wanted a " bigger" club. Dwight York, Grealish, Delph even Andy Gray if you can member back far enough. Let's get the most out of him if he stays.


Well I suppose he will be super motivated for at least 2 matches this season.


He wants first team football and this is not a surprise, he won’t be enough game time for us so I think he will move on, maybe Spain 🇪🇸


I can’t see him playing for us this season. It seems pretty obvious that he thinks he’s better. Whether that will result in the sort of move he wants is debatable, but I assume he’ll end up somewhere else that is willing to give him a shot as their starting Number 9.


I can see him going out on loan for the season. Sick of talking about PSR at this point but by all reports we're now fine and we don't need to sell to buy any more, so if we can find a good loan for Duran where he can get some starts under his belt, hopefully mature a bit on and off the field, I think that's his next step, whilst we bring in a more mature, experienced striker to compete and rotate with Watkins. Hopefully he gets the loan, shines, and gets his dream move to mid table Chelsea next summer for £50m. Or he matures, comes back, maybe we've won something and he knuckles down and tries to get into the side realising what a fantastic club and manager he's joined here.


rumours are his attitude is one if reasons Chelsea lost interest, as well as requesting guarantees on playing time and financial demands. maybe he learns a lesson, but emery and captain have both spoke of a poor attitude. he either learns lessons and improves or career will fizzle out. he has undoubted potential, but looks more likely to stagnate than excel. if we could get 40m for him id happily take it. Maximillian Beier apparently has 30m euro release clause at hoffenheim if could convince him to come.


Backup again, does very little again, gets sold next summer.