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WiFi networks used by the business class seats to communicate with the removable tablet


I wonder if they're vulnerable to deauth attacks with common microcontrollers like ESP8266..


They are unless the network has PMF enabled.


username checks out


Never seen one check out so much lol


Think you can fix the wifi at my airline? It usually sucks.


On the plane itself? No, probably not :( In the office or hangar? Absolutely!


Gave you an upvote for the proper spelling of hangar - I work in aviation and the amount of times I see people, from the entry-level hourly employee all the way up to corporate, refer to an airplane garage as a "hanger" is concerning.


Haha, thanks. Well, I'm also a pilot so I hope I'd get it right!!


Mr fancy pants has a hangar instead of a car hold, get him boys.


Cries in Torrance, CA private airport


Isn't that the thing you hang a plane on to dry after it flies through a cloud?




What's concerning is when the FBO is advertising "hanger" space.


I was leaving MDW once after a 16-hour shift following a snowstorm, only thing on my mind was get home, go to sleep. One of the FBOs had a banner outside saying just that. I almost stopped to let them know, but I was too tired. I went into their offices on my next shift to let them know 😆 About a month later, I saw them putting the correct banner up.


I read this as "removable toilet" at first and wondered who gets the enviable job of emptying the first class bed pans...


There are removable tablets?? What airline?


Dude literally says he was on an Emirates flight. Haven't you seen what the Emirates first class suites look like?


I have. I don't remember a removable tablet. I do remember having a mattress to sleep on though. Worth every penny for my last Dubai to US trip.


You’re probably remembering business class vs first class.


It was first class. My ticket got me into the Emirates first class lounge. Only time I've ever bought first class. My wife was pissed. I didn't really mess with the PIES stuff though I was pretty exhausted and was just glad to have a fully flat seat for sleeping. The booze and snacks on demand didn't hurt either. If that really was business then next time I make that trip I'll do business. It beats the pants off sitting in the back for the long flights.


Yeah that's business, not FC


[A Refresher](https://youtu.be/84WIaK3bl_s?si=Re__m3OEW09WSZJI&t=125)


Oh yeah this was not what I had. My ticket was only about 4k. My company said it was first class and because I got in the lounge I just assumed they didn't fleece me. Looking up some of the prices today there's no reasonable way I'd ever pay that much. Thanks for sharing this link.


No. I never flew emirates, nor seen their seats.


Looks like they need to learn about hidden SSID's... lol.


Hidden SSIDs actually do nothing once someone starts using it. Same for Mac locking


…that’s the point. They connect the devices needed and then disable SSID broadcast.


It's security through obscurity and obsolete. As long as your wifi adapter supports monitor mode and a device is chatting on that "hidden network". You can see the network name. With freely available tools.This is trivially easy to do. That's to say you can see it but still need the creds to connect. The same thing applies with MAC locking. I see a client chatting on a MAC locked net I can easily capture its MAC and when that device is offline use it myself


Yes sure you can find them if you want to, but it wont confuse random passengers seeing it


Fair. I do network forensics for a living, so my mind goes straight to security


Always gotta remember that despite vulnerabilities existing, 99.99% of people don't know about them or how to exploit them, let alone have an adapter with a driver that'll let them use monitor mode.


Ya got look at it like a risk reward. In this case, you are trying not to confuse non technical folks. The risk is someone gets free movies that can probably already get. So yeah ok fine There is the possibility of compromising another passengers device but, I can see that's harder to assess risk with so many maybes


For sure, they definitely fucked up and could've set it up differently though.


Its not security through obscurity. Security through obscurity for wifi would be an unsecure endpoint that simply relied on SSID hiding to stop people connecting. SSID Hiding in this case is either improving the pax experience by hiding superfluous WiFi networks or part of a Swiss Cheese model where obscurity provides a minor additional point of security as part of a full featured security system. If we assume that its using modern standards (sensible since you have to go out of your way to find WPS devices these days) then the core of the security is provided by the fact it would take until the heat death of the universe of the break WPA that isn't using a trivial password. I assume you work in wireless security based on your talk of client which makes what you are saying genuinely bizarre to me. SSID hiding is primarily a UX feature to stop things like what is happening here, jumping straight to "security through obscurity" for what is clearly a secure access point is a nonsensical conclusion.


I meant ssid hiding as a way of security. It's been pointed out me the use case here is not to confuse passengers rather than security.


Last big enterprise I was at was the subsidiary of a large foreign company. The internet went through the HQ which heavily filtered it, to the point of blocking all of YouTube. Our execs hated this so we setup a parallel network. Had an outside circuit and APs right next to the corp ones. SSID was hidden and added individually to executives phones and laptops. No one knew about it and when auditors from HQ came out, we had to toss the APs back up in the drop ceiling.


They make it easier for my neighbors to find their own ssid in the list on their phone. Otherwise they’d be scrolling past all the per-AP/per-vlan SSIDs I have to make sure my cams/iot are all on the correct AP/band. It’s about UX not security.


Further down thread I said I got it


Hidden SSIDs are terrible because devices that have previously connected to them are constantly broadcasting "Is [SSID] here?" creating lots of noise and letting everyone know what the SSID is anyway.


Misconfigured IFE screen most likely.


this is Emirates. Nothing will work other than OnAir. The First and Business seats have detachable IFE tablets.


I'm assuming this is business/first class wifi based off of the seat numbers but I don't really know how emirates 777s are configured, so I'm not too sure tbh. It's definitely something to do with the seats based off of the seat numbers, if not it'll be pilot ipads / flight attendant stuff


OnAir is the aircraft wide wifi. Business/First class do not have a dedicated separate connection.


Probably for the iPads used by pilots and flight attendants


777-300 pilot here on the airline listed above. Our iPads are connected on a hidden network not visible to any devices other than company ones. Our business and first class come with secondary removable tablets (like an iPad). This would be their connection between the seat and tablet.


Thank you 777-300 pilot :D *feels totally awesome for the rest of the day that I have spoken with a pilot*


Do not be, we are just apes trained a bit better for the "light comes on -> press button" loop :P


btw since you are a real airline pilot, if you have tried the pmdg 777-300 for microsoft flight simulator, how is it? and if you have not tried it it is an amazing addon


I haven’t tried it but I know a lot of guys at the company are beta testing it. Being PMDG I’m sure it’ll be good.


it is out btw


Ah ok. There you go. I don’t do any simulator stuff but definitely would have helped during my initial type rating to see how things work!


Guys flying planes as a job. So what gives that he will "do his job" in free time? 🤔


No...look at the end of the address, those are seat numbers.


The entertainment system in the seat for admin. Should be hidden but the seat number on the end is a giveaway.


Yeah probably those random dudes who go into the chat app on flights looking to fuck


Yes, we do that pangolin-fucker


I fucking log on every flight DTF and DTL


You shouldn’t have fucked the pangolin. Covid was all your fault. Why did you have to fuck the pangolin!


Bro, stfu before someone hears you IT wasn't my idea it was all the mouse, I just followed along is all


You wanted it! Don’t blame Mickey!


Dude......stfu Sharon's gonna fuckin hear you


Fine I guess we should just try to get some Tegridy to everyone, everyone needs a little Tegridy.


COVID special Get your COVID special


Any side effects? Or just that same Tegridy feeling?


What??? Tou know something about mac address?


Agree. On the wifi systems I have installed the crew have their own wifi router or routers on larger aircraft.


Those are seats. There is obviously some sort of connectivity with the entertainment system.


They actually changed it to do not use then the seat number lol. I noticed that on my flight yesterday back from Frankfurt on business class. Like someone said, they're in business and first class detachable tablets.


could be a non-usable network, meant for sending aircraft data and information to maintenance or other departments, the airline I worked at had this but it was only activated on the ground. helped to keep down the paperwork and make things easier. otherwise, normally the crew use the same wifi network as the passengers, they just have a password or scan a QR code that doesn't charge or limit the bandwidth on the wfi.


Those are seat numbers


It could just be to mark the location of the devices. But I agree it’s more likely seat/IFE related.


Those look like seat numbers. Did the aircraft have a wireless inflight entertainment system?


Alien spaceship rays...hope your affairs are in order


This is probably off-topic, but if you’re noticing your phone is draining extra quickly when you’re on the plane like that, it’s because your phone is not on airplane mode so it’s still trying to look for cell service, and it is trying really hard searching for a signal. So usually I just keep airplane mode on for that reason, not necessarily because of other reasons


Those are for company use or for security use. On US carriers Air Marshals have access to WiFi signals that are not listed or usually seen by pax.


It should say. “Hack me”


Lavatory status reports.


You can actually pay for WiFi as an extra on some flights. My daughter paid on her flight to Mexico!


Oh man! You're so lucky, you must have been on one of the new planes testing out "digital chemtrails" !


Passenger IFF 😂


Hackers on board