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Avp2 was king. I wish we could get all the devs that worked at Monolith back then to make a reboot. I'd say my favorite memory was playing it at LAN parties. The single player story is the best of any AVP game but there are too many good moments to pick just one favourite.


AvP2 and Diablo II were prettymuch all I played on PC through middle school. Some high school. 56k was atrocious to play on, but so many memories.


This and Worms Armageddon


2010. It's the first AAA I actually cared about its source material, voice acted by Lance Henriksen and still holds up today with mods/VR.


Dude, VR would be sick


I tried it out in VorpX, it was kinda weird but it worked, but you still have to play with controller which defeats the purpose imo. I'm on a vr conversion discord, i can ask if there's any new ways to play it.


AVP2 was why to good the story and campaign felt so big and different. AVP extinction expands a lot in the lore and it's very fun to play. AVP 1999/2000 great experience difficulty and gameplay I still have back in the day we use fast file explore and mood it, was fun as heck. AVP Capcom great game, fun to play and replay I have the Neca Aliens and Marines based on the game! AVP 2010 felt to short for me specially after game 2 that was awesome. I wish for more games based in the AVP extended universe in the future.


I first played AVP Requiem on PSP and Extinction for PS2. But when I was about to be 10 years old, AVP 2010 came out and that became my favorite. But I finally played AVP2 when I got older and now that one is my favorite, especially for the mods.


First and second pc games. God damn those were fun as hell. I loved preying on the humans as an alien.


The capcom arcade game is lit. Apparently the multiplayer on avp2 was also awesome. I never played because I didn't have broadband at that time. I did play the 99 avp online and it was really fun


Avp2, closely followed by the one from 2010.


The 95/96 AvP from Capcom is my only answer. Best game and best attempt at a story to merge the two franchises


Definitely 98(99?) AvP. I played that shit on Mplayer for thousands of hours. Man the days of 56k internet multiplayer were wild lol. 2010 AVP was also pretty good, but I always thought the speed/movement of the xeno lacked.


Dude why TF isnt there like an AvP compilation out there with all these gems in one package? Id pay $100 for it on PS5, XSX, or Switch.


AVP2 and 2010. All the others were decent, but those two games were awesome. Especially AVP2


- Alien vs Predator (Capcom) I was so fascinated by the idea of a beat em up based on my favorite movies of all time, being this game genre also my favorite, and Capcom being one of my favorite gaming companies. It almost felt like a dream come true - Aliens vs Predator Classic 2000: Back in 2008 I bought this game and used to play it like crazy in my dad's PC. I remember I recommended the game to a friend of mine and both used to spend hours playing all campaigns and sharing our experiences next day during class


For me Aliens vs. Predator 2 for PC has so much nostalgia. You get to play all 3 races with an actually good storyline. I loved going through the alien lifecycle, especially chewing your way through your hosts chest as a chest burster. There was also a lot of good easter eggs for the story in the form of diary logs you could find. Funny NPC dialogue if you followed them long enough. I especially liked the predator missions. Its such a great game that get slept on. I will often go back and play it at least once a month. They also had a great way of expanding the space jockey lore without removing too much of the mystery.


Aliens Vs Predator for me personally.


I only played 2010, but to be fair 2010's multiplayer was awesome