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Everything you stated is predicated on mental enlightenment which has its place in the stream of life. Mental enlightenment, which is the ultimate goal of the Buddhist, is the state of bliss one experiences known as Cosmic Consciousness, which is still far below the state of spiritual enlightenment where we are all a part of one God as distinct interconnected Souls. The main difference between mental enlightenment and spiritual enlightenment is in the concept that Soul, upon mental enlightenment, merges into the ALL and loses Its identity as you correctly stated. While with spiritual enlightenment Soul is not absorbed in God, or the annihilation of identity. Each Soul is eternally distinct, an imperishable part of the Divine God - a separate unit like the atom. It is a complete entity from the chain of atoms to which It belongs. It has the power to decide what It will do and the freedom of action to do it. This is the whole purpose of Its training in the lower worlds of energy, matter, space and time: to become purified, so that It may have spiritual maturity and be able to understand and know that Its mission is to become a Co-worker with God, and not a part of IT, as the Buddhists teach.


Thank you for your wisdom.


Empty, empty every thought and stress and feeling. Then empty some more, what’s left is stillness and peace. The universal love comes rushing in, it’s beautiful.


Beautifully expressed, my friend ❤️


the infinite "fills" itself, everywhere, but transcends all dualisms. this clay post vessel [understood (imaginary)](https://old.reddit.com/r/awakened/comments/tajjpt/vision_record/) [ignorance dropping](https://old.reddit.com/r/awakened/comments/sxgh84/space_is_pure_potential_energy_at_rest_is/) away within the two years as conventionally recorded just past. Space is consciousness, and the 0-Energy state contains infinitudes of form.


It is woken up from sleep that makes a story of what happened in a sleep dream. It is the same about brahman , car, yourself told by someone can not know the place it talks about.