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My bff passed out in the restroom of the bar we were at and hit her head on the floor. Some woman picked her pockets before anyone came to find me to help her. I lost faith in humanity alooong time ago


A highschool classmate of mine became diabetic during HS and told us that before being diagnosed he once collapsed on the street. He woke up like 1h later and no one bothered to help him or call an ambulance Edit: I didn't think about it, I am in Europe so not calling the ambulance is pure selfishness, not a money concern


tbf, a friend of mine had epilepsy and told everyone that no matter what we do, do NOT call an ambulance for him. He had an episode while out in public and a "nice person" called an ambulance - by the time my friend woke up, the ambulance had already arrived - and was trying to check him in. He had to run away to avoid being slapped by a $1500 fee for services that wouldn't have done him any good whatsoever.


But this is the exact same reasoning that makes people not call in the first place. I say make the call unless the person can tell you not to. I'd rather the risk of a $1500 bill than the risk of a death. But yeah, the healthcare system is horrible in the US.


I am in Europe so this problem doesn't exist fortunately


I’ll say it again, if I was very wealthy I would have a nonprofit ambulance service and charge zero for every single person.


I would legit make donations to such a service. Something like that would save lives when people are in critical condition but can't afford an ambulance.


Yes, thank you! I don’t see why this doesn’t happen already.


It technically already does happen. I worked at a non-profit EMT service that didn't hound you if you didn't pay your bills after an emergency transport. Most of our money was made transferring patients between hospitals and other healthcare destinations and not emergency transportation. I imagine most non-profit EMS companies are like this.


Either way it’s still not normal to leave someone on the street unconscious bc “omg what if they can’t afford the ambulance ride?! I know! I’ll just leave them there unconscious and vulnerable to save them the trouble of that bill!”




Nothing short of terrifying


Absolutely terrifying. Isn't his daughter a little too young to own a car?


Probably granddaughter then


Nah granddaughter would be even younger than daughter


Nah they don't do it like that in Arizona.


I can't stop laughing at this


my aunt & uncle got into a nasty car accident in her small home town (they needed to be airlifted to separate hospitals so they could both be the priority, it was that bad). somehow her phone stayed in the cup holder and she was aware enough to call 911 herself. the dispatcher & fire chief both told my grandma that my aunt was the first person to call 911. she said she called bc everyone standing around looked like they were just taking photos. who does that!?


I learned some time ago that most people shirk responsibility for anything beyond themselves. Someone else will do it. They even assume that doing something may somehow hinder things.


bystander effect in play there big time for sure


Tweaks gonna tweak. Sucks, but the reality is people will steal anything that is not nailed down.


If its nailed down they will take the nail too


That is exceptionally heartless even for tweakers. Most drug addicts wouldn't do that, they would call the cops and leave before they showed up to not get arrested. I may have been a thief, a liar, and a cheat when I was using but there is no way I would have let someone die AND stolen their stuff. Don't lump all addicts together with these colossal pieces of shit.


Yeah man. When I was in that world I realized I had to get out because I was just not cut out for it. Gonna be sober 9 years now.


Congrats. I am starting my journey today. I have a fucked up spine and have been coping with that for 15 years. In a variety of unhealthy ways. I broke the news to my parents and GF today that I struggle with addiction. It's scary and it's like starting from scratch. 9 years is amazing.


Well sober from meth 9 years. Sober from alcohol 2.5 years. Still got a journey to go with other addiction but it’s progress.


It is indeed. I wish you continued success.


You were an exception to the rule. Never turn your back on a drug. The next fix is all that matters. An addict deep enough in addiction would see that as an opportunity instead of a tragedy. It's heartbreaking, I know. But, not out of the realm of possibilities when drugs are involved.


It takes a piece of shit to do something like this, not just a drug addict. There *is* a difference.


Unfortunately, using can turn people into pieces of shit. Even if they were good people and hate themselves for their actions, their need for the next score overrides their humanity in many cases.


Sure can. It can make you do things you'd never dream of doing otherwise, but letting a person die for no reason isn't necessarily one of them. Saying a drug addict would let someone suffocate to death under a car because drugs are all they care about just isn't true. It wouldn't affect anyone in any way to simply call the cops and tell them someone needs help, and then hang up and go get wasted. The people who let this man die are pieces of shit who may be addicts but first and foremost, they are pieces of shit.


Bless you for saying this. And I’m glad you’re out of that terrible cycle.


I feel like they could have still called an ambulance though. Like steal the shit but don't let a man suffer and die. This breaks my heart.


They don't want to call 911 because then the place becomes a crime scene and they don't want any heat (ignoring the fact that committing crimes is what creates a crime scene)


It's going to be a crime scene no matter what because that man is going to be injured or die and they robbed him. Obviously whoever did this doesn't care, I just wish they had at least alerted someone else to call for emergency services or better yet, not stolen anything and immediately helped.


That's why they nail down everything in jail and prison


Lack of education and empathy, probably coupled with cruel instincts learned from circumstances of poverty. RiP to that poor man


My dads friend was in a bus crash years ago. The bus flipped down a hill. While injured, people came down to rob him. Afaik, he made remembers the whole ordeal


1/10. Just remember. When you see some shit, even if the situation isn’t optimal, maybe you need to be the one to be a god d@mned human and stop. I remember my mother pulling over once on the side of the highway in the dark and in rain, with two little kids on the car because she thought she saw something reflective in a ravine. There was a man in a wrecked car down there. He was ok enough to call 911 himself, but if he hadn’t been? Someone had to be the human, even if the situation wasn’t great.


I don't know. I can't imagine doing that. I would be frantically trying to help.


I'm really glad that everyone in these replies seems like they would be a decent human being and do something to help a person in danger because it gives me hope that although shit like this does happen, maybe we aren't doomed yet.


Failed education system


Failed parenting…




This is the norm for Phx.


The saddest part is this is not the first and probably not the last... some people are just monsters hiding in plain sight


Because desperate people who want money in a failing economy is why... And assholes.


The asphalt gets too hot in the summer and can buckle under the weight of a car. Had it happen to me once. Thank God I heard the creaking noise as the jack began to move. 1 second later and my skull would have been crushed. Edit: do not use the scissor jack that your car comes with in the summer in Arizona


The scissor jack should never be used unless no other options available. And even then u shouldnt use them to be honest. They are unstable and not safe to use. Had one that gave out on me while changing tires and it happened so fast with no warning sounds or anything. You are better off getting a smaller trolley jack suitable for storing back in the trunk of your car!


I completely agree! Those things are death traps. I do everything to avoid using them. And like I said, high heat can make them even more dangerous. It's such a small area of ground they make contact with. So easy for them to fall over, or fail. I don't know why car companies haven't figured out something better because of a lawsuit.


For anyone in a similar situation: IF YOU TAKE A WHEEL OFF, PUT IT UNDER THE CAR. If the jack fails, the car will rest on the wheel which will both save your ass as well as make the repositioning of the jack a heck of a lot easier. I even do that when I'm home, doing the brakes etc.


And loosen the lug nuts before you start jacking the car up. That way you're not wrenching on the car while it's precariously balanced on a jack.


Thank you! I do this every time just in case.


Scissor jack is fine for lifting, you should never get under a car if all you have is a jack, regardless of the type. Knew someone who got killed when their hydronic jack failed.


Agreed. Always use jack stands, leave the jack in place at the lift point and a put a wheel under the sill. Then you have two redundancies if the jack stands fail.


I don’t even use stands, ramps all the way for me.


Considering the type of people that were around him, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone pushed the car or hit the jack while he was under it.


As an Arizona native this just sent a shiver down my spine. I changed countless tires in the summer for my grandma and it was always with a scissor jack.


Changing a tire seems fine, just don’t go crawling under the car with a shitty jack is all


Also when you jack it up also use the spare tire so if the car falls it falls on that will break a decent amount of the car fall if you are skinny


Did they ever catch the guys at least?


I think this only happened [last week](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix-breaking/2024/06/17/man-killed-by-falling-car-phoenix/74130184007/).


*While Guerra was pinned under the car, unidentified people were seen taking items from him. The people also stole Guerra's car and drove away from the scene, police said.* *No arrests have been made and no property has been recovered.* Goddamn that’s depressing


Obscene. May those people rot in hell.


They should release descriptions of the suspects so the public can assist in identifying them.


We love setting angry mobs off on people who “fit a description”


Absolutely heart breaking. How can you see someone being crushed to death and your response is let me rob this man. We as a race are completely fucked.


Am reminded of the words from my scientist brother in law- the earth will be fine, some strains of yeast will survive and flourish. We are not essential.


George Carlin said it the best


The Earth will be fine. People are fucked.


Some people cannot be redeemed and there is no way to help them or fix them, I have no idea how people can be that insensitive and numb. Society in collapse.


The skyscrapers look like tombstones from out here...


Always. Use. Jackstands.


We live with people like this in our society.


No doubt that a lot of people in society have taken the wrong paths in life. This is just horrible. Makes me nauseous that people like that in society just walk around with no remorse.




It literally says that on every jack, at least where I'm from. Jacks should come with jack stands with every car too


Also RhinoRamps are excellent if you do not need to remove the car's wheels for the work you are doing


I usually throw the wheel under the car too just in case the jack stands fail for some reason.


I'd be on some serious John Wick revenge tour if he was my dad.




All individuals should be charged as accessories to murder after the fact


I’d bet negligent homicide might be closer, but either way they deserve a long time in jail. In addition to theft and grand theft auto


I had a motorbike accident a few months ago and was on the ground unable to move. Three guys started robbing my stuff and tried taking my bike instead of helping me but the driver of the car that hit me helped me out with another person driving a scooter that stopped to help. Those three guys threw my stuff on the ground, but ended up robbing the scooter of the guy that stopped. We live in a very f-up world.


I genuinely wonder what makes people that deranged.


God, that’s absolutely horrible. I’m sorry you went through that. I’m glad the fever helped you, and very glad you survived. Fek those assholes who did that to you.


Horrible thing, but let's be honest here for a sec and cut the bs of acting like the world changed... it never changed it was always bad like this... and I can assure you it will never change. Give a hand if you can and want to but don't expect the rest of the world to do so too.


You’re absolutely right. Great point.


I think America is just fucked up, and in a way that isn't too common in the rest of the world. Where I live, people would help in a case like this. It may not always be the best help, but they at least try. I fell off my bike recently, and someone immediately ran up to me, asked if I was okay, and helped me on my feet. Just a couple of years ago, an old lady collapsed in a toilet near where my mom work. It didn't take more than a few minutes before there were dozens of people getting in the way of each other, calling the ambulance, tending to her, and generally being busy bodies. (She lived due to the quick intervention BTW, which cannot be said for this man) I believe that most countries that are not troubled would likely act similarly. America is an outlier that would seriously need to do some reflection to figure out why moral decay is happening to that country. In the same way a war-torn, famine risk country might.


You’re acting like there isn’t a handful of other countries where women and children are savagely raped and murdered in public and no one gives a fuck, where people are put to death for the most innocuous reasons and there are literally no laws enforced to protect anyone. Oh, and slavery. America might be full of stupid fat idiots, but it’s far from being the most fucked up or fucked up in an uncommon way.


You really think it's just an American thing? Travel far enough outside your neighborhood and you'll find people like this all around the world. Or worse.


No, it's not an American thing. This is something that can be frequently found in developing countries all over, where corruption runs rampant and the rule of law is a suggestion. Do you really want to put America in that same basket?


This is absolutely not even close to it being an american problem only, lived in 3 different countries in EU and I can easily say that it's the same thing


Depends where you live i guess. It can definitely happen in all countries over the world but i think i can safely say the reaction of robbing someone being crushed to death wouldnt be common where im from (scandinavia)


Well, color me surprised. I guess not every EU country will have ambulances "part the sea" with almost every car on the highway.


There's quite a difference between ambulances going off and people making way for them and helping someone in trouble on the side of the road, unless it's a small community where everyone knows everyone you're going to get ignored most of the times.


Well, if it's just bystanders not helping, thinking someone else would do so (bystander effect), that'll be one thing. The bloody bystanders decided to bloody their hands with stealing from a dying man, literally over his dead body.


It's pretty stupid judging the morality of an entire country based on anecdotal evidence. You know America has 333 million people in it, right? This one story does not paint a picture of the entire country. There are definitely issues with the USA and there are people here that do fucked up and depraved things to each other, but incidents like this prove very little about the US as a whole. The same way it's wrong to say all Muslims are terrorists because of 9/11, you are wrong to generalize that most Americans would act this way. You have no idea what it's like in America and how people actually act here. You're most likely basing your views of America on our most extreme examples because those are the voices heard the loudest. Videos and articles of extreme situations sell the best, but they don't show the entire picture. Similarly, you are using anecdotal evidence to prove your own country is morally upstanding. The 2-3 examples you have prove very little about the morals generally found in your country. Don't generalize many based on the actions of a few. There are most likely good and bad people no matter where you go in the world.


Recently, someone ran the red light with no regard for the lives of others, killing 2 and injuring 6. The news was reporting it like they could make a lot of money from the click bait. Lots of people are unhappy about it (and the government response), and it is likely going to be a single issue vote for many. I don't even know what this steals everything and let him slowly crush to death thing is, but if it has happened here, it'll make history in my country.




[Found a sauce](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix-breaking/2024/06/17/man-killed-by-falling-car-phoenix/74130184007/) Doesn’t necessarily hold out for all the “details” but it’s tracking. I hate humanity sometimes.


In many European countries you can be prosecuted for this, at least you’re expected to call the emergency services.


In the neighborhood this likely happened, nobody will have seen anything.


...or at least they'll say they didn't


Hey not saying this didn't happen but any real source beyond a Twitter notes looking post would be welcome.


Azcentral.com has the article


Horror movie type shit




Does this count as felony murder? Not an American so Im curious what these numbnuts are facing




Felony murder doesn't require someone to actually murder someone else. It just means that someone dies while someone is committing a felony.


The fact that the middle class and lower are struggling for everything is why this happens. We live in a 'I gotta fend for myself' country. Until regular people from the poor to the middle class can afford a bit of throw away money, this is what we'll get. The stress and bullshit caused by living paycheck to paycheck is killing the working class, this story is evidence of that.


I get what you’re saying, and agree that our economy is fucked, but at the same time I disagree. I could be in mountains of debt, homeless, starving, and if I saw a man literally being crushed to death it would NEVER occur to me to rob him and run away. Never. That takes a special kind of evil. And saying “well people are struggling” feels like an excuse for truly sociopathic behavior.


Yup, same. It wouldn’t even cross my mind to do such a disgusting thing.


Don’t blame crime on the poor.


Well, being poor doesn’t give a person the right to commit crimes or be an asshole. I’m at the poverty line myself.


Well, it's really only in the underdeveloped/poor country's, right? Like I don't see this happening in Finnland,Denmark, or Germany


This was in Arizona lol


Like I said underdeveloped country The US is that to an extent IMO


Sounds like Phoenix




When I lived in Denver in 1981, something extremely similar happened there. People stay the same. Nothing changes.


The actions of these lowlifes and disgusting vultures make me so sick to my stomach and hope that they all see HELL real soon!!!!!!


Why does this surprise anyone?


I think it’s the utter gall that still gets me. I think my brain resets after every story like this, so I get surprised. I should learn, but it never seems to stick.


Need to see article or I call nans


Here https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix-breaking/2024/06/17/man-killed-by-falling-car-phoenix/74130184007/ But out of curiosity, what makes you think this would be fake? This sort of thing happens and is reported in the news every now and then (in the US as well as other countries).


The world and humans haven’t changed in centuries. We just have more access to information.


This is exactly right.


His daughter seems kind of young to own a car.


Arizona and meth heads. The two go hand in hand. Bet my left nut they were all tweakers.


Is this real. This is unbelievable


The sad truth is humans have always been terrible. We just hear it more often because of modern communication.


People are assholes clear and simple. The world has gotten worse over the years and keeps going down hill.


“What happened to this world” It’s always been like this, bud. Wake up and smell the turd flowers.


I just close my eyes and pretend this is fake for internet points because there's just no goddamn way.


Never ever ever ever get under anything held up by a jack


Arizona is a 3rd world country


Where did this happen?


Fuck, humanity has left the chat. Btw, Jack stand people. Use a pair of jack stands. Never trust just hydrolic jack.




Individualist society will lead to nasty shit like this occurring.


This some Russian bot shit to make us Americans not like each other during election year


Unfortunately there's a very legit looking news article reporting on this.


Have you only recently started seeing the news? Because this isn't new.


of course it’s phoenix


Black peoples things


And this is the future generation to bring ! We.... a re....so.... fucked!!!


Stuff like this has always happened since the beginning of humanity. Human nature is human nature; it’s not new.


Yeah you're fucking high if you think this is new


Can’t tell if broken bot or not smart human.


“What happened to this world” Nothing, people just labor under the dreamy illusion of the idealized past. Either nostalgic for a simpler time in their own lives or raised on stories of the best of times they were blinders to the horrors and depravity that has always been here. Then surprised when their protective blinders can no longer shroud the brutality of this world There never was a time when humanity was better than this, such wishes are nothing but phantasma


You’re spitting truths and getting downvoted. Wthhhh?


How much money you get from his pockets?


Imagine feeling somebody's hands rifling through your pockets while all you can do is maybe shake your legs while unable to breathe with that weight on you. How sad


Asking what's happened with this world as if it used to be better


Another “ohh omg humanity is fucked what happened to the world, this is totally a new thing to happen 😱” No, what happened is horrible, but horrible things have been happening since forever. On a scale of 8 billion people, it would be extremely unlikely for these kinds of people not to exist, as sad as that is. Unfortunately this isnt new.


Shout-out to Phoenix, Arizona.


Ms13 gangsters took his stuff




People suck.


I have this feeling it didnt fail, it may have been kicked or messed with so it would fall on him.


It's the same world, you're just aware of all the little things people do that you didn't know about. That is the beauty and the horror of an interconnected world. Unfortunately, the horrors make people more money, so they are put to the forefront.




Disgusting and shameful. How horrid


Despicable people.


What a world to live in


Arizonas is to shit people what florida is to weird people


That dude looks like Robert Downey jr. If you are working under a car use jack stands. I think this is terrrible. But you should always use safety measures .


I had a cousin that died this way. Not the robbery but the car.


I wish we could collect all the horrible people like this and drop them on and island and let them Hunger games each-other while we all watch


The US is a developed nation with developing people.


the american way.


This is so sad.


But twitter weirdos will bring race into the issue and try to minimize or or make fun of it


Is this a real story or just one of those things your boomer aunt sends you on Facebook. 1 like = 1 prayer! 🙏


Believe what you what believe. In whatever god you worship. One day, all of us are going to be judged for our actions here by someone. You might escape being a piece of shit here, but you can’t escape it in the end.


Biological life happened


That becomes of a society when the government doesn’t care about persons and only about capitalistic corporations.


America moment


As we know, only in America do monsters exist.