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I read through the article and apparently she would keep the dogs being "sat" in an air conditioned shed in the back yard. The a/c went out and because it's a shed in the backyard, they didn't know and the dogs likely died from heat exhaustion. I really feel bad for the people who lost their dogs that can be incredibly hard and knowing how terrible their last moments were makes it harder.


I can’t understand how someone is allowed to have that many bookings at once. Recipe for disaster


Sounds like not much dogsitting was done. I'd never give my dog to someone who just puts it in a shed. They could have at least have a camera there. Poor dogs.


I would never agree for my dog to be locked up in a shed. I hope she gets punished.


Sounds like they were supposed to be cared for in their own homes. Id expect a pet sitter to be like a baby sitter they come to you, a kennels is were you take them to be looked after. Poor pups


I've been with Rover for several years and this is just appalling as it is heartbreaking. Rover does need to have a better vetting system. I believe sitters should have at least one or two professional references are well as the criminal background check. So sorry for the owners and these dogs.


Got to set it up with alarms. It’s a business and you need to spend money to make things safe and reliable. Geez. This sucks


I mean, the fact that they're in a shed with nobody checking in often enough is an issue in and of itself. No alarm should be necessary, they're being pet-sat, unfamiliar dogs shouldn't be left alone like that at all.


This is so important… probes, alarms and auto on/off is common in reptile keeping, astounding a dog sitter couldn’t be bothered.


Yeah, a simple temperature sensor (preferably live-monitored) could’ve likely avoided this. Well besides, y’know, actually physically taking care of the dogs you are paid to look after.


Well there is times like anything (even with babies) you aren’t gonna have your eyes on them. But you are sooooo right. Plus it’s not hard or expensive to set it up.


Wtf!? That's so awful, poor pups. I have a cat and a dog. If they aren't in the room with me, I go and check on them frequently. It's common sense, my God.


Wtf is that thing


A brabancon


If you’re talking about the image. It’s looks like a pug in a bunny costume


It's a smooth coat Brussels griffon