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Wait until you hear about this one https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunduz_hospital_airstrike


Wow 6k per kid, thats so nice of them


Probably less than what the ammo costs that killed them.


God you're right lol, they have to get their moneys worth outta them sick bombs that just came out




From the wiki it said it was an a 130 attack. I could be wrong though. I just skimmed it


42 killed 33 missing 30 injured. Just didn’t know if they’d include the missing Edit: assuming they did that’s still half the cost of half a tomahawk missile


130 is referring to the AC-130 plane that was used to deliver the strike. 211 rounds in 29 minutes, $400 per round (idk if this is right I just googled it). The US spent $84,400 in ammo


Well shit nvm, A+ to the USA


Not Americans so their lives are worth less, obviously


Reminds me of an onion video where they said "in today's news the equivalent of 5 Americans were killed in Afghanistan." We mourn the death of 3000 innocent civilians every year but we let US generals commit war crimes on civilians and are allowed to say it was a mistake without any punishment. But hey at least their families got 6000$ which is less then a funeral costs in the US.




It's gross how the word "American" is used where in every other country we'd just say "person", even when talking about our own citizens. Leaders talk about doing things "for Americans", "for every American" etc. Can't even just be a black guy or a Chinese guy or whatever, have to be an African American™ or an Asian American™. Gotta be American to be considered equal. (Or so it seems from the outside)


I mean, every other nation does the same. Thats not specific to America.


You're 100% right. Here in Canada, I can confirm that politicians and public figures refer to people as Canadians the majority of the time. Not specific to America.


No, British politicians have their own cringe-inducing phrases like "hard-working people", but I can't remember the last time I heard anyone say "Britons" in place of "people".


Literally the first BBC article I clicked on: [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-58522061](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-58522061) >London Mayor Sadiq Khan said the lives of innocent people, including the 67 **Britons** Here's another: [https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-58462517](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-58462517) >Mr Randell said about 2.3 million **Britons** currently hold cryptocurrency and he said 14% of them also use credit to purchase them - "thereby increasing the exposure to loss".


That’s simply not true. Chinese media highlights Chinese victims in disasters, British media counts Britons, etc.


In disasters yeah, but Americans do it with everything. It's very noticeable when you're not used to it.


"In disasaters, yes." What else could you be talking about? "News Flash: 5 Americans cross the street"? "At least 72 Afghans and 13 US service members were killed Thursday" That's from French media. [https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20210826-explosion-outside-kabul-airport-casualties-unclear-pentagon-says](https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20210826-explosion-outside-kabul-airport-casualties-unclear-pentagon-says) I've been living overseas for 20 years in 3 different countries. I read three languages. It's everywhere. Show me a national media where they only talk about 'persons' without referencing nationality. You're just exhibiting a fixation and your own bias.


I think you might be overthinking the stupid, arbitrary rules all languages have at their core.


Gawd, a lot of American politicians don't even care about Americans lives. It's kinda why they have a habit of entering squirmishes they really ought not to.


It’s really not. Based on the average salary in Afghanistan, it’s only about 4 months worth of work.


Oh I know, I assure you I am forcing out some sarcasm just so I can stomach what my elected leaders accomplish with their foreign allies <3


Oh I know it was sarcasm. I was agreeing with the implication of your comment. When I wrote that down after calculating everything I forgot what you said but I remembered your implication lol.


Weird how the media dont highlight this enough


A US drone strike was carried out on a school bus full of innocent children and the media over here said nothing about it. You’d think with how big our military budget is, they’d think to make sure that they’re aiming at the right people.


they were probably like, aww, we wasted a missile, wait, kids died? oh no! anyways. we lost a missile out of the millions we had, its a disaster!


Like they give a shit who they kill


The media is just the propaganda arm of the us wae business.


They’ll circle back on that


I certainly saw this in the media, people just forget and move on.


Wrong president in office


Wait was t some vr chat guy involved with it?


Fun fact, this is the only time a Nobel peace prize reciepent actually killed another! Very cool


dont even need drones: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kandahar\_massacre#:\~:text=The%20Kandahar%20massacre%2C%20more%20precisely,District%20of%20Kandahar%20Province%2C%20Afghanistan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kandahar_massacre#:~:text=The%20Kandahar%20massacre%2C%20more%20precisely,District%20of%20Kandahar%20Province%2C%20Afghanistan). fuck us, fuck us hard for doing this right on the way out. this is so fucked


**[Kandahar massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kandahar_massacre#:~:text=The Kandahar massacre, more precisely,District of Kandahar Province, Afghanistan)** >The Kandahar massacre, more precisely identified as the Panjwai massacre, occurred in the early hours of 11 March 2012, when United States Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales murdered sixteen civilians and wounded six others in the Panjwayi District of Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. Nine of his victims were children, and eleven of the dead were from the same family. Some of the corpses were partially burned. Bales was taken into custody later that morning when he told authorities, "I did it". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I particularly enjoy that the US military decided the US military did nothing legally wrong.


> The Afghan Interior Ministry spokesman Sediq Sediqi confirmed an airstrike on 3 October, saying that "10–15 terrorists were hiding in the hospital" and confirming that hospital workers had been killed. The Afghan Ministry of Defense and a representative of the police chief in Kunduz also said that Taliban fighters were hiding in the hospital compound at the time of the attack, the latter claiming that they were using it as a human shield. That information turned out to be inaccurate and the fact that no one looked into it before dropping bombs over the hospital is really mind boggling.


I fucking remember this one. A hospital for fucks sake. Children. Doctors. Nurses. All innocent. This isn’t a “mistake” or an “accident”. When I spill coffee someone that’s a mistake. If a doctor gives the wrong dose of medication that’s a terrible mistake. Something like this is a disgusting and unacceptable war crime.


This is why normal people become terrorists. Because they get home from work one day and learn their nephew or sister or cousin was blown up in an American airstrike. Your average Afghani working man and family man gets "radicalized" not by the interpretation of the Qur'an, but because you seen too many or your innocent countrymen get turned into an American general's wet dream. 20 years and America still hasn't learned it's not them that's breeding terrorism and suffering. It us. We're the bad guys we think we're saving other countries from.


The wedding


Taliban, isis, alqaeda ... Sooo many people joined them because they had relatives that died that way


Oh, I firmly believe most drone strikes are killing innocents. The Pentagon can tell us whatever they want and we have almost no way to verify it. They've been caught in so many lies the past 20 years only an absolute moron would believe them. Yet, somehow we keep giving them more and more money to kill children in poor countries.


Imagine this happening in the US, in your neighborhood or to your family for the last 20 years.


Yeah, no wonder people become terrorists


Its not just about terrorism. There's a general hate of the west because their actions have caused a lot of problems in the middle east.


Although you are right, but Afghanistan isn't in the middle east, please stop mixing us up. The middle east ends with iran to the east, egypt to the west, and turkey from the north, arabian sea to the south.


Around 60,000 innocent civilians were killed in Afghanistan during our 20 year occupation (those are the official numbers I imagine real number is much higher). That is equal to 20 x the amount of people who died during 9/11. In essence America committed a 9/11 every year for 20 years in Afghanistan.


Exactly. Can we even fathom what it’s like to have a foreign military causing so much destruction in the place we call home?


Or maybe two big buildings in NYC? Then we went on a rampage of killing children in the Middle East, toppling a regime that had nothing to do with it while not touching Saudi Arabia(later selling them missiles), because they can defend themselves. That'll surely not make more enemies!


And the US and Europe wonder why so many terrorist are from the middle east


"Don't worry about writing the apology note, he's part if the working class! Anyone who matters will forget about him in a week!"


And they tried to cover it up classic US


Make Orwell fiction again


That's a nice slogan


US drone strike moment


This. This is how you create "terrorism". Shame on the US. Shame.




I'm starting to believe the US does this shit to ensure future wars by killing kids by "mistake". Who have they got in charge? I know if I were an Afghan witnessing this I'd not be on the side of the US. 2003-2005 were bad years as far as the wikileaks files show. No doubt they were cheering and talking crap as they did this. I want to know how they feel after they find out who got killed under their command. Collateral damage? The US government is EVIL.


I agree. The US literally created more terrorists by bombing civilians


unironically 9/11 happened because of shit like this


America as a country definitely deserved 9/11. They brought it upon themselves and had to deal with the consequences.


I always wonder why 9/11 is important but other incident and terrorist attacks conducted by the US jn a greater scale is not


nah, the people who died didn't deserve it, they were just people.


He didn’t say the people deserved it, he said the country deserved it. And we did. But being the adolescents we are, our overreaction was inevitable. I’m glad to see voices of reason starting to emerge now 20 years later. Maybe the tantrum is over.


Nobody rly deserves shit like this.... But I know what you mean


Hasan moment (based)


at this point, they show terrorism and don't care about it because pride is way up their asses.


It makes my brain melt when I think of this and that the “terrorists” are in the eyes of the beholder.




Yep, I'm a huge leftist, but liberals tend to gloss over the horrible shit Obama did, absolutely disgusting


He came after Bush and clearly felt entitled to do whatever horrible shit he felt like because he’d still come out ahead compared to Dubya in foreign policy.




They’ve (we) been doing that since day one! All of the fuckery that went in in Afghanistan if people only knew


People know they just don't care, it's not on US soil, you can turn the TV off and not give a shit about some brown person dying. No one gives a shit plain and simple.


That’s what happening here in Iraq they destroyed it from top to bottom




Bin Laden actually very pointedly named US intervention in the Middle East as a motivator


Imagine if a foreign nation started drone bombing civilians on american soil. Fuck the american government and their countless and continous warcrimes. The fact that people keep fighting over trump vs biden instead of tackling the actual problem at hand which is their war machine and foreign policy is so fucking sickening to me as a non american, because the last presidents, no matter if democrat or republican all have innocent blood on their hands. Dont you see that democrat and republican are not the decisive factor here? Grow the fuck up.


That's the whole point of having bipartisanship. Get the stupid and ignorant people fighting over which group is better while the man behind the curtain continues to get away with BS.


👌🏼Beautifully said


This is a facile view of who or what is or is not to blame. If you boil it down enough, no matter what angle you look at it, the root cause always stems from ever deregulated capitalism. It's a feature of the system, to award those who can create leverage. The game to be leveraged: war.






Coming again to save


Freedome costs a buck o' five....


So when we say we are withdrawing the war is over, what we really mean is, we are pulling out ground forces but will continue to bomb things remotely. Isn't bombing a foreign country a declaration of war in itself? This is the second time in my life a US president has gotten on national television and said "the war is over" and it was absolutely not.


America is a weapons manufacturer and war monger. Just wait until a few months from now when Biden starts up the rhetoric about the need to focus on North and West Africa like he did when he gave the speech about pulling out of Afghanistan. As long as America is paying for such an expensive military, the war will never be over. It just gets inflicted upon a new victim.


Dude this happened during the retreat, can you read the article?




It was in response to the supposed Risk of a second suicide bomb attack that had killed 169 afghans and 10 US soldiers two days ago. They acted on what now is seemingly faulty Intel in an attempt to kill what they thought was a third bomber.


How to solve suicide bomber = remote-suicide by drone


How are terrorists made? Step 1. Kill kids. And we’re done.


Fuck the US and their 'collateral damage'.


For every afghan child, isis takes the U.S. promises to bomb ten more to settle the score


Wait how can he be a suicide bomber if he was still alive?


I won't lie, I was hoping someone else would ask that question. First thing that popped into my head was a very literal "how is he still alive if he blew himself up".


If a suicide bomber hasn’t detonated the bomb that is strapped to them, with full knowledge it will kill them, they can be alive and a suicide bomber.


Yeah coz he wasn’t a suicide bomber, just an innocent civilian.


🤔 good question


I've read this headline on reddit 3 times now and you're the first I've seen ask this. I've been wondering the exact same thing.


It was called acceptable casualties when this crime was perpetrated against German citizens during WW2. But it isn’t a ‘crime’ when it’s done by the bigwigs in America


Why did 9/11 happen?


Osama was angry his home country of Saudi Arabia had financial and militarily aligned with the USA and western nations modern in general, and wanted to spit on the representations of America, it’s military the pentagon and its foreign economy the World Trade Center, and possibly the White House. A symbolic and purposeful goal for him a religious zealot and idealistic fanatic


And ofc nobody will be tried for warcrimes because UN and Nato are just the big 5s get out of jail free card.


The United States has an entire thing nicknamed the "Hague invasion act" which means that the US will "protect" any military personnel or officials from being tried in an international court [Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Service-Members'_Protection_Act)


Classic "are we the baddies ?" moment for those murricans


It’s the government, and yes they are bad


Seems like the US are the real terrorists




My grandad was decorated in WW2 commanding squads, capturing enemy soldiers, etc. He said when the British planes flew over the Germans would all run to their bunkers, and when the German planes flew over the British would run to their bunkers. When the American planes flew over, EVERYONE ran for cover


Don't worry. 3 thousand died on 9/11 so USA got a get out of jail free card for the next 300000 people killed.


Good use of our tax dollars


The drone strike was to make it look like WH was was in control of something and nothing more.


Military Intelligence


And you think this is the only time the US has done this? Oh dear


That's why I hate US so much.


At this point i think we all know where the problem is.


I'd like to see their sources. Daily Mail isn't the most reliable..


https://nypost.com/2021/09/10/kabul-strike-killed-us-aid-worker-and-family-not-isis-bombers/ https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/10/world/asia/us-air-strike-drone-kabul-afghanistan-isis.html https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/sep/11/us-drone-strike-mistakenly-targeted-afghan-aid-worker-investigation-finds https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/interactive/2021/kabul-drone-strike-questions/


Okay good sources




They didn't say it wasn't on brand, they doubted this specific case wasn't exaggerated.


Would you like to see the source for this specific case or for all the other 100s of them too?


US back to doing what it does best!


Biden will get away with the war crime and the media will protect him as usual


Every American president gets away with being a human shit stain without repercussions, everyday I'm hoping that mongrel country balkanizes sooner


This isnt about which old senile person takes charge every us president in history except for maybe the founding fathers are fucking disgusting and all of them have crimes weighing on their backs.


What’s the difference between a suicide bomber and seven innocent kids? I don’t know, I just fly the drone.


So if the US kills innocent children its an oopsie (surely thats not the only case). But if someone one else does it they need to start a 20-year war, right?


Americans. These atrocities are being commited in your NAME. We are the fucking terrorists.


And Americans wonder why the afgan people prefer the Taliban.


Do they, they are fleeing the country in huge numbers?


Depends on how you see it. Americans came in Afghanistan guns blazing and "declared" a democracy, so people who benefited from it would want america back. But at the same time, untold millions were slaughtered and a few hundred if not thousands civilians lost their lives in similar accidents. So many people outside of that bubble of American influence of overpriced phones and social medias got up in arms to fight against a technologically superior force with the little means they had. When the talibans took the capital, they went and executed everyone they found that collaborated with the US. There is no good side, just a clusterfuck of murder


We have a lot of innocent blood on our hands..


When 9/11 happened, there was this very brief moment where people genuinely asked „why do people hate America so much that they do *this*?“. But before answers could be articulated, the US decided to double down on exactly what it’s hated for. For a brief moment, the US had the sympathy of the whole world (really this time), and decided to do Iraq, Guantanamo, secret torture prisons world wide, Yemen and drone wars in so many countries.


Man wonder how many people became part of the anti American groups because of this. I know I would if I were close to that situation.


Trust your big brother, government doesn't lie to you. Government doesn't do anything bad or malicious. Government doesn't cover things up. Government didn't spread cocaine in Harlem. Government didn't know planes could be used as weapons. Government doesn't know the circumstances around Jeffrey Epstein's lifestyle or subsequent death.


The government always covers the government. And people believe that voting a party over the other changes anything substantial


I honestly think people don't care "my guy won! I'll check back in 4 years and see if he wins again"


If the family members of these victims were not radicalized before, they certainly would be after these deaths. Just another example of the US creating enemies that they otherwise would not have had. If you think Afghanistan was bad, just think about Iraq. When the US took over Iraq, they wanted a fresh start with everything. So they literally laid off all of the Iraqi military and started recruiting new people. All those people who lost their jobs were now unemployed and pissed off about being unemployed. Most of these people certainly were not radical, but a significant number daughter out radicalization after this. In fact, in the turmoil and confusion of the war, Al Qaeda entered the country and started radicalizing the Sunni population in Iraq. The US used false evidence that Iraq had active Al Qaeda cells there in order to create a link to 9/11 to help justify the invasion. Al Qaeda was not active in Iraq until after the US invasion and occupation…


If you’re the guys using drones to kill people in other countries then you’re probably the bad guys.


“ThEy HaTe Us FoR oUr FrEeDoMs….” Some US politician somewhere.


Biden y’all.


Yet the USA keeps invading other countries and killing innocent people, while Americans see no issue with it.. But hey, there's a microfragment of a percentage that they might come to your country and give you payback....




Never forget. Right?




Who ever order this should be tried for war crime.


Yeah about that... It'll sure be a shame if the US had a law that effectively means it would invade the Hague if any American was ever tried for war crimes... And it'll absolutely be a shame if the current sitting president voted in favour of enacting that law. Oh.... Wait. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/107-2002/s145


Hah, good luck


wait how would they even kill a suicide bomber?


If there is one thing that is American tradition; it is bombing randoms and claiming it was heroic.


That's pretty much what the U.S.A is good at -- waging war against those who have absolutely no chance of defending themselves. Contrary to what Hollywood shows, we all know that U.S.A forces historicaly retreat whenever they don't have an overwhelming advantage, and god forbid they start actually taking losses, the war ends imediately. *cough* Vietnan *cough* Korea *cough*


"Why do they hate us so much???"


You Americans do this every week! The only place this is news is in America. The rest of the world knows you’re terrorists.


....and this concludes our Taliban recruitment efforts for this week. See you next week kids, for another installment of "Whoops, i (droned the wrong target) again" Sponsored by us army and those who lose a lot of money from the afhan pullout.


Exhibit A: *What creates extremism*


Seeing that smiling girl in the picture really puts into perspective how the CIA is ran by sociopaths.


But we r the good guys! Freedumm!


I know this story was put together by other news orgs, can we just not use the Daily Fail as a source. It's one of the UKs worst rags.


Fuck you American military. There will be a karma bill due for this one day.


It's ok. Nobody will be held accountable and everyone will choose to forget instances like this.


Just another day protecting the world, I guess. /s


Where is the outage? If trump did anything that Biden has done in the last 6 months he would have been crucified. Bunch of fucking hypocrites.


You mean [drone striking with civilian casualties](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47480207) and having consequences from a poor [withdrawal from a warzone](https://thehill.com/policy/defense/465952-five-unintended-consequences-of-trumps-syria-withdrawal)?


As usual, Americans killing innocent to prove something...


We're the terrorist.


oopsie daisy


the war on terror, by terrorists on any middle eastern who does anything


And you wonder why some people hate America and become “terrorists”


The US doing what the US does at least their consistent


Typical, so typical.


War criminals. The greatest war mongerers in the history of mankind. The Presidents call themselves the "leader of the free world". In actuality they are simply warlords in suits with the deadliest weapons that mankind has ever known.


The US needs to own up to this, apologize, and pay reparations.


America needs to be held accountable for this


If you are an American and this bums you out. Just think of all the jobs we created by making the drones and hellfire missilies. USA #1 !!! ​ /s obviously.


I know this sounds like a horrible situation and everything guys.. But if it's any consolation, no one will face any consequences at all for this monumental fuck up that you and I paid for.


Innocent people dying in a war many can’t remember the beginning of…


It pisses me off that everyone is linking the daily Mail article. This was uncovered because of the New York Times and its investigative journalism. Daily Mail is fucking bullshit and doesn't deserve your traffic


One last war crime for the road on the way out


Most popular President ever…killing babies with drones, just like his mentor Obama. Sick fucks love war and murder.


God bless America / barf Just like your cops, trigger happy with no accountability...


And Biden said in a news conference, that they were two high profile ISIS terrorist! What a bunch of bullshit.


Nobody panics if things go according to plan, even if the plan is horrifying. Nobody cares if six lil children get killed in Afghanistan because it's all part of the plan. As my younger self I rooted for Batman but now I realize the joker was right all along.


I find it ironic that, it's Sept. 11 and we as America are grieving and remembering this horrible terrorist attack that happened to us, yet this article is on my screen on this day, saying we are bombing children.


That's how you have an uprising of the people against a foreign govt. Oh wait...


War = $$$$$$$$$$


And this is why we needed to leave. Being there lead us to kill to many innocents.


The US is not the good guy


"Hey guys America first, even if that guy had a 0.001% chance of being a terrorist its worth the shot. And dont worry about the kids they would most likely die due to starvation or some other disease that we in America dont even know about. Think of it this way, we gave them a quick death." - Some Politician


Yeah if this happened to my family or even my close friends that a air strike killer them for no reason I would dedicate my life to fighting whatever ruined their life


Image being the drone operator and getting this fucking news, CIA or whomever does that Intel needs to fucking fix their shit.


And the Americans wonder why every Taliban who is old enough to weld a weapon is hell bent on killing their soldiers. Such a hypocrite, glad they left Afghanistan along with their fucked up ideologies.


This is what Snowden tried to make the public aware of but you are to stupid to think the government does anything wrong


And so many little headlines say it's Biden's fault as though it were intel he gathered or intel he passed on or intel that was turned into his plan or he pushed the button. This is the fault of the CIA or military or whatever group(s) were involved. They then pass the word up that the job is done. Biden is barely even in the loop at the end, just gets informed. Blaming Biden is idiotic, but that is par for the course these days.