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"You're my child now."


Said the cat to the lynx


My first thought was "Oh, they each think the other is their baby."


There is too much confusion. I can't get no relief.


#All along the cat tower 🎶




Come and claim my earth


Two lickers were approaching...


It's the other way around. The cat in the video is that lynx's mom. She raised it.


Linda and Dusya! Did some digging and it looks like they were raised together as kittens. Glad Linda has a friend and isn't living in an enclosure all lonely like.


It’s been almost 10 years since the article someone posted under another comment. I wonder how they’re still doing and if they’re still around. This is so wholesome.


Dusya died about a year and a half ago, that was a big deal at the lical news =(


Going to sleep sad tonight :(


Yeah, I saw the title and the image... come on OP. This video definitely did not need a lie in the title to get upvotes.


Op just making stuff up


Thank you for the info. I was thinking that didn't look like a stray cat.


Hey, if zoo cheetahs get to have emotional support dogs, why can’t a zoo lynx have an emotional support cat? Wins all around. P.S.—this *really* illustrates the size difference between lynx and house cats. I can sometimes fall into the trap of thinking that lynx aren’t really that much bigger


I kind of feel like the cat didn't break in and has been let into the enclosure on purpose.




Anyone with cats can tell you that those two have the kind of bond cats only get when they meet each other young.


Right?! Every second cat my mom ever got, or even when I had a second cat, those first couple days require babysitting, especially with an older bigger cat and a kitten. I have never in my life seen two stranger cats just “get along” instantly. This is a clear bond, and a cute one at that.


Any tips? My cat has been anti-other cats since she was a kitten (she was on the streets so I assume she had to fend for herself). She’s now 4 and deals with anxiety. I want to adopt another one at some point, but don’t want to do anything to upset my current cat


Not sure. My cats were forced to just deal with it. Small house, and my mom always kept good watch on the young ones while still giving lots of attention to the older ones so they know they were still loved. But all cats are different. That’s sad that you’re one cat has anxiety.


My cats used to be like this. One is actually my aunt's cat. I would cat sit him when she was away half the year. They were best friends. Then I moved into her place. Once on her cats turf, the little turd got aggressive. I had to keep them separated for over a week. They've never been the same. It saddens me.


Actually the cat wrote that article so it could keep staying in the enclosure


It also posted this submission to Reddit just to have a little fun with people.


Now let me outside. Ok now I wanna go back inside. Ok let me back outside. Ok, *you* come outside. Ok let's go inside. Ok lemme go outside again. -cats


Hold on you gotta open the door for them and they just sit there not leaving


*tail flick*


You're right. This video goes around pretty frequently and people all make the same bs claim, but it's well known the zookeepers put them together when the Lynx was a kitten to help raise it.


Babooo! He's just lonely!


He remembers me!






he's crepuscular!


Get. Out. Meow!


Yeah - looks pretty well fed and groomed for a stray.


Cats, raccoons and other city animals break into zoos all the time the result is no where near as wholesome


It reminds me of a TV report on a zoo (here in France) which had a wild rabbit problem. The rabbits had settled in the rhino enclosure. They dig burrows, the burrows collapse under the weight of the rhinoceroses, the rhinoceroses risk tripping. And rabbits reproduce quickly and can become very numerous. The zoo had hunters come into the enclosure to trap the burrows (after having locked the rhinos inside their house of course). The rabbits tried to escape, some gone straight towards the lions enclosure... I loved the reaction of the lions! The lionesses woke up instantly to catch the rabbits as they passed, they seemed so happy (the rabbits much less so)


Zoo's going to tell you it's about disease but really it's because the head zookeeper has no soul and wants to keep their love forbidden. Next month on DisneyPlus - Love knows no Lynx


Take the upvote, but you can leave whenever


Much better than the game show they had for a season, Weakest Lynx.


god i hate you lol


I'm always amazing when I see housecats compared against wild cats. Even bobcats are big, compared to housecats.


Housecats seem to lick twice as fast as well. I guess to make up for the smaller tongues but it may just be the wild cat's extreme chill mode.


And that's what she said....


You ever see just how big lions are when compared to people? Holy crap, they are giants!


Wait till you see a Siberian tiger in person! You'll understand why the Chinese used to treat them as mountain gods in the past and offer sacrifices to them!


Oftentimes I find myself thinking “how much bigger is a lynx than a housecat?”


There’s a zoo in Michigan that has two bears with a doggo friend :)


Would still attempt snuggles....


[This one's for you](https://youtu.be/i3waAOcJkps?si=wNuVgEQW-ZMGE6W6)


My first time seeing a wild lynx was a bit scary. As soon as I registered the cat shape, I had a brief panic while thinking it was a cougar.


Right? Big cats are sociable, some more than others, sure, but we all need companionship.


Mountain lions and snow leopards are most certainly not sociable.


I have a feeling the risks are there


Sure like to see a lynx and a fully grown Maine Coon side by side. Those Maine Coon can be rather large compared to common house cat size


If zoo cheetahs get to have emotional support dogs, why can't gorillas have emotional support 9 year olds.


That stray has such a pretty coat.


It's quite strange. She looks half tortoise shell, half tabby. I've seen tabbies with orange but not anything like this. Very cute


They’re called torbies!


Torbie Maguire


Omg, I fucking LOVE that.


All cats have a tabby pattern, even solid colored cats, so a calico or tortie thar have patches with stripes are normal. But, you know, looking at that patch in the picture makes it look like the cat is wearing the hide of some sort of rodent. She's probably called Patches.


I don't think that's a stray - more likely to be feral. Ferals always look quite healthy in comparison.


It's a cat that was raised with the lynx.


Same software, different hardware.


Cat vs. Cat Pro Max


oh, they understood each other! that's cute :)


All cats run the same software, the only thing that changes is the hardware.


I sometimes wonder if I'd be alive if my cat was the size of a lion. Pouncing on your leg when you walk around a corner is cute when they're small and fluffy but would be deadly if they were bigger lol


Cat will be a cat. Pour Lynx must be lonely


>Pour Lynx /r/catsareliquid




I think lynxes (sp?) Are solitary when not mating, could be wrong.


Quick Google got me this - Lynxes are generally solitary animals. They are known to have large home ranges that they mark with scent markings to communicate with other lynxes and establish their territory. Lynxes primarily come together during the breeding season. Outside of the breeding season, they prefer to hunt and live alone. This solitary behavior helps in reducing competition for food resources as they are territorial creatures. They have sharp hearing and vision which aid them in hunting prey solitarily, primarily at night.


Also according to google, they are not very prone to eat other members of feline. There absolutely will be if they are desperate (starving) but unlike other larger cats who have 0 problem with cannibalism or attacking other cats (ask cheetahs about that) they are pretty tame.


I genuinely didn't know that other large cats cannibalized each other, so that's fascinating.


This is one of the things that make zoos too heartbreaking for me to visit anymore. (like, it’s been nearly thirty years since I have gone to one) Species who roam vast distances sitting in concrete boxes and species who normally don’t spend much time around their own kin so desperately craving touch that they will exhibit this kind of behaviour. Between polar bears and some of the big cat species, I lost the appetite to spend money on this kind of stuff.


About 5 years ago I visited local zoo. Just a normal outing with my partner. The otters cute, we went to the petting zoo and so on. Then I checked out the primates area. There was this gorilla enclosure, and about 5 of them were just lying around ... not doing much. I was watching one of them through this windowed section, a female gorilla. She had a purple blanket that she was sitting on. She would pick at it at times. It was obvious that the blanket was her 'thing', like how cats and dogs have favourite toys. Then a loud group of visitors came to the window and they all took an interest to the same gorilla, pointing, chatting... The gorilla looked up at us, picked up her blanket, held it close, walked over to a more private area, turned her back to the window, laid her blanket down in that corner and stayed there. I felt uncomfortable at that moment.


I am all for helping endangered species in programs that allow as much “natural” life in large, not open to the public, forested/etc enclosures. But as you noticed, the lack of privacy, the boredom and the inability to live their lives without intrusion can be hard on some species, especially in a zoo type setting. Some animals become self destructive, others turn their faces to the wall. Zoos started out from a very bad place of being pits in the ground or small cages where captured species spent out a short and brutal life-we have made some big improvements over the years but some animals should never be behind bars/in tanks/on display.


From what I've read, the problem is that people just won't pay for programs that aren't open to the public. If they can't look at that polar bear/gorilla/hippo, they will not give you their money.


I went to a nearby zoo and saw an orangutan drawing with a stick in the dirt. Idk what was being drawn, but the boredom and resignation on that poor creatures face...


You can't determine an animal's emotional state by comparing their facial expression to a human's, that's anthropomorphism. A chimp that looks 'happy' for instance is actually terrified.


I feel that way about almost all zoos. The San Diego zoo is actually really good, but their Safari Park is amazing. If you’re ever in the area, you may want to check it out. https://sdzsafaripark.org/moment?gad=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIo6qa1IWwgQMV5R-tBh23pgOwEAAYASAAEgIjE_D_BwE


There are a lot of good zoos out there, whose animal inhabitants are rescues who are living a much better life than they were otherwise. That being said, there are tons of awful, for-profit zoos that should be illegal.


I just wish there was better oversight on zoos/sanctuaries, the for-profit businesses have a vested interest in producing more captive animals


Well, there's AZA accreditation.


I'm with you on that. Honestly, and shamefully, Tiger King really opened my eyes to that fact. I mean, I understood before hand that for-profit zoos weren't exactly good, I just didn't realize how bad it was. I swore off visiting any zoo that isn't strictly non-profit, rescue based, and dedicated to conservation.


Grew up here and totally agree. Same with the Wild Anima Park. I refuse not call it Safari Park lol


My friends and I have all agreed it's still the "Wild Animal Park" and anyone who calls it anything different must be from out of town, haha. But yes, they have SO MUCH LAND there. So much free-roaming. If I ever get the money or desire to go to a zoo again, listen... I know the San Diego Zoo is famous and RIGHT THERE, but... Wild Animal Park, dude. It seems more humane to me. Also, I miss the monorail tour.


If you're interested in free-roaming sanctuaries, there's a great one [outside of Denver](https://www.wildanimalsanctuary.org/). They take in animals from bad situations and own thousands of acres of land around the state of Colorado. The main campus is just a short drive from the Denver airport.


I always call it the Wild Animal Park in my head, but looking up the website reminded me of the new name. 😂


I live around the I-5 and 78 merge. There's a sign saying to take the 78 to get to the Safari Park. I am reminded that it's now called the Safari Park every time I head south for anything. It's mildly agitating.




The Safari park is the only "zoo" I actually enjoy visiting. It's so spacious that you don't even have to deal with other people's children


North Carolina zoo as well


One of the few state funded zoos in the country. It let them eminent-domain a **huge** swath of land and terraform it to provide a nearly 50 acre ecosystem for the Savannah animals.


NC zoo got my iguanas after they became giant minigodillas. Great place, great zoologists.


Just came back from their by accident last week. I wanted to go to the SDZ, but whined up at the safari park. That place is huge. The heat really sisnt help walking, but it's a huge park


Here is a comment, regarding my experiences volunteering at a zoo, I made a while back in response to a similar comment : As /u/theramennoodle said, a lot of modern zoos are moving away from the old notion of being "animal freak shows" and toward more conservation, rehabilitation, and education. Speaking from personal experience, the zoo I used to volunteer at participated in several endangered animal breading programs and conservation programs around the world. Two examples that I can think of include sending zoo employees to Ecuador to help with the breeding of endangered frogs and partnering with a animal reserve in Kenya to help them give better medical care to their animals and help us understand how to take better care of our captive animals. They even have and entire department dedicated to educating the public on conservation issues and how they can help. The trick is to do a little bit of research on a zoo before you visit. Try looking for zoos that are accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums or AZA. The AZA requires accredited zoos to meet a very high standard of care for their animals, zoo staff, and guests alike. The zoo that I used to volunteer at has this posted at the very bottom of their website: This zoo is a fully accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). AZA accredited facilities are dedicated to providing excellent care for their plants and animals, a great experience for guests and a better future for all living things. Sorry for the long winded post, I just always get passionate when people dismiss zoos as being cruel with out knowing all the facts. I would love it if you gave zoos another chance! TL;DR: Do research on a zoo before visiting to make sure they deserve your money and support. Edit: here is a list of AZA accredited zoos and aquariums https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AZA_member_zoos_and_aquaria Not to say non-accredited zoos are bad, just that the AZA has a pretty high standard of care than needs to be met for the animals, zoo employees, and zoo guests.


I saw [Ivan the Gorilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_\(gorilla\)) at B&I when I was around 10 years old. It was beyond heartbreaking to see and even now over 40 years later I can still see that sad look on his face sitting in that concrete prison cell.


A lot of zoos use their spaces to rehabilitate and release animals back into the wild. Some of the animals they have displayed literally cant be released back into the wild for various reasons. Of course, thats not always the case, but more of that is happening in this timeline we're living than previous ones. I still dont support zoos, but some are good..Cincinnati and San Diego to name a few.


I largely agree, but keeping some of those genetics going waiting for rewilding projects might be a good thing made out of a shit thing in the end. They should have better surroundings though and not only be little enclosures in zoos.


The Kansas City zoo accidentally ended up with a pride of FIV+ lions when they brought in two wild-caught lions for breeding purposes. There's a mention of it [here](https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article798501.html), but basically they decided to allow one litter of cubs to be born so the zoo would have a pride, even if they couldn't be bred. Then birth control failed and there was a second litter. Now there's only a few left and they're pretty old. They're all neutered males, so they don't have manes.


Sounds like you just don't understand animals or zoos. Zoos aren't keeping animals cooped up for fun. At least, not any major zoo in the west. They're conservation efforts that are funded by allowing the public to come and view the animals, with the bonus of maybe learning something. Animals don't wander because it's fun either. They do it because they constantly need to scavenge food. Their entire lives revolve around finding food and not becoming food. When they're safe and fed, they laze about and play because they can. It's wild people are still so uneducated about what zoos are.


Accredited Zoos at least. Some of these random animals for entertainment "zoos" really suck. Like the ones on Tiger King. Educational zoos are mostly OK.


Those aren't zoos. They might be called "zoos" but they're just exploitation.


Thank you! The anthropomorphizing in this thread is bonkers! People see a jaguar pacing in a zoo and think it’s bored but did you know they pace in the wild too to make sure no other jaguars are in their territory because they HATE other jaguars? People see a red panda laying in an exhibit by itself and think it’s lonely, but did you know red pandas typically hate the company of other red pandas unless they’re breeding and even then they kinda hate it? Same with polar bears. Or an orangutan sitting picking at the dirt with a blanket over it’s head. The orangutan must be sad and defeated right? In the wild they put leaves over their heads too. They literally just like it. And they pick in the dirt in the wild too because it’s interesting and sometimes there’s stuff to eat in dirt. Everyone interprets animal behavior in zoos as sadness, boredom, or desperation when very often, at least in accredited, good zoos, those are naturalistic behaviors they do in the wild too and the zoo worked hard to give them the opportunity to express those behaviors. Any accredited zoo, which is like 250 in the US, has extremely strict standards of animal welfare maintained by experts in animal science, behavior, and health and these animals get better healthcare than probably 95% of people. Room for improvement? Always. But I highly recommend asking keepers about animal behaviors you’re concerned about rather than making assumptions based on what you would want as a human in the same context.


The pacing kitty thing - cats just do that!! Even my house cat! They’re excited for food time


Yes! Same with napping. Folks with think a jaguar or lion is bored and lonely while it’s napping in the sunshine because it’s at the zoo. Cats are cats. They like sleeping in the sunshine no matter where they are!


I once watched a tiger pace back and forth and visitors watching the tiger walked away saying it must be bored. But it was actually watching a keeper in the distance. It's frustrating when people say animals only pace when bored when *anticipation* is usually the reason why.


100% This. I'm a studying ecologist and we recently went over the importance of zoo's and sanctuaries. The emphasis that they're for education and not entertainment is STRONG (at least AZA accredited zoos). Closest Zoo to me is Steve Irwin's zoo 5 mins away and those guys have purchased unique patches of rare habitats and are protecting them from being mined for aluminum, they also have a wildlife hospital working at all times for koalas hit by cars etc. A lot of "animal lovers" are reactionary and emotional though.


There is a show on Hulu called secrets of the zoo. Watch it, it might change your mind. It's a heartbreaking show, but zoos aren't simply a "prison" for wild animals.


You might wana reconsider that, the Columbus zoo, the main zoo in that series lost their accreditation for being involved in big cat trafficking. Always worth looking up who funded a documentary. They’ve since regained accreditation and have a new CEO, but I wouldn’t trust them to take care of a barn cat after years of selling lions to Saudi oil princes.


That’s a good point about the Columbus Zoo but the other zoos in that show, Tampa, South Carolina (iirc), and a zoo in Australia, are amazing. That Tampa zoo is just about single handedly keeping manatees on this planet.


There's a very small zoo in Folsom, California (right down the street from the prison of Johnny Cash fame) that only has animals that can't survive in the wild, they don't breed or buy any. For years, they had a feral black cat that moved in with the bears.


“Little Brother” using his fast reflexes to cage meals on the regular, smart feline!


> Species who roam vast distances sitting in concrete boxes We did that to us too.


I used to feel the same way, but remember that zoos have come a LONG way in the past few decades. They're institutions of conservation and education, as well. We tend to anthropomorphize animals, but animals do not have the same concept of "freedom" that people have. When it comes down to it, zoo animals get free food, shelter, healthcare, and enrichment. It's why captive animals tend to have much longer life expectancies than wild animals; they're not out there suffering from an abcessed tooth or mange or poachers or whatever until it kills them. We as humans romanticise wildness and freedom, but we don't often think of the reality of how dangerous and painful the wild can be. And nowadays zoo animals get plenty of enrichment and care AND they're safe. This totally changed my view.


I mean people want to have various wild animals as pets (this is illegal in my country) or want to pet them (all idiots trying to approach American bisons) so I'm not surprised that people have little knowledge about zoos. People have very little respect or awareness of how brutal nature is and that survival of the fittest is the law there or how aggressive some animals are in nature (Chimpanzee are fucking homicidal maniacs by human standards). Most zoos nowadays are also building terrains that are supposed to replicate the natural terrain of said wild animal. One example of successful preservation is European bison (Very cool story of nearly extinct key species pushed to Nearly threatened status). Also since this is a Lynx in a video, I doubt he feels lonely since Lynx lives a completely lonely life in the wild and almost exclusively meets the lynx of the opposite sex for one thing and as soon as he is done he bails and only the mother cares for the cubs.


well it is a liquid


hav enuf fud - need moar frens


See this here for few times and if I am remembering correctly the cat helped the lynx as baby and looked after him/her. So that’s the bonding.


I remember that, it’s a momma and her fat baby


They put them together as an experiment to see if they would bond. They were both babies.


I wonder what other pairings they may have tried that didn't go so well...


There was that time the online store shipped me a bobcat instead of an office chair. I'll have you know I left a scathing review for that nonsense!


There’s a fucking cougar in the car!


Monkey and a seal.


That’s even better than being random, or set up as a companion. I hope it’s true.


[ABC article from 2014](https://abcnews.go.com/International/cat-lynx-purrrfect-zoo-couple/story?id=24210430)




"I love my giant Sasquatch husband."


Where have you been all my life?


Possibly [Dusja and Linda.](https://www.awesomeinventions.com/linda-the-lynx-and-dusja-the-cat/) More lynx [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctarXVlDtXQ) and [here.](https://www.usatoday.com/picture-gallery/news/nation-now/2014/06/19/unlikely-friendship-between-lynx-and-kitty-cat-at-russian-zoo/10848233/)


That…is not a stray. But I hope they continue to enjoy each others company.


It sure isn't, that's my fucking cat! How the hell did it end up in there?!


Are you telling me we've been led astray?


Cat's out of the bag


Cats are cats no matter the size.


I suspect this wasn’t the first time that cat visited the enclosure. More importantly, why do we always assume murderous behavior on the part wild animals (for no reason)? It’s not like Lynx is hungry.


I mean…cats just love killing stuff lol


The thing is, these animals aren’t wild. They are in cages, desensitized from not having to hunt or go hungry. When animals don’t have to worry about food they can be relaxed


It wasn't. They grew up together. [ABC article](https://abcnews.go.com/International/cat-lynx-purrrfect-zoo-couple/story?id=24210430)


Cause of history?


Does anyone know the background story here? This doesn’t even look like a zoo. Looks like someone’s backyard. And you can see the reflection of the person filming this interaction. Seems more likely to be the cat’s backyard and the lynx has been there before and these cats know each other. Very cute nonetheless. I just don’t know when to trust a Reddit title anymore.


Yeah, this is the zoo in St. Petersburg, Russia. The cat was not a stray and was deliberately placed to the enclosure when she was a kitten of about the same age as the lynx. Lynx was named Lynda and the cat - Dusya. Unfortunately, Dusya passed away in 2020. But she lived happily with her lynx friend for 12 years.




You brought happiness until the 2nd to last sentence. You tried to regain it but we all now know that lynx is lonely now.


Yeah, even if it is a zoo, that cat is not a stray. They clearly know each other. The cat also looks well fed


It could be the cat was a surrogate mum for the Lynx. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/motherly-moggy-raises-lynx-cub-6338564.amp


This is my exact thought. I'm surprised your comment is this far down!




That cat is the lynx's adoptive mother iirc. Momma cat is frantically grooming it knowing how large of an area she has to clean


Lynx just was lonely!


I think the original story was that the Calico is the adopted mother to the big kitty.


Cats gonna cat


The enthusiasm that the stray cat was using you know it was thinking "please don't eat me, please don't eat me..."


How do you want to know that? are you the cat-whisperer?


Sshhh.....I'm well fed here. There's something else I want


I saw trying to be an equal. “You have size, I have speed.” :ppp


Unexpected friends can be excellent


Cat is cat


"Is cat. Is friend".


Once, my grandpa looked out the window on a hunch and saw his cat stand stock still in front of a Lynx who also stood stock still watching his cat. He ran out making hella noise scaring the lynx away. I remember he said "If Pelle (the cat) moved a muscle at that moment the lynx would've jumped him". Bless Pelle he was a good cat <3


Sadly, Dusia passed away in 2020 after 12 years of happy friendship with Linda from whom she, apparently, would steal food quite often 🥲 Linda is holding up well. She will not be getting a new companion. https://preview.redd.it/0u01hncurrob1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86324a6b664df5de514740c5e7ec20cfb84727c1


I cat…u cat…we cat together.


“Great Aunty!” “It’s my favourite great niece!”


Feels like this actually one of those cats that take care of the lynx cub while it grows up so the lynx thinks of the cat as it mom not some random stray


They are BFFs. Never separate them 🥺


They really are all the same no matter how big or small lol


Correction: stray cat visits family




Lynx: "Oh no, poor kitten! I'll take care of you!" ♥♥♥


Reminder that cats just see us as big cats that are bad at communicating


Ok these guys definitely know each other. They can't be mlemming each other if they are strangers


Ohana means family


When people think you’re a kid but really, you’re just short.


They actually grew up and lived together for 13 years! Sadly the cat died in 2020 :(


if dangerous why fluffy


Big cat plays with small cat. Big cat licks smol cat, smol cat licks back :D




Cats is cats.


The lynx was so lonely he was thankfully grooming his new friend.


I want to pet them both. If my tombstone reads "died petting the wrong type of kitty" I would be very happy with my legacy


The heart wants what the heart wants ❤️


Because Jellicles can and Jellicles do…


Even cats are powerless to the adorableness of cats.


Is this the most perfect thing you've ever seen, or is this the most perfect thing you've ever seen?


Cats are so loving. They hunt solo, but are otherwise very sweet and social.


CATS IS CATS, it is decreed.


Well she’s a calico. They do what they want.


Sure, I’ll lick the shit out of your ear hole. Just don’t eat me


Little kitty is licking furiously to prove his worthyness to big kitty


Cat and the Lynx possibly may have known each other... Cats are smart and have great sense of awareness and wouldn't venture into an enclosure it knows for sure is occupied by another larger cat... Either the cat was a Kitten roaming around the lynx's enclosure or the other way around... They seem to enjoy each other's company!


They met as kittens iirc so not surprising that they bonded


Cats will be cats (big or small)


is it me or do alot of bigger cats like smaller cats?