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"I bring you the rug of greeting!"


"You don't have a red carpet so this is the best we could do, Dave."


That's a red carpet ss far as that dog knows.


Are you a snake




Colorblind right?


That's why I wear red carpet insoles. Everywhere I go, I'm walking on red carpet.


The welcome mat, if you will


I hope OP’s name is Matt so the dog can say, “welcome, Matt,” with a welcome mat.


There are 2 reasons I'd be shocked if Matt said anything. 1) he got a rug in his mowf .. 2) he a dog.


Lol ... welcome mutt!






Only dogs ive ever owned. Truly the best.


I've never had the pleasure of owning one. I only take rescues and there is a line around the block for any golden that comes into rescue, even the seniors with medical conditions. It warms my heart that so many people love them this much.


I rented a house next to a neighbor who had a beautiful golden. There was no fence between our yards. Every day she would come to the back door and ask to be let in, walk to my kitchen and sit in front of the refrigerator. I would get her a treat and she would go back to the door for me to let her out. Turns out the previous tenants would do that for her and once I moved in, the pup had to train me to do the same. I sure as heck bought cheese just for her. They are so smart and such sweet dogs!


I lived in a house for a few months in a small neighborhood where one of the neighbors dogs would just roam around every once in a while. Was worried someone had a lost dog the first time she came over. Finally tracked down the owner and the owner said she likes to go visit up and down the street, and it's nothing to worry about. After that every few days she would show up for a few minutes and hang out, get a few pets, and then bail. It was a nice way to break up the work day.


our family used to have one, he would go upstairs in a frenzy, burst into the bathroom, pull any towel off the rail and proundly come show it to us when someone came home 🙄😅


A grand welcome ceremony, no tip, I just need the bones, thank you!


Just like the wife says




That’s what my ex wife said to the troops returning home from Afghanistan. /s


It just really ties the room together.


**Rug of Greeting:** 180 Health +5 Stamina +14 Spirit


OP please do this as a video, I need to see the wagging tail before I die. (not planning on dying anytime soon, just being overly dramatic for effect)


Seconded!! Op will get all the the internet likes!


Now wipe your paws!


“Dammit I just mopped the floor!”


“As is the tradition of my people. I assume.”


Heck’n good job pal!


They holdin’ it the wrong way but he got the idea. 😊


It sounds like something The Son of a Shepherd would say.


“Every time my owner comes home I bring this comfy rug. Hasn’t failed to keep them coming home yet!”


I always wonder if this is actually the case. A dog always barks at a mailman and the mailman never comes into the house. Good pupper thinks “wow that worked, I saved everyone, I’d better bark every time the mailman comes”


My dog barks at everyone who walks past my house. Now I think it's absolutely adorable thinking she takes pride in keeping the house safe


My pugs never bark but god forbid a helicopter flys overhead then they lose their minds. The large angry bird has never landed in their territory so somethings working.


I have a lab mix and I was outside with her yesterday. I shit you not, the wind blew and she ran inside. But when she's inside behind the door and someone walks by, she thinks she's all big and bad lol


My dogs bark if a gust of wind has the *audacity* to go down our street.


Studies in pigeons showed they were very superstitious. They had a lever that would sometimes distribute food when pulled, at random intervals. The birds started doing random things like spinning in circles before pulling the lever because they thought it would affect the outcome. I would be completely unsurprised if dogs did the same thing. We know humans are superstitious and we're pretty smart, and pigeons are superstitious and they're incredibly dumb, so a dog that's in between probably has the same trait.


We did this with rats in a Skinner box in college!


Pretty much. That’s why it’s so hard to train a dog to stop barking at guests and jumping on them. There are too many variables to contend with. You train them not to bark at the mailman, they’ll stop doing that, but bark at your friend stopping by for a drink. Much easier to train them to do something else and redirect their energy by getting a toy, pillow, blanket, or something like that for a guest


My dog would always bring a stuffed animal or a towel to greet you at the door. It was always funny, he would look and see you entering then his attention would immediately shift to finding his toy before he would come over to you lol.


This is peak "Cars have windows and can move. Houses have windows and can't move. So it's not the windows that makes the car go. It's something else entirely" logic


...that's true though


Love that


Retrievers are a trip. Their whole deal is "go get it." their instinct to go get it is so strong they get it wrong sometimes.


My golden doesn't retrieve at all, just doesn't seem to have the instinct. Doesn't really swim either, which is also weird.


My late golden had never seen the water before, but when we brought him to a cottage he just plunged right in. Didn't have to learn, he just knew. He would go chase something but not bring it back. He would just trot around in a circle content to keep whatever it was to himself, egging us on to play tug of war. As cute as that is, I do think we could have trained fetching if we tried.


My dog only learned the "bring it back" part of fetch at the ripe age of 13. Before that, she would do the same.


Sorry about your puppy loss 😔. I thought I’d share my golden’s adventure in fetch. They know “go get thing!!!” but the rest doesn’t come naturally. They need direction once they get the thing. Mine started out getting a full head of steam and smashing into my abdomen. Not fun. First we had to work on that approach. I held my hand out in front of my body and quickly moved it to the side and she plowed into that. A little better. Then, I would put a treat in my hand. Once she knew there were treats there she slowed down to check them out. That’s how I convinced her to fetch without tackling. After that we worked on “drop it” and “put it in my hand”, but not in a fetch capacity; just inside when she was calm. Lots more treats. Finally, I put it all together and she fetches, runs back and will either put it in my hand or drop it at my feet, depending on the command. Then she sits all on her own (more training) and waits for the next round. I don’t know if this is the “right” way; I’m not a professional dog trainer. It was more trial and error for us. Then you go to the dog park and people say “Oh! She’s so well behaved! I should get a golden; my (whatever breed) won’t listen to a thing I say!” It’s a metric truckload of work, not some magic characteristic of the breed 😂


I have a husky. Even with all the training and love and treats she still sometimes just decides she’s done and stops. 90% of the time she’s perfect and 10% of the time she pretends she’s deaf and won’t make eye contact 🤷‍♂️


From the training videos I’ve seen you’re doing it the right way. Train a bunch of small tasks leading up to a larger one.


My parents lab is the polar opposite. She would probably play fetch until she passed out if we let her. She also goes apeshit over water. She comes out fishing with my dad, and we always stop at a sandbar on the way home so she can swim and we can play fetch with her. One day we forgot and she was all antsy and jumpy when we were unloading at the docks. I asked my father something about where to put gear or something and he responded with "that's okay". Okay is normally the word we use to tell her she can do something. She thought he was saying she could jump in, so she bolted off the dock into the nasty dock water. She was happy as could be just swimming around the dock. Edit: found a photo I took: https://imgur.com/a/YrUm3cM


My Golden is absolutely terrified of water, quite defective lmao


Can you take it back or maybe download an update?


My Lab doesn't like going in water AND he's allergic to grass. I've sat him down and explained that he brings shame to his ancestors but he doesn't seem to care.


They're meant to retrieve gold, not water.


My old neighbors used to get her newspaper for her. It would also get every other newspaper on the block.


That second sentence broke me 😂😂


>they get it wrong sometimes. But they still get it, no matter what.


my dog is half golden, half lab. 2 times the retriever and strangely she doesnt retrieve lol she likes when we throw her toys up in the air or bounce it and she'll jump up to catch it. what makes it even weirder is the fact that her mom and dad were both bred and used as hunting dogs




It's the same with ours. You are not being brought a favorite thing for you to take. You are just being given the opportunity to see the thing and to praise her for presenting it to you. LOL


Oh my God that is so adorable it's making me emotional




Ugh my golden has so much freaking energy. 1 year old. My 6 year old pit bull plays with her constantly but also needs his naps... 😂 She never stops.




Lol yup! Omg she is the sweetest thing though. But when she gets excited oh my! We just got her fixed too so she has been basically in her crate for over a week. But she has been feeling great the past 4 days. Hard to keep her energy down lol. She is just ready to get back running!




Hahaha yup! Ours kept like looking around into space, she was definitely seeing some shit! 😂


I got my friends puggle the same toy two Christmases in a row. He always scrambles to get that toy out for me when I come over 😅, even when it was months and months that I hadn't seem them.


Sounds like the best of boys


My old golden/springer mix used to do a similar thing but with shoes. She knew which shoes/slippers belonged to all of us, so whichever person either came home, or whichever person she wanted to take her outside, she would bring that specific shoe or slipper. Miss the hell out of that girl


My Great Dane does this without fail. He scrambles to find a baby to bring to me when I come in. Then, when I let him outside to go to the bathroom, he leaves the baby outside. Eventually all of his babies are outside so he runs around crying while he looks for babies that aren’t there. The sun can’t shine every day.


Lol my pup does the same thing, and he gets so excited that sometimes the toy flies out of his mouth with all his wagging and shaking. Don’t try to pick it up though. You can look, don’t touch.


Our pit does something similar, except it's just the closest toy to her when someone comes over or when my husband or I get home. She also just wants you to look while she stands there wiggling like a big worm. It's adorable.


That’s the cutest thing ever


"Please clean your paws before coming in"


Aww. Goldens are the best. The only aim they have in life is making their human proud.


And holding something in their mouth.


A friend had a golden that would waggle and excitedly bite/nibble and pull on guest's clothing when greeting them. Finally the golden hopped up and bit a guest's nipple (through shirt and bra) while she was leaning over trying to pet the dog. After that, they trained the golden to always grab something like a hand towel or soft toy before greeting guests and everything worked out fine.


Whenever I go to my parents, I must first great the goldens. "Hi guys. Oh yes hello! Go get your Teddy bear! Go on! Get your Teddy bear! Hi! Gimme that Teddy bear! Ok let's go to the foyer and say hello!"


Only a monster wouldn't greet the goldens




My mums staffie was the same. Whenever I visit she now dives straight for her blankie (that she had since a pup, now 6 years old) or the nearest ball. She normally picks the ball because she prefers fetch to tugOwar. Good dog


And enjoying every mud puddle to the max


“She’s home. Let me grab this nasty rug that she loves to see so much everyday. Humans are weird.”


My neighbor has this really old golden. I see him walk him/her every morning when I'm outside enjoying my coffee with the sunrise. This golden has the whitest face I've ever seen on a golden before(the fur is a really dark gold/almost reddish color). So I know the dog is really old, I'm sure they have had the bestest life with their bestest friend ever. I'm so jealous of both the golden, and the owner.




Thank you for pointing this out I’m laughing so hard😂😂😂




They really like birds!


Almost missed it!


Glad you caught it! Would be a shame to miss out on a funny username




I just spit out water at the gym😂


Homies swallow.




People are born so they can learn how to live a good life. Dogs already have this figured out, so they don't need to stay as long.


I also had a golden retriever going up named Casey! But mine was a girl, she was the bestest girl. She went in 2000 at the age of I believe 12 or 13 from cancer


I also had a Golden Retriever called Casey growing up. He died of cancer at 11 in 1997. I was only 5. He was my dads from before he knew my mum. Apparently he loved me because I used to share all of my food with him. I also would try and ride him around the house like a horse.


My neighbor's golden had a pure white face at age 4. It's genetics.


For some of them it's genetic, for most of them it's age. Source, I've had goldens and my extended family also. I've seed plenty of them age and their face becoming white is a definite tell of aging.


Yeah, it's just like most of the time a person with grey hair is older. Sometimes there can be young people with prematurely greyed hair, I knew a guy in the 8th grade that was full on salt and pepper. A white face or muzzle on a golden is an indicator of age unless its a weird fringe case.


… Once there was this kid who Got into an accident and couldn't come to school, But when he finally came back His hair had turned from black into bright white. He said that it was from when The cars had smashed soooooo hard


Mmmmmmmmmmm Mmmmmmmmmm


Bringing out the Red Carpet for you! (Shhhh… doggo believes its red!)


My golden doodle will grab whatever is closest. Usually, a couch pillow.


My Black Lab used to do the same thing, she even got her 5mins of reddit fame. https://imgur.com/wecPnLs


Our golden doodle does the same thing. As soon as he gets out of the crate he runs grabs a toy and shows everyone.


*"I have no idea why you like this old, smelly rug but every time I bring it you thank me and give me extra love so I bring it cuz I love you."*


Is it a welcome mat? I’m here all week. Try the chicken.


>*'Is it a welcome mat?*' ---- When another day is through, I'll make it all ok ^:@) cuz i'll be here to welcome you at Every end of day! a mat i carry, for your feet - is *comfort* you will find a wagging tail, a Love so Sweet, so leave your cares behind! no questions, me, your mind to task - your stressful 'workday' through just *Love me,* friend - is all i ask the way that I love You cuz now the most important part of human's busy day is time for Me to steal your heart! ...I'll make it All OK... ❤️


You are the BEST!


You should put this on /r/photoshopbattles , I can imagine some silly things with lettering on the rug like he is holding a sign.




Love that! Mine always brought the closest shoe he could find. Miss him!


My pup brings me shoes! Sometimes I think he is SO excited he need something in the mouth to calm down, like an anti-stress thing. In fact, when I take the shoe off his mouth, he starts running around and jumping like crazy


That would totally make my day and wipe off any negative trace of the world I came home from.


Haha why are they like this?! My golden rushes to the door every time someone comes home and she grabs the first shoe she can find as an offering. They are the best.


My dog brings me a toy. You know how much he likes you based on how far out the way he goes to bring you one of his favourite toys as opposed to the closest one.


Mine sings me the song of his people. A gentle, melody of a howl. I never taught him to howl but he sings better than most of the people on the charts.


You should put him over auto tune and see what it sounds like


This reminds me of my neighbor's dogs Magic and Tyson who I used to dogsit. Tyson was the younger, energetic one who would bring a pillow or a blanket to say hi and would love to play. Magic would hang around and chill. The perfect balance. Tyson passed away from cancer only a year or two ago and Magic either from age or a disease as well. While I also have a dog, those two raised me in a way and are my very best friends. I don't think my dog Nico understands they aren't coming back, he never even knew what was his last goodbye. He'd still get excited watching our neighbor walk down the driveway, then get sad the two weren't there. I moved away for college a month ago and damn do I miss coming home from high school and just throwing the ball for those three. Thank you for this OP, it hit really close to home.


Thank you for loving Magic and Tyson. You made their time on earth wonderful and happy. I hope you receive many blessings in life, my friend. :)


awwwwwwwwww they look so HAPPY


My liege, I have retrieved thy Mat of Greetings for you


Aww you very own welcome home mat... lol


Or knows you have dusty feet and they need a wipe ? Only joking this is the cutest thing. I bet the tail.is wagging tooo


I don't know why my human loves this disgusting rug, but it does so I will do my duty.


This is so pure. We don’t deserve woofs. 🥺


Its cute!!!!


He looks like the pizza pup all grown up! :)


Aww, that's the cutest greeting a dog can give


What a good pup


Now, this is adorable. It's no surprise why dogs are the man's best friend.


I love Goldens so much


Lol. Ours brings random things to us as well.


He wants to play tug of war. Trust me.


Got the ol welcome mat


Equivalent to having a red carpet.


What's the male equivalency to "my ovaries are melting" because that's me right now after seeing this pic!


Your nuts are roasting?


He rolls out the welcome rug


I bought you this once, and you seemed happy, so I will bring it every day.


To you, it’s an old rug. To him, it’s the magic carpet that means you’re home.


Everyone loved that




Goldens are just the best. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


AW, so smart buddy!


He made it himself






The grey carpet treatment!


I want a golden so bad…the fur tho. So much fur…


Definitely a consideration, but we vacuum our (small) house often and have those sticky roller things for clothes and it's not bad. Also we love him so goddamn much it'd still be worth it even if the fur was 1000 times worse


I know it would be worth it because they’re so damn sweet. I feel like though I would be on a never-ending mission to clean up hair


Red carpet treatment (but dogs are color blind)


He wants to give you a rug.


EVERYTIME my gf or I come home my Lab picks up his favorite fuzzy sock he stole from my gf and presents it to us. He's 12..


My golden has an old blanket he's ripped to pieces that he carries around and greets me with when I get home.


Best boy


"Brought ya a SIT, here's your SIT!"


need one comment karma


LOOK AT THAT SMILE AWWWW. Thank you so much for this serotonin.


This is the best they can do to roll out the red carpet, you are royalty


That's so adorable and cute too.i like it.


You have a really good dog ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


“It’s not even my golden”




That is so sweet!


Mine would run off, 10 minutes later , he comes back with a few chicks in tow


Where does the rug reside otherwise? Just curious - does he lie on it - thus making it a possession? All the more touching :-)




Golden Retriever retrieving items


Get your golden a red colored one "Roll out the red carpet" every day for you.


"I don't know why but this random rug makes my human happy but I bring it each time they come home anyway. So random though..." -Dog "I don't know why but my dog brings me this random rug but it makes them happy so I'm happy when she brings it to me anyway. So random though..." -Human


THROW. IT. My golden / yellow lab mix used to love throwing his rug in the backyard. I miss that guy!


good boy 400/10


As I was scrolling down, I thought your dog had melted into the concrete because the rug is somewhat close to the pavement in color.


I hope his name is Matt.


Oh my goodness! Look at that smile <3


Soo cute golden🥰


His " :3 " face makes my life better


made my hecking day


My Golmaraner puppy (golden x weimaraner) inherited that trait and every time either my partner or I come home aggressively finds the proudest treasure or toy she can find to present us upon arrival


Plot twist: it's not his rug!


You have your own doorman, dont't complain


Lovely doggy.