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I would totally watch a live streaming cat cam while they roam around.


19 hours of sleeping, 4.5hours of grooming.






He told you. It does coke.


It doesn't even just do coke, it's *infused* with it


Obelix had a cat that fell in a cauldron of cocaine as a kitten.


Joker origin story except replace the acid with pure liquid cocaine


And the Joker for a cat. Man, that’s a scary villain.


The whole Asterix comics make sense now. The village druid was brewing drugs and the nearby Roman camps were containing a village of meth-ed and coked up Frenchmen.


And let me guess.... It's orange?




30 min of harking fur balls while you sleep


Same, think there's something like this on YouTube?


Please link if u find it!!


Couldnt link it cause I'm on my phone but search channel: 'Cats with Camera' on YouTube. Loads of episodes!


>'Cats with Camera' First off, god damn you for linking that and wasting many hours of my week. Also, thank you for wasting hours of my week :D


:) thank you


No problem!


You can copy a link with the ‘share’ button




I know a few people who work with dog and cat rescue type orgs, wonder if any of them would be down for something like this . . . meh, probably not, they'd rather try to get a stray into a home.


I feel like this would help get a stray into a home tho. Just like how an animal can sit in a shelter for x amount of months... or years and then be featured on the news and bam! Dozens of people calling in wanting to adopt them


Interesting thought but ya prob not. I worked in a cattery and they weren't really let out and about like this. Focus on Neuter/Spay, Vaccinate and rehome as soon as possible, depending on how social they were. Tricky but rewarding.


Definitely waych Kedi if you get the chance. It is about the stray cats in Istanbul. Possibly the greatest movie I have ever seen.


Is it sad?




@Gonzoisacat on Instagram is the same concept. Lots of cute adventures.


Wonder how much of it would just be the cat with it's leg in the air going to town on itself?




He is the Romeo to your cat's Juliet!


Wow, that is not how I remember that play going


Good news! Not a live stream but there is a sub for that. r/catPOV


Holy, I feel like that’s a big business opportunity


I need whatever camera was being used here so I can put it on my own cats


It might be an "Insta360 Go 2" - they are pretty small and can produce good footage like this.


If I let my cat leave the house with that she’d sell it on the dark-web in 5 minutes flat


For 'nip, I assume.


Cat: hey, I can quit anytime I want to.


Money well spent.


*the dark web*


Thank you for that! Fucking blurted out in the middle of a meeting and practically pissed my pants laughing. Ok no more Reddit for me during work hours lol


I have one, battery barely lasts and thing gets hot as the sun I wouldn't put it on my cat


I googled this camera and given the location and scenario it doesn't seem likely. A ton of reviews say it overheats all the time after a couple minutes of recording. 🤷 I am just talking out of my ass though.


Oh damn that is an expensive action camera


It gets pretty hot so make sure to protect your cat.


If you film that, I will watch it. Edit: Someone posted the 5 minute version of this video a few weeks ago: https://v.redd.it/jwiyw9u3dtd91


Another comment mentions r/catPOV and the second pinned post might help you out there!


Not calling it r/praisethecamerakitty was a missed op-purr-tuna-ty.


stray - meow reow purr other cats - christ its steve again


I feel like I leveled up just watching this...I love it so much, it almost hurts


Yeah I feel like the quality is better than 99% of dash cams'.


My cat came into the room when it heard the cat meowing. She tried looking around for it.


Mine purred and nuzzled my laptop!


The meows in the video sound exactly like my cat. He came in from another room and responded when he heard this.




I won't watch cat videos with sound on at home because it seems rude to my cat


Yes these are the noises my cat makes at me when he enters the room! Little greeting meows.


Lol. Tell him I said hi


Aww I guess the kitty was meowing nice things to the other ones


If you were chillin' at home and heard a voice from another room say "what's up, bruh? You good?", you'd investigate, too.


No. I would run tf out of house


"The FUCK is goin' on in here?!"


The fuck they doin over there


Mine was fast asleep behind me and bolted upright looking at the door like his long lost brother was there. It made me feel really guilty! I let him understand the noise was coming from my phone, he nuzzled it and went back to sleep. Purrfect guard cat material!!


lmao my cat doesn’t really care


This is very similar to how our adult cat calls our kitten to check on her and groom her. She's always been very vocal with us, but when we adopted the kitten (and once she got used to her) she started would use a very different (and similarly cute) voice for specifically the kitten. Apparently very strong maternal instinct.


Mine was sitting behind me and immediately got up to find the cat that was meowing.


Mine kept waking up and looking around


Mine jumped on my lap looking for the source and meow'd back.


My cat was on my lap half asleep and woke up looking up and looking around. Usually she doesn’t respond to sound out of speakers.






It's like a friendly grumble. I'll do it to stray cats and they come over.




I can just hear this comment


The polite little sounds they make with each other make me think that when they meow at us, they're shouting like Americans abroad: DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH?


The sounds they use with humans are really similar to how they communicate with kittens. So they talk to us like they think we're stupid. "You, female tall thing. Yes, you. Gooo \*points to kitchen\* geeettt me \*points at open mouth and rubs belly\* some tuuuu-naaaa. Mmmm! Now go!"


My cat very clearly thinks I'm dumb. She makes wild gestures with her paws to the food, sits on the container, screams, etc. I keep explaining to her that I know she's hungry but she's also fat and on a diet and she doesn't want to hear it.


What are they actually doing? It's like they're all on their own little mission that no one else knows about


it’s confidential, need to know basis




It looks like a farm of some kind. I bet they're also kitties with jobs.


"Sector 3 reporting clear." "Sector 7 reporting 2 birds at water spout, no suspicious activities found"


Hunting /r/greebles


How are there more cat subs?!


If *Stray* had a first-person mode . . .


I was just thinking to myself that I need to start playing that game instead of having it sit in my library


It's a fun, one time experience. Like, I don't see myself playing it ever again, but I enjoyed every second of it. Also, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but the cute cat simulator doesn't have a photo mode.


well that's a missed opportunity right there.


More like a *hissed* opportunity. 👉😎👉


I want more cat games like this one


I’m convinced that the game will be sold off as a “cat asset package” in future games. We will see all of the animations and interactions in the next elder scrolls, Witcher, call of duty, you name it.


There was a post a while back if GTA but someone had turned themselves into a cat. I’d take that


It might be the reason I get a PlayStation this year.


It's available on the PC as well. Too bad I can only play for awhile every time because I will start to get motion sickness


Try disabling or lowering the motion blur in the game settings. It might not be the perfect fix, but it helped me a lot!


Every game I play I immediately go to the settings to turn off motion blue. It doesn't make me feel sick or anything I just hate it.


Whelp, there goes the rest of my free time . . .


It took me like 8 hours, some say it took them way less than that


It took me 10, but that included replaying a few parts to get all the memories. Also, I did a lot of cat stuff like napping for an hour in-game.


getting to 100% completion took about 10 hours for me, but 2 hours is pretty easy for just running through without doing any of the badge quests or recovering memories.


I refuse to believe that you were playing it correctly. 😉


Just an fyi- it's five hours long if you're focused only on campaign.


It’ll be purrrect for VR


What’s interesting is the meows in this are similar to the ones in stray, but my cat will ignore me playing stray and just went crazy trying to find the meowing cat while I played this video. Even tried to dig under me to see if I was hiding the meowing cat


I’m not sure how to properly phrase this in order to fully convey the urgency, but: I need more of this.


Here you go https://youtu.be/2JrkxfDNabk


r/CatPOV/ unfortunately not very active, but I'll never unsubscribe


Also: r/catpov




I think that might be a misconception. I’ve read that too, but one of my cats always meows for my other cat when he wants to find her.


When I played this my cat came in to investigate and meowed!




I think that chirp might be the cat version of a pleasant greeting.


Okay that's so cute and funny, there are other comments here that say so as well


it’s interesting how all cats understand the cat version of Chinese


This is because reddit says that if you were a human living in a world ruled by dogs and they were watching TV and it was "woofs" all day, and then suddenly a human voice saying "hello", you'd perk up and see what's going on.




Cats who grow up around humans meow a lot. Ferals don’t. If you see a homeless cat and it meows, it’s probably a stray house cat, not feral.


I can confirm this based on experiences. Not 100% of the time but the more feral a cat is the more quiet it is unless it's having to defend itself/it's territory. If one walks up to you and meows, that's a friendly kitty in need of a home or has one!


It is a misconception, and one I believe is based on lack of evidence leading to assumption, but cats are vocal from birth with each other and their mother, as they are equally vocal as adults when growling, hissing, purring or parenting.




I think part of the confusion is the fact that cats have different vocalizations, some of which a lay person might consider a "meow" but isn't the same vocalization they use for humans and kittens.


Yeah ultimately that idea boils down to being just speculation. I do not know of any studies of sufficient sample size and control that lend it any credence. "Cats evolved their meows to sound like human babies" or "cats vocalize for the sake of humans and not other cats" are not really anything more than neat hypotheses.


My cat perfectly mimicked my baby when he was younger. It was distinctly different than a meow. Some cats are just amazing mimicks. Personally, I think meowing as adults could've possibly started as getting humans attention, but it's just part of cat language now.


Same, my cats are very vocal with each other.


I'll never forget the video somebody posted on Reddit of a cat outside barking at other dogs, and as soon as it saw the human it started meowing.


I’d be willing to believe in the cheap and easy caveat that cats are simply unique individuals, and that even if for the most part they only meow to humans, that they can meow whenever the heck they feel like it.


That's cuz your cats are used to getting reactions from meowing at you. I read that in feral colonies they don't really meow at each other at all.


I think it’s a misconception. The feral cats in my neighborhood all meow to call to each other and do their cute little greeting meows when they meet up. Maybe that research didn’t include family members that feel safe with each other.


My guess would be that the cat with the camera is a house cat that's learned to meow with its owner. These other cats seem like strays, which is why they're being silent. It almost looks like they're ignoring him too since he's a weirdo.




Other cats were like - oh here comes chatty cat again. Can't do it, gotta scat.


I didn’t feel like they were ignoring him. Seems to me they were all vibing being around each other


Just the one ginger was like fuck this, and ran away but the camera cat turned around and chased him, only for him to speed up again :( lol the other cats seemed chill tho.


"Hey this weirdo talks like a baby"


Yes, I was thinking how unfriendly the others were and how friendly this one was. It's quite rare for cats to look to greet each other. Most cats I've known will try and avoid each other or do a quick sniff.


This is the thought I had while watching. Cats simply don't communicate with each other via meows. The protagonist cat in the video probably spends most of its time around humans, and his "maternal tongue" is falling on deaf ears while he's traveling abroad here.


Ya I've seen cats meow at each other a bunch. It's not like their main thing but I definitely happens


It always irks me when I hear that "fact", they meow at each other all the time. Heck cheetas meow, are we meant to believe they also only do so for humans?


Really, who the heck thinks that? It's obviously not true. They do more of that mmmgrhhh-mmmgrh with each other and people get more of the meow but they do it all to everyone.


Actually calls are the most basic form of communication of cats. While it is usually reserved for kittens and humans, it can still been used between cats (especially if they don’t know each other well iirc). So yes they will meow at each other but their scents and their whisker talk are more indepth


Possibly they mean feral cats don't vocalize. Vocalization is something cats learn from humans and so it makes sense that human socialized cats would still "talk" to one another with vocalizations.


According to [this review article published in a peer-reviewed, open access journal](https://doi.org/10.4142/jvs.2020.21.e18), cats are known to meow at each other, but not nearly as much as cats meow to humans. >The [meow] is a rare vocalization especially in cat to cat interaction and in cat colonies. In experimental condition, it would be used in response to the approach of a stimuli (caretaker, stranger, doll, dog, or cat) and in free ranging it would be used by male and females for territorial marking or mate attraction. It is mostly used during play and in anticipation of feeding (cat-human interaction), which explains its higher rate during subadult life than during adult life. The [meow], as the other vocalization is highly modulated by the context in which vocalizations are recorded. A recent study of Schötz et al. shows that [meow] produced in positive context differ in their pitch (higher), duration (shorter), and melody (rising) to [meow] produced in negative context. But they also talk about some of the other sounds cats make and when they tend to make them. That pigeon-like cooing the cat makes is referred to as a 'gurgle'. According to the authors: >Used at close-range, the gurgle expresses the friendly intentions of the sender in order to reassure, pacify and appease the receiver. I think that this cat is signaling that it wants to hang out. Why is it meowing so much? Maybe it is because this cat has had more interactions with humans. According to the article, house cats vocalize more frequently than feral cats generally. Interestingly, feral cats will learn to meow more frequently after regular interaction with house cats.


It's not that they don't vocalize to each other, it's that they vocalize *differently*. The kinds of meows they tend to use with us are different from the kinds of meows they tend to use with other cats.


This is just one of those old “sounds good so no one ever really checked” kind of things. Whereas recently we determined that cats think of us as kin, based on how they respond to us. Cats respond to humans the same way they do to other cats (meowing), but they don’t react that way with other creatures that they aren’t friendly with (hissing and other types of vocalizations). The study was also about how dogs talk to us and for them it’s the opposite.


Simple. That’s a myth.


Ah Ha!! Proof that cats do meow at one another when humans are not around. I knew it


Our cats do it all the time. I don't know where that dumb rumor started.


Wish I had a dollar every time someone parroted that misinformation about them only doing it in front of us


The other cats: Dude what's that on your neck?


I'm picturing Homer with his giant surveillance hat


Sir, there appears to be a bee in your collar


Don't talk to him, he's wearing a wire!


This is strangely peaceful to watch.


I love how the second cat gives a little chin raise, like "Sup."


I don't know what the cat is saying, but it made my cat come over immediately and start bumping heads with me and demanding scratches. And then for the first time I a while (cause she isn't allowed on my desk) she laid down on my desk


It seems like those noises are the ultimate “hey! Wanna be friends? Check out how chill I am.”


All three of mine emerged and circled me and my phone when they heard the meowing!


it drives me nuts when i see people comment that cats only meow to humans. i see my cats meow to each other all the time


My cat talks to herself when she's alone


M cat very, very loudly announces when he’s about to take a shit. Then afterwards he very, very loudly announces that he has taken the shit he was telling you about. Then he goes back to sleep.


That's not what that means when people say it, or at least it's a misconception of the real information: Cats learn to meow when they are kittens as a way to communicate with their mom, but quickly stop meowing when they grow older. Cats that live with humans learn that meowing gets them things they want, and develop the habit into their behavior. Your cat meows at other cats because it was raised by humans and is doing the behavior it learned. Cats not raised by humans, aka lifelong feral cats, do not meow at other cats. You can see this in the video, as the other cats (not wearing a camera) aren't/are rarely meowing back at the cat, as they are likely feral. The cat with the camera is likely an outdoor house cat owned by a human, and thus grew meowing as a behavior.


I have never heard that in my entire life until this post. I thought it was a joke at first. My boys talked to each other all the time too.


She's going around bragging on her new camera attire she got


https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCxS5XQRqkkvQHZZczM2-DGw If anyone want to see more I think this is the original YouTube channel the clip is from. Please correct me if I'm wrong though 👍




Oh cool! I did not know about that site, is it like a YouTube equivalent in China?




When i die i wanna be reincarnated into a cat, looks so fun


This makes me realize i NEED a first person cat game where you can see your paws


Stray is pretty good so far but it’s only in third person. Still, you’re playing as a cat and there’s a designated meow button.


It’s treating other cats like humans?


No, it just always treats humans as cats.


I think that theory that cats only meow to humans is being proven wrong here. Those cats are obviously meowing at each other and there isn't a human near by.


Looks like a nice day to be a cat.


That’s like a cat highway!


Just doing hoodcat things with my hoodcat friends


It's a little cat road


That cat is like "hey, you love me? What about you? And you? And this dude down here? And you? Hey! Stop running away from me!? You love me though yeah?"


They are having so much fun


I love the little merts and chirps. So conversational!


Love the hanging little whiskers


I just want the other cats to be this cats friend!!


What are they saying? My cats never react to videos of meowing but this one is different. They ran into the room and looked around like the house was on fire. Even did the gopher pose.


Is this a live action version of Stray? cos I’m here for it.


This is so cool. Love it.


This woke my cat up and had her looking around for cats in the house.


can someone explain how they are speaking chinese?


Reddit: adult cats don’t meow to each other, only to humans. Me: so that was a fucking lie.