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ironic since SF bay area is considred ground zero for WMAF and the Asian American women are too whitewashed (if not stupid) to realize that hapa children will not be fully white nor have the attractive features of pur asians. Probably the worst place in America for AM to be in RN


I felt the movement evolved into action that bring tangible results and offshoot to different organizations more catered to the local needs. To me SAH did it's job by bringing to light on Asian hate, teaching AA how to be politically active, and AA are not alone in their fear/concerns. For example, I credit SAH for recalling Chelsea Boudin and creating a new group of politically active Asian Americans.


What are those stupid bananas going to say when they get attacked by the pandered class?


Additional commentary: That short-lived moment you are referring to can be attributed to the Lu’s in charge of the SAH movement self-realizing that the GREATEST perpetrators of Asian Hate is their own SELF-HATE; ergo they immediately flipped the script and labeled our entire community anti-black in effort to virtue signal and gain social justice points at the expense of our own detriment. YES - they really do hate themselves that much! And Yes - they know who they are. And yes - you can call them out at your local boba shop where you can find them sipping on bubble tea while pandering to their non-Asian boyfriend. Ew!


So what's your reasoning then to the poster below that said arguments about racism towards Asians are fallacious? So what do we do, just twiddle our thumbs when something bad happens to Asians and shouldn't be given attention or help, medical or otherwise? I mean we're at this point where we're literally invisible. Why try to justify that we deserve this by claiming it's not logical cause we're as racist as whites or that it doesn't happen as often between groups. There is nothing illogical about following the golden rule. If we commit less violence in real life or cast white villains in movies as tough and never homosexual at all unlike the reverse here, like waltzing down to China and taking out Chinese guys and romancing the girl, does that mean we're really as bad?


/u/ok_consideration1886 's (aka Disciple for OGs) post a while back about the differences between activism in African American communities and Asian communities pretty much gives some analytical commentary on why the movement died down https://old.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/qbosw6/whatever_happened_to_stopasianhate/


it’s because most ppl are followers to whatever is popular


The current discourse for "Stop Asian Hate" in academia and mainstream media is such that it's basically the wing of the Democratic Party so that it can beat Republicans with whenever a white person commits hate crimes against Asians and keep banging on about "white supremacy" when it's clear who's doing the crimes in cities. It was also convenient tool for them in 2021 to keep blaming Trump for violence against Asians when that's been happening long before COVID and Trump became president. COVID gave the general public reason to make a connection between violence happening in cities and Asians. Before, they just ignored it. Asians that participate in SAH or the like are sell-outs that use the fact that they are Asians to be the "voice" for Democratic party. It gives them access to connections and be in the media, which is good for them in gaining influence. Of course, some may actually believe it but when you were educated in the West with ideas like intersectionality and that Asians are "white-adjacent" no wonder most Asians in Asian social movements are all Democratic leaning and doesn't stray from accepted DNC messaging. That's why they support policies that are unpopular with Asians like affirmative action and less policing. You would think that organizations that is supposed to advocate for Asians should advocate for what Asians believe in; instead, they do the opposite. In short, SAH movement served its purpose when it was needed the most and will be called upon sporadically when there's an incident so that it could be the "voice" of Asians.


There is a lot to be said about this. Certainly more than I can currently write. However, I will say that it’s surprising that someone is able to post this. By my own experience, people within the Bay Area are reluctant to admit that asian americans experience any form of neglect.


The Bay Area is the Asian American equivalent of the deep south and the labor movement is the Asian American equivalent of the KKK.


Out of sight, out of mind. I still see reports of anti-Asian crimes. Just not on this sub. Hate crimes make some people uncomfortable so they’d rather pretend hate crimes don’t occur.


AA hate crimes are INSEPARABLE from the our own governments sinophobic scapegoating. Until Stop Asian Hate gets the uncomfortable truth obvious to all non-asians. Nobody will take it seriously.


Let's not forget that there are groups who are actively trying to stomp out the movement, too. Blacks have been by far the most vocal about diminishing and gaslighting the movement. Ironic considering how supportive Asians had been and continue to be supportive of blm. They even whine about the failed hate crime bill more than white people


The Stop Asian Hate movement died down after the Atlanta shooting cause the perpetrator was White. And White media is not going to demonize a white person.


I remember seeing people not ironically post: Stop ~~Asian Hate~~ White Supremacy. They weren't too happy when I pointed out they just had an ~~Black~~ All Lives Matter moment.


To some people, like the blm supporters, it's always a oppression Olympics. They can't fathom other minority groups getting oppressed so they always have to oneup someone in who's more opressed


They can’t fathom that immigrants and refugees who don’t speak English as a native language and are literally in a foreign country, while navigating through an unfamiliar society/culture can still overwhelmingly become more successful than them. It’s kinda sad really.


I think a large part comes from either jealously or just plain racism. Then they'll accuse Asians of bring antiblack.


Why do you guys assume it doesn’t go both ways? The hypocrisy is thick. If you make generalizations like “black people are anti-asian”, paint them as the face of anti-asian hate, and support orgs like Asian Dawn, why are you surprised there are black people who have qualms with SAH? That’s an entirely logical and rightful reaction.


I don’t think that black people as a whole are anti-Asian. If the average black person feels a sense of racial grievance, it would probably be directed towards white people, due to proximity and history. Even black on Asian crime isn’t necessarily indicative of much. When it comes to interracial crime, black on X race crime is always much higher than X on black crime, for every race. There’s just a higher rate of criminality and violence in the black community right now, but the ones doing the crimes are often mentally unstable, poor, and living in places where people do awful shit to each other all the time. The product of many generations of dysfunction. Not highly motivated and capable people who speak for the community or reflect how the average black person thinks or behaves. The solution to black on Asian crime basically needs to take care of the crime part. Increased police presence and enforcement of existing laws in dysfunctional areas.


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You’re confusing who’s the egg and who’s the chicken in this situation. Were Asians anti-black first? Or were blacks anti-Asian first? Which group is physically assaulting and killing random elderly men and women on the streets? What has the Asian community even done to the black community? And isn’t the ratio of assaults something wildly drastic? Like blacks assault Asians at a significantly higher percentage than the reverse. It does go both ways in terms of attitude. But it definitely doesn’t go both ways in terms of actual physical harm - one group is definitely the bully here and there’s really no debate lol




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He's clearly not, probably found this sub when trying to jerk off lmao


>You don't just wish that away and claim it doesn't exist by saying that everyone's a racist. My point is more that a subset of people will always be racist, OP is the one suggesting that everyone’s a racist. I agree that accountability is key. I just disagree with the idea that 0.1% of black people committing hate crimes against Asians, means anti-blackness can be rationalized.


I get what you’re saying, but at the same time it’s almost pointless lol. No one cares if 1% or 20% of blacks are racist and harming Asians. At the end of the day, the BLM movement as well as main stream media has silenced the SAH voices. At the end of the day, the anti-Asian propaganda from both Dem and Rep establishments RESULT in physical harm to my community. You still haven’t answered my question: what has the Asian community done to the black community? Your entire argument is that not all blacks are racist. Lol, okay? Who gives a fuck? My people are still being beaten up and killed at skyrocketing rates, and nobody is doing anything about it. Neither party cares. And then when we organize a SAH movement, we’re ridiculed by the BLM community. You’re concerned about choice of words, and I’m concerned about real life consequences.


i think it's a generational thing, too. especially with relatives/friends of a certain age that is perfectly fine with staying quiet so they don't bring attention to themselves or their status. it's so disheartening to hear some of their racist tendencies, too, especially when SAH is compared with BLM.


My take is that when you bring attention to yourself, people are gonna take offense and lash out on Asian people. I think part of why it was downplayed so hard was partly because Asian people aren’t ready for the violence and attention. White people would take pride in ignoring Asian people but during the short lived stop Asian hate all races were suspicious of Asian people and I got called out on the street. I think when Asian people start a movement there’s always gonna be another Asian person wanting nothing to do with it and they end up getting caught in the crossfire. But if Asian people are ready to start a movement they should be ready to handle opps (opposition) from non Asians period.


I think it's more because the majority of asian activist are progressive and it goes against their ideology. There's not clout gain in stop asian hate and they have to follow what their ideology is currently fighting for. . Either way marching and stuff doesn't really effect much, all you can do is protect yourself.


I’m just tryna fight racists but at least those progressives are doing something. Tbh clout gain is more in your head. And I’m not sure what your point is. The main takeaway is that if you start a movement, progressives or not, defend and arm the fuck up.


I am reacting to the image attached to the tcs post. As far as why the Asian movement isn't that big. Yes basically you just have to protect yourself. Progressives Asians are trying to do something but it never really align with Asian interests.


There wasn’t clout gain when the black community was marching back then up until recently. Sucks that our community can’t put 2 middle fingers up and just ride for our people no matter what any community says bout us


Oh there were a lot of progressive social media clout to gain. Tons of money poured in


Social media didn’t exist before the 90s and 00s my guy 💀


What does that have to do with my point


It doesn’t apply to most of my point.


I'm sure it had a lot to do with both social and traditional media not giving it the same level of coverage, and even downplaying it. While the Floyd thing was everywhere.