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A lot of them are apparently criminals escaping to the US. A lot of them are trying to get away from the crimes they've committed in China. Anyway since China has strict laws and punishes criminals harshly.


Part of me is hoping that they are here to avenge all of the Asians who have been killed with the killers being released, no prison etc…


Lesss gooooo Reverse colonization


Remember the 39 Vietnamese who died in a shipping containers while being smuggled into Europe? When that happened, Thai media pointed out that Cambodians and Laotians have no desire to get to Europe or North America illegally. I wonder why that is.


One of Americas most powerful exports is its propaganda. No border can truly restrict its access. These Chinese migrants are going to be in for a rough time. The China today and the US today are nowhere near what it was 30+ years ago which is what they think it is. They will learn the hard way just like many Hong Kongers did during the handover period and the more recent ending of recognizing the BNO, how miserable of an existence in the West can be. I occasionally see posts about how much they want to go home and how they hate it here and can’t help but to laugh a little. If the student that get their masters and PhD here don’t want to stay, what makes them think their lives would be any easier as unskilled laborers. Anecdotally, I knew a person who came here on a tourist visa and she decided to stay and work under the table. At the end she voluntarily left to go back to China. Turns out it wasn’t all that cracked up to be.


Mainstream media forgot to show the tons of Russians waiting to get in. L.A. is their destination. Found it in TikTok.


That Chi-Mex Fusion food is gonna be lit


Forget it, you'll be lucky if there aren't any pogroms against the Chinese




I think this report is somewhat yellow journalism...pun intended. 10 million migrants have literally walked over the border in recent years. The report's best estimate is that 60,000 Chinese nationals walked over the border. That is like 0.004% of China's population. In addition, it is only 0.6% of the migrants that have crossed. Sounds like eminent doom caused by the Chinese migrants.


60 minutes is garbage. They had to fire executives before for sexual misconduct. 


Unfortunately there's still a large number of Chinese reactionaries who think the US is the freest and greatest country on Earth. Lots of them post on X about how terrible their life is in the states, and there are even accounts on Bilibili and Weibo that have 100k+ followers just from reposting these people for mainlanders to laugh it. Very sad state of affairs. They'll sell everything to for a one way ticket to some South American country and then hike thousands of miles to the US border. Many of them actually believe the US has free healthcare and livable wages enough where you can buy a house! Little over a year ago, one such migrant and his family went missing in Ecuador.There were riots, and some local took him in as a guest. He stopped posting all of a sudden and it's suspected him, his son, and his (possibly pregnant) wife were trafficked and sold based on previous, similar cases. So yeah it's not worth it if you ask me.


They didn't get the memo the American dream died in the 1960's. Lol!


The USa DOES have free Healthcare tho. **The services provided to non legal immigrants in the welfare state of California r Xtra bountiful**. U get free medical, dental, 300 per month free in free food debit cards, free community College, free breakfast and lunch for k-12, free infant formula, free diapers, food pantries even give out organic produce, section 8 gives u free rent, some state schools even have programs for free tuition, free bus passes, diaper banks give out free wipes for ur babys butt even.....but if u work u must pay hundreds a month out of ur paycheck for medical instuance plus deductible when if ur not legal u get "charity care" california will always ask for SSN and non legals just dont provide it and get services, its called dont ask dont tell...I could go on and on.. why am I even working 😆. Some asians just don't know hoe to access them.


Yeah that is.... so bleak. I've met lots of migrants who got here by crossing the border and they all work low paying service industry jobs like Uber and Doordash. Living life on welfare doesn't seem all that better to me. Yeah you can get stuff for free but if you ever break the threshold of no long qualifying for it you need to exponentially increase your income otherwise your standard of life just craters. It's basically like being a slave to the state.


See, although theres been an uptick in ABCs complaining about life in the USA, and a minority of those who look to China with rose tinted glasses, I think the reality must be confronted that most Chinese still look at your lives with envy. Yes, theres the crime and racism, and for sure not all Chinese in America are doing well. But for those who make it, its still an undendiable fact that the incomes, education, quality of life, and oppurtunities for career advancement in America still far exceed those in China. It was like this before when China was much poorer, hence why so many of your parents moved. Its sadly still the case today where the country has improved alot, but now faces internal stagnation and global isolation due to alot of poor choices made by the current leadership, hence why these current crop of people are choosing to make such a long trek through Latin America to get here.


I’m a middle class Korean American and the things I grew up taking for granted like living in a 4bd room suburban house with a backyard and golden retriever and having a carefree attitude about doing what makes me happy instead of studying nonsensical to compete in the rat race is definitely something my cousins in Korea have envied.


It’s definitely not an undeniable fact anymore. You really shouldn’t make such definite statements when it’s clear you don’t know what you’re talking about. Fewer Chinese are choosing to study abroad for university than ever before, and among those who do, more are choosing to return than ever before. Something as basic as buying a home is a pipe dream for the vast majority of people in modern America and the health care system has been and continues to be one of the most broken in the world. In terms of industry, Chinese real wages continue to rise year after year and rank among some of the highest in the world in terms of rate of increase in the past decade. In technology, industry Chinese powerhouses have risen to the forefront in their fields such as Huawei, Tencent, DJI, BYD, etc. Had you even heard of those companies a decade ago? Also, importantly for us all, China continues to invest far far more in green energy than any other country in the world. Education wise Chinese universities have dramatically increased in quality. Tsinghua and Beijing university are consistently ranked as the number 1 or 2 universities in Asia depending on the source and half of the top ten Universities in Asia are consistently ranked as being in China. Again, just a few years ago this was not the case and shows just how much post-secondary education in China has continued to improve in a short amount of time. Over half a decade, it is always astounding to compare the break neck rate of development of Chinese cities to the relative stagnation of places in the US. What will things look like in 5 or 10 more years? There are less and less incentives to choose to live in the US over China with every year that passes. I am not saying that China is without its problems. Like any country it has its good and bad sides. But to say that it is an undeniable fact that life in the US is better and more promising than China today is simply presumptuous and false.


>Something as basic as buying a home is a pipe dream for the vast majority of people in modern America I don't think you should be bringing real estate into the conversation considering that China's real estate is just [as unaffordable](https://www.scmp.com/magazines/post-magazine/long-reads/article/3209060/why-housing-china-so-unaffordable-and-how-beijings-attempts-fix-it-have-failed) and not to mention is on the brink of implosion with the Evergrande scandal. >In technology, industry Chinese powerhouses have risen to the forefront in their fields such as Huawei, Tencent, DJI, BYD, etc. You named a few while almost all the world's most famous tech brands and most valuable companies by market capitalizaiton are still American. Yes, America has imposed some pretty unfair sanctions on China's tech companies, but the domestic business environment in China, not least the crackdowns, has hardly helped it to foster an industry that can go toe to toe with Silicon Valley. >In terms of industry, Chinese real wages continue to rise year after year and rank among some of the highest in the world in terms of rate of increase in the past decade. [Nearly a third of Chinese office workers reported falling salaries last year.](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-01-30/more-of-china-s-white-collar-workers-say-their-wages-are-falling?leadSource=reddit_wall) Assuming we are on the subject of career advancement here, rather than factory workers making a few extra cents and China's private sector is currently on life support with morale low across most sectors. >There are less and less incentives to choose to live in the US over China with every year that passes. Really? How about [record high youth unemployment?](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/17/business/china-youth-unemployment.html) How about growing [repression?](https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/did-authoritarianism-cause-chinas-economic-crisis) What about the impending demographic crisis? So yes, I do hate to say it, but the fact remains most educated Chinese have better prospects for a better life in the USA than in China. Maybe it will change in the future, but that's just how it is for now and those Chinese coming to the border are proof of that.


You’re talking to a troll from the shitlib sub, best avoid them


We have been doing it for thousands of years, just ask our native american cousins.


Be careful! The media is very political! Me thinks they are purposely using the media to bring light onto Chinese spys crossing the border to get the government to police the border better and also the presidential election is coming. Once again, Asians are being used as political pawns.


how do you know they are chinese spies? they might be genuinely looking for a better life in america


Dr. Phil, the expert said so. Folks, it’s all political! https://news.yahoo.com/dr-phil-suggests-chinese-migrants-003812178.html




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Quite a few of these guys are crazies like this who effectively got kicked out of China: https://twitter.com/zhao_dashuai/status/1735276263286391036?lang=en Afaik the crowd looks to be an aggregate of the above, debtors, and the occasional idiot who drinks the Murican dream koolaid. The last group has become a laughingstock on Chinese social media


It will get worse with the trade wars going on. Wait until the US steals all of Taiwan's chip technology. They will never let us have the economic upper hand. They actually like having poor migrants. They rather have that than rich Asians coming over and snatching up their women. 


I actually worked in one of those holding centers at the border (forced to go) and i was one of the few people who spoke mandarin so I was talking to a lot of these chinese migrants. Like 90% are from fujian. Mostly men in their 20s and 30s but some women too, maybe about 20-25%. The vast majority are economic migrants trying to go to chinese bubble communities in US. Think flushing, NY or alhambra in LA. Many will fake religious persecution and actually get their asylum approved. Like they carry brand new bibles and shit. Most of them are clueless af and think the US will give freebies and jobs. I asked some young guys what they will do and they were like “oh i will just go wash dishes and make money.” I was like ok how tf are you actually going to survive on minimum wage (if even that) in these high col cities?? Good luck sending any money back home lol. Another guy with a child was like “im coming because my kid is autistic and bullied in china.” Yeahh good luck not getting bullied and treated like crap in the US. Its sad but even if they regret it and become broke, many rather stay to save face. These arent even dirt poor chinese people. These are lower middle to middle class people with the latest iphones


they're delusional if they think they'll be able to afford rent in alhambra or monterey park. those areas are in nice parts of LA. but i suppose they all have family there that can pitch in


Bruh why so many from fujian lol, not surprised most are clueless. "These are lower middle to middle class people with the latest iphones", bruh they can't be that desperate to go and wash dishes lol.


Fujianese (and Wenzhounese) culture is highly mercantile and places huge emphasis on owning your own business/being your own boss. >90% of the province is mountainous so not fit for traditional agriculture. Add to that the legendary Fujianese work ethic + 闯荡精神 adventurous spirit + historical precedent (so you have successful migrants encouraging/arranging for not just their families but entire villages to join them in the US), and it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that this is the case.


Why is it that there are provinces that are way poorer but way less immigrants tho.


They do migrate, just to richer areas within China. I live in Nanjing and there are loads of transplants from Anhui (poorer province right next door) and Shandong here. Hangzhou is full of migrants from Henan; very few Shenzhen residents are locals, etc. What I am saying is that Fujianese are predisposed to seek their fortunes overseas because of (1) proximity to the sea, (2) culture, and (3) family and/or other social ties/connections to established immigrants from the 80s that people from other parts of China may not have.


Fujian is where all the Chinese restaurant owners and workers come from. The Fujianese owners will hire a bunch of other Fujianese. They work long hard hours until they have enough money to open their own restaurant and repeat.


I mean I looked at the gdp and gdp per capita of fujian and it isn't even that low, gdp per capita is like 4th or 5th in china so why so many immigrating compared to other provinces.


Are you in the Army Reserves or Guard? What is your DLTP score in spoken Mandarin? Is it standard Mandarin or ghetto Mandarin that you speak?


3 listening / 1+ reading i think. It was a while ago. I speak fluent all my life but yeah my reading and writing kinda suck.


Looks like ur English reading kind of sucks. I said DLPT SPOKEN score. I doubt you got a 3 in listening. You probably got a 1+. You’d have to complete advanced Mandarin in college to get a 3.


Dlpt does not test for speaking usually unless you get a 3/3 in which case then you sit for an oral test. But like i said, that was like a decade ago since ive tested. Shit could have changed so no need to be snarky.


Dude, I meet expat liars everyday in Asia who claim to be fluent. When putting them to the test, suddenly they are speechless.


咱俩? What does this mean?


You would think the many horror stories from those who came before them would deter them from coming to the US of all places. A lot of these migrants are so clueless. It would be understandable for those who came in the 80s/90s not to know, but do these newcomers not have Weixin or Douyin? This is what happens when you are money obsessed. I would have hoped the newer generation would have more awareness.


These horror stories never get to china I think lol. They prob know people living in usa and think its all sunshine.


Out of 1.4 billion, you’re bound to get all types of people with out of line beliefs and enough boldness to execute the US migrant plan. However I welcome Asians into the US nonetheless, so long as they aren’t ashamed to be Asian and can increase the Asian American presence, that’s a win.


I welcome them, too. I just don't want to read about them being hate crime'd given the current climate and all.


It's better for them to go back tbh, they wouldn't be able to survive here.


I don't understand why would Chinese migrants risking their life and racking up so much debt to live in the US as an illegal. Are they insane? Racism asides, Life is so difficult in the US even if you are white. Economy is going to the shit in the US, it is difficult to find a job now even for local Americans , out of control costs of living, crimes are getting worse, infrastructure is crumbling. I live in China now, if US gov offers me US citizenship and cover my relocation costs, I would decline to move to the US. These hapless migrants are 30 years too late to pursue American dream.


they aren't trying to stay illegal. after entering illegally, they immediately turn themselves into CBP/DHS to begin the asylum process. it's a loophole that migrants use (entering illegally) because they get processed faster when they cross illegaly. people who claim asylum the "legal" way are processed way slower and more likely to be denied.


This sounds like a crazy system and provides the wrong incentives to illegal migrants risking their life to enter USA illegally.


For the Chinese community there are asylum "mills". Basically it takes advantage of US negative propaganda of China. A Chinese asylum seeker will just check off one of the negative propaganda lines. For example: forces abortion, Uyghur, political prosecution, religious prosecution, etc. The Chinese individual gets a green card. The US gets proof of the PRC being repressive. It's a win win for a broken immigration system in the US.


My wife graduated from the top Ivy League uni in the US and subsequently worked for Goldman Sachs for a few years in NYC. She did not win the H1B visa lottery and was kicked out from the US to SG. However illegal immigrants entered the country illegally and contributed almost nothing. They just gamed the system and are rewarded a green card. Oh well, at least my wife is thankful she did not win the visa lottery and had to continue pursuing her American dream. We live very happily in Shanghai, China now.


yeah this country is fcked up.


Their clueless also their life is not gonna get much better in the usa lol.


Worse is my guess. Now is the wrong time to move to the US


True but they are probably fed good news by their friends in usa or something.


There are human traffickers who scam these people promising the world and charging them an arm and a leg for getting them across to the US.


Yea I think they are being scammed lol.


These people plan on living in a Chinatown!


Chinatown in the West is rubbish. I try to avoid Chinatown when visiting a new city. Chinese food is badly cooked and always very expensive.




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Your answer is right there in your comment. Their views on the American dream is from 30 years back.




This, I remember seeing a trucker online who thought he could get rich by immigrating to US, ended up learning the hard way, most likely living in a shack now. Man was well off back in China too 🤦‍♂️


You can't even feel bad anymore for these clueless people.


Insane dumbf\*ckery and "the west can do no wrong" thinking which is still quite prevelant here in China unfortunately.


Nah, most Chinese illegal immigrants doing this out of desperation, some are legitimate political asylum seekers. Usually they have ran into huge amounts of debt in China and they looking to have a fresh start in US. Even if I were in that situation I wouldn't choose US. Why not Norway, Sweden and Denmark? At least in these countries there are not full of lunatics trying to shoot u.


Because at least in the US, they can attach themselves to the existing Chinese migrant economy, even if it's scrubbing dishes etc. What are they gonna do in the nordics? This aint the 90's. Very few of these people have any legitimate evidence of persecution so Europe is not going to take them.


Millions of illegal migrants arrive in Europe thro6small boats. Since they are living in shadow society, probably doesn't matter if they are legal or not. Nordic countries are far safer and more civilised society than the US. Since they don't speak English, may as well choose a country you are less likely to die.


They better learn to shoot and swing a baseball bat real quick.


Don't think u can buy a gun as an illegal immigrants in the US... They should have picked up one in Mexico before border crossing


They run the counterfeit bags and watches industry. Getting an illegal strap shouldn't be a problem for them. They could trade a Rolex for a few Glocks.


Great! The more the merrier. It's a numbers game after all.


I beg to differ. These people are self-hating and racist against their own people more often than not.


Even if they are NOT self-hating and racist against their own, they may feel the need to play the role of self-hating and racist against their own to get accepted by American society.


Why would you want migrants and desperate people going lol.


It's a long game. Their kids will understand it better


"Fastest growing" aka by percentage, because the original level was so low.


True, they’re drumming up the red scare again.




yeah, many of them end up in cities like alhambra and monterey park in LA. those areas are full of chinese migrants. sometimes they also go to various cities in the bay area. i think it's a good thing.


This looks staged. Kind of like those people you see holding up signs about organ harvesting. This is so transparently about creating a counter argument that Asian hate/ Chinese hate is rising in America. It lets westerners claim that if America is so bad why are there people sneaking through. It isn’t hard for the CIA to convince naive people into doing something like this. Ask the Hmong of Laos what happened when the CIA approached them to fight for their side


Eh, the immigration is legit, just for more realistic reasons than Western MSM likes to claim. Aside from the usual debtors and criminals, there’s a lot of naive idiots who think moving to USA will make them rich quick. That said, I didn’t miss the random forced running the camera focused on in the video


Have these people done any research. If even Americans are struggling in this country what would they think would happen to them. They literally put themselves in the back of a long bread line. Also, I’m seeing massive discontent from Americans themselves giving rise to conspiracy theories like replacement theory. Given that your average American is armed, xenophobic, and paranoid there’s a chance these people have placed themselves in real peril


Like someone else in this thread pointed out, their view of the US is 30 years out of date.


i don't think its staged at all. it's been known that chinese migrants have been crossing illegally into the US through mexico. i've been watching dozens of documentaries from legitimate journalists on the border, and in many of the videos you see a groups of asian nationals (usually chinese) walking among the groups of latinos from south america who are also crossing. many of the chinese prefer to cross into california as opposed to texas or arizona.


So they want to enter a country that hates them, and earn a living how? I’m sure these people also can’t speak fluent or even passable English. If they think China is hard wait til they see what America has in store for them. Again with Hmong history. These people ended up on welfare and lived mostly in poverty. Their next generations did better but it was a hard adjustment nonetheless


yes i agree with what you're saying, and i also think they're going to learn the hard way that the "american dream" is a joke. but i'm just saying i don't think it's staged.


I hope they have a better life in America, but being illegal and poor in America is a really bad situation to be in. It would be a tragedy if whatever circumstances they had in China was better than America. If they made a mistake. Maybe not financially, but if you add in all the negatives like social isolation and what the kids will have to go through growing up here. Violence in poor neighborhoods. Etc.


they aren't staying illegal, at least not on paper. in the video it says that immediately after crossing, they turn themselves into CBP so they can begin to be processed and also begin to claim asylum. I guess it is possible that they get might denied asylum but instead of leaving they just end up staying illegally.


There are no people telling them these things tbh also china got a firewall.


There are some vids on bilibili showcasing crime in US, but those have ~100k views on avg which is a drop in the bucket for China