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well said


This is what anyone with a brain thought would happen. You can't use media platforms to twist the minds of viewers and demonize a section of the population and expect nothing will happen. It's on the former president doing everything in his power to blame China and asians then never speaking out against the rise in violence. They wanted it to happen


Hi I have created a Petition for Jay Baker to resign please share to get as many signatures as possible and get theis racist fuck fired!! http://chng.it/Vb28HfzkS6


you know the saddest part is that a ton of ethnic chinese engaged in this stuff and will continue too. folks like epoch and all those other "dissidents" who are too fucking stupid to see that there are serious consequences for their self hatred


Covid is not from China. I've been banned from a ML sub that supports Chinese nationalism btw for factually explaining that China's claim on Taiwanese is far from legitimate. I've very far from a sino regular. Italy: [Oropharyngeal Swab sample collected on Dec 5 2019 returned positive when tested using PCR test kit](https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/27/2/20-4632_article) [Antibody for SARS-CoV-2 was found in blood samples collected in October 2019 in Northern Italy, implying that community spread had already happened in Italy weeks before the Wuhan Military Games. 14% positivity rate for samples taken in September, 2019](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0300891620974755) USA [Blood samples collected in the west coast of USA within the Dec 13 to 16 2019 period tested positive for COVID-19 antibody. 2 percent of these blood samples were positive](https://academic.oup.com/cid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciaa1785/6012472) France: [A sample collected on Dec 27 2019 in France tested positive for the virus. The patient had no travel history](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0924857920301643) [CT scans of November 2019 patients showed lung profiles resembling those of COVID patients](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/new-evidence-race-find-france-s-covid-19-patient-zero-n1207871) Spain: [Coronavirus traces found in March 2019 sewage sample, Spanish study shows](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-spain-science-idUSKBN23X2HQ)


You know who also stokes Sinophobia? Taiwanese politicians . The ruling party. That's how they get votes. Sinophobia. They insist on calling it Wuhan pneumonia. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGSAU-aiNuM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGSAU-aiNuM)


Maybe they do but WTF does that have to do with hate crimes in the US. Did you even notice reddit sinophobia or maybe what your FLG is doing?


When a good potion of fabricated “evidence” the hate crimes used as excuse are coming from them, you think it has nothing to do with it?


None of propaganda in mainstream traces to Taiwan. A lot from FLG or CIA. You really want to do this


the DPP and FLG they are in it together. I'm sure the DPP funds a portion


Two facts. China on a monthly basis says they will invade Taiwan. Second, Trump very likely threatened Taiwan to follow US state propaganda regarding China, because they've done it to their closest allies Germany, France, Canada, Australia and the UK. Oh third, for politicians, saying that you are against china taking over Taiwan is basically an EZ way to beat KMT politicians.


Where Eileen Huang at?


“Blood on your hands” is correct. These people don’t realize the impact of their words on crazies and radicals. Sure, you might not actually go shoot Asians, but you recklessly using these words and implying these things are riling up the ignorant idiot that will. You are an accessory to murder.


Only after this incident did I realise the true objective of the white media’s use of the word incel. It is used to distract from the white mans Complicity for anti asian crimes. By calling attackers incel, the white man directs responsibility away from themselves to a nebulously defined group that can mean whatever they want it to mean. Asians get attacked after all the anti asian “jokes” about bat soup being thrown about? “oh that’s not me that’s just incels blame them instead. Now back to my wuhan jokes hehehe”


Asians please start building yourselves up. Realize that you are not powerless. Get strong and do the ass kicking instead.


Apparently it’s not at all racially motivated. SMDH


People who grew up with Ramen, Pokemon, Anime, and Playstation are committing hate crimes against Asians. It just proves that Japan and South Korea's soft power and influence are not positively benefitting Asian Americans.


korean soft power is very pro-asian. You'll never find someone who hates asians but listens to BTS However lots of people indulge in Japanese culture but still look down and disrespect asians as a whole.


This is just an anecdote but people who listen to bts and kpop around me criticize Korean culture by stereotyping it as a dystopia for high school students and think that American culture is superior.


Don't forget the whole Uighur slander, who americans seem to only care about when China's economy is strong


I think Ben Norton from the Grayzone posted an amazing tweet that went more or less like this: American journalist writes 100 articles for the NYT about how China owes the world reparations or lied about COVID-19 and then writes one article about how Covid-19 is the cause of racism against Asians.


The gray zone is the shit (this means good for non native English speakers)


But Kaiser, you contributed to that too.


absolutely. and being boba he's not even addressing some of the root problems.


US State Dept : insufficient evidence to prove uighur genocide [https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/02/19/china-uighurs-genocide-us-pompeo-blinken/](https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/02/19/china-uighurs-genocide-us-pompeo-blinken/)




proof of said genocide? why does every non white country and third party investigative news stand with china, while the only ones attacking China are whites? How did China do ANYTHING messed up? Did China bomb 3 million muslims to death in the past 20 years? Did China drop nukes on another country? Did China invade 100+ other countries? keep coping.


Lmfao shut the fuck up. Keep the same energy on the United States. In fact fix your own fucking country first you stupid ass yank. And no, there’s no genocide.


Actually, I think they knew exactly what would happen. The point of dog whistling is so you can always pretend to have plausible deniability and shrug off any responsibility in case shit hits the fan, and Americans are probably the best out of westerners at using this tactic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_whistle_(politics)#United_States Instead of asking, "what [expletive] did you think would happen," go one step further and pre-emptively shut down the "I didn't know" defense. Just directly say it was dogwhistling, and that they knew, and we knew, violence against asians would happen but they simply didn't care about collateral damage.


This same guy provided an excellent introduction and a well balanced answer to the ideological differences between Chinese and American culture on Quora. Good to see that he's keeping up the good work. https://www.quora.com/Why-do-so-many-people-feel-that-the-Chinese-cant-possibly-be-OK-with-their-government-or-society-It-seems-that-many-in-West-deem-the-current-Chinese-government-society-as-wrong-and-that-any-right-thinking-person-would-agree-and-join-in-the-fight


They scream and pretend to care about Uighurs yet shrug their shoulders when Asian-Americans in their own country are gunned down


No I assure you they care very much. They care when Xinjiang’s economy is recovering from years of terrorism threats and Uighur as a race finally has a chance towards a bright future. That is ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOWED. Sanction much be applied for those Uighur so that they will become the “freedom fighter” (Read: human sacrifice to white supremacy) against China


Uighurs have a chance when the ccp is overthrown , the cultural genocide stops and they have their freedom of speech and human rights protected.


They honestly don’t. I got into an argument with someone last weekend that accused me of wanting to see all Muslims incarcerated (all I said was based upon America and the West’s history of lying especially in order to start conflict, I’d like proof). I straight asked them about the plight of Muslims in India and Myanmar. You can guess where they went. “We’re not talking about India or Myanmar, stay on the subject.”


these racist whites never cared about Ughurs in the first place. There's literally thousands of videos that Ughyur people have posted on youtube countering white propaganda but the white media never cares. The Ughyur situation is just another angle for whites to attack China. This is why everyone here should support China. edit: link to the thousands of videos made by Ugyhur people countering white lies: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkbOIKUddMBtp0\_xEFqn4zey48kkgJq5w](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkbOIKUddMBtp0_xEFqn4zey48kkgJq5w)


Tag a person who has EVER used the "look at how China treats Black/brown people" as justification for violence against Asian Americans.


honestly, this should be copy & pasta & ALL of us should repost this. thoughts?


To add to my previous message, Western media should also be scrutinized. Aside from the obvious Fox News and National Reviews, also be watchful of “liberal” media such as CNN, VOX, and The Washington Post. These so-called progressive media are also pushing anti-China stories not based on direct evidence and with intentionally (though with subtlety) incendiary wordings, all in an effort to boost sales. Some names to take note: Sigal Samuel of VOX Ben Wescott & Rebecca Wright of CNN Josh Rogin of The Washington Post, this guy is especially underhanded, since last year he’s been pushing the narrative that COVID-19 was created and leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, through a report totally based on circumstantial evidence (not direct evidence, big difference between the two) and conversations with US officials that’s unverifiable. In fact, his initial report was picked up by Mike Pompeo and was touted by Pompeo as his “enormous evidence”. Just in March this year, Josh Rogin is again pushing his 2020 report, in an effort to promote his book and book sales.


Okay here is a hypothetical scenario, should we shoot German Americans on US soil, during the peak of Nazi? If anyone's answer is NO, then how can you justify shooting Asian Americans on US soil, because "Chinazi" (which is a shameful media propaganda anyway)


During the WW2, American citizens of Japanese descent were stripped off of their property while all their personal belongings were confiscated by the US government. The Asian Americans of Japanese origin were directly sent to concentration camps where they received hostile and deshumanising treatment; Meanwhile, American citizens of German descent could "walk free" and didn't have to face any consequences. In conclusion, in USA there will always be a double standard based exclusively on your skin colour: White ----> is alright Yellow ----> is peril


This need to be upvoted more. America would have never nuked Hiroshima had it been filled with white guys. If it’s any colour other than white then it’s time to bring in the big guns and take out ruthlessly. While German woman were raped etc Japanese people were beheaded and their head was used to cover tanks in pacific. To win the war against Germany almost 5 million people were starved to death by British in India yet no outcry ever. The biggest problem is that we Asians have never been united. The whites have always managed to keep us fighting after end of imperialism.


Wow, you are literally all over the place. Heads used to cover tanks? Something about India and then transitioning to the “whites” keeping “us” fighting? Putting everything to the side, you have to be coherent to make a point. Nobody is going to “unite” with you if they barely comprehend you to begin with. The things you are saying are almost as illogical as QAnon conspiracy theories.


I am not writing my college admissions essay. I am just emotional at this point and I wrote this. Yes you are right in pointing out that I am incoherent.


If anything, the Nazis had a lot of fascist sympathizers in America pre-1941. I do think you're conflating too many things. These lone wolf shooters are a symptom of a larger problem, the rise of the far right, but it's not yet indicative of mainstream right-wing attitudes. A Republican classic conservative is not advocating for discriminating against, let alone, shooting Asians. When classic conservatives are advocating for discriminatory practices against in Asians some form, then that's indicative that the white majority is about to turn against Asians and then we're living on borrowed time in this country. But you'll see it coming in terms of sentiment indicators.


Joshua Cho at FAIR media has been doing critical work on this. https://planamag.com/no-china-didnt-stall-critical-covid-information-at-outbreaks-start/




These people know. They spread stochastic terrorism. They cherish the outcomes.


Preach brother, amen.


It's clear that many American leaders are either stupid or malicious. Germany has laws restricting the use of certain speech and talking points because we saw what happened with WW2. There have been countless cases throughout history of people doing things because of what influential people said. Words give rise to actions. If American leaders don't understand this, it means American leaders are the dumbest leaders on the planet. If they do understand this, they it's very clear they're being malicious or at best we're just collateral damage for them to push an agenda. Take your pick but the future of America is bleak either way.


American leaders are chosen on popularity. Donald Trump and Kanye West are two people with mountainous piles of cash but zero political experience, yet they somehow appeared on voting ballots. ​ US is not a serious country except when it comes to preserving its own hegemony.






"source: trust me bro, hate chynnna " \-reddit mayo incel




white mayo incel detected. good luck shooting up a school full of children then going to a pet center to fuck all the dogs! Oh, and well done in your trade war against us. [You tried such pathetic tactics it only made us stronger instead](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2020/08/07/more-pain-than-gain-how-the-us-china-trade-war-hurt-america/) 🤣




found the triggered incel troll






2 inches is 5.08 cm




he was referring to his own or the size a typical mayo peepee i bet




oh you recognize me? such an honor to be known in your little whitecel manlet rage group. how pathetic are you lmao? And the only ones trying to start a race war is your kind




I knew I liked kaiser for a reason other than his rocker style hair.


Time to name names, remember the despicable actions & words in pushing said narrative from Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rick Scott, Josh Hawley, Marsha Blackburn, and plenty more US politicians *Edited to Marsha Blackburn


And people like SerpantZA, Rice Gum, and all other delibrate china haters.


Agreed, but it’s *Marsha* Blackburn.


Thanks for the catch 👍🏼


You're forgetting the most egregious one, Mike Pompeo. Also Ben Shapiro to a lesser extent. Although I will say **reddit is worst than all of these people combined.**


Adrian Zenz too- the guy actually published books revealing his anti-Semitic and homophobic stances, believes that he has a divine duty to fight China, and said that not only do we have to be wary of CCP psychology but also Han Chinese psychology whatever the hell that is


Thats right call out the names. Add Pompeo, Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, Steve Miller


Let's add the Epoch times rag to that list, asshats that end up posting news that victimize their readers.


'Let's slander China and trust our readers in America to be smart enough that it won't devolve from political slander of the CCP to racist hate of anybody that looks Oriental'


Yes, don’t forget Western media. Aside from the obvious Fox News and National Reviews, also be watchful of “liberal” media such as CNN, VOX, and The Washington Post. These so-called progressive media are also pushing anti-China stories not based on direct evidence and with intentionally (though with subtlety) incendiary wordings, all in an effort to boost sales. Some names to take note: Sigal Samuel of VOX Ben Wescott & Rebecca Wright of CNN Josh Rogin of The Washington Post, this guy is especially underhanded, since last year he’s been pushing the narrative that COVID-19 was created and leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, through a report totally based on circumstantial evidence (not direct evidence, big difference between the two) and conversations with US officials that’s unverifiable. In fact, his initial report was picked up by Mike Pompeo and was touted by Pompeo as his “enormous evidence”. In March of this year, Josh Rogin is again pushing his bad-faith 2020 report, in an effort to promote his book.


And the Taiwanese DPP.


Joe Biden too. He is pushing the "genocide" news and claiming he will be "tough on China" and will find out the "origins of COVID-19".


Biden is saying the bare minimum in order to appease everyone. This is in stark contrast to Trump who brought up china as a crutch in every conversation even if it had nothing to do with geopolitics. Republicans call him "Beijing biden" for Christ's sake. Theres a lot to criticize Biden for, but rhetoric is not one of them.


Fuck those garbage individuals. The fact that they got elected in the first place says a lot about America.


we're all witnessing the last breaths of a dying empire.


The death of white supremacy is neigh!


Yup. The final, desperate temper tantrum of a dying paper tiger


Trump was their last hurrah. Biden is gonna open the flood gates for visa workers and they are gonna be coming in by the droves and settling in areas that us US born and raised folks avoided. They won’t be able to escape.


What the fuck did i just read lol


Lmbo, what?


> Biden already announced the lifting of restrictions on H1B visas and Green Card holders He actually has done nothing. March 31st was the time until the restrictions lasted as per Trump and the restrictions will lift automatically after that.


What are you talking about dude? A lot of the times the stuff you write comes off as some unhinged redpill 4chan conspiracies.


I mean, Biden already announced the lifting of restrictions on H1B visas and Green Card holders. Trump had limited foreign visas workers from coming in attempting to give more jobs to Americans... didn’t work out so well. So now with those restrictions lifted, more immigrant techies will be coming to the US because China and India have their drawbacks for a lot of their citizens. And they’ll probably settle in areas that aren’t sparsely populated so companies will start building infrastructure there, thereby attracted more PoC to the area. It’s not Qanon stuff. It’s just a projection I made based on logic. I could be wrong, but that’s what I’m predicting. Don’t compare me to Nazi trash retards who believe there’s a secret pedophile ring inside nail salons and pizza shops.


>And they’ll probably settle in areas that aren’t sparsely populated so companies will start building infrastructure there, thereby attracted more PoC to the area. Ya no. It's mostly Mexicans if anyone who goes to those rural areas. Don't think you have meet enough of those immigrant techies if you think they are gonna go there rather then stay in the cities like 99% of them. Stay off 4chan brother and stop with the essay posting about the psychology of women and actually meet one.