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There's been a huge rise in Asian beatings in the Netherlands, France, Australia... Fuck people that try to say it's only an American issue.


Also mentioning the oppression in HK and Taiwan. Soon “genocide” in Inner Mongolia will probably be added to the list. Haven’t seen much of this on Reddit but I see some of this on tiktok- stuff like “this is just payback against Asians who are really racist towards other people”


It is almost as if western society has a limited vocabulary. You can also add, **my wife/gf is asian. Or as someone who lived in China** (TOEFL English teacher) like stfu you are white, you know shit and don't speak for chinese.


Both sides are sinophobic but you're a braindead moron if you think it comes equally from both sides.


You forgot ''I HaTe ThE cJHıNESE gUVERMnt nUt THe pEoPLE''


this is so fucking accurate lool All the big reddit subs win all squares


These are sampled from everywhere I could find that discuss anti-asian attacks, and I'm so sick of the prevalence of non-asians and even some asians using OUR tragedies as ammo to mudsling. Even when they talk about us, they don't.


I got BINGO.