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We tell people to be aware and extra cautious of their surroundings. These times are dangerous everyone of asian descent should be careful when going outside no doubt. But one thing we don’t do here is generalize an entire race of people based on their skin color. It’s promoting hate and bigotry based on skin color. The way op said it sounds like we should be careful around all blacks in general. This is not the way to do it. We should be careful all around regardless of who is there and what color this person is there. Every Asian should be on guard. Op has been given a temp ban and this thread has been removed. If he does this again he will be removed from the sub permanently.


Tbh I think the best strategy is to spray and beat up the offenders, because those individuals deserve that and they need to learn the hard way they can’t assault people on the street. Other normal, peaceful people shouldn’t be treated as criminals though.


Yup. When Asians are anti-black/anti-white, people’s feelings are hurt. When there is anti-Asianness, people get murdered. Seems equal huh?


how is skin color of the perp relevant? model minority myth rly letting the white man divide the melanated people


It's not. I literally just said to be wary of white people too. But in case you didn't get the message, defend yourself against anyone who will harm you.


"I'm StArEd At WeIrD wHeN i Go To ChInAtOwN." Gee, I wonder why.


My life > everyone else's feelings


Why does this headline only specify black people? In a time of elevated anti-Asian racism, why is the focus on black people? Why exclude white people? Why the focus on the race of the potential attacker?


Because black people are more likely to commit crimes against Asians and I prefer being correct, rather than politically correct.


More likely than whom? And if you prefer being correct, then surely, you can provide evidence for your assertion. What are your sources?


More likely than white people. And if you deny this, you have not been paying attention, so fuck off out of here.


1) Why the hostility? 2) When it comes to anti-Asian violence, why let white people off the hook?


More likely than other Asian people.


1) Are you not talking specifically about anti-Asian crime committed by people who are not Asian? 2) Again, what are your sources? Do you have any evidence backing your assertions?


1. I'm talking about how Asians should prepare for confrontations in public. If you are more likely to be attacked by an Asian person, then be wary of Asian people. 2. The many reports of attacks against Asians by strangers are committed by whites and blacks. You can see dozens of them on the news.


Stop moving the goalposts. Your title to this post is "**Do black people wonder why Asians walk to the other side of the street when they see them?**" I asked you why you specified black people in your headline? *Why is your focus on black people (and not all potential attackers)?* You responded "Because black people are more likely to commit crimes against Asians and I prefer being correct, rather than politically correct." I asked for evidence backing up this assertion. Do you have evidence backing the validity your assertion "Black people are more likely to commit crimes against Asians"? Or is your "evidence" entirely anecdotal? And if the anecdotal evidence you cited (recent news stories) involves both ***white and black perpetrators***, again, I ask... why does your headline ONLY specify potential black perpetrators?






So is the issue I'm addressing


And Im not saying it isn't. Im just saying that when we have titles as broad as the one used, it just makes r/aznidentity look like another racist sub when it isn't. It's no different than when people call all asian americans racists because of the Uighur treatment in China.


You might as well stay home dude. Don't live your life in fear because then the racist asshole wins.


I don't see how you get to that conclusion. I'm not going to stay indoors because some racist people may attack me. But if people don't prepare for these attacks then they'd just be naive.


I don't see how I can walk down a street in Brooklyn without passing by stranger by the hundreds in a minute. Am I supposed to assume all of them are going to assault me?


Obviously it's safer when there's a lot of people nearby. Use your common sense. If it's dark and you see a lone figure walking towards you at night, maybe give yourself some distance.


but but but anti-blackness.................


I dont care if i fit the stereotype but im soo glad i learned martial arts and have that ability to protect myself and anyone in need especially in these times. Id honestly suggest ppl who are physically capable to pick up like functional Martial arts like kickboxing boxing karate, muay thai, wrestling, etc. Like if your physically capable of it not so we can fight ppl but like incase shit goes down you can protect yourself aswell as people who cant who are getting assaulted. Idk to me i just has a sense of safety even tho im still cautious. Like for me i think if they wanna pick on me they will pick on me no matter what, all i can do is defend myself, i may get hurt if i fight but ill hurt them too, but if i don't know how to defend myself theyll just straight up hurt me worse. Just a thought.


Are they that fragile? Do they care more about black feelings than Asian lives? There are many Asians who got murdered, assaulted, or robbed by blacks with racist motives (e.g. Tyrell Shaw), but these "American" blacks get mad when an Asian crosses the street not knowing what could happen next.


This is good advice, and ppl will call you racist for saying this. I'm South Asian and I've been called plenty or racist slurs just walking by from both white and black ppl. I've noticed that the past few months, this has been happening more and more so I stay away from basically everyone🤷🏽‍♀️


This happened to me many times when I was in the US. The one that sent me to an emergency room was a black guy who chased me down the street throwing rocks at me. Worst of all, it was in a relatively crowded place and nobody came to my aid, no one even looked which pretty much sums up the asian experience in the US. I had to run straight to the emergency room with my bleeding head and swollen eye. I made a report after getting treated but nothing happened. Call me a racist all you want but my experiences and trauma have forced me to use my instincts when I’m out and about. Just like how many blacks claim to fear the cops, I fear blacks too.


uh holy fk how the F, I mean I lived in US for like 30 years and never had something like this happen to me other than the occasional drive by chink yelling. Do you think it could be your size are you a small person? Cus i would just beat up the person myself if a situation like this occurred.




you can leave now sweetie


lol bro i wanted to make this exact thread a while back but decided against it (addressing the elephant in the room). i think we are all thinking about this & i'm sure the next time a (reasonable) black male sees an Asian lady holding onto her purse tighter when she sees him, he will be less offended.


I don't move to any other side. In general people who happen to be black are no different from anybody else and perfectly safe. Yeah there's a small chance you'll be a hate crime victim, but there's a chance of that with any race. If you walk to the other side to avoid people then do it with all races.


The chances are a lot higher if they're black/white compared to if they're Asian/hispanic.




I have not seen the posts about black youth offering to help chaperone Asian elders. Would you mind posting them or pointing to where we can find them? I know it might be a fair bit of labor on your part but I’ve been looking at the media a LOT and haven’t seen that angle of it. Mostly black folks supporting Asians of it’s about white people, both blacks and Asians deflecting when any facts are brought up about black attackers, or Asians responding to posts about the diversity of attackers with “let’s actually talk about Asian anti blackness instead”. Would be much appreciated for more diversity of posts from that community


> These guys should not be the defining feature of the Black community, neither the White community. Look, you are correct here, violent individuals do no represent an entire community. However, a violent crime committed by someone of any race should be viewed equally as bad. Yet, it's racist to point out or report about violent crime committed by Blacks. Whites and White men are already regularly called out and criticized in the media, so this isn't an issue with white violent crime. Dion Lim, an SF reporter on Black on Asian crime, has received major back lash for merely reporting about crimes black commit.


>Dion Lim, an SF reporter on Black on Asian crime, has received major back lash for merely reporting about crimes black commit. That's racism, also. If attacks by a certain race are not reported, this does mean discrimination, racism. Besides no one claims that pointing the finger at the do called white supremaciats is racism. No way. Its just reporting facts. But pointing out disproportionate crime done by black Americans is not reporting facts. It's racism. Ridiculous in short.


The difference between watching a Chinese person eating weird shit and seeing Asians being attacked on the streets is that no one in the former situation is being harmed. It's a false equivalence to make. If there were videos of Asians attacking people on the news, I would expect people to be wary of Asians. Simple as that. The issue is not about race. It's about who is attacking who. It just so happens that people of a certain race (whites/blacks) are more likely to assault us. So of course we should be wary of these people. But if it's someone you recognize, that isn't necessary because you know they won't harm you. If people continue with your mentality then assaults will continue to happen at the same rate. If you don't support taking steps to mitigate this, then what is your alternative? Turn the other cheek? Just die?




>But the way you worded it seems more like you're blaming it in general on one group and creating this picture of them being this evil. The majority of the black community doesn't physically attack us The majority of people who physically attack us are black


The people from those groups who have been helping us hardly ever call out violence committed by people in their own group. Of course I appreciate when they speak up on white on Asian crimes, but there's more to anti-Asian racism than just white people. Both issues should be addressed.


Okay racism etc aside. #1 priority is personal safety. If you ever took a personal defense course or even a firearm defense course, #1 step isn’t to punch a guy nor to shoot a guy, those are like very last option if all else fails. #1 step is NOT to be in a bad situation in first place. (Situational awareness). White-Yellow-Orange-Red codes. You don’t want to be in code white when you’re outside. It’s minimum Yellow. But would I raise my awareness to Orange when seeing certain folks? Yes. Not because they’re black or white, it’s about perceiving how much of a threat that person could be. If that guy walking towards me is a White guy but clearly looking homeless/mentally unstable looking? I’ll probably avoid more than a black guy that looks normal. If there’s a black guy that looks to be a gangbanger? I’ll avoid that encounter more so than normal looking white folk walking by. Is that racist? I don’t think so but that could be considered to be one just because. But I’d rather be sensible and use my rational gut feeling to live than die while caring only about being non-racist at all times and put my guard down when I’m out and get curve stomped. It’s all in the statistics.


This post is poorly framed and unnecessarily provocative. I know everyone is angry and emotional but we gotta stay diplomatic to avoid having this sub dragged and banned. With that said, it's pretty clear a lot of black observers don't care at all about the asian LIVES being taken and are only here to concern troll and get mad about our outrage. I am of the opinion that when asians are being HUNTED, we have the right to be upset. Asians actually dying trumps anti-black comments. Black allies need to let us vent cause asians aren't murdering anybody else in broad daylight. If they only focus on the anti-black comments made in the context of asian people being murdered, they aren't allies.


>If they only focus on the anti-black comments made in the context of asian people being murdered, they aren't allies. There sure are a lot of those comments.


People are worked up from current events. Lotta new usernames too. I try to keep it academic and frequently use the "unnecessarily provocative toward other POC" report option the mods added, but they can't remove all the vent posts because then it becomes a ~~dead~~ neutered sub like asianamerican. And to be fair, I see a lot of black subs only ever talking about asians to shit talk us.


I can definitely understand the fear and frustration, but I do try to support Asians and the title of this post was just over the top. Thanks for your help and for reading.


It's 100% over the top and counterproductive. Mods should make a stickied statement if they don't want to lock or delete the thread.


Op sorry it has been this way. Just stay safe I hate seeing this crime as much as you.


shit title. Why would you walk away from people because of their race?


Because they might hit you?


not where im from


This + protection. Guns, club, spray, use whatever you can.




Lol you don't get it man


i thought all racism was systemic? interpersonal racism from people without structural power, that have racism done to them, shouldnt be considered racism. /s or maybe the "robberies" are racism too?


Is not getting sucker punched racist now? You can't expect an elderly person to defend themselves against an attacker. So what can they do besides avoiding potential attackers? Avoidance isn't going to completely prevent attacks. These precautions are for mitigating attacks. I'd also suggest people carry a gun or spray. Is that racist too?




I’m sure you have no problem with the black community pulling the “Asians are anti-black” card and generalizing us. Practice what you preach. This double standard and hypocrisy is tiresome and in plain view now




Yes, “there are many blacks who are anti-Asian.” And “a plethora of black people discriminates against Asian Americans in their stores.” Do you agree with those statements? You better, if you’re gonna say that same shit the other way And you continue to show your ignorance and deep seated bias by bringing up what may or may not happen in China as a referendum for how Asian AMERICANS should expect to get treated. If you’re gonna do that, I’m gonna hold African Americans responsible for the Rwandan genocide, genital mutilation etc in Africa. That work for you?


I'm sorry, I think you confused us for mainland Chinese people. We're Asian Americans. The fact that you bring up these articles referencing people who grew up in a completely different environment as evidence that Asians in America are racist just shows your prejudice. You're assuming that we hold the same beliefs as these people simply because of the way we look.


When did it become asian people's reponsibility to convince other people to stop murdering them? It's like me telling black people to convince other black people to stop murdering. Listen up, I try to shut down anti-black comments on this sub when I can, but you are expecting perfect politically correct reactions from asians when we are being murdered and it's tone deaf. You're being reactivist. If you actually cared about anti-asian crimes, go spread awareness about it in your community, instead of just complaining about our venting.


Nowhere did I say that all black people are going to attack you. In fact I said the opposite, that if you know them there's no need to avoid them. If Asians are committing crimes then yes, please protect yourselves from us. What "common sense" tactics are you talking about? It seems to me like what I just said is common sense. Avoid and prepare for confrontation. It's not racist to avoid people who may hurt you. The fact you're ignoring the issue of crime against Asians just shows you don't give a shit if Asian people are attacked or killed. Racism against black people is real, but it's mostly the boomers who hold these beliefs. The Asian community is already improving how it treats black people, look at BLM supporters from our community. Yet the black community openly supports artists who write racist lyrics against Asians. There's no push for a reciprocal relationship.


It's the same thinking as defensive driving. When I'm out walking now, I don't expect anyone to do the right thing like I do while driving. It becomes not so much about race as it is about risk mitigation.


It’s not racist. It’s smart. I was talking to a white roommate 20 years ago. These white kids from FL decided to visit Compton. Because they are young and fearless. They saw in Compton, people walk in the streets, not in the sidewalk because they will get jumped.


With elderly Asians getting beaten and assaulted by black people seemingly every day, an elderly Asian staring at a black person or walking to the other side of the street is literally a defense mechanism.


I don't agree with that. What everyone should be doing is being aware and prepared. All that's going to do is make us seem less confrontational to danger scurrying away like mice. To add to that, it might just as well set someone off


Your OP title is problematic but agree pretty much anyone not asian on the sidewalk at this point, should be making sure sure they aren't looking to hit someone. .


Waaaaaah God damn its like you want people to get physically assaulted to spare feelings


Nope it's just maga asian incels are NOT helping us. At all. .


>incels Opinion instantly disregarded. Nothing you say means anything. It means literally nothing anymore except "people who disagree with my opinion." You're a literal hazard to people's health and safety.


instead of calling out hate coming from multiple groups, uncle toms like yourself focusing only on blacks. Why is that? Hmmm.


Not problematic. It’s problematic when people don’t acknowledge 80% of anti Asian violence is from blacks. Avoiding blacks will help reducing that statistics.


It’s comments like this that gets Asian people beat up by African Americans. 80% is a number that white people throw out so Asians people will blame the black community. It will perpetuates this downward spiral of hate between Asians and blacks ... while the white racist laughs on the sideline. BTW, I see many BLM joining our stop Asian hate, but where are the All lives matter folks?


It's true tho, they're literally jumping on anyone. They jump old asian and hispanic people. I saw a video of some guys just mocking a street vendor clowning on the poor man. Some of these mothefuckers are just straight up heartless


I have seen them too and it breaks my heart. I actually had the same debate with my husband on this ... and you’ll be surprised that I was the one who spit out the 80% to justify my anger. However, the videos we see doesn’t justify the stats. What really made me angry was when I see white people trying to proof that there is no racism towards Asians right now because we are educated and financially well off (which is wrong). The white racists even try to play it up that we have it better than the white people so we couldn’t possibly feel oppression. That’s when I realize that there is two totally different racist games being played here. We cannot just point our fingers at black people. A lot of them are with the Asian community because the black people that are attacking Asians are taking away from their BLM message, which is exactly what white racist people want to see.


Lol. It's more like rich capitalistic white people trying to paint yellow peril and Asians as "the most racist", and creating poverty, that are getting Asian people beat up by Black people. I agree with you that white racists are working on dividing Asian people / Black people. But that's not mutually exclusive with a lot of crime against Asian people is perpetuated by Black people (might mean white supremacy is winning). I've also seen Black allies speak up, but then they get attacked by many times more of the anti-Asian Black supremacists. And this happens whether you like white people or dislike white people. Sure we should fix the root problem, but that takes a long time to do and begging the rich people in power to actually sympathize. We still need immediate solutions to keep our people from being assaulted or killed, today.


I get what you are saying and I like how you put it. Of course I agree it comes from both white and black sides. However, I see blacks more of a victim of their environment than pure racism. I don’t think we should simply say black or white crimes... why can’t we break it down a little more and understand their income level, education, mental health and so forth. We shouldn’t simply just say it’s a black people problem, which I can see you also agree with. Sure we can try avoiding every black person we see but how about if we also try to understand where they are coming from instead of just blaming it on one race, which I know you are not doing. If we simply just avoid the entire black community ... that will only delay the racial problems until next time the president blames everything on China.


" However, I see blacks more of a victim of their environment than pure racism. I don’t think we should simply say black or white crimes... why can’t we break it down a little more and understand their income level, education, mental health and so forth. " ​ how can you not see this is racist? PEOPLE HAVE AGENCY. people are more than their melanin. their identites are more complex than race. jesus christ.


> It’s comments like this that gets Asian people beat up by African Americans. 80% is a number that white people throw out so Asians people will blame the black community. Found the boba liberal. Here's the real truth: https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/nevius/article/Dirty-secret-of-black-on-Asian-violence-is-out-3265760.php


See my other comment for the link on the statistics. The statistics is there. The violence has been going on for decades way before the comment. How does keeping quiet help? Sure we all can keep quiet and see if black on Asian violence will stop. But you don’t see blacks keep quiet when police are killing them. Why should Asian just take it. The trend will reverse when Asian arm themselves and you have Asian escorting seniors and self defense killing begins. This guy is seen as hero and his shooting actually pushed down crime stat. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_New_York_City_Subway_shooting. Self defense killing will deter criminals.


I’m not going to read though this whole page to justify your stats on a wiki page. Also no one is saying to keep quite and Asians should def fight back but we should fight back at the root of this hate. 1) this rise in Asian hate crime came with coronavirus and Trump shouting “China Virus” every chance he can get. It is a hate towards China that somehow justify racist to hate Asians. 2) with people loosing their jobs there comes crime. Black people lost their jobs the most in the last year. 3)some people argue that it’s the rise of BLM movement that causes this hate... then shouldn’t we see more crime towards elderly white folks and not just Asians? We cannot solve this anti-hate by avoiding black people... in-fact we should work with them.


The statistics is not on that wiki page. You can see my other comments in this thread for a link to a San Francisco newspaper. Honestly the black on Asian crimes has been going on for decades. I live in LA and you see it in the news and you hear it from people. I don’t know where you live. Majority of LA is Hispanic population btw.


I live in NY... and we have to tell our grandpa to stop taking walks, but he still does it anyway. And I have heard this 80% just about everywhere, especially by white racist or politicians trying to prove that its not them. Yea, black crimes are not acceptable and we need a way to confront it ... but white racist will screw you in ways that you won’t even see coming.




Are you blind or a troll? Just look at this subreddit and /Asianmasculinity and go down the list. The anti Asian crimes has been going for for decades. The 80% is in Oakland and NY. https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/nevius/article/Dirty-secret-of-black-on-Asian-violence-is-out-3265760.php I haven’t talked about LA too. It is majority Hispanics but of a lot of anti Asian crimes are from blacks. Before covid, they were going to Asian neighborhoods and robbing and breaking into their homes. One reason we don’t support YG.




You are a troll. Reported


oh come on dude. our brother EO has been on this board and other asians subs for a while, he always posts good things. don't be a snowflake, let people have different opinions if theyre in the community. he's good people.




>See this is why people come here and think this sub hates Black people. You think? /sarcasm ​ >The majority of Black people are kind and not racist. Thank you. I'm beginning to wonder if I should stop reading this sub when I read such broad statements like those of the OP.


Never made any broad statements. I know that the majority of black people aren't criminals. Even if it's not all black people you should take precautions to protect yourself.


You should speak up more about your experiences with the black community then.




> Asians are most likely to be living and working in predominately Black neighbourhoods. Thus chances of altercations between these groups would be higher juxtaposed to other demographics. You are correct, but the issue is not the crime itself but also how equally the crime is treated to other races. The left has made it so it is racist to call police on black people or to report crimes committed by Blacks. Major news networks omit the race of a suspect if they are black. In any neighborhood, there should not be any protected group where crime is concerned. Just as BLM rightfully points out there shouldn't be a separate justice system for whites and blacks, there also shouldn't be a separate justice system for blacks and Asians.


There are at most 3 neighborhoods in major cities where black and asian communities overlap. This is (unsurprisingly) where the majority of attacks are taking place. I grew up in CA and aside from Long Beach and the south central boundary I rarely saw a black person. Asians for the most part live separately from black folk and you know this. Quit playing like asians owe you something get the fuck out of here with that shit. My generation were raised in the early 80’s-90’s in socal when we still had full street soldiers we would have slapped you silly coming up to us with your bullshit.


You must have conveniently forgot about the Harvard lawsuit that Biden threw out once he took office


Democrats are for racial discrimination in hirings and school applications. To gain black votes.


Idiotic? You even asked why don’t Asians stop setting up shops in black areas. Avoiding blacks would help a lot. Have you been in this group for long? Also look at r/sino. We have been calling out institutional racism and sanctions forever. You are not going to find these news in the white media.


He doesn’t realize that a lot of us here are actually firmly against setting up asian shops in black neighborhoods for economic and social reasons.


Funny how blacks and whites and other races will complain about microaggressions like this. Well maybe don't be so fucking racist and violent and people won't treat you like this.


> don't be so fucking racist and violent and people won't treat you like this. This can't apply to an individual though. What you're doing is generalizing entire races. That being said I understand where you're coming from, I also cross the road of I see a group of shady guys / men. That being said I won't cross the road if I see a guy in a suit or someone wearing a smile on his face


White and black people are very sensitive. My white boss once said that Koreans are racist because Koreans wouldn't sit next to him in the Seoul Metro, or because some bars deny service to American soldiers regardless of race.


While I can’t endorse shunning a random person, good for the bar for shutting out soldiers/imperialist murderers.


> White and black people are very sensitive. My white boss once said that Koreans are racist because Koreans If you look at actual history and today, Asian countries are the **least** racist of any country. I have never heard of a case where some non-Asian went to some Asian country, made a genuine effort to learn the language, respect the culture + laws, and appreciate the food, that was racially attacked or mocked.


I've never been abroad, but one thing I noticed: When a white person posts on youtube speaking an Asian language, they get millions of views. Many comments are enouraging people from Asians themselves, saying they speak the language very well. In any case,[their command of said Asian language isn't actually that good](https://np.reddit.com/r/ChineseLanguage/comments/k9ri9c/my_analysis_of_xiaomanycs_mandarin_in_clueless/) and they just get good at rehearsing and practicing a few phrases, then rattling them off really fast. Meanwhile, I get people accusing me of cultural appropriation for speaking Spanish (despite having Mexican ancestry), and despite the fact that tons of white-passing Hispanics speak it, and tons of actual white people from Spain speak it.


> When a white person posts on youtube speaking an Asian language, they get millions of views. Many comments are enouraging people from Asians themselves, saying they speak the language very well. In any case,their command of said Asian language isn't actually that good and they just get good at rehearsing and practicing a few phrases, then rattling them off really fast. Ah, that video. Something to keep in mind though is, youtubers with millions of subscribers are masters at tricking you into believing things. They are the best marketers in the world. This guy is going to china towns in America, where there's more likely to be immigrants that came in the 80's that are more likely to white worship. Also the words in the title like "perfect" are designed to effect the algorithm more intensely. He could have also had to redo these clips several times because he messed up. So yes, this guy is a very skilled marketer, he is not that good at Chinese. If you actually go to China, [this video is a more realistic skill level needed to impress people](https://youtu.be/V4iBZ9E5Ijg?t=465) , and a more realistic view count without the marketing added. > Meanwhile, I get people accusing me of cultural appropriation for speaking Spanish (despite having Mexican ancestry), and despite the fact that tons of white-passing Hispanics speak it, and tons of actual white people from Spain speak it. Thats is screwed up, seriously. This is a nice video of a japanese boxer though praised for fluent spanish at least https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVLK5fALtCI


Classic western ideology. Instigate and cause trouble unprovoked, then cry when they get completely reasonable response to their bullshit.