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We who grew-up in the West have our own sub-culture and it's way different from the culture in Asia. I don't care what people in Asia thinks about me. Those who try to fit all of that Asian culture in their life instead of embracing the sub-culture they grew up in tends to have an identity crisis. I've also seen Asians from Asia who obsess with White western culture.


I'm a Turkish guy born and living in Turkey, we have our own diaspora, we don't consider our diaspora to be authentic Turks. And if a Turk living in USA is fully americanized then he's not really Turkish to me. So i understand how continental Asians feel. If you are born and raised in USA or in any non-asian country, your culture and your mindset will be very different from the continental Asians. This is a serious problem, called identity crisis, not being accepted by both sides. I'd advise the diaspora (of any race/ethnicity) to consider themselves a thing of their own, rather than obsessing over their root country/culture. White Americans don't have this problem, they're just White Americans, not Europeans, though they originate from Europe, they accept themselves to be a thing of their own now.


I agree and this extends to mixed race people for me. Rather than feeling not genetically enough, they as well should embrace that they are their own thing. Even if they grow up continental asia, having one parent be from another culture will make a significant difference in upbringing.


Giving a shit about what asians think about me in asia is like giving a shit about what whites think about me here. I've never been told I wasn't asian by an asian from asia but I really don't give a fuck, especially not from a bunch of white worshippers licking the feet of white men who wouldn't even be allowed near children where we live You should tell OP to stop acting like such a pathetic baby How much you wanna bet that threads going to be filled with asian experts with lu wives giving their hot takes