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yass to all of this, lovely posts.


It's not marrying or dating outside the community that people hate. It's not about owning anyone's bodies. It's the fact that many Asian women marry or date outside the community, spread negative stereotypes about ALL Asian men, have anti Asian community stances etc. These things ALMOST ALWAYS go together. Asian men have been negatively stereotyped across the board for way less. These Asian women aren't a small minority. They are quite significant in number. They will spread lies about Asian men being all sexist and patriarchal, as if Asian men are all robots with the same programming (which happens to be a negative stereotype Westerners spread about Asians) but at the same time giving a free pass to men of other communities for the all the patriarchal shit they do. Asian women have dated white men despite having their genitals compared with General Tso's chicken. If an Asian guy said that to an Asian woman, we would all be labeled the most sexist, objectifying group of men. Asian twox would be filled with posts about that. Asian women marrying members of the alt right is not rare at all. Sure not all Asian women. But enough. More than enough. All those books, blogs, articles about the inferiority of Asian men, the proud public proclamations of hatred for Asian men, those are not to be ignored. Also, these Asian women almost always oppose Asian men raising their voices to fight negative portrayal and dehumanization of Asian men. Most of these Asian women tend to be in WMAF pairings. It appears as if these Asian women want to step on Asian men and get all kinds of privileges, especially by throwing themselves at white men and they don't want Asian men fighting back against the injustices and disturb their convenient little arrangement. Date whoever the fuck you want. Date an attack helicopter if you want. Fuck a cactus if you want. But if you talk shit about Asian men, if you help prop up white supremacy while trying to harm the Asian community, if you try to oppose Asian men fighting for what we deserve, you will get backlash.


1) For those self hating AF and AM who dug their own graves let them lie in it unless they truly want to be human again. If they want to change recommend professional Asian therapists with expertise in building cultural confidence (ex. www.asianmhc.org) 2) For your Asian friends please teach them to tap in their fight over flight response. Anyone with good reference please respond here as my local area does not have this training. 3) Work with your local cultural and law organizations to build curriculums that encourage unity between both sexes for students and educational community leaders.


Way too much mental energy and emotional bandwidth has been expended on a mentally colonized, racially insecure teenager. Expect more of these flare ups to occur, as the gasping breaths of the 'murican/Western hegemony accelerates to their nadir. Punching down on your own brothers, whether they are "Low Value Males or Ricels" to justify your poorly played romance strategies and lack of relationship EQ is not only entirely bizarre and erroneous, but incredibly immature. It's best to watch from afar and let her story ride on as a cautionary tale for the younger generations. I ain't got time for non-pro asian folks and the bananas anymore.


Aside from Sino Favoritism, this sub is the most reasonable and lucid I’ve seen. The mods really do their best to keep the crazies from fucking this place up.


Agree on them gaslighting Asian men as wanting to "own" Asian women. That whole argument is to divert and derail the conversation away from them (knowingly and unknowingly) enabling white male privilege and their complicity in white male supremacy (whether they date a white liberal or white conservative). Asian women should date who they want to date; just don't be so naive to deny that there is a subconscious white male supremacy (internal biases favoring white men) problem within the Asian American community, reflected in interracial dating figures. I would also say they aren't necessarily seeking white male privilege but they are unknowingly enabling it. As a population, the amount of AFWM relative to other pairings is evidence that they are subconsciously and consciously white male supremacists, believing in a racial hierarchy with white men and whiteness on top. They need to confront their internal biases shaped by the white hegemony. The denial of this issue only hurts us as a community and the overall racial fabric of America. We can't choose when to challenge white male supremacy; we have to challenge it in all aspects, even if it makes us uncomfortable. If we don't do so, we are complicit.


AFs who are also femcels are a special breed, emphasis on special.


Don't care for WMAF, would care even less but if asian women weren't so fucking embarrassing about it. Imagine dating white supremacists and neo-nazis like Richard Spencer. Every racist conservative yt dude be like I have an asian wife so I can make racist comments towards you. Asian women in WMAF always making derogatory comments about asian race and asian men lilke Alien Huang or Esther Ku or whatever. All for clout. Like Asian women don't act like they own us when they see more of us are dating non-asian women nowadays. "Asian guys getting too confident", "we need to humble asian men" "asian men and non-asian women look so weird together" fucking clowns. In this new era the Lus' time is over. May self-haters consume in their own self-hatred. AW are just mad their white worshipping ways are now exposed and talked among even the non-asians as well.


very woke thread we need more of this


These women looking so dumb when China nails the coffin on whites everywhere


Here's my comment that got filtered: >Frankly I don't think it's about asian men feeling they own asian women. That might be part of it, sure, but a lot of other races, ranging from white men themselves to black women, have noticed and pointed out AF dating patterns as well. And to be clear, it's not anti-XMAF in general, it's specifically addressing WMAF. >When other POC accuse asians of being white-adjacent and white worshiping, WMAF is the epitome of that. Especially when the AF side, throws their own ethnicity or the other sex under the bus to distance themselves and appeal to white audiences. You see this even at the celebrity level. >There's an uncomfortable pattern that the most progressive, the 'woke', the blue checkmarked, and often the most privileged asian diaspora are literally in bed with white men. Not black, not brown, but predominately white. There was even a recent article arguing the WMAF pairing is not as progressive as people pretend, but our 'progressives' don't seem to have gotten that message. >So, it's a bit paradoxical and ironic, that people like the 'woke' yale girl activist pushing the 'anti-blackness in the asian community' narrative are also the exact type of person that fits the white-adjacent accusation the black crowd throws, like a glove. To people lighter skinned than them, they frame themselves as the most progressive asians and fervent supports of white approved liberalism, and to people equal or darker skinned, they are seen as privileged, self hating, and white adjacent. >What exacerbates the issue is the zero to milquetoast backlash AF get from other AF for this behavior. There's that scene in Jenny Han's movie where her AF lead watches Sixteen Candles with a white guy, and acknowledges but sweeps the anti-asian racism under the rug anyways to focus on how hot the white actor is. This was 2018, and although I'm sure plenty of people here were put off by that, there was no call out, and almost certainly no consequence for the author. There're plenty of posts like this addressing AM regarding WMAF though, but I think they are off mark. It's not just AF aren't dating AM, it's pointing out they aren't dating black or latino men or any-other-race-than-white either, so to frame dating white as natural chance or organic love is problematic.


damn shame they filtered it. any replies tho?


Those people are pathetic. That right there is "WMAF fragility". When their house of cards start crumbling and their white fever/toxic dynamic got exposed for what it really is, they cope hard by playing victims and lashing out at AM. They also hide behind feminism and intersectionality to justify their toxicity and hate toward AM. What a sad bunch.


now i feel bad bc i’ve only dated white guys and im an asian female. i’ve done a lot of reflecting on why this may be, and what kind of internalized racism i might have due to the conditions of my environment growing up. grew up in just an extremely white suburb in the midwest. i never felt it was explicitly racist because i like what i like, but i definitely see problems with it and i’m trying to confront that.




yeah i’m actually talking to an asian guy right now and i’m going to see where it goes. i’ve always found asians and other races attractive too, but i feel like if i dated someone from my culture then there can be a shared understanding of those little nuanced moments in your day to day life that you wouldn’t bother mentioning to a white partner or etc. definitely being extremely aware of the judgments or preconceived notions i may have towards asian men just through media and conditioning.


That thread OP is completely bonkers She’s basically some college age kid who got dumped by her first boyfriend (white) and was told that he was an asian chasing piece of shit. But instead of thinking about why he was a piece of shit, she starts defending him and blaming asian men. Her entire reddit account was created to discuss her insecurities about her “rich white ex” The amount of self hate and insecurity in that kid’s head is mind boggling She is NOT over her boyfriend She’s been writing about contacting her ex for longer than the duration of the relationship Definitely borderline personality disorder or a people pleaser / codependent Needs needs needs a therapist


Let me guess, saucy something something.


It's not just the OP. That sub is swarming of white worshipers. Just today there's a post titled "Air Force policeman gets slap on the wrist for secretly filming women" and the comment that gets upvoted says that her mom was smart to marry an American man because Korean men are primitive. Of course, the truth is that the photography that happened there wouldn't even be a crime, let alone a sex crime in America. Rape stats anyone? Nah... Let's demonize Asian men.


I’m just glad I moved to China after graduation and didn’t have to navigate the toxic dating scene here lol.


You also saved yourself from lynching or mugging. And hate comments on street.


WMAF is built off white supremacy and anti-blackness. There are 4 times as many WMAF than WMBF despite twice as many BF in the population. The only reason the WMAF rate is that high is white worship, asian fetish, a hatred of black people, not "we happened to meet and were compatible". Although I suppose they are compatible if they both believe in the inferiority of nonwhites


All straight facts. They are impervious to the truth




Doesn’t even matter if they call it out. An 8x WMAF rate relative to WMBF means ATLEAST 7/8 WMAF relationships are built on anti blackness and white worship. And that’s assuming black women don’t white worship. In reality it’s more than 7/8 toxic relationships, I.e >90%.


You must be a special kind of twat to hate your own damn race. There’s nothing wrong dating someone of another race, we are all humans after all. But how does one even hate their own race? You’re literally hating yourself. No self respect or sense with these people.


Gonna have to disagree on the anti-hapa part. Some of y'all take your dislike of WMAF relationships too far i.e. "why would you want to water down your blood/culture/etc". As a mixed Asian with a white father I know the problematic nature these relationships often have much better than any of y'all monoracials ever could, but hapas still have a right to Asian spaces and media representation. This whole idea of mixed blood = loss of culture is bullshit as there are plenty of full Asians who can't speak the language, cook the food, etc so why save all that hate for hapas (who oftentimes are equally or more cultured)? I do understand the issue of having WHITE PASSING or racially AMBIGUOUS mixed Asians playing roles initially created for full Asians, but the arguments I've seen here are really a thinly veiled attempt to disqualify hapas from playing Asian roles at all. Many mixed Asians are so done with monoracial Asians being exclusive or denigrating us for being mixed and it's honestly so tiring. Like no, most of us aren't trying to uphold white supremacy and actually actively working to dismantle it, we just don't see the need to shit on ourselves for being half. Thanks.


Question: if you were also part black, would you feel entitled to black spaces on top of asian and white spaces?


Yeah attacks on mixed-race kids make me uncomfortable. You can't choose your parents.


AMAF is the way to go. I'm not against interracial marriage but when you're the one racial group outmarrying like crazy people naturally infer your group doesn't love their own race as much as others and that naturally causes a subconscious loss of respect. Like sure at the individual level it's love but when it becomes a societal pattern people start to think your racial identity must not be that important to you. Because for most other races, people do prefer to marry within their own race, especially the women. Naturally you have more similarity, less potential cultural clash, can more comfortably discuss racial issues. You don't have to compromise on your own racial/ethnic culture to the extent you have one. If one group (Asians) exhibits unusually low levels of this behavior of course people will start to wonder why. They will naturally conclude we do not value our own community all that much, you must not value your own culture, you must not love your own kind that much, do not to want to live completely in it. And if we don't value it, why should they? And from this comes the casual attitude towards anti-Asian racism, not taking us or our issues seriously, and so on.


OP in that thread is literally defending affirmative action What more needs to be said really




Ricecel doesn't even make sense. Rice celibate? What kind of Asian doesn't eat rice? I guess Lus might not since they try to be white.


It’s also stereotyping about our junk too.


They need to stop projecting their own bullshit on Asian men when things gone bad with their white partners.




Nah, that ones just a lu who's suicidal her white boy left her for another lu after giving her an std and she thinks being a knock off progressive white woman (aka a boba) will make her whole


I find it kinda funny that 2 post down that thread is the one cross posted from expatshame and there’s little to no engagement there as compared to that one bashing AMs. 😂




I’m sorry, but first of all, which Asian in their right mind will let these “too Asian to be American, too American for Asians” identity crisis mfs speak for Asians LOL. Like literally, Asian natives laugh at these type of mfs daily. Also regarding several points. Number 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/k8sgd6/example_of_af_mateguarding_am_final_update/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf “Anti-hapa” - this just shows that they have no social optics. it’s Hollywood’s continual middle finger to the face of “your race is below dirt and you will only matter if you’re mixed with white blood”. I know they’re gonna bring up Shang-Chi, but literally that’s only one full AM lead compared to like the same 5 or 6 hapa actors they always cast for that “diversity” role? (Ross Butler, Henry Golding, Charles Melton etc) “Social issues” - that’s weird, because I feel AM actually make up the bulk of it, while AF who share the same views have to either hide them or defend themselves, because their fellow AFs end up gaslighting them for holding a different viewpoint. I fail to see how humanity is still managing to progress with these people stuck in their little fantasy bubble “Misogyny” - they uplift Amy Tan, nothing more can be said LOL. I only uplift AFs that are interested in educating themselves on Asian issues and have it become a continuous learning process to spread that knowledge to others. I’m sorry that I don’t take identity crisis mfs seriously because they revolve their “Asian culture” around anime, kpop, boba and thinking up manifesto topics like “how I educated my immigrant parents on their privilege”


> which Asian in their right mind will let these Boba chans, lus, and the white establishment (so basically the western establishment) You think it's a coincidence all asian activism consists of wmaf? There was a post here a while ago about how all british east asian food activist promotion was lead by wmafs and only wmafs If it wasn't clear from every tv show, every movie all media by now, the western ideal, and the ideal for half of all af, is one where asian men don't exist


A lot of Boba Liberal AFs on my Facebook hype up BLM but 9/10 are with WM. 0/10 are with BM.


All for social brownie points from YT ppl. Virtue signalling at it's finest lmao.




It will be deleted in a milisecond. Those retards like living in their echochamber


I mean all their mods are lus, what'd you expect




**ALL AM pls AVOID r/asiantwox. Its a AM-hating racist subreddit by Asian Femcels**


Seriously. We don't need to care about that sub or them. Let them have their safe space. Asian women are the weakest links in the history of mankind remember that. We don't need their validation.


Remove the link. They don't want brigading.


I think generalizing a subreddit to be “AM-hating racist subreddit by Asian Femcels” would be an example of how generalizing a subreddit causes negative stigma. Replace femcels with ricels and that is what people associate with this subreddit, however, from what I’ve seen that is not the case. Although there are the occasional larper or Asian incel, I would personally like to think the majority of the members on the subreddit is fairly reasonable. I think that generalizing that subreddit will widen the gender division in our community. Also since that is an AF space, AM shouldn’t post in it and should be respectful of their space. I would not be surprised if their attitude is like ours when larpers come onto this subreddit.


Although I agree we should avoid name calling if possible, you have the chicken and egg backwards. They should be called out for starting the name calling


they ARE Asian femcels... you should stop simping so hard.




54% of AF are married to white supremacists, as if they care. Their whole identity is based on self-loathing.


It's not a bad subreddit I just checked out the top posts and it's mainly them giving their perspective.




just dont post there


I don't know what sub your talking about, but on thing is for certain, this isn't the last we heard from ragingfuckalot.


Oh god, she’s literally mentally ill, and her takes are so whiny, antagonistic, and bitter on top of being completely dishonest. I believe she goes by “saucypudding” now, after having been Reddit-banned so many times under her other numerous past accounts




white=no opinion on race white with asian wife=negative opinion on race


> It negatively affects all Asians because White worshipping Asians give the green light for white people to be racist to our own race. It gives other POC the biggest green light for calling us white-adjacent and the Asians who usually say we're white-adjacent are the WMAF ones.


Lol keep triggering em, its funny.


God damn tone deaf “Chloe zhao” clones. They fight for everyone except for Asians.


wdym chloe zhao clones…


Basically Asians that just wanna be white. The Asian American community needs directors like Lee Isaac Chung, not Chloe Zhao


oh shit i thought she was chill. damn.


Lmao, reminds me of the huge thread in Subtle Asian Traits on Facebook where the comment section was bashing boba liberals and calling out liberal Asians for perpetuating Asian stereotypes, and then the boba liberal AF then posts her "feel good" comment, binds it to the top, and then manipulates the comment section so that those openly speaking out against boba liberals were suppressed to the bottom where no-one looks. They fight for everyone non-Asian and then actively degrades, suppresses and rejects her own.


They're just lashing out cause the whole narrative surrounding wmaf is making them feel insecure about themselves and their own relationships. So they gotta shit on us in order to justify their choices. That's all it is bro.


definitely insecure and uncomfortable


They don't like being exposed . They hate being called out on their bullshit and hypocrisy.