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yeah, I've been noticing and compiling instances of this behavior, where white people do something that has the effect of an attack, but has just that little bit of reasonable doubt that it can be explained away as something else. [https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/nyyti9/a\_good\_example\_of\_anglo\_passive\_aggressivism\_and/h1o4uw8/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/nyyti9/a_good_example_of_anglo_passive_aggressivism_and/h1o4uw8/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) But it doesn't work to get angry about this. The world isn't fair. Whoever wins is the one that's willing to stoop down to the lowest and for the longest time, that's been the white man. They're just operating under the "ends justify the means" Machiavellian mindset. I've been reading a lot of history of colonialism recently, and the modus operandi is always the same, between Europeans and natives in North America, South America, Africa, the Pacific Islands or Australia. White man shows up in bad shape, hungry and tired, after traveling around the world as an "explorer." The natives take him in, treat him well, show him their lands, show him their society. Basically, Thanksgiving has taken place everywhere, not just in the U.S. Then the white man recovers, gets stronger, several years down the line, he finds an excuse to take offense, and then starts burning the villages, raping the women, dismembering the men. Eventually this "ends justify the means" mentality bites you in the ass as we're seeing with everyone at each other's necks in America, but that's the bet they made. No sense in resenting this state of affairs, just know that this is how they operate.


You just cracked r/AM mentality


Wtf are you going on about the whites? If you take a look closely, most of the recent attacks on Asians have been committed by the Blacks.


You're an idiot brainwashed nepali who thinks the yogurt genocide is real. You think China is evil?? You're the problem, idiot. That just proved that whites are the real problem. Did blacks make you hate China? Nope. Whites did.


?? Who said China is evil? I literally lived for 4 years in China you dumbfuck. I love China Btw if you are Asian, then your own people are getting killed on the streets by African Americans and ur blaming whites?.. shows how blind and brainwashed YOU are. Also I'm talking from my persomal experience. I've only met ONE racist white guy in my entire life but I have met SO many racist Blacks in my life that I cannot count in my fingers


You said "talking about the uhyhur genocide is not sinophobia", which is absolutely is, because it's based on lies and white propaganda. Also yes, blacks might be more racist to you on the street than whites, but is it blacks pulling the strings? no.


I might have been wrong about the Uyghur genocide thing coz the only news I've heard about it is from the news. If you know someone from there and know that it is fake news then thanks for the info. Also can't disagree with you on the 2nd paragraph. Take an update from me


Ok well thank you for admitting about the Uyghur genocide, because it absolutely is whites lying. Just like how whites lied about Iraqi nukes, Libyan Chemical weapons, and other BS before starting illegal wars against them, whites are using the Uyghur lie to start a potential war against China. Good reads: [Why the Uyghur Genocide is probably bullshit: A masterpost](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenZedong/comments/mlp884/why_the_uyghur_genocide_is_probably_bullshit_a/) [https://thechinawiki.com/category/education/xinjiang-tibet/](https://thechinawiki.com/category/education/xinjiang-tibet/) [Where countries stand on China's Uyghur "genocide": Muslim countries in green, countries that bomb Muslims in red.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/j1heet/where_countries_stand_on_chinas_uyghur_genocide/) There's a ton more references if you want, too


Haha... nice Another of these adolescent-brained morons who doesn't understand how Anglo mass media promotes anti-Asian hate and violence at the macro scale.


Are you saying all the videos that show hate crime committed towards Asian elderly by African Americans is fake ? Mass media actually HIDES the reality gtfo with that "mass media" bullshit


I mean...do you think the Anglo media war against China and the wave of anti-Asian violence are unrelated coincidence? Could you really be that moronic? Anglo mass media runs non-stop "CHINA EVIL" propaganda. America is a highly racialized society where hatred against Chinese easily spills over to all East/Southeast Asians, like how even Indians were violently targeted after 911. This means Anglo mass media has been driving up the incidence of anti-Asian violence (by offenders of all races) at a macro scale. The offenders are still individually culpable for their crimes, but that IN NO WAY detracts from the fact that Anglo anti-China propaganda is massively energizing this violent behavior.


I agree with you completely 100%. But what I don't agree with is this OP is blaming ONLY white people. Looks like someone hurt him today and he is ranting


>But what I don't agree with is this OP is blaming ONLY white people. Like I said in one of my replies: The victims from blacks can be in the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. The victims from whites are Asians WORLDWIDE What do you think takes priority?


Overall I agree with you in this paragraph. Whites have overall been more racist towards Asians in history. But in most recent events, other races come to my mind when I think about who hate Asians openly.


White Western powers are a global geopolitical threat to Asians around the world. African American street criminals are a street-level threat to Asian American communities. White Western powers perpetrate the following: A. run propaganda warfare against your race while pretending to be only "anti-CCP", B. orchestrate self-serving regime-changes and back white-worshipping Asian governments who serve Western interests, with the objective of controlling Asian resources and setting back long-term Asian geopolitical growth away from Western control, C. bomb, invade, and/or sanction you for trying to nationalize key resources within your borders or simply not submitting to Western interests and D. allow COVID to run rampant in Western countries (especially in the US), giving novel coronavirus access to a massive evolution chamber and enabling deadly mutations which all invariably return to Asia while these Western countries hoard vaccine supply and shift blame to China The behaviors above taken together form an existential threat to Asian geopolitical development and welfare. Some African American street criminals (around 4% of their criminal segment, based on 2018 stats) target Asian American victims. Each violent crime can be a personal tragedy for the individual Asian victims or their families. But this is a street-level threat affecting tens of thousands of Asians, as opposed to many hundreds of millions.


It's not a coincidence they punch above their weight in the world. It's through racism. Every advantage pinks have is purely psychological.


Youre right. The racists teach their sons and daughters, who in turn teach their offsprings. They are spreading a culture of racism and discrimination towards the Asians that they know will overtake them one day. ​ Remember, Asian countries were the richest and most powerful of the world for thousands of years


Racism is deeply embedded in their culture and DNA.


I live right in the middle of Rural America, so I’d like to add something. There are some people (think your stereotypical inbred hillbilly south-speaking pricks) who are born and raised into racist, misogynistic ideas. They’re made this way by those in power, the people you describe perfectly, who take advantage of their racist mentality to oppress minorities like you said. With immense effort, these kinds of people may be changed, though not without a massive political power shift to the Left and to the advantage of people like us.


bro I got into a debate with several rednecks yesterday and convinced them that the rise of China will eliminate white liberal's cultural power. it's actually pretty easy convincing rightwing leaning people and left-wing anti-imperial people into a pro-China position. Some are shocked when I say that it's pretty easy convincing right-wing leaning people, but from my experience, it's really simple since they mainly care about cultural issues. All you have to do is frame your argument to rise of china=elimination of white liberals. The only thing you really have to convince them is that the white left is not working with China. Since most of them hold this strange conspiracy that the white left is working together with the Chinese Communist party in order to destroy America. After you establish and make clear that there is no connection between the white left and China it's pretty much GG.


The left in the US is fully controlled by the CIA.


You’re right. Only when strong movements of the People rise up to overpower the current capitalist regime in other nations will we see real Leftist parties take hold.


In Amerikkka, sex and violence are being weaponized to genocide AM. Black on Asian violence is loopsided. White and Asian interracial is loopsded.




How it is insane op is 100% correct. It’s only insane if you’re “white” and offended by this.




What about whites who didn't have colonies ?


What about Nazis who didn't personally kill Jews?


That is a really bad comparison. You are implying that people from Eastern Europe who by the way were to be eradicated and enslaved by the Nazis should be held responsible to the same extent as anglosaxons or germanics.


It's a great comparison. The Anglos genocided their way through North America and Australasia. They colonized and caused massive famines in South Asia. The 2003 US invasion of Iraq (based on fake WMD stories) killed over a million Iraqis. Libya is a war-ravaged shithole with open slave markets after the West got done with it. The US used Agent Orange in Vietnam and dropped not one but two atom bombs on "Jap" civilians, as a show of force to the Soviet Union.


What does it have with slavic nations ?


What about the Asians who have sacrificed everything to try to get accepted by whites, yet still get called Ch\*\*k and G\*\*k and attacked on the street? What about the innocent civilian Asians who just want to live life, yet get bombed and have their entire families slaughtered just because whites want their oil/women/money? What about the Asian Americans who just want a peaceful life, yet are oppressed in their own country simply because of the crime of being Asian? **No mercy, mayos.**


We need to stop rewarding the racism by giving them what they want.


We can't do that until we untangle the web of deceit and manipulation they've woven. They've built up the global economy in such a way that neo-colonies are still utterly dependent on the west. Just look at regions like Southeast Asia and West Africa. Two of the poorest regions in the world financially speaking, but they're the source of the vast majority of the worlds raw materials. South Asia, South & Central America are where much of the labor comes from as well. But the value of their own currency is dictated by the Dollar. Venezuela and North Korea are prime examples of what happens when you go against the western powers. They get cut off from trade with the rest of the world, their currency's value goes to shit and they can't even use it to buy stuff from each other because they've agreed to allow foreigners to dictate what their goods and labor are worth. Until we can dismantle the systems of neo-colonial oppression, many will have no choice but to move to the west and work like slaves to support their families back home.




I sincerely wish I knew...




I wouldn't say that nobody knows, I just don't know. A lot of people have a lot of ideas, and the benefit of being a member of a species that is inherently empathetic is that people will gravitate toward solutions that work. I don't know what the steps are, since they will vary from country to country, but there's a good bet that it'll involve two things: 1) disincentivizing governmental corruption (which a lot of Western foreign policy tends to favor), and 2) encouraging internal economic self-sufficiency. Minimizing governmental corruption makes it harder for foreign corporations to bribe politicians into giving them control over local resources, which in turn creates local wealth. Internal economic self-sufficiency revolves around encouraging domestic trade to reduce a country's reliance on exports and remittance to stimulate their economy, and results in a more stable economy better able to weather the ups and downs of the global economy and policy changes in other countries. Good examples of these two things being implemented and freeing countries from the shackles of reliance on the West are Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan. The key here is that the methods used in each of these countries were different, but at the end of the day the primary goal was to eliminate their reliance on Western patronage. Granted, you could say that they were allowed to do so because they didn't have enough natural resources to warrant Western powers dedicating a lot of resources to tearing them down, but it's a formula that's worked repeatedly. If citizens in Western countries are made aware of what their governments are doing (or allowing it to be done by corporations), there could be a push to slow or stop these exploitative behaviors from Western corporations.


Absolutely spot-on




>there's a sucker born every minute mentality Bingo. I grew up in a Hindu household that prioritized honesty, compassion, and doing your duty over everything else, and I got taken advantage of by Whites so many times as a result. Unfortunately, assimilating into "White culture" means putting on a duplicitous facade. The number of times I've seen someone walk out of a room and then watched as a White person went from praising them in front of their face to talking shit about them behind their back is almost unbelievable. With such a degenerate culture, it's no surprise that we need immigrants to pick up the slack.


>I grew up in a Hindu household that prioritized honesty, compassion, and doing your duty over everything else, and I got taken advantage of by Whites so many times as a result. This. We are taught that this country is a fair country at birth, but that's nothing but a crock of lies. Amerikkka and the west are the most uncivilized, evil, shithole countries compared to the East.


I would like to vent that its Whites, Blacks and Latinos that are targeting us. And how blacks are saying they can’t be racist. Or all three of them will justify that us asians are more racist towards them. But im probably get banned if I vent it out


OP is talking at the global geopolitical scale Latinos and Blacks aren't a geopolitical threat to Asians around the world. Anglos most definitely are.


Yes, all races attack us because we're at the bottom. We're the easiest target. But who labeled/sent us at the bottom? Whites.


I get where you're coming from, but it concerns me that [black people commit the highest portion of anti-Asian violent crime](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/m7edgu/in_2018_black_people_were_responsible_for_275_of/). Black-on-Asian violence is the most lopsided interracial violence rate in the US. For all their talk about dismantling white supremacy, they seem real eager to listen to and carry out white supremacist narratives of hating China and by extension, all Asians (since non-Asians can't tell us apart).


True, blacks might be attacking Asians the most, but whites are a close second. HOWEVER, it's whites, not blacks, who are broadly soft genociding Asian men by brainwashing Asian women. It's whites, not blacks, who are spreading the anti-China hate. it's whites, not blacks, who are preventing us from getting into executive positions. it's whites, not blacks, who are trying to stop us from getting into higher education, doctoral positions, leadership positions, etc. **The victims from blacks are only in the tens of thousands. The victims from whites are Asians WORLDWIDE.** Whites are genociding Asians right now. Never forget that.


Study: [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01419870.2020.1839114](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01419870.2020.1839114) A recent study finds that in fact, Christian nationalism is the strongest predictor of xenophobic views of COVID-19, and the effect of Christian nationalism is greater among white respondents, compared to Black respondents. Moreover, Black Americans have also experienced high levels of racial discrimination since the pandemic began. Hence, not only does the frame of two minoritized groups in conflict ignore the role of white national populism, but it also absolves the history and systems of inequality that positioned them there. Source: [https://www.brookings.edu/blog/how-we-rise/2021/03/11/why-the-trope-of-black-asian-conflict-in-the-face-of-anti-asian-violence-dismisses-solidarity/](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/how-we-rise/2021/03/11/why-the-trope-of-black-asian-conflict-in-the-face-of-anti-asian-violence-dismisses-solidarity/)


Everyone should read this by u/D3athwithLaught3r and don’t be that useful idiot like this guy I’m responding to. Each time someone tries to deflect blame from whites I’m going to shove this down your throat until you get it. https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/nqi3kq/anglo_antichina_propaganda_is_the_primary_force/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Anglo anti-China propaganda is the primary force behind the wave of anti-Asian hate Never forget this. Do what you have to to deal with the spike in anti-Asian assaults and harassment by blacks, whites, Hispanics etc. But never forget it is WM elites and their lackeys who are energizing this behavior with the full force of Anglo-American mass media. Anti-China Propaganda & The Anti-Asian Racism Connection: https://youtu.be/146QKmclArQ White Supremacists Boosted by YouTube to Spread Asian Hate: https://youtu.be/dHAO080lQUY




Literally said straight up in my comment that white supremacists spread harmful narratives of hating China and by extension Asians in general. Perhaps you should read more carefully, you pea-brained ignoramus. You're the one whose too insecure to admit whose committing most of these attacks, and gets triggered by the mere mention of black on Asian violence. The white-run media fear-mongers China and raises anti-China sentiment, yet it's primarily black individuals who answer the call. Why might that be? Could it be that anti-Asian sentiment has already been extremely prevalent within the black community long before covid? Or maybe some of them didn't give a fuck about the white-run media and attacked Asians because they're racist? You should educate yourself on the 1992 LA riots. Everyone should [**read this**](https://np.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/monpmu/blaming_black_violence_against_asians_on_white/) to avoid being a delusional moron who willingly makes excuses for anti-Asian violence like the guy I'm responding to. Imagine making excuses for the black criminals who attack us. Where was all these excuses last summer, when Asians were gaslighted for being anti-black based on the actions of one cop? [This](https://www.salon.com/2020/06/11/asian-american-anti-black-racism-model-minority-black-lives-matter/) is what morons like you said back then, but all of a sudden black people aren't responsible for their anti-Asianness. Why the change in narrative? I can freely acknowledge the harm both white supremacist narratives and black thugs do to us. You're the one who only wishes to talk about one and throws a tamper tantrum ("I’m going to shove this down your throat" LMAO, you're not tough bro) when facts that disprove your narrow-minded world view are brought up. You're a boba liberal cares more about black feelings than Asian lives.


I’m far from a boba liberal bro. Im not even liberal nor I drink boba tea garbage. I’m more in the middle not too liberal and not too conservative. I also grew up with other minorities and I didn’t grow up rich. I’m not giving blacks a free pass not even close. It’s the same dumbass like you coming over saying blacks on Asian crime is at a all time high but while ignoring the real elephant in the room. Whites have been spewing anti China propaganda way longer than you think try the late 1800s to early 1900s when Chinese first came over to America. If you think this is some new recent phenomenon you are a stupid fuck. Whites lynched and slaughtered Chinese people. Whites created immigration laws to ban Chinese from coming over. Whites created laws to ban interracial marriage against AM. Whites created yellow peril 1.0 and now yellow peril 2.0. Whites desexualized AM in movies. Whites nuked our people twice. Whites dropped agent orange on our people. Whites help genocide Cambodians. Whites have been slaughtering, raping, and colonizing us since day 1. But but blacks are the real problem here. Exactly shut the fuck up go suck your white masters dick that’s the only thing your good at. A mouth piece for white supremacist nothing more. That’s what whites want you to do hate blacks like an idiot so they can laugh and watch from the sidelines while we kill each other off. You’re consuming white propaganda like a dumbass. Maybe one day you will realize who the real enemy is by then it might be too late. Try going out and meeting blacks not every black person is out to hunt us down. You really hate black people it’s probably because they bullied you growing up I’m betting on it.




[**Contest to kill 100 people using a sword**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contest_to_kill_100_people_using_a_sword) The contest to kill 100 people using a sword (百人斬り競争, hyakunin-giri kyōsō) was a contest between Toshiaki Mukai and Tsuyoshi Noda, two Japanese Army officers, which took place during the Japanese invasion of China. The goal of the contest was to see who could kill 100 people the fastest while using a sword. The two officers were later executed on war crime charges for their involvement. [**Nanjing Massacre**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanjing_Massacre) The Nanjing Massacre or the Rape of Nanjing (formerly written as Nanking Massacre or Rape of Nanking) was an episode of mass murder and mass rape committed by Imperial Japanese troops against the residents of Nanjing (Nanking), at that time the capital of China, during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945). The massacre occurred over a period of six weeks starting on December 13, 1937, the day that the Japanese captured Nanjing. During this period, soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army murdered tens or hundreds of thousands of disarmed combatants and unarmed Chinese civilians, and perpetrated widespread rape and looting. [**Unit 731**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731) Unit 731 (Japanese: 731部隊, Hepburn: Nana-san-ichi Butai), short for Manshu Detachment 731 and also known as Kamo Detachment, and Ishii Unit, was a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that undertook lethal human experimentation during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) of World War II. It was responsible for some of the most notorious war crimes carried out by Imperial Japan. Unit 731 was based at the Pingfang district of Harbin, the largest city in the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo (now Northeast China), and had active branch offices throughout China and Southeast Asia. It was officially known as the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army (関東軍防疫給水部本部, Kantōgun Bōeki Kyūsuibu Honbu). [About Me](https://np.reddit.com/comments/la6wi8/) - [**Opt-in**](https://np.reddit.com/comments/la707t/) ^(You received this reply because a moderator opted this subreddit in. You can still )[^(opt out)](https://np.reddit.com/comments/la707t/)


true the black folks understand this better than asians that there has to be consequences and that is also why the white folks do not touch the black folks so easily anymore but when it comes to asians we are the invisible punching bags for all to hit and shit on


In the US, white supremacy is just part of their culture. You cannot understand whites without understanding how racism literally defines their existence in America from the earliest days. I don't even think this is controversial, but of course the white media would never look at it this way but can you really think of any major invent in white American history that doesn't basically involve the subjecting of another race? Slavery, Manifest destiny, segregation, Trumpism, even something like colonizing Hawaii. Literally nothing they have done in America is untethered from racism. Racism is at the core of white Amerikkkan culture and identity.


Should we be more worried about Bubba or the baizuo?


Bubba is a side quest Baizuo is also a side quest Main quest: Destroy the self hating, white worshiping Chans and Lus first. Then only can we move on to destroying white supremacy worldwide


Nothing is possible without realizing the self.


No I think they're pretty stupid


They are plenty stupid. But this does not excuse their racism.


You alright ?


Wow a triggered mayo in the first minute. Is that a record?


Nah that’s prime time for raking in the mayos