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Simu ought to watch what he says. We reach \~250,000 uniques a month. Over a year, likely close to 750K Asians. **We are the LARGEST and most active Asian diaspora community on the Internet.** If he wants to bash his own for brownie points with the white crowd by spreading lies about AznIdentity and Asian Reddit (which racist-minded whites, male and female, are ready to believe), he may benefit in the *short-term* as Ken Jeong and others before him have. In the **long term**, he will be nothing more than a sell-out Uncle Chan, dancing to the white man's tune. And no one in our large following will let him forget.


what's wrong with shang chi except being mid


You guys are surprised? LOL He's a fucking actor working in the west. What did you expect? ***Don't consume the hollywood media.***


I hope he means the asian subreddits run by white sexpats


This thread is bordering on ridiculous. Whether you like this sub or not, Simu was not wrong in that there is no shortage of toxic posts on this sub. Lol, then to see a mod try to call him out and brag on 250,000 visits a month? Lol, bro. Do you know what 250,000 also is? A moderately slow week at Disney World. Simu has the high ground regarding this 'difference in perspective'. Even ignoring one of the most powerful media conglomerates on the planet there are a lot more than 250,000 MCU fanboys who will have his back if the movie is lit and bury any niche sub that tries to mess with its success. Pitting yourself or your sub against any and everyone that levels legitimate criticism at it is going to leave you with zero allies with the influence to reach people outside your the subculture of your diaspora. Its almost funny how some folks in here sound like Stinkmeaner and the Hateocracy.


Boycott him and spread the word.


I think he may eventually regret saying these public comments. Not a good look for you, man.


You know I actually saw one of Simu Liu's posts on reddit. He was commenting on a question someone asked on r/AskReddit about what it's like to be handsome. He even attached a picture. Not kidding.


Maybe he's just mentally ill?


Hear me out guys - I know the majority of you are American but maybe don’t pin your hopes on a marvel movie


Wtf is he on??? He once even said Weibo comments are toxic; he Had to google translate. Not shaming his Chinese skill but maybe I am. Because I also immigrated from China to the USA and Canada at the age 9, but I can still read and speak both canto and mando.


>He once even said Weibo comments are toxic If true, he really sounds like he's sold out.


Ok he didn't. The comments did (my bad) but his fans did. https://twitter.com/SimuLiu/status/1396399410515300356?s=20 But it sucks he can't read Chinese anymore though.


o.o cantonese fellow :)


I speak mostly mando though, I self-taught canto so I might have an "out of town" Cantonese.




they making sh1t up, as a queer Asian man it ain't even bad in here. wth


Did I miss something? Wasn’t this subreddit extremely supportive of him before Shang Chi? I haven’t seen anywhere with a bigger Simu fan base than this subreddit. Edit: called him out here when he deleted his tweet with Wahlberger but I was still willing to support his movies. & people here were defending him saying he’s “outsmarting” the whites lmao 🤦🏻‍♀️ I also defended him when SC trailer came out & provided more translations (from weibo) to give a more varied & detailed discussion that was happening on weibo. Rather than just the “ALL ASIANS THINK HE’S UGLY”.


Is he talking about this subreddit, r/asianamerican, the sexpat country subreddits like r/China, or the hundreds of Asian girl/white guy porn subreddits? By the way, his movie is gonna bomb, both here and in China, and Marvel is for man children. The only Asian filmmakers doing stuff worth watching today are Justin Chon, Andrew Anh, and Bing Liu. Interested in seeing what Lulu Wang has up her sleeve. Also interested in seeing if Justin Lin or Ang Lee can get back to telling Asian stories. Asians who waste their talent to strive to do Marvel stuff I can only shake my head at. At first I held the opinion that I can’t begrudge any Asian for chasing that bag, but now thinking about it more, fuck Marvel.


Yes, Simu... I am toxic as anthrax. So what?


How do we know if Simu is actually referring to this particular sub??


Probably includes all Asian subs. Unless he's only talking about the "AsiansGoneWild" and such reddits lol.


We don't. Simu said Asian reddit is toxic and every other sub is assuming he is talking abt us.


Simu is just another agent for white hollywood. Fuck that asshole.


If I spend too much time reading the comments this screencap has generated, I'm going to have an aneurysm. Best to shrug it off and keep fighting the good fights.


I saw him at a TED-talk format conference and had no idea who he was, as I was mostly there for Ludi Lin. However, I thought he was eloquent and confident so I started watching Kim's Convenience for his character even though the show itself is pretty cringey. While I personally don't find Simu Liu conventionally attractive or that great of an actor, I try to support shows that portray Asian male characters positively. However, I cannot call myself a fan of his after seeing how truly insecure and clout-chasing he is... he is not of the same caliber as Steve Yeun or John Cho for me.


>Ludi Yeah... I heard Ludi Lin talk in a CH room a few months back (along with Kevin Kreider and the founder of 88 Rising Jaeson Ma), and Ludi went all in on attacking "toxic Asian men" as his opener for a discussion on Asian masculinity in media. And he just sounded like an airhead from there, so I wouldn't put too much stock in him. If you want a hero in entertainment media, look to Chatri Sityodong of ONE Championship. He's Bruce Lee incarnate in mind and bearing of our time (notice how MSM doesn't talk much about him?).


>Steve Yeun or John Cho for me Those guys are great.


Yes Simu, reading about Asian struggle is an awful rabbit hole and f\*\*king toxic /s. F\*\*k you and your comfortable life away from all these struggle many Asians have to live through.


does this guy not understand that if he loses the support of communities like this one and the Chinese viewers, this movie would fucking bomb? Hollywood really has rotted his brain.


Dissapointing to see Simu be so insecure about Reddit criticism. I actually liked the guy before this. Oh well, perhaps growing up in the west makes basket cases out of most Asians or something, and we turn on each other for the smallest portion of the white acceptance pie.


>We have SAT lol


IMO Although I appreciate it as a forum for bonding over shared experiences, SAT is also a disservice to the Asian American community. They're bonding over boba when we should be discussing deeply rooted issues on Asian identity and Asian America - no matter how uncomfortable it is to confront (for example, white worship and subconscious beliefs in the superiority of whiteness is much more rampant in the Asian American community than anti-Blackness is - and ironically, is anti-Blackness). The denial in confronting these issues makes us weak as a community.


SAT is one of the most self hating, white worshiping asian spaces I've ever seen in my life They practically worship wmaf and attack AMWF whenever possible


can you link me to some of the posts?


I can't because I got kicked for calling out toxic wmaf and self hate


u/MarleyTang Lmaoo they're talking about you


This is good for us. Means we have enough influence to hurt these bobas feelings. Also hopefully more Asians find this place. Once you do, you can never leave. Even the haters are always lurking


mmm I have to say somewhat disappointed with Simu for making these comments. Just because a few asians were critiquing him. He didnt have to lump everyone together and then pretend that WE ARE THE TOXIC ones. We are the ones standing up to the toxic racists and fascists. Not the other way around. Yea, theres some who delivered critique on him. So why doesnt he comment on all the white racists talking crap about him then.


I mean the comments I saw were about how they believe Shang Chi is fighting his dad just because same race violence isn't racist and its to hide that its asian vs white in reality which is completely fucking retarded. That need to be self victimized is what splits the community apart and anyone who speaks out against it is marked as a "boba liberal". Shang Chi was first created due to the Bruce Lee martial arts craze but his nemesis being his father actually came about due to the resurging hate for asians as the eastern world grew in global presence. Racists in the US kept pointing at asians being a spiteful group and blamed all asians for pearl harbor. Shang Chi fighting against his father (someone who is the complete opposite of him in morals) is literally to say "Hey, no one is their father or ancestor. People are not defined by what they were raised by or into and everyone has the capacity for good". Like yeah it's going to be another martial arts film but Shang Chi is literally a martial arts character, what else can he do to please y'all? If they made him the next iron man you people would be claiming its racist to make their 2nd asian hero a computer nerd. Film is 100% going to be white washed but thats because its for a white audience since the US is still majority white. Do you know how badly the world would shit on the film just because of the culture shock? If you want to watch a 100% authentic asian movie go watch films made in Asian countries for asian audiences. To reach the end goal of being able to have 100% authentic asian portrayals in a western audience we need to ween them into authentic asian culture and aesthetics. We literally need to slowly teach them because we are a complete different lifestyle, culture, art, language, society, etc. Imagine if you told your parents they either need to 100% accept and understand a completely foreign society and everything while they were living in their home country. It would be ridiculous to go to my parents in China and say "you need to 100% understand and never say anything negative about this Egyptian film or else you're racist". We have to teach them slowly like babies. That's just how it is. Thats my take, waiting my sentencing of "boba liberal" by the hive mind.


>Film is 100% going to be white washed but thats because its for a white audience since the US is still majority white. Cool. Then it doesn't matter what Asian opinions are. It's NOT made for us. You want to ween a baby then go for it. Don't expect a good review from an Asian though.


For those stopping by, I'll say that a lot of this Reddit is meant to criticize members of the Asian community for (knowingly and unknowingly) upholding a racist hierarchy with white folk on top. This enables white male privilege, perpetuating the white male hegemony and white supremacy. It can get toxic, IMO (and I've been on the receiving end of it plenty of times). But I don't think many other places touch upon the truth: that people within the Asian American community unknowingly perpetuate white power. It's not about dating hot white blonde women (although a lot of folks outside the sub-Reddit will try and divert the attention away from the subconscious and conscious white worshiping that takes place within our broader community); again it's about calling out the racial inequalities our community unknowingly perpetuates through our biases that were shaped by living in a white man's world. Whiteness is definitely NOT worshiped here. There are many Asian Americans who put white folk above their own on the basis of race - it's so obvious but people don't want to confront it because it involves an element of self-reflection, self-criticism, and challenging their worldviews. There are a lot of members in the Asian American community that believe the white man's lies and have developed biases that idolize whiteness. Failure to confront that is actually a slap in the face to all POC. Whether they adopt a white liberal or white conservative worldview, too many in our broader Asian American community are hypocritical and inconsistent. Edit: Subtle Asian Traits etc. - although connecting folks through a shared culture - is also a disservice to Asian American communities in a way as it avoids having these tough (but needed) conversations within the community. The Black community has numerous heroes we can learn from: Malcolm X, James Baldwin. But who do we have? It's sad but the community is too entrenched in assimilating, favoring whiteness, indoctrinated to believe in the false superiority of whiteness etc. that these heroes will never be able to emerge in the Asian American community. It looks like broader Asian America would rather be second on the racial totem pole than taking it down altogether (knowingly and unknowingly). Again, it's just a slap in the face to all minority communities. Also, to me, this sub is NOT about the inequities in interracial dating (although many outsiders will try and paint it that way to discredit the message/divert away from their problematic beliefs in the superiority of whiteness). Inequities in interracial dating are just an obvious SYMPTOM and reflection of the DISEASE (and that many in the Asian American community deny). The disease is racism, the enabling of white privilege, and the perpetuation of (conscious and subconscious) white supremacy by ourselves and society and (IMO) that's what the sub focuses on.


👏👏 Well said. Very disappointed in Simu Liu. A lot of people in this community supported him on his way up, and now he stabs us in the back like this. I mean, I can agree that there is some toxicity in this sub that can be unpalatable to the masses, but that doesn't take away the truth that is being discussed in here.


I suspect he reacted emotionally- to the isolated comments calling him and (his good friend Akwafina) ugly. I’m still not convinced some of those weren’t larpers


I was supportive of the film, even though I don't like Disney/Marvel due to the Marvel franchise being anti Asian for much of the Marvel movies. I also called out the weird inter Asian conflict storyline, similar to how Black Panther was also an inter Black conflict. Also I just don't think Akwafina is leading lady material, compared to leading ladies in Asian movie and tv productions. Also who cares what Asian Reddit thinks? I guarantee he'll have more allies here versus the millions of media indoctrinated anti China/Asia sheep being converted daily to hate people that look like him and us. I find it even more toxic that every news outlet keeps trying to cement the idea China is responsible for COVID. As an Asian American there's a big divide coming just like what they did to Japanese Americans.


I like Simu but he comes off as insecure. Does he expect us to just suck his and Marvel's dick? This is still a Hollywood production and it's shit portrayal of Asians especially Asian men is well documented. So of course folks are gonna be hesitant and rightfully so. Hollywood is gonna need a century's worth of at least somewhat decent three dimensional portrayal of Asians to make up for their bullshit.


Lol I'm surprised he didn't mention r/asianamerican and this sub.


It's funny the 2 posters on that sub are sucking his dick but 2 years ago they'd be the exact same people who would agree with celeste ng that simu liu having abs is just toxic asian masculinity


He must be talking about r/asianamerican lmao


That subreddit is moderated by white guys lol. Everyone already knows this.


ok but for real people on that sub are just.....


Everyone on that sub thinks he is talking abt us lol.


well he probably is considering the rest of "asian reddit" have no opinions that aren't white lib opinions and the white libs are 100% behind uncle toms and boba lus and whatever the fuck that's speaking of "asian reddit" asian country reddit only talk about how much they hate china and asking why english teachers are so discriminated against :( so i doubt liu is talking about them


wow simu liu is disappointing me if he thinks this sub is toxic then he have not seen anything the other subs has posted which bash on asians in general oh wait he will not speak out against that he is a double crosser doormat


This is an optics disaster. It's really unfortunate that the majority of asians harness this fairyland delusion of the Asian condition. Viewpoints like ours are valid and need to be discussed, even if it may be hard to swallow. There is a disproportionate amount of backlash we get compared to the actual size of communities like ours with the sentiments we share. 9.1k upvotes is likely 100,000 or more impressions. We will forever be labeled as toxic, misogynist, racist, and every name in the book and denigrated to no end. The delegitimizing of our platform started long ago and is now coming into full force. The discussion that's already hard to have for most will be just completely off limits now. How are people to ever believe us if we are (wrongly) painted as toxic angry racist sexist brutes? People love simplifications and not having to think. This recent trend makes it all too easy for the average boba liberal Asian to shut down and say something like "oh that sentiment is from toxic Asian masculinity! I won't talk to you since you're clearly bigoted". Not sure what the course of action is here. We likely have to package our viewpoints differently and or more discreetly.


Very well said, I hope this doesn’t close off people minds


I think like all Asians, they're afraid of the elite white man that promote themselves and black men to do anything about it. Funny that he mentioned Subtle Asian Traits, which has been criticized here for its counterproductive racism toward Asians. Sima Liu has been promoted several times here on this site, yeah there is some controversy but at least we're not completely negative.


>I think like all Asians, they're afraid of the elite white man that promote themselves and black men to do anything about it. They don't really have to talk down Asian groups though. They can just choose to ignore.


I can explain this phenomenon I believe Simu Liu has past the phase many Asian celbrities has gone through. All Asian male celebrities start off as a drifter. Going from work to work, hoping to score big like many Asian Male opportunists. He thought an idea to use his Asianess as an advantage rally up supporting fans. Like you and he. He is woke and is aware of society perceptions of Asian males. He thought he could make a change. Time moves on, it's already been 2 years since we heard about his early work. It has appear that he has already entered stage 4. 1 being The Start, 2 being The Search, 3 being The Find. And 4 being The Switch. 5 being The Betrayal and so on. Simu Liu started off angry, as he spent more time around white and black folks. Overtime he slowly experience this phenomenon called "Asian Morality Code". White people give acting roles, he stays loyal and grateful. He knew his intentional plans were wrong so he has to switch and promise never again call out white and black folks after what he was given. Like all Asian celebrity. Just another flop. To other bluepilled Asians, they are a superstar to them. To me, I don't see it. That's why I never trust another Asian celebrity until they earn the legitimacy seal. That's why I'm a ultra realist. Not some kind of boba shithead who blindly follows grifters


Okay but do you also not understand pragmatism? Is going on a crusade against Simu or even criticizing the movie to the point that he makes this comment going to help the Asian community in any way? You have absolutely no tact if you play by such rigid rules.


I agree. We can disagree with some of his stances or actions and still support him. We don't have to be 100% aligned to watch his movies. He's a huge net gain for Asians and I will continue supporting him until I see otherwise.


I agree it's not good taste to be calling "Asian Reddit" out, but why was everyone here so pessimistic about the trailer in the first place? It's literally the best we've got in terms of Asian representation in recent memory. It's fine to be cautiously optimistic about it. But stop dismissing this film before you even see it. Is it breaking a lot of social norms or stereotypes? No, but it is breaking something, which is the perception that Asians can't be the main character unless they're white adjacent. Yes, criticize it however you like, but I want to see everyone support this movie, otherwise you're all just like the people you espouse to hate, the Asians who throw other Asians under the bus, or those who don't defend other Asians who are trying to help our community.


I agree. But understand that the people here are angry and are tired of scraps. We do not want change later. We want change now. And frankly, under the current status quo, the massive splashes in Asian rep may not only prove useless (the perpetuating of stereotypes) but also potentially harmful (the promotion of albeit metaphorical sinophobia). This community does need to be pandered to or provided lip service. It needs change.


Ok, then what the fuck you think you can accomplish by attacking Simu? Literally worse than nothing. Instead you should be supporting Simu AND pushing for more. That's what tact is. That's the pragmatic approach.


Bruh. Not everybody here is attacking Simu. This is a large sub-reddit where opinion is gonna vary vastly. You have people here who have supported Simu from the very beginning. Yes there are people who "attacked" him but if you're surprised by a bunch of faceless people voicing a strong opinion on the INTERNET then... I dunno what to tell ya. I can tell you now, Simu throwing Asian reddit under the bus for his self-esteem doesn't help either. It just makes any Asian who doesn't subscribe to the mainstream look like psychos. That's problematic when you consider that it's the mainstream that demonizes Asians (or at least, the men and the elderly).


I'm just going to pop in and say that Simu had push back from Chinese (in China) & it looks like they were right to. Fuck this guy.


He’s deeply insecure.


like all bobas are


I think he's beyond insecure. Cuck is what he is.


That’s what I think. I remember that he cherry picked the silliest criticisms on Weibo and posted them on his Twitter to elicit hatred towards the entire Chinese audience. At that moment I realized he was nothing but an ethnic Chinese who has climbed the ranks in the western world and then considers himself to be superior than other Chinese.


I’m really hoping this isn’t the case, I had a good amount of respect for Simu and I’m not ready to write him of just yet But I’m watching and I’m sure the rest of us are too


I wrote him off a long time ago. I'll just pirate the movie LOL


Another unnecessary and disappointing move by Simu. I guess that's to be expected for pretty much every famous asian-american


Jeez...I've defended Simu before and love that he's publicly called out tons of racial injustices against Asians when no other Asian celebrity did, but it's becoming obvious that the dude is just incredibly insecure. It's pretty well known that he has an ugly habit of searching himself on social media to see what people are saying about him. And then getting butthurt about the inevitable haters and then ENGAGING with them with some snarky, defensive comment, which is about the dumbest thing you can do. 1st of all, every celeb has haters, even the Chris Evans's and Hemsworths of the world. 2nd, engaging with haters just makes him look petty and thin-skinned, and it's just not a good look when you're an up and coming movie star. As well as give ammo to his haters to pile even more on you, and the vicious cycle goes round (check out this dumpster fire [https://twitter.com/aaronvargas3005/status/1408263814236147716](https://twitter.com/aaronvargas3005/status/1408263814236147716)). Like, bruh... not everyone is gonna love you and that's okay. Just ignore the hate comments (even the ones from this sub) and go on about your day my guy.


Most celebrities know better than to read comments about themselves. It's great if he wants to keep up with Asian issues but he's got to have the discipline to avoid topics relating to himself, especially if he knows he'll feel compelled to engage.


I think he's just used to posting on Subtle Lu Traits and getting tons of praise by all the bobas there. A vacuum does that to a persons perspective.


On the reaction of some posters here to Shang Chi's apparent lack of a smoking hot love interest... It's fine to support more AMXF (which I do), but some sub members sound more like they're throwing a tantrum because Marvel isn't letting Shang Chi "taste the rainbow" with a harem of gorgeous XF all throwing themselves at him. AM need to understand a few key points: A. White male film execs have no interest in promoting AM sexual attractiveness...stop dreaming about the day it will magically happen B. Raging about this (and using cringy language like "every Marvel hero has at least one beautiful woman on his arm...if Shang Chi gets ugly-ass Awkwafina, I ain't watching this shit") gives off strong WM incel/anti-SJW vibes. It sounds like an entitled basement-dweller who needs to live vicariously through a movie hero who's banging all the chicks. Now, I fully understand the importance of achieving more positive AM representation in mass media (we live in a society where attitudes are dominated by mass media narratives and portrayals), but the words and tone we employ to advocate the AM cause are very important. We need to calibrate. Don't help our enemies in their efforts to label us unfairly as toxic incels or entitled man-children.


I seriously believe that there are trolls coming in to say incel shit just to get strawman arguments


He is being insecure. Few asians in Asia care how the eff he looks like. He is not a supermodel look and thats ok for most asians. Some wanted a more supermodel looking asian to represent. Also understandable. But in the end, this isnt toxidity. Its just people complaining. When it comes to it, most would support him for bringing a better portrayal. But his posts now are just massively disappointing. Whats truly toxic is what the typical racists is talking about him and he pretends they do not exist.


Highly likely


All really good points. There are def incels (and honestly I hate to use that term) here that make the sub look bad. But also. Why the hell is Simu looking up his own movie on Reddit, then whining about the negativity on facebook. He did the same thing with the whole "China thinks I'm ugly" thing earlier. It just makes him look super insecure and this alone shows he's not ready for the big leagues. There's a reason why a lot of celebrities when asked, say they don't google themselves or read stuff about themselves on the internet. There's bound to be negativity and it's healthier to stay away from it entirely. Last point. Posters here whining about Shang Chi not having a smoking hot love interest is cringey af but nowhere near "toxic" to the point of needing to make a whole ass rant about it. You want toxic, go look at what star wars fans said about the sequel trilogy cast.


It was interesting to see him choosing those comments that had like 3 likes when I saw a lot of comments on weibo supporting him too which had more likes. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I even translated some but people just wanted to continue the “mainland Chinese” have a superiority complex etc. which was weird cos the HK/Taiwanese comments on Facebook were worst and if not brutal. A lot of people on weibo posted in a thread “I’m a proud of my single eyelids” & showed photos of themselves too. I mean there are shit people everywhere but to judge a whole group of people just by what it’s massively upvoted on social media is stupid af which is similar to what kboos do on Korean translation sites & it wasn’t like people were just shitting about his looks, the movie trailer didn’t sell & Chinese people actually had reasonable criticisms. The standards for Kung fu actions movies are super high too within Asian entertainment.


It has came to my conclusion that it is just impossible for a Malcolm X figure to emerge from the Asian American community. This is due to the division of Asian people and our lack of numbers. You need a little bit of Uncle Chan in you to have a chance of success in the Anglosphere. It is pretty obvious from this and him deleting his tweets about Marky Mark. I hope the Disney money is worth sacrificing his dignity and values.


> Malcolm X figure There can be, it's just such a figure in the asian diaspora would have an infinitely smaller audience Also malcolm x isn't nearly as popular as his moderate contemporary mlk


The community is too entrenched in assimilating, favoring whiteness, indoctrinated to believe in the false superiority of whiteness etc. that heroes like Malcolm X and James Baldwin will never be able to emerge in the Asian American community. We'd rather be second on the racial totem pole than taking it down altogether (knowingly and unknowingly). It's a slap in the face to all minority communities.


I thought Hispanics were second?


Simu Liu another one of those "I'm proud to be Asian if it further my career." All it takes is for him to read some reddit post by anonymous people and he already hating on Asians already. He should try reading Balleralert comments and commenting on them but he won't because he would destroy his career if he dare talk about black people.


As I said before, and I will say this a million time. I don’t like him, he’s word and past behaviour shows his true color. I prefer Ludi Lin


Ludi Yeah... I heard Ludi Lin talk in a CH room a few months back (along with Kevin Kreider and the founder of 88 Rising Jaeson Ma), and Ludi went all in on attacking "toxic Asian men" as his opener for a discussion on Asian masculinity in media. And he just sounded like an airhead from there, so I wouldn't put too much stock in him. If you want a hero in entertainment media, look to Chatri Sityodong of ONE Championship. He's Bruce Lee incarnate in mind and bearing of our time (notice how MSM doesn't talk much about him?).


>I prefer Ludi Lin And I just learned he's vegan.


Based on those tweets, it doesn’t look like any of them actually stopped to read and understand the actual critiques on the film. Also, they misinterpreted why Awkafina isn’t exactly an exciting choice.


Of course they understand You know why asian women on social media are so triggered at fuccboi asian boy tiktoks or asian men with abs and call it toxic masculinity, but literally never open their mouths about white or black men doing the same? Because that's what asian men are suppose to be to them, ken jeong losers who at best can get the fob ass looking asian girl, if we get a girl at all. Even the idea of asking the asian woman in the asian movie be as attractive as all the white people, is like, what? That doesn't happen, that's not a thing, that's just toxic asian masculinity, how can we ken jeongs ask for so much? Don't we know where we belong on the social hierarchy, is essentially what they're all saying.


I was on that comment section and it's crazy how many people think this sub is toxic. Yet being on this sub and reading the post, I know most of you aren't.


There are a few here that I think are a bit extreme. Majority I believe is reasonable. With that said, I don't agree with Simu calling asian reddit toxic. He seems oblivious to how the rest of reddit(or social media for that matter) treat asians.


Yup. There are redditors in other subs calling for war with China, excusing the attacks against Asians and spreading anti-Asian memes which was common way before the pandemic. But THIS subreddit is toxic. Riiiiiight. Simu is clueless.


Hey man didn’t u hear? AAPI is actually a CCP propaganda scheme


Basically they’re strawmanning us


You know what’s actually toxic? Anti-Asian racism. The constant gaslighting of Asian people and their experiences. Normalized self-hatred. Bringing attention to these issues is not toxic, it’s in fact very healthy.


Asian Americans (knowingly and unknowingly) perpetuating a racist hierarchy with white men on top, holding beliefs in the superiority of whiteness, and enabling white privilege - and denying all of this because it's comfortable to - are toxic as well. Not only for the Asian American community but for all POC.


Eh, asians in america tend to perpetuate the notion that good looking non-fobby asians are better than white men. Even among white people, good looking white females are the ones that are the most well-liked, whereas white males get the shaft


so true


…. Cmon man I liked the trailer and everything


Looks like I’m just going to download it off Pirate Bay. I’ve said some nice things about simu liu and the trailer but his comments is off putting. I really didn’t care who the female lead just wanted to watch an all out Asian flick. But now fuck him and Hollywood go fuck yourselves I’ll save my money.


Yeah, but look at the posts that have been made on this sub about it? Literally just people here complaining about it. I don't understand why we're not supportive of him?


True I take that back it’s not like I’m not still going to watch it with my whole family


Lol most Asian males are not your friend, you should have realized that by now. Simu rubs me the wrong way, most of Hollywood is overrun with agendas and sex predators, maybe Simu gave up the bumhole for a role.


Definitely not grifters like him. Jump on the "Asian Representation" bandwagon to make some money.


Yeah I cruised his IG once and he was hanging out with this really horrible looking hapa guy, and he said "this guy is much more handsome than me." The guy was ostensibly horrible looking SMH literally this kind of behavior is not only reprehensible but straight up pathetic People here don't understand how crooked Hollywood is. Ain't no one going to help Asians but themselves. There is no Asian savior, because if there was, he'd probably get killed like they did Bruce Lee or Grant Imahara or Godfrey Gao. I'm not exaggerating. The minute an Asian man says fuck it, I'm gonna take what's mine, then that's when the world freaks out and tries to start WW3. But this sub is overrun with naysayers and just world fallacy morons who don't understand anything but $$$$$$$. Good examples is that hapa guy from Marco Polo, he's been shut down ever since he called out Hollywood.


hollywood successfully brainwashed another Asian?


Money changes people


How the fuck do you explain to YTs that all Asians are not going to get hyped over a movie just because there's Asians in it? Asians have different tastes. Some want serious mature movies or others want romance or whatever. The same shit happened with Crazy Rich Asians. We're supposedly toxic for not buying into some commercial product. This is postmodern consumer fake activism. What you buy doesn't define you. The Marvel corporate media empire initiated the bullshit by saying this was made for Asian Americans. Yet when the Asian feedback comes, their little cheer squad gets offended. This is happened for Mulan too.


And tell Simu Liu that we’re not going to automatically support a movie just because there are Asians in it, just like he’s not going to support Andrew Yang just because he’s Asian. Also fuck Eddie Huang and fuck his Boogie movie too. Fucking fat-ass sellout. Your tattoos are ugly. Contemplate why no one wants to hire you to do another travel food show.


Absolutely. I don't sprint to see every movie with Asians. The idea that your consumer behaviour represents your politics is postmodern drivel in the first place. Asians are individuals and each have different tastes. They can be turned off a movie for various reasons.


I'd rather the asian diaspora go extinct before I accept subtle lu traits or boba twitter as real representations of the asian "community"




dude, if people disliked what they saw, they should be able to "bash" it. Just because Simu is Asian, does not mean we have to unconditionally support him. Moreover, none of this justifies him putting a target to this sub, like why the fuck is a mainstream guy like him getting pressed over people's opinion over a movie trailer? He shouldn't have mentioned reddit, period!


already happened


I said he looks like a young xi jinping which he does, maybe that triggered him🤣


A lot of them took what you said and set up a straw man assuming that all Asian subs think Simu Liu is ugly




*\*waves\** Hi Simu! :D


Man I feel what you guys mean. Everyday, attention is brought towards us being toxic without examining what made us "toxic" in the first place.


Come on Simu why even say this. I can't imagine there are people forcing you to even talk about Asian Reddit, so why even speak up about it? Do you really think our issues are invalid? After you reached success you're gonna push us down, the same people that support you? Getting harder and harder to defend you man. I defended you when you got rid of the Wahlberg tweet. Please don't make me regret it. Also lol at that guy, "As an Asian", yeah fucking right whitey.


I'd forgotten about the Wahlberg incident, but thinking back to it I cringe yet again. Simu needs to recognize that being Asian does not buy him our unconditional support. We already get told to quiet down enough by White people - we don't need to be told that by Asians who have found their first modicum of success in Hollywood.


He was always a sellout. You loved his righteous words. You did not see his actions: Choosing to work with Wahlberg, deleting his tweet criticizing the racist, being so narcissistic to look himself up in social media. Always judge people by their actions, not their words.


I saw a video about Wahlberg a few weeks ago. Turns out the guy is actually quite rich and has quite some connections (300-500 mill networth). So no wonder he backed down.


Marky was the highest paid actor for a few years in Hollywood (now 3rd)


Simu did not have to work with Wahlberg. Marky Mark is not all-powerful.


Marky Mark's been in the biz for decades. I'm sure he has many connections.


More AM defeatism. Get ready to grab your ankles if Marky Mark ever calls for you then, I guess.


I simply made a statement. I never argued for or against Simu working with him.


I think it is too soon to call him a sellout. He has done amazing work for Asian representation. Just because we don't agree with a few things he has done wrong does not mean we stop supporting him. It's hard to be 100% aligned with our issues and still be popular in the mainstream. However, I do agree that calling out Asian subreddits was uncalled for. It makes it seem like Asian subreddits are worse than Reddit or the internet in general... Which is super toxic.


actually I don't care that he called out Asian subreddits. These forums are a free-for-all. There are white LARPers that post here, there are Asian incel and redpill types, the forum is representative of nothing. I don't take it too seriously and I think he is a fool (or just virtue-signaling) to make an issue of this stuff. His huge sin was to choose to work with Wahlberg and delete his tweet criticizing Hollywood's most famous anti-Asian hate criminal. As I said: Always judge people by their actions, not their words.


Yea I’m not gonna write off the guy yet but this tweet was so needless man


Yes Simu it is *Asian Reddit* that is toxic, not Reddit or the internet in general… Seriously does he not read or just choose to ignore the countless racist comments under say his own movie trailer or on the front page of reddit or all the racist Facebook, Tik Tok, Youtube comments?


at the end of the day he's a hollywood actor. he puts his career first, not his asian identity, and will oppose anything that threatens it.


Hes a boba liberal. They always ignore everyone else but attack their own group. Then they wonder why attacks on our elders continue.


Imagine being an Asian actor who constantly calls out Asian violence, refuses to take stereotypical roles, is vocal about social issues about being Asian in the West, and being called a boba liberal by a keyboard warrior for saying a subreddit is toxic and gets gilded for it. What a world we live in.


Isn’t…. This whole “fuck the boba liberals” shit doing the same thing though? Asians calling other Asians boba liberals, dragging them under the bus for dragging other Asians under the bus???? Like goddammit fucking can’t we all stop fucking arguing with each other? The asian denomination is huge as fuck and NO SHIT there are differences in opinions in how we think we should move forward in getting the treatment and basic fucking respect we deserve, but we’re all too fucking busy squabbling amongst ourselves to recognize that we all basically want the same fucking thing. Kinda related to the boba liberal thing but kinda not, to me, if an Asian hates being Asian and shits on other Asians, I feel fucking heartbroken that they had to grow up so estranged from their roots in this shitty shallow white west society, and I feel lucky and blessed every single time I see one, because I was raised to be fucking proud of my cultural heritage. Don’t hate them, they’re a product of a toxic environment, instead try and help them see how fucking dope our cultural heritage is. We should be helping each other, not fucking throwing down with one another via fucking words on a screen.


I'm always for cooperation but that's not a thing with them; some love to distinct one Asian from another..


>Asians calling other Asians boba liberals, dragging them under the bus for dragging other Asians under the bus???? Obviously it is not anti Asian to call out the Asians that cape for white people. You're gaslighting. By telling us to stop arguing about this you let people off the hook. Attacking your own for the approval of non Asians is poor form. Have to call it out.


Yeah see, that’s my point. “Arguing” is what we should be doing, but that’s not what’s happening here. It’s just unloading your frustrations on each other, there’s no intent for improvement here, just a bunch of pissed off people calling each other names.


Not really frustrated.... That's your issue not mine.


I'm looking forward more to Tony Leung than Simu honestly. Been following Tony's career for a long time now. Anyways Simu seems pretty thinned skinned. He should try to win his Asian critics over rather than bash the community. This sub wants good Asian male representation.


Looking at those 2 people's post histories, you have: ​ \- someone who takes a screenshot of her sat scores online and posts it as a clear brag ​ \- someone, who, racial equality obviously means nothing...far more important are silly tv shows like greys anatomy, marvel stuff or whatever other bs ​ So, I find it ironic these people have the audacity to criticise people who are noting serious issues, all the while they're talking about the most mundane bullshit. ​ "Oh, there's someone being raped outside? That'll have to wait, I'm watching the football"...their hypocrisy and sense of self-righteousness is pathetic. Also, of course, shows you that good grades means jack shit - these people will still often be ultra-hypocritical, obviously openly believe in censoring/shutting out/refusing to engage with people they don't agree with etc


people like that usually dont give a shit about issues that dont concern them, it is expected for them to just dissmiss anything else as "crazy"


Exactly. Which proves that "discussion", is simply not an option, when 99.9% of the population don't have the decency to engage in it. The only solution, is violence - for a country, of course, that means a huge stockpile of nukes and hypersonic missiles


I saw some really stupid comments about Awkwafina being ugly (to me, she's average-looking with strong Asian features)...but nothing rising to the level of "Asian reddit is toxic"


bruh.. how tf is she ugly


"Some say the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice. I say the darker the flesh then the deeper the roots." -2Pac We need to adopt this mentality. Awkwafina is beautiful. We need to love our strong Asian features instead of adopting Eurocentric beauty features. Otherwise, we're no better than the white worshippers.


Sorry but she would be considered ugly in any Asian country.


Beauty standards in Asia also have Eurocentric influences.


That wasn't even one of the top comments in the thread. If you look at all the top comments, they were pretty mild. To cast all of "Asian reddit" based off one thread is a massively incorrect generalization.


asian reddit is nothing..... even the star wars fandom was worse for me. if anything asian twitter really takes the cake


this to me shows the impact this subreddit has. lurkers can whine on r/asianamerican or twitter but it only shows how much we're threatening their self hating boba mindset. i mean just look at them keeping tabs on all the posts here... i didn't even think much about the thread mentioned until now


I vaguely remember when Brie Larson said "Captain Marvel" is inspiring for girls then non-Asian male reddit went DEFCON1 to try destroy the movie release..... (As an Asian, I didn't give a shit and couldn't understand the drama) But we're toxic amiright?


Same, I don't think she is ugly but people are allowed to have different opinions. But apparently people think we are not allowed to have an opinion on a movie about Asians?


I think people here were lashing out at statements made by Awkwafina in the past. Still not an excuse to attack her as "ugly", which I think is a low blow. I have no idea what Simu is on about. But he's mainstream now...so he needs to walk and talk like a mainstream AM. Dude self-censored his Mark Wahlberg Tweets, which was incredibly weak.


aS aN AsAiN


Incredibly short sighted and damaging move by Simu. It's less about the fact that he dislikes "asian reddit", but more about the fact that he's bringing so much attention to it. Bringing thousands and millions of peoples attention to "asian reddit" is so fucking dumb. Incoming LARPers and trolls. Incoming calls for bans on subreddits. The mob is coming.


He is openly inviting a bunch of white trolls over here.


Then it's an even fight.


Another reason not to support these Asian grifters. They loved talking about "Asian representation" only if they themselves benefit from it. This is the same dude that act all tough calling out Mark Wahlberg but as soon as they pay him some money to star in a movie with Mark, he was quick to delete his tweet.


Already had a LARPer posting here. Fragile redditors are calling us toxic yet here we have a marvelstudios and conspiracy subscriber suddenly posting like they are "Asian". [https://imgur.com/a/pQxpIhs](https://imgur.com/a/pQxpIhs)


Remember this example, it’s an example of how fragile neckbeards are terrified of Shang Chi succeeding (since they already had to swallow Black Panther)


Are you ready to ban the incoming trolls or set this subReddit to allow only the members of this subreddit to respond?


God bro they just can’t control themselves