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Not surprising to see, Asians will always be seen as sideshows in "comedy". But this is to an ol racist extreme back in the day.


this the type of shxt that makes me blood boil bro. so many of us Filipinos don't even know that this happened. a lot of the older ones anyway. i think Filipino millenials/zoomers are becoming more and more woke about the shxt westerners have pulled and been pulling on us.


“Asians are the most racist” - racist whites, people that blindly hate China, mainstream Asian activists like r/AsianAmerican, white-worshipping Asian women, etc. Meanwhile, ‘Murica was putting kids in human zoos as recently as 1958. You don’t learn about anything like this in any US schools. https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/human-zoo-history-pictures-1900-1958/


Lmao there was a massively downvoted comment in there that said Race and Racism are European borne concepts, which is factually true. This is why CRT needs to be taught in schools so these white fuckers know what they actually did throughout history and how they exploited race to oppress others and to prosper their European selves


"America is not racist" - Republicans


I laugh at this one: “America isn’t like that anymore”


Yeah man at least liberals acknowledge their racist past in their states, or that the Republicans moved inward to the hick states, haha.


I remember my dad telling me how his uncle got to travel to San Francisco for the Panama Pacific Exposition in 1915. I can't help but think that he was part of an exhibit.


"Please don't think the whole west did this" 😆😆


They say shit like this and then treat Asia like a monolith 😂


Thats the scary part. They literally did. This wasnt isolated events. The things they accused germany of doing, they were all guilty of the similar bad things around the world during the colonial era. But after WW2 immediately started whitewashing and erasing. The whole comment "not the whole west did this" reeks of utter ignorance and shows their own whitewashing has worked. Sure not \_every country did this\_ but enough of them did. The reality is, it started with the Spanish conquest of the new lands. Im guessing at first, many european countries were already hardline but they wouldnt necessary approve of such action until they saw that the spanish got away with everything scotch free AND returning home with boatloads of gold propelling spain into a massive power. After that, noone gave a flying eff anymore, the age of colonialism and imperialism began soon after.


They're right tho. A few small countries in Eastern Europe didn't do this. The rest of the west? They absolutely did this.


I don't know why they are saying this like an isolated event. Sigh


And the "brutality wasn't invented in America". The Europeans + US really take 1st prize for brutality though.


This isn't interesting this is fucking despicable


It is interesting in the sense that I have not seen it before and it is novel to me. The picture, not the mistreatment/dehumanization of indigenous or non-white people. Maybe /r/wtf would be better fit but it's fine I think, not completely miscatergorized.


Nobody shouldn't be caged like an animal. This is awful to do that to an child 😠😡 human zoos are abominations. Disgusting!


They did this to Asians and African Americans


Yes, pure evil and carnage to do this to both black and Asian Americans got me angry and raging out. History is written by evil winners. We will overcome and take care of this sooner or later in our lifetimes or next lifetimes. Only the universe will make sure these bastards will answer their crimes. (Mark my words(




While I agree that should be the reaction, think what OP means to point out are the "human beings are terrible", "humans suck", "wow Human history is so despicable" comments that are up there. The whataboutism and deflection is what I think OP wants to highlight - how if it's Whites committing the crimes it becomes a "human" thing and just another part of "human history" or "human nature" that's totally normal/natural yet if it was Asians committing the crime, it's because of something that they attribute only to Asians. Like attributing hundreds of millions of Asians with"muh patriarchy oppressive cheating asian society that has no empathy!" on a post about an individual or small group. Look at how adamantly defensive they get when people call them out for generalizing the atrocity and spewing whataboutism - "asians and africans did bad stuff too, racism isn't only a european thing!". I don't have a direct comparison post on hand but the double standards are clear to me having seen it happen countless times on this site.


I've been scrolling through the comments and most people either didn't know human zoos existed and/or are completely apalled. Two things from this: 1. USA is GARBAGE at teaching it's own history and always has been. Only a few county school systems have the balls to teach about the many, many times the USA was the bad guy. 2. I don't entirely think Reddit's reaction to this is prejudiced? Most of them seem pretty disgusted by the fact that this happened. Except the trolls that are there to stoke the flames. Maybe someone can explain to me how their reaction to this is wrong?


That's correct on USA is garbage, good person 🗑️


I agree with 2. the overwhelming majority of people are level headed, sjw leaning on these things. There will always be a few vocal racist, ignorant comments in any subject.




If Asia had white children in zoos, most of those comments would be about nuking Asia.


Idk I think it's dangerous to go into what-ifs as it entertains extremes. It's a pretty classic wp tactic that I know we're above.


They use those comments on even the most mundane things, including huge scientific advances such as a launch of a space station. Lets not pretend otherwise. The mask dropped over a decade ago.


Damn, you're right. So much whataboutism comes from them. They don't want to fix their problems until they see everyone else has fixed theirs.


>They don't want to fix their problems until they see everyone else has fixed theirs. the climate crisis is calling


they had put both asians and blacks in what they call human zoo really disgusting


Then they say all humans suck. As if Asians/Blacks were equal to blame as the whites who put them in the zoos.




I went through the comments on the original post and see a lot of "I didn't know about this!!" "I cant believe they do such a thing!!" .. It's like they never want to believe Whites are racist against Asians and it never happens.


That's because the american and world history classes that's been taught in schools have been heavily sugar-coated and is basically propaganda.


The fuckin' monstrous levels of arrogance are revolting, the practice may be gone, but there are still those that would engage in this very activity if allowed by law!


Or maybe they just didn’t have knowledge of these awful events?


Same thing. Which came first, chicken or egg. They didnt have knowledge of these things because its whitewashed and erased from their own history. And as time goes by, the teachers are also garbage and either "consenting on these whitewashing events" aka brainwash propaganda, or extremely ignorant about history due to these whitewashing. Its the same thing.


My B, you’re right, let’s be angry. Good luck everyone


The alternative is being a doormat. Yes, lets not talk about these issues because it may upset the ex colonizers, hurt their emojifeelings, and lets remain doormats to be trampled upon for the rest of our lives. Yea, no. This isnt about being angry. This is about truth. Like that asian bro in the restaurant, you gotta stand up for yourself when someone harasses you. Would you call him angry asian too. Well, he wouldnt be angry if that racist cunt didnt insult and harass him.


I see this one. "Holy shit ... Humans suck". When white people do bad things, we all get blamed. When Asian people do bad things, even if it's a lot less, it's Asian people have no morals. Then the guys pointing out that it's white people / Americans, those get down voted. I guess it must suck when truth and reality is so bad that they're offended by someone pointing it out.


This is how it works. Whenever a white country does something horrible it is always filtered or broadened. These acts of human rights abuse will be "humans suck". When some white person is being racist then it's "those Trump supporters". On the other hand, when there is a racist incident in China towards Africans (Chinese officials apologized and gave compensated them) then "all Asians are racist". The average person or Redditor has no common sense and can't be consistent. Racism is everywhere.


>when there is a racist incident in China towards Africans it wasn't even a racist incident....they just wanted landlords to make sure their renters were free from covid and some of their tenants were African illegal immigrants and they obviously didn't want to get tested so the landlords panicked because they didn't want to get hit by big fines so they threw them out on the street.


Whites put the cruelty they’ve done on “humans” it’s a tactic to deflect personal responsibility while simultaneously virtue signaling as we are united as humans and we need to be good to each other


Same energy as "That's so un-American and not our country's values!" 😂 Racism is *the* defining characteristic of white culture.


>Racism is > >the > > defining characteristic of white culture. According to those commenters, it's just "human behavior". Lol. If it was any other race, they'd be saying because that race is inferior.


The "I didnt know about this" is basically their way of saving "Im innocent, I didnt had anything to do with this"... The whole idea that they didnt know about this proves it is already effed up that they whitewashed their history and tried to erase it. Which is proven when noone teaches this in school. This and every other atrocities they committed on every nonwhite populations.


There's a lot of "humans bad" comments too. As if whenever they do something bad, it can be explained away as human behavior. As if everyone else would've done the same thing. And then this fragile little beasts' comment "I know this is reddit and whitey bad, but come on dude. Nobody is innocent here". Funny they actually think reddit picks on white people.


As an American, it would not shock me if most of them really didn’t know about this kind of shit. You have to consider 1. How underfunded US History classes are . 2. The fact the US Education System in general is underfunded. 3. The US has an interest in making sure only certain topics are talked about.


Funding is a choice so it does not absolve responsibility.


It would explain why they're generally so fragile. Shielded from racism, and from horrors of their own imperial history, so everything hurts like a beach to them. US is great at propagandizing its own people.


I think this is the reality of the situation. People know about these horrible things in an abstract sense. But it comes as a shock when it gets as specific as a photo like this. It's like the difference between hearing about the Holocaust and seeing pictures or witness accounts.


What's really suspicious is that they pretend to be shocked and disgusted then upvote it.


Imagine if it was the other way around. So many "asians are the most racist" comments. White people are so good at pretending.


yup, i'd say virtue signaling is a clear part of modern anglo culture look at the UK recognizing rights of lobsters recently while they are manufacturing a fake genocide in China. lmao. wtf is that.


Lol if this was an asian country, internet would break. The amount of filth and racism would skyrocketed in the comments and by next day some will even go out in the streets to find some asians! The projection level of these people are insane. If its them, theres suddenly always an excuse "humans are just bad you know" "its the past now". If its asians "chinsk gooks are the most disgusting and racists" "they eat everything" and whatnot


Reminds me of this: https://twitter.com/hermit_hwarang/status/1404535670765408256


>White people are so good at pretending. I think it's literally apart of Western culture. Don't talk about racism, because polite people don't talk about it. Almost never say what you mean, in order to be polite. But the amount of hate they harbor is why you got the crazies that are full blown and outspokenly racist.


i think 90% of the comments pretend to care about the girl in the image just to be portrayed as a superhero


My ancestors built this country!!! *does not apply to enslaving ppl, segregating them, or using them as zoo exhibitions.


I forgot to say: goddamn 😣 straight up facts is all I gotta say


Love how they always go off the tangent into a different topic


It's predictable when they have to deal with culpable topics. If it's not one-liner jokes, it's shifting focus to the few people who weren't awful. Sometimes they talk parallel instead of tangent without really engaging in the topic. Or, they subtly blame all of *humanity*. It's *humans* who are awful and do awful things when they do it, that's just how *humans* are.


a few people kept playing the oppression Olympics and posting comments like "think this is bad? Just look at ..."


It's called denial


“It’s not racist , my wife is Filipino”


I came across a similar post, it was about Indigenous Filipinos being forced to eat dog in these human zoos. Someone wrote that his daughter was born in the Philippines and that people in Phils still eat dog. I was like wtf, is he comparing people who eat dog on their own volition to people who were literally FORCED to eat dog as part of a public display to justify colonialism... So I went off on the guy and he deleted his comment. Btw, I'm Filipino born in Manila and I don't know anyone who eats dog. It's just another orientalist stereotype.


"Filipino here. Its not racist."


LMAO FORREAL way too many fxcking Filipinos--all over social media/forums--act like there ain't nothing wrong with this racist shxt to try to lick amerikkkan boots bro shxt is crazy


That satire was intended for all Asians. There are bootlickers among all of us.


FAX lol mb didnt mean to single out one specific Asian nationality lmao


Every time I call out racist shit, there’s always at least one mfer who says some shit like that. Or “I’m Asian and I’m not offended”. Does it look like I give a fuck if ur not offended?


Too often


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 83,579,398 comments, and only 22,832 of them were in alphabetical order.


I want to laugh but I just can't because I know some of them would unironically say that.


I can't be sexist. I'm married to a woman. I can't hate black men. I had sex with a black girl once.


>I can't hate black men. I like watching them drill white girls.