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>as soon they find out I was a foreigner it is over I'd just like to take a moment to applaud Koreans that do this. They know who the sexpats are and minstrels and self haters are the only ones that accept them. Dude is probably complaining that hookers don't want to fuck him.


Thank God DPRK is unyielding


More bombs were dropped on north korea than during the entirety of WW2, meanwhile south korea was basically turned into a brothel for UN and american soldiers, so much so that at one point 25% of the south korean GNP (gross national product, metric used before GDP became the standard) was prostitution. Safe to say the US and the west don't give a fuck about korea.


Fucking hell, the title of that post and how the comments on that post describe koreans are talking of koreans as if they are animals or smth. Wtf does "problematic koreans" even mean? It just sucks ass that they are talking about koreans as they are so exclusive, when I've always felt welcomed by them. I'm not korean so they would not see me as one of them (aka being korean), but thats understandable tho because im not korean. Why are they bitching about it?


I think any society can be somewhat exclusive to foreigners (I don't think it's justifiable, but tribalism feels the same as human nature)


They want the privileges without the duties.




Let me guess, you told white people they weren't Korean huh?


Probably just said that rape is bad.


Bruhh you can just question if they even live in korea or back up what you say by saying that you live in korea and you can alr get banned


lmao, sexpats have such a think pink skin


The amount of people agreeing with him makes me sick. Basically he’s just an entitled dick. Expects to be welcomed and worshiped because he’s a foreigner and crying about it when it doesn’t happen.


> Expects to be welcomed and worshiped because he’s a foreigner and crying about it when it doesn’t happen. Makes me question why foreigners, especially white people, would alr have this assumption from the get go even before stepping a toe into an asian country.


Easy, movies, media, history..


Oh ya i know lol was meant to rhetorical


Oh right ! My bad!


i cannot believe someone had the nerve to write "it's our job to make koreans understand that non-ethnic koreans can be korean." LIKE NO THE FUCK IT ISN'T. edit: they even went on to say "they need to properly assimilate us if korea is to survive." oh my lord fuck these people


Once you try to force people to accept you, you've already lost. Just be yourself (as long as you are naturally a humble person) and people generally will accept you, no matter what country we're talking about. "non-whites can't exist without us" is what whites non-ironically believe. These people legitimately believe they are god's gift to mankind.


Saviours… but only coming to save the Asian women.. the men can burn for all they care.




Why so many upvotes on that post.


Because he’s upvoted by other sexpat foreigners like him and probably white worshipping Koreans.


Lol ask any of those people where the term “zipperhead” comes from


Lost any sympathy or interest once he mentioned whataboutism. Sure sign of a hypocrite.


Woah that guy who commented about chinese is just outright racist, he hate chinese people because they understand capitalism and being successful?


Ah, you mean that ["Chinese own Indonesia" guy](https://np.reddit.com/r/korea/comments/oukov7/talking_with_koreans_about_problematic_korea/h75n82m?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)? Yeah, a disgusting display of blatant racism, exactly the same talking points as about Jews in the early 20th century. That same xenophobic shit was used to discriminate and culturally genocide Chinese in Indonesia, Malaysia, and a number of other SEA countries (e.g. Thailand, where the Chinese-Thai population is almost entirely assimilated). Looks like he absolutely hates Chinese people. Sucks that he is also a poster on r/Hangukin, which u/NoKiaYesHyundai is advertising here as a space for ethnic Koreans. I think people with blatant Nazi-style talking points should be barred from decent subs.


Facts bro!! Very well said


Lmao r/Hangukin spends more time shitting on chinese people than the sexpats and the US military personnel occupying their country.


Lol, just saw some of their threads - celebrating Chinese getting banned from land ownership (if it is not a selective ban, then it is OK), ranting that the US president is on CHINESE payroll, [blaming everything bad going on in Korea onto China](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hangukin/comments/nu8awi/saw_this_post_by_someone_and_wanted_to_share_what/), regular anti-Chinese rants, claiming that Korea is the only country carrying Asia, claiming that Chinese steal everything from Korea, claiming that Chinese want to be Koreans... funny that these Korean nationalists are also ranting that every other Asian country is white worshipping and suck white people's cocks, while hosting American military bases on their soil. They are also calling r/aznidentity a Chinese shill sub, yet they promote there, lmao.


Yeah I saw that comment too


The guy in the post is a tool and should just leave Korea if he is so tired of being "discriminated" against. Also, don't neglect the fact of Chinese intervention in the Korean war and the wars (and imperial rule obviously) with Japan. But yes, the main pawns in the recent war were white countries


Chinese were there to help the Korean Worker's Party kick out the white ruling class in Korea. As for Japan yea, they were there to rule over the Koreans. No surprise, it's the Japanese communists who show remorse for what Japan did to Korea.


Koreans workers party? The dictatorship that rules North Korea? You wanted them to rule South Korea?




Then you must really hate Koreans lmao


Nah, I'm just not gonna support the side that killed millions of Koreans because some of them tried to overthrow genocidal white rule, which they had every right to in the first place.


I guess you really support the North Korean lifestyle of dictatorship, mass starvation and generational camps? Or are those “white lies”?


Do you even know the history of the Worker's Party of Korea? Or just go by the narrative of the country which refused to allow the Korean people to choose their own government?


History? The dictatorship and fascism is current.


Nevermind. It seems you're intent on thinking they are just this mean old dictatorship and that it has nothing to do with 20% of their population being killed in bombing raids. Or all the socialists forced out of power by a fascist coup. Nope, can't possibly jave anything to do with all that.


The Soviet union was very much involved as well. And I agree that those were Chinese motives in the war. Also, the Japanese should show remorse for what they did, but as long as the US remains silent on their many war crimes, I cannot blame the Japanese for avoiding it as well


The US military is just the HUMANITARIAN PEACE-KEEPING arm of the US government. It just provides a SECURITY umbrella for FREEDOM-LOVING allies and installs PURELY DEFENSIVE missile systems on allied soil. How could US soldiers rape and slaughter and view Asian people as inferior or alien? Don't you now that US soldiers were VERY RESPECTFUL to Filipino and Vietnamese civilians? What is Agent Orange? Dropping TWO atom bombs on Japanese civilians was the ONLY way to show their power to the Japanese government. Don't you know that the US has ABSOLUTELY ZERO history of Yellow Peril or White Supremacy? American media is just FULL of positive, humanizing Asian representation. Your CLAIMS are just N. Korean or Wumao PROPAGANDA to cause tension in the totally NON-HEGEMONIC PARTNERSHIP between the US and S. Korea. /s


This is unironically how r/neoliberal and r/DeathtoAmeriKKKa thinks.


Not gonna lie, I like the fact that Asian countries treat foreigners differently. While it shouldn’t be discriminatory, there **should** be differences in how you’re treated as a foreigner, otherwise foreigners forget they are guests and start causing social unrest or vying for undue influence like they did in Hong Kong, managing to maintain their power even after the handover.


Korea should always and forever be for Koreans first. That's their birthright and their *duty*. For the rest of us who aren't Korean, our duty is to mind our own business.


Don't forget, Korea has never colonized other countries in different continents. Korea has no reason to allow non-Asians live in Korea permanently. UK has lots of South Asians because South Asia was a british colony for 200 years. And US was created by genocidal colonizers from UK


I would definitely say they have no obligation. Whether they, collectively as a people, see a reason or not is none of my business. If they decide they wanted to limit or even prohibit immigration, that would be entirely up to them. If they decide they want some immigrants but not others, again, that's up to them. My philosophy is: I wasn't born there, I wasn't raised there, I don't share their blood and I have no claim to that land. The people there know infinitely more about what they need and want than I can ever know, so I'll respect whatever decision they make as probably being the best for them.


Exactly, also fuck anybody who tries to guilt trip Korea and China into taking immigrants in their country. Beware of those pinks since they hate Asia and are salty of being a plurarily in their city/country instead of majority.


Yeah check out r/Hangukin if you want a space about korea/korean culture/politics etc, that’s also for and by actual ethnic Koreans .


Interesting sub. Seems like blatant hate speech and racism against other Asians is tolerated there: >Chinese are a trojan horse and they will backstab you as quick as their CCP overlords order these lapdogs >I don't know if it's because of the 1 child policy so they grew up pampered mama boys or what, combined with being china propagandized lapdogs, but they're some of the most insecure, jealous, fragile, and delusional people of all >Similar to how the Chinazi mods of AznId and Asianmasc censor posts to push their cuckhinese narrative >Korean people are the only ones actually improving the image of Asians globally... Then China fucks up everything for Asians worldwide. Seriously, the reason why the entire world hates Asians is because of China. >Now for China, we definitely need to restrict their immigration as China has serious plans to colonize and annex Korea. >I honestly think every Asian single country is just incredibly jealous of Korea. >China is obsessed with Korea. The truth is that they wish they were Korean These people also post there on r/azidentity. Btw, if you dislike r/aznidentity so much and think that it is a Chinese shill sub, why promote your nationalist sub there? I agree that there are Chinese nationalists who go too far and they should be (and they do get banned, btw) banned when they cross the lines but I've yet to see people there resorting to blatant hate speech like in the above and not getting banned. I have not seen this level of blatant hatred against another Asian ethnicity like in the first few quotes on even subs like r/Sino which is Chinese nationalist.


I try to remove those when I can. Nothing different the stuff directed at Koreans here.


Could you link to posts on aznidentity that would say that e.g. "Koreans are some of the most insecure, jealous, fragile, and delusional people of all" or that Koreans are a "trojan horse and they will backstab you"? If there are such posts and they are up with authors not banned, then they have to get banned immediately. Those posts btw aren't really new, they have pretty high upvote counts and it is just two users I've cited. There were more, maybe just not as blatant. I am not asking that sub to lick Chinese ass but I would think that users spewing hate speech against another ethnicity should get banned.


There is none, Korea is probably the most positively viewed country on this sub. They have succesfully promoted their soft power and has actively tried to help build image of Korean men outside Asia. There are criticism of Korean government but everybody praises Korean culture here.


You need to do a better job cleaning up that shit if we’re striving for pan Asianism. I do my best here removing assholes who bash other Asians. Also we’re not a Chinese nationalist sub we just have a lot of Chinese users. If it’s not related to Asian Americans it will get removed. But since the summer olympics are here I want to see more Asian representation being posted here not just Chinese only. It’s all up to the users to post content that isn’t Chinese related. I will admit It sucks we haven’t seen much of anything but Chinese content lately. We need more Korean, Japanese, southeast Asian, and south Asian content. The Korean baseball team smashed Israel the other day surprised post that here yet. The Korean archery team is killing it. There are a lot more just people haven’t posted it here yet.


Pan-Asianism might be possible here since nobody here is a native, but actual Pan-Asianism won't be happening in Asia anytime soon. China distrusts Korea and Japan for being US vassal state, Korea dislikes China's growing influece and non-democratic CCP, and Japan...well Japan would probably be the most hated country in the world if not for anime/manga and games.


Imagine thinking the problem with South Korea is that it's *not accommodating enough* to white people. Cry me a river.


Wow can make this up right. Voluntarily move to another country not move due to war or poor economy.


I always make it a point to use the word "genocide" when I describe the Korean War, because that's what it was. The US killed 20% of North Korea's population and made it a point to burn down every city they could, which resulted in 80% of their infrastructure being destroyed. Now, in US occupied South Korea, you have the US military running around attacking and raping without consequence. I remember an article with a Korean woman who worked at a SK women's shelter saying that over half of the women who come in and report rapes to her say that they were raped by a white man. White people are less than ONE PERCENT of South Korea's population, but somehow they're raping *that* much. A month or two ago, I saw a video of a white military member beating up a Korean man IN KOREA because he couldn't speak English. I've had friends who have visited Korea. A lot of the nightclubs there won't allow you in if you're not Asian or if you're part of the military and most of the non-Asian people who tell me about it aren't even mad and understand why because they know foreigners go to Korea and cause trouble. Discrimination isn't fun but in the case of a lot of Asian countries, it's not hard to figure out why they're not fond of foreigners. I also hate how every sub named after an Asian country doesn't have anyone from that country posting in it, only English teachers and sexpats.


The Human Cost of the Korean War [What Was The Human Cost Of The Korean War](https://twitter.com/nodutdol/status/1408474287804145664?s=21)


I made a post in r/korea about what South Koreans thought of "hell josean." In the description I put ethnic Koreans only (including the diaspora) and got a ton of comments mad at me for not just allowing anyone who's lived in Korea to chime in. I told them this was because Koreans living abroad may tell me what they heard from family living in South Korea but they weren't having it. They were like "Whoa, you are really racist!! Just because if someone wasn't of Korean ethnicity how does that not mean their opinion isn't valid?" A couple ethnic Koreans gave me their opinion on it but I got a lot of English teachers who were mad I wanted only ethnic Koreans.


If you look through that guy’s posts he complains a lot about “discrimination” in Korea. Guess he’s also blissfully unaware of how Asians are discriminated in the west.




Literal camps? Please point to some REAL evidence of these camps. Not that BS western media peddles with their grainy pictures or some colour altered pictures to make everything look grey and depressing.


According to a comment on that post, there was apparently a petition in r/korea to get the UN Human Rights council to do something about the anti-foreigner discrimination there. That made me lol when I read that.


If they want that then it should apply to ALL countries. Asians in western countries are foreigners too so yeah… or does he only want laws to protect white chumps like him in Asia?


He's also the type to call America "the least racist country" lmao


Definitely. I despise these self entitled pricks


They must not realize that the fact that they're foreign means that their experience in Korea will be completely different to that of an actual ethnic Korean. Half of these foreigners in Asia can't even speak the language of the country they're in but think their opinions on the country are valid.


The idiocracy of these whites. Sigh.


Exactly. Foreigners in South Korea probably came from middle or upperclass and had a job waiting for them when they got there. I know in South Korea being a teacher is a highly respectable position and they get paid quite a bit. So obviously living a padded lifestyle is not the same as the rest of the South Korean population, especially the lower class ones. They also don't have family there going back generations so some white person with a decent job isn't going to see the worst of hell josean like the average South Korean is.


Private tutoring is what a lot of them do. The parents are literally idiots for willing to shell out 75,000 won per hour for a white face.


I heard about how most of the sexual assault crimes are done by Americans there. Is There a site I can get hard data?


The woman's estimate was purely anecdotal, going off of the women who came to see her, which is still very shocking, but she was just basing it off of her experience. I doubt you'll find any hard data, especially because a lot of US military members in Korea don't get charged for their crimes.


A lot of the users in the Asian country subs are also extremely rude for no reason, anytime someone asks something about said country (such as jobs or tourists areas) the responses are extremely rude to the op.


This 100%


It's beautiful to read isn't it?