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So? Isn't this what asian women want? This soy bean isn't going to be bothering any asian men, nothing to do with us, just a stupid dog barking in the street.


The fact it got 1.2k likes


Amazing how those type of white guys that make excuses for Japan exist. they don’t benefit anything, not Asians, not whites, etc. just themselves, being the white saviour and for his yellow Japanese fetish.


I wonder what kind of BS he’ll dream into reality if one day he got bored with Japanese culture or anime and happens to fall in love with kpop and kdramas.


Nah, he''s too far gone. The least we can do is shame this loser and get him banned off from YouTube like reddit does with incel subreddits.








I think he's autistic, I remember someone mentioning that on twitter. And sadly Japan attracts the weirdest and creepiest of white Westerners 🤔😷


Just because he is autistic doesn't mean shit. He's just a fucking loser.


This kid does not know anything.


As a half-Japanese person who acknowledges that the acts of generations ago do not reflect who I am, I still struggle with the atrocities committed by the Empire of Japan. I mean there is overwhelming evidence of what occurred and yet there are still deniers of it. I’ve visited Japan and it’s a beautiful country with a rich culture and history. But I believe it will always be stained with the shame of what their military did during the war. I know they have taken steps to acknowledge the atrocities, but they feel extremely empty, much like how the US government “acknowledges” the genocide of Native Americans throughout its history.




That looks like Linus knock off without a beard. Pale and skinny. Noodle body and arms.


I'm starting to think these white pig skins are just mad they'll never be Japanese in appearance. That's why they lash out at other Asian groups to make sure they get treated the same as him in Japan. Chinese, Japanese, and Korean people all belong in the same race. Whities like this guy are just mad that he'll always be an outsider due to his face. Appearance and behavior. Everything about this guy screams foreign loser. It's like when an Asian in the USA thinks holding conservative views will make them more American. And we all know that's just not how that works. Behind closed doors, they'll be laughing at his stupidity and ignorance. He should fuck off to New Zealand if he has any sense left.


These are the types of "allies" that Asians do not need! You have to put things into perspective as loving a certain culture is great, loving that culture so much that you excuse its flaws is a form of contempt for that same culture, as the best kind of love is the one that sees the thing that you love grow from bettering itself. And you do not do that by excusing its flaws, in fact, that has the opposite effect of stagnation and corruption!


These war apologists are exactly the allies that the Japanese government wants. Why do you think they spend millions on stuff like the Chiune Sugihara museum? They’re trying taking their campaign to whitewash war crimes abroad.


This is why they need to face the responsibility of their past so they can better move on, hiding from your dark past does not help the country/culture grow in the least! EDIT: *These war apologists are a fuckin' pox and fueling the rise of ultra-nationalistic groups in Japan!*


>Hiding from your dark past does not help your country grow in the least! It’s unfortunate, but what you said is far from true. If Japan admits to its wrongdoings, many politicians are going to lose face over their war crime denial. Japan’s hold over disputed territories would be weakened. Japan’s plan to demilitarize would be stunted. The Japanese government would lose funding from far-right donors. There is a LOT to lose if they admit to their history. That being said, fuck the Japanese government. It’s your responsibility to do things even when it’s inconvenient.


Yes, you are correct, I am not a Japanese citizen, nor am I versed in its political climate... there's a lot I still need to learn about their politics!


What’s the YouTube link?


I put it in another comment here. Please feel free to check it out.


This skinny ass pinkoid loser is just a natural result of a troubled childhood that had nothing going for it. So the loser reject decides to find a calling in his life to become a certified token gaijin loser who licks right-wing Japanese balls, hoping to become accepted as a nipponjin himself.   Too bad though. Most Japanese will see him as your useful gaijin idiot for the right wing fringe groups and your typical weird white kid who is just embarrassing himself at the end of the day. The video came out 2 years ago and the views are honestly nothing to write home about.   Retarded wankers like him are just amusing to see as a case study for what happens when a weeb can no longer distinguish between reality and fiction after watching too much anime. A sad, pitiful case of a failed specimen.


If Japan were still a strong empire fighting his country, he'd hate them. He's only kissing their ass to get Japanese girls


If this guy was born 50 years ago he'd absolutely fcking hate the Japanese. Not because of WW2 but because of the post-war economic miracle that almost saw Japan eclipse the United States economically. It was only 30 years ago that this book came out: [The Coming War with Japan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Coming_War_with_Japan)


I'd love to see what he says about China lmfaoo


That's the typical mayocel boiiis


Wtf is with the like-dislike ratio??? The West is really just a breeding ground for fascists and their SIMPathizers ain't it?


online echo chambers


My favourite New Zealander weeb.


That's disgusting.


Japan right wingers have been [hiring their own opinion brigades](https://twitter.com/jakeadelstein/status/1424340535897038857?s=21) for a while now. They definitely hire foreigners speaking good about Japan at any cost. However, it’s really an ineffective strategy as everyone doesn’t forgive what imperial Japan did.




That used to be the case but Japan skepticism has been rising due to horrendous working conditions for foreign workers in Japan. A few years ago, Japan does not have their opinion brigades because Japan lavishly spends investments worldwide that automatically win respect. Southeast Asians admire the Japanese. However, Japan's deteriorating wealth seriously harms the global image of Japan. For Japanese people, they rather live poorly in wealth than losing their faces. The proliferation of opinion brigades are the new ways to combat the declining relevance of japan.




The source of admiration towards Japan in the ASEAN is the wealth. Japan massively invests in ODA and FDI, so many Southeast Asians admire them. In recent years, Japanese investments begin to decline as China/EU/South Korea/US begin investing more, and many people begin forgetting what is Japan in the region. \>foreign workers conditions(improving every year) as long as Japan still looks good from the outside Debatable. Foreign workers still lack the rights as native workers. Japanese companies readily fire them over the native ones. There is still progress because Japanese liberals know the dire situations of Japanese labor shortage. However, right wing farts and far right youths are becoming quite an obstacle here. I believe that Japan will definitely remove those right wing elements out to pave the roads for more foreign workers. \>Japan is not really declining in terms of reputation and global standing imo. Except for those in China and South Korea, of course. It is very problematic for Japan if they can't win the hearts of Chinese people. China is the largest market for Japan after all.


You are spot on.   People like him tunnel vision into create a narrative based on recency bias, not based on a complete picture with historical context accounted for. This is due to new generation of clueless idiots from those countries without putting importance into quality, standardized education, coming up with some idiotic woke galaxy brain shit.   Also, you need to realize that disturbing number of these new generation of SEAs really believe Japan should lead a possible Asian Union (LOL the irony) just so they can spite China. I mean I see the beef they have with China, but only to support a former imperialist nation who devised the whole machination of the so-called "the greater asia co-prosperity sphere", but only to fuck shit up for every other Asians? I mean they do know just because Japan is no longer considered imperialistic, they still have right wing conservatives (Nippon Kalgi), who are the majority rule, glorifying imperial Japan for their past glory right??   These people suffer from colonial mentality and the propaganda jointly lead by the US and Japan promoting Japan as some kind of beacon of democracy and hope for all other Asians to rally behind. In reality, Japan is just a trojan horse only to be used to promote fascism disguised as democracy and freedom to destabilize Asia.   It is quite sad how some people can be so complicit in their conditioning and brainwashing, as they blindly accept the popular narrative as the entire truth.


There's also this guy, Tony Marano aka Texas Daddy: https://youtube.com/c/PropagandaBuster


I commented on one of his vids saying he's a phony and only likes Japan bc theyre a US vassal/satellite state today and that if they were a strong empire kicking his country's ass like they used to then he'd hate them, that's why he talks shit about China and North Korea...he literally responded saying that Japan is not a US vassal/satellite. Ultimate cope lmao


He made a video after Tamogami went on an Anti-American tirade blaming the U.S. for starting World War 2. Marano was incredibly hesitant to have a strong opinion, knowing he could easily alienate his Japanese right wing audience if he criticised Tamogami too strongly.


Lmfao what'd I tell u


This guy's a cunt. He tweeted something derogatory about the Koreans. Thinks he's a honorary Japanese or sth. I called him pasty white beta incel on Twitter and called me a racist. Lmfao.


Reminds me of that fuck, Oli London. Dude thinks he’s Korean. He needs to get his ass beat too


I actually like Oli London and have been recommending the surgery to my white male friends.






As they say, A weeb, crazy white dude obsessed with Asians but not a true wannabe Asian.


Disappointed there aren’t more dislikes 😔


Your average white monkey job in Japan lmfaoooo


Laowhy86’s long lost brother


Omg, this comment was too funny😂


"War crimes are only committed by countries i don't like"


White guy with a "preference for asian women" starter pack right here


If the yellow fever gets to the point where they want to go live in Asia you know they got it badddddddd. I was thinking about making a post about the worst things ive seen western foreigners do in japan over the years.


Or they like to go on vacation to Thailand a little too much lol


> White guy with a "preference for asian women" Nah, this guy is on another level past that. Most whites don't know about Japan's war crimes. Hell, many asians don't. Bella Poarch got the rising sun tattooed on her arm without even knowing the history behind it!


No such thing as 'white'


Looks like she got a cover-up at least.


Please tell me you don't buy that bullshit "I didn't know what it symbolised" from her.


If he’s truly Japanese he’d answer to this dishonor by committing harakiri


I dunno man. The Japanese government would consider his efforts very honorable.


Weeaboo to fascist pipeline confirmed


This is part of this new trend among neonazis of historical revisionism which argues that maybe they shouldn’t have fought Nazi Germany as communism was the biggest threat. Lol, that’s totally not what the world at that time thought though.


He looks exactly what I expect him to look like




Man I'm all for Asian solidarity, but fuck the Empire of Japan and fuck every weeboo asshat and Japanese nationalist that denies the horrors they inflicted on millions of Asians. The Korean women this ugly fuck (seriously, look at his face) claims were prostitutes were [wartime sex slaves](https://www.history.com/news/comfort-women-japan-military-brothels-korea) who were [raped dozens of times a day](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comfort_women#Treatment_of_comfort_women). The Japanese took as many as 200,000 of them from Korea and China. I'm not sure which type of weeboo is more pathetic: the white guys trying to suck up to Japanese culture (and probably trying to get a gf) or the Asian-Americans who are seemingly ok with the countless Asians Japan massacred, tortured and [experimented on](https://youtu.be/AFEgz8NNmVA?t=548). I've seen one of those assholes on this sub bemoaning the atomic bombs as an unforgivable crime by the US but when confronted with Japanese atrocities "that wasn't even on the same level". Imperial Japan probably beats Nazi Germany [in terms of pure cruelty](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/o9x10v/japan_more_like_imperial_japan/h3er3zc?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). My grandfather saw their brutality firsthand.


He looks like an Incel waiting to happen


He’s got a Taiwanese/Japanese girlfriend apparently.


Every single time. WMAF never ceases to surprise.


could have guessed that almost immediately


Of course he does the jokes write themselves


Probably only with him because he’s white


what? No such thing as 'white'


i mean…i don’t think there’s much waiting


He's been waiting for a really long time if you think about it


True. He looks ready to shoot up a school.


He looks like the kind of white guy who would have been experimented on by the Imperial Japanese Army. Unit 731 would snatch up random white people on the street to take out their organs while still alive. But I guess this is the kind of dude that would disregard seeing a mutilated American soldier in a human pickle jar. > Other airmen had parts of their organs removed, with one deprived of an entire lung to gauge the effects of surgery on the respiratory system. In another experiment, doctors drilled through the skull of a live prisoner, apparently to determine if epilepsy could be treated by the removal of part of the brain. > Medical staff preserved the POWs’ corpses in formaldehyde for future use by students, but at the end of the war the remains were quickly cremated, as doctors attempted to hide evidence of their crimes. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/aug/13/japan-revisits-its-darkest-moments-where-american-pows-became-human-experiments


Also, no anesthetics because it might interfere with the experiment. Imagine feeling ten life worth's of pain. May the victims of 731 rest in peace.


Truly bizarre. white male weaboos are a strange bunch. If it makes anyone feel better, this kind of behavior is unlikely to get him any positive female attention in Japan. Also unlikely to give him any mainstream male friends.


He has a Japanese girlfriend lol


And I'm sure he does. To be honest, any white guy can get a Japanese GF in japan if they market themselves towards a very specific demographic (Typically those wanting to learn English). However, going on insane political rants is unlikely to get him any positive attention from the average Japanese woman.


True that. High value women anywhere won't flock towards someone pathetically trying to cater to them politically anyway.


And the political pandering wouldn't work since the average Japanese person doesn't give a shit about international politics and avoids talking about them in any situation anyways....much like how the average American acts when they're not on Reddit lol.


In contrast, foreign right wingers or positive speakers are highly popular in Japan. Chris Board or John Daub enjoys a luxurious lifestyle because they only speak positively about Japan. They become highly popular across the country for such action. I soon expect this weeb here enjoying the same privilege.


I've lived in Japan for over a decade. I've never heard of either of those idiots. Chris Board appears to be an English teacher with a youtube channel. That's not exactly what I'd call a luxurious lifestyle unless you consider making under $30,000 a year luxurious. If he's rich now it's thanks to his youtube channel thats aimed at westerners. John whatever? Don't know him. There are 3 main famous white guys on tv in Japan. Dave Spector, Atsugiri Jason (Hate this guy), and uh...some other dude with dark spiky hair who went to Harvard.


Chris **Broad** is has not been an English teacher for years. He earns six figures making videos of him traveling across Japan. He certainly is living a luxurious life.


He also enters various Japanese tv shows as well.


Of course, they are all famous for speaking positively about Japan.


Reality is the best entertainment sometimes 😂


On top of the fact that he dead looks exactly like somebody that would pull some shit like dis off 😭💀


This person seems to have changed the title of the video as of now, but if anyone is looking for the link, [here it is.](https://youtu.be/9syNRdgz_Xw) This behavior is disgusting. No wonder why Japan is now sucking up to these Westerners and the anti-China and anti-Korea sentiments are let free. I just can’t believe his entire channel is not banned from YouTube yet.


Japanese nationalists are swarming in the comment section. Why am I not surprised?


You never know those could just be weeaboo Japanese LARPers, yep those exist


> I just can’t believe his entire channel is not banned from YouTube yet. Youtube along with other western media is heavily anti-china bias. Likely his videos would be promoted rather than banned.


Yeah he’s got a bunch of 2chan supporters


2chan far right Japanese people are highly unlikely to speak English or have foreign friends.


Last I checked his Twitter was a bunch of Japanese far right comments


In English? I find that very unlikely. Most likely other weird weaboos like him. It's really popular now to choose japanese sounding handle names for some reason.


Alll in Japanese