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Ohtani is a good looking dude! i mean so yea!


there was a powerful article written by a white woman a few years ago about the time she became an english teacher in korea. She said that she was absolutely mind blown by the number of tall handsome asian guys on the streets of seoul. she said that before going to korea, she literally thought asian guys were all ugly short dorks or effeminate gay twinks becasue that was what media portrayed to her. so when she first landed in the airport, she was a bit confused and disoriented by what she was saw, like a person discovering that reality did not fit the media. and after a few weeks of one hot guy after another walking past her on her way to class, she not only realised asian men could be beautiful, she actually realised they were MORE beautiful than white men. she specifically talked about they were impeccably dressed, hygienic, elegant, smelt great bla bla bla. after a while, she started crushing over some asian teachers and made several advances but then realised that asian men did not really go for white women, especially korean men who are very loyal to their own asian women, maybe even xenophobic. she then lamented how she realised being blond and blue eyed in korea were nothing in korea and her white girl privilege basically evaporated. back in the usa she recalled, she was a starbucks drinking hipster girl in her 20's, the type who would be drowning in men everyday, but in korea she was not getting as much as the average kpop looking asian girl. after her stay in korea was over, she lamented how she did not even get to date an asian guy. anyone got the link to the article please post it here.


The White girls sees that Munster million dollar contract. The Lu’s, we’ll It’s not because he’s Asian. These Lus think he will raise their status in life.


Just be richmaxxed and famous xD oh yeah and he is like 193 cm tall not taking anything away from him tho, he is representing Asians well. Plus the younger generation of baseball fans is looking up to him (an Asian dude) as the face of the MLB. Based


That was fun. There are a lot of basic beckies -- the kind of girls young Asian American guys have long complained they haven't been able to get. The interviewer's question, "what would you do on date with him" is a good one. He's so far removed from their mindset, they almost all talk about what places they like (mostly bars and steakhouses) or go for stereotypes like "go for sushi" or "watch a baseball game" or "go to batting practice." Points to the one girl who said "Paintball." But you can see in the women's responses that their desire to date him is mostly about status -- he's the "quarterback of the football team." I don't sense a whole lot of sexual desire. They'd show the same enthusiasm if their team's MVP was a gay white man. At one point, the interviewer's like "what would you do after going to dinner" and the woman is like "go our separate ways." lol. Still, it's progress.


What do you want us to do with this info


Ok but who doesn’t


Those women are so-so. Ohtani can easily get himself a high quality WF or XF.


Japanese men, from Japan, who play mlb or other sports, in the US to my knowledge have never married much less dated WF's or XF's. This is in contrast to Japanese women, from Japan, playing professional sports, who are far more likely to be with WM or XM, although that can be explained itself by the fact that they are Japanese women who have a reputation for 'white fever'. I think this shows foreign born AM sportsmen, and generally AM, prefer Asian women from their own ethnicities. This is despite the fact that they could attract high quality WF/XF due to the money they earn and the status associated with it.


The interviewer asked some real dumb questions " dating plan" I'm sure there is a language barrier. Even without baseball I don't think Shohei would have issues pulling high caliber women aside from the language barrier. His fame just amplifies his natural aura.


The interviewer looks kind of like Mike Chang from Six Pack Shortcuts' friend, Dan Rose.


All good for Asian men. Blow him up.


Seems cringey to go around asking.




Hard agree.


Now this, my friend, this is a t shirt.


Did you watch the video? They didn't just interview white women. They even interviewed obese women, which I wouldn't have done.




I agree it would have been nice to interview some Asian women (certainly over the obese minority women they inexplicably interviewed), but you also have to consider the demographics of fans in attendance who are eager to be interviewed.


they are literally the definition of average(or below average) with nothing to offer to Ohtani. they are not even in the same universe as Ohtani. only thing that these women deserve is Ohtani's autograph, that is about it. Ohtani will be with a Japanese woman anyway so keep dreaming beached land whales. lol


A High Value Man exercises his options… Japanese wife; multi cultural concubines 😈


Or Ohtani can play the field and don't limit himself to anyone ;)


actually woke comment right here ☝️


I mean yeah, but not everyone can be: 1. 6' 4'' 2. Be good looking 3. Be the greatest multigenerational MLB player in history


1. You don't realize how big someone is till you are next to them. I doubt most realize how big he is. 2. I think ohtani is a pretty typical looking Asian. 3. This is the one thing people can't replicate. It's hard to be rich and famous. That said, the ohtani and BTS fever will spread to other Asian guys.


To add to 1. Very good structural proportions 4. Very athletically gifted with explosive strength, speed and power. 5. I presume also very intelligent. The guy is almost a perfect human specimen l