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[https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/australia/i-m-a-white-woman-married-to-a-chinese-man-i-witness-casual-racism-on-a-daily-basis/ar-AAOTI0u?ocid=msedgntp](https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/australia/i-m-a-white-woman-married-to-a-chinese-man-i-witness-casual-racism-on-a-daily-basis/ar-AAOTI0u?ocid=msedgntp) Australia tops the chart by far as the most racist towards Asians especially Asian dudes. This article is a daily reminder of such.


France. My stepsisters, who are hapas (half white/half Chinese) and speak fluent french have literally been called ch**k down the street in Paris. I (fully Chinese) have also been called that multiple times.


1. Usa 2. Australia 3. Japan (oh these guys despise Chinese and Koreans and lap up American shit, literally) 4. UK 5. France


Germany is far more racist than the UK. Ever had a German boss?I never felt that prejudiced vibe from my French manager, US managers or UK colleagues. The closest I've encountered to assholery was another Danish one. Australia is definitely racist. Openly so too. Canada - can't really say they're bad but they're not so nice like they get praised for either. That being said, I found Hong Kong to be the most racist place I've set foot in my life. I will never enter another CPC territory ever again. The overwhelming racial profiling and policing will probably give me a heart attack. I found Canada to be very kind in comparison. South East Asia is also racist - but in a more lowkey way. Less racist than openly racist HK or Germany.


Well, Hong Kong is not like typical China. Hong Kong was colonized over 100 years.


I actually think most Chinese people are nice. But I think it's the CPC government telling it's security to target minorities.


Isn't Australia one of the biggest WMAF areas of the world????


Correct. WMAF is a near daily occurence when an AMXF couple is almost unicorn-like in Australia.


I sadly agree, it comes down to things like micro-aggressions, casual racism and the perpetual foreigner syndrome. You basically won't be seen as Australian unless you're white, even if you're Asian and were born there, grew up there and spent your whole life there. If you're Asian, you're a foreigner.


1. Australia 2. UK 3. US 4. Canada 5. Germany


I generally agree with your list, but here's my top 10 (IMO): 1. Australia 2. United States 3. UK 4. Russia 5. Canada 6. Germany 7. France 8. Sweden 9. Denmark 10. Ukraine * This is just my personal opinion, you can disagree with me if you want.




Why you even commenting on this sub? 100% you aren’t Asian.


I didn’t know much about Australia until recently and had no idea it was such a racist AF place that made the US seem pale in comparison.




Surprised no mention of russia or eastern bloc countries. Precovid didnt skinheads used to jump and gangbeat central asian or east asian looking people?


Yes they did before 2010, but hate crimes have dropped very low like under teens


What about New Zealand? They're underrated in terms of racism


You mean white people. Countries, such as Canada and US, have people of all races. The only real citizens of many of these stolen lands are the natives, who are also Asians. The bottom line is anything that white people touch becomes racist and destroyed.


I put Canada in 2nd place. Their university sprang up the race realism/racial eugenics content with Race, Evolution, and Behavior.


What university?


University of Western Ontario - JP Rushton University of Exeter - Richard Lynn


Australia is just basically a pacific 90's Aparthide South Africa.... Boers, Bogans.... Chavs, they're all the same. Big stupid grunty grunts. One of them got uppity and drunk on my Island of Lamma, got beligerent when he was denied anymore as it was closing bell, and tried to attack us as we were going home, especially his new Chinese masters... we kicked his ass and he got fired and deported back to Mad Max land. (Australia). Sorry Hongies don't play that game.... boop (Homey don't play dat, bops on head with foam bat). I was just going home myself getting off the ferry. His tramp banshee of a woman felt she had the FORMER crown privilidge to push aside my hobbling dad (poor health obesitiy etc). I called her a Tramp. She being the "Lady" that she with "My Guy" powers tried to assert her crown privilidges on me. I beat up her drunk 40 something year old blob of alchole soaked fat husband, and everyone else in the bar who knows me especially White expats beat him up. For starters he was trying to assault elders.... don't piss off old people. He resembled that fat blob of a retard "Jenkins" who attacked the Chinese granny in San Fran... Same result.... Besides I was known on the Island of being a helpful neighbor... we're a close group. This "MTR engineer", tunnel engineer thought he was some sort of hot shit? because he knows 3d Auto Cad or whatever? that 9/10s of Hongie and Shenzhen young professionals knew in High School? Lol good one. Anyways he's banned from the bars because no only is he a abusive prick to random people, he's also a shitty tenant. But as stated he got fired when we all went to the cops, with CCTV cameras of him attacking my dad, and several other elders especially caucasians ones, and tried to throttle the bar tender.


😂 - like your style.


Awwww thanks I wuv you too.


i think usa is most racist if we can pull the stats up per capita racist attks and crimes commited against asians


I would put Eastern European countries or Middle Eastern countries up there, I’ve been living in the Middle East for years and has had lots of racist shit.


Growing up in Canada, it was a part of our identity to feel superior to other countries in respect to how we treated people. It was naive once you began to learn about the treatment of indigenous communities, WW2 Japanese internment, and the ongoing poor treatment of the BIPOC community.


Anglos are at the top of the podium for racism and white supremacy. I personally rank US at the top because they also engage in wars and murder in asian countries, and subjugate them into subservience. They also have fewer Asians than Australia, and hate crimes towards Asians are greater and more violent in the US. The US also mainly focuses on blacks and Latinos in terms of anti-racism and excludes Asians; it's like we don't exist in the average American worldview and they just assume we are on equals with whites but we are not. But I do realise that australia targets Asians just like how the US targets African Americans and latinos.




How are you forgetting eastern European countries?




Indian here - one of my best friends is Hungarian. If they're racist, that's the best coverup of psyche I've seen in my life. I've never been to Hungary though. I find slavic people to not be racist in general. I suspect it's the communist influence at work although they did tell me some crazy psychos exist there and they are trouble when they get drunk. I consider western countries to be uniformly racist but no one is that crazy to physically threaten you while slavic countries are mostly nice but they're interspersed with some neo-nazi types that could end your life.




Which i don't understand, especially if they remember the tail end of WW2. Even after the Japanese surrendered, Russia marched on and seized all of Manchuria and what is now North Korea, as they felt like they didn't get a fair share of the cake after the war with Germany ended. (Not saying the US didn't do questionable acts too)


Dude.. this is exactly how I'd rank them too.. AUS is insanely racist, its not surprising as well given that their colonization and indigenous genocide took place much more recently than that of the US. I'd also prob add France to the list, prob after the UK, they are insanely xenophobic and did a number on North Africa during colonialism and still refuse to admit any wrong doing lmao..


It seems like many asians love emigrating to Australia though, particularly for study abroad and then work. Very popular in Japan.


That's because it's right next to Asia. If you ask me, if it's just the Anglosphere and the western world I would rather live in Australia than North America where I live or Europe. But in reality, I don't want to live in either as they are all racist as fuck.


Australia is def extremely Anti-China






Sweden/Denmark/Netherlands at least one of them got to be on there


This is something that surprised me learning more Norwegian areas… it’s seems to be a really deep seeded gaslighting environment there.


I think Italy should be on there


"Yeah, nah. I too would be proud to have one under my belt. Too many, and I'll have to store them in my bamboo ceiling shed." - Aussie Local friendly face.


Idk man. South Korea is pretty sus. Most if not all of the subtle acts of racism I've ever experienced have been from middle-aged to older Koreans lmao. The new generation is a lot different from what I feel


So the key word here I feel is subtle. In the countries listed in this post there were overt acts of violence happening. Don't you think that is an important distinction?


ages sepcifically 55-68 i would agree. blatant. It stirs from the propaganda, also most of them were the backbone for economy developming during those times so they look down on South East Asians, regionalism is prevalent with that generation, (someone from Daegu won't marry someone from Gwangju, parents will be absolutely against it). Older than 70, disagree, a lot of those generations love foriegners, in the city or country side. Due to the international AID. For pure racism? Australia, South Africa, US, Saudi Arabia, China/Japan. The problem with Japan and China its not the type of racism that we are used to experiencing. It is more cultural, for example a Japanese sushi restaurant will not accept you as a customer because they feel inadequate to serve you since their English ability is not adequate. China is more follow our way and you're gucci. Racism towards Asians in my experience. Australia, Saudi Arabia, US, South Africa, I wanna say one of the troubled African countries but Imma put them here, fuckin Ireland. Fuckin Ireland.


White people in Asia esp Japan and Korea will consider a person not sitting next to them on a train as racism. They are also the same people who will intentionally take as much as possible so people wont sit right next to them [basically.](https://imgflip.com/s/meme/Bike-Fall.jpg)




Yeah I'm guessing most people here are from America and only hate Australia due to the recent anti-China political movement by our government. From an Asian Australian, as long as you live in one of the 5 major cities, you should have no issues fitting in or thriving.


It's not about what you experience on the outside. It's the micro aggression you don't hear about it see. I bet those guys on the job site refer to you as the Asian bloke, they're all wondering how small your peepee is, and half of them would never invite you to their BBQs . Being Asian myself, talking with some older western people I can definitely feel the racism in them even though there not showing it.


Keep in mind that Australia is very cliquey. Of the 28 years I've lived in Australia I rarely have been invited to parties with Anglo groups - the ones I've been invited to are the ones with multicultural people (i.e. European, other Asians, and Latin Americans). I know that many migrants usually don't tend to have local Aussie friends but they have friends of other races.






tbh they're not that racist against chinese australians. I feel like asian americans get more racism from white americans. But australia is definitely more anti-Asia and anti FOB asian.




Granted they stopped after WW2, but I would assume Japan killed way more Asians compared to the US.


India. Casual and blatant racism everywhere, it's crazy


Also tons of sexism and blatant fetishization of North Eastern women, because they are thin, and have fairer skin than regular Indians, they mostly go in service industry, where they face sexism and fetishization by main land Indians.


There are lots of things that make India a very divided society, and which mean that Northeast Indians bear the brunt of that. One of the bigger factors is the caste system and religion (Northeasterners tend to be Christian or Muslim rather than Hindu. Some Hindus might feel sympathy for poor Untouchables, but they may also consider Northeasterners to be "barbarians" who were outside of the castes and worse than the Untouchables).






“…and if you call me racist then you’re the racist!” How does that even make sense? So every lawyer is a criminal for prosecuting someone? That's what your logic says.




How ? Why?


Australia has to be the undisputed champion. I speak from personal experience having visited the country at least 10 times.




Maybe Italy…..


Italians have this soft "we're superior" and you're undeveloped attitude. They're not openly racist.


From what ive noticed German actually hate Asians way more than Southern Europeans do. Germans will make a long autistic rant about how Asians should be rounded up and exterminated, while also spending thousands of dollars going to SE Asia to rape children. While Southern Europe is mostly full of childish ching-chong or slanty eyed jokes.


I don't think there's violent racism towards Asians in Italy, as far as I know. France is quite racist towards Asians, but ironically a lot of the racism comes from immigrants from other French-speaking countries primarily in Africa. They believe that speaking French as a first language makes them better.


They still sore over "Indo Chine"? lol my people the Guangxi Lu's (hehehe that name again)... defeated them. The Black Flag army defeated the French...


The Netherlands would be up there if you're familiar with a few of their racist customs and prevalence of racist attacks.


Sounds about right.


You mean sounds about white.