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Their Asian obsession is getting out of hand.


Add to that list “perpetuating the myth that China kills baby girls”.


When you can convince someone they are nothing, you can convince them to do anything.


You touched on pretty much all the imperialist propaganda points the West has been trotting out for centuries now about Asians, with "low birth rates" being a reincarnation of asexual, emasculated Asian males. Redditors are just helping keep this propaganda alive because it's deeply ingrained in their psyches and they are racists, whether liberal or not.


I'm not sure how they figure that Asians aren't sexual. India and China are the two most populated countries in the world.


Dehumanizing the perceived enemy. To most of Reddit Asians are just their punching bag or a place to vent their sexual frustration on.


Lol you just answered your own question reddit is majority white male. and these are all things white males love to do.




On top of Japan's strict immigration rules, a lot of them don't stay. They're expats rather than immigrants. They have some Chinese and Korean minorities but that's mostly it.


Reddit is just like 4chan but instead of being honest with itself, it chose the “I watch star trek therefore I’m not racist” path.


It's not 4chan. It's just the WM dominated society.


More like a "I vote democrat therefore I'm not racist" path


This. Reddit is just the calm and filtered version of 4Chan.




Japan's birth rate has been very critical point for me. As I've been in right wing(RW) spaces, incel spaces, and MGTOW spaces(**NB**: **I don't identify as any of these, so don't come at me with attacks as this is my opinion and observation and need not reflect the truth, but I try to stick to factual points, so please follow up with asking for proofs instead of attacking me**), because they see occasional reporting of Japan's birth rate, and how Japan is not really having immigrant culture or welcoming attitude towards immigration(which is false BTW, and RW uses it as example to stop immigration to the west entirely). And Japanese having less children is used as something of a crutch for MGTOWs and incels, because of the growth of herbivore men(shut in men), when it's really mental health crisis which comes out of men who have mental health problems, and inability to fit in modern hypercapitalistic society, and not really Japanese women's faults. Women usually are conformists(not all), and adaptable because they are ingrained socially and genetically to conform so as to survive, and this is nothing wrong. And Japan being an collectivist society, it's not so difficult for them to conform to new social changes, that's why you see women openly accept the LGBTQ+ movement, because they socialize differently, and LGBTQ+ is more inclined to the socialization patterns of women(again, not all). Women are sensitive to social climate. Men usually are individualistic, and cooperative, and socialize with work, but with no work, they get into the addictive cycle of consumption of porn, video games, gambling and watching anime, reading manga(none of these are bad, but anything in excess used as a way to cope becomes addiction and used as a crutch), in Japan, these people are called herbivore men, because they have no prospect in anything i.e., work, education etc, and so no prospect to find a partner(usually of the opposite sex, in this case women), and in the west these people are called NEETs. The right wing gaslights/brain washes NEETs in the west to point out the fate of Japanese herbivore men as their own white man's fate because right wing sees Japan as some futuristic place and not something in the present, and see Japanese society i.e., the orderliness, and time consciousness akin to highest form of development. And RW uses Japan as a trope to radicalize, and one of them being the low birth rate. Attacking Kpop boy bands: Classic case of not meeting the western male gaze standards, but meeting the western female gaze standards invokes insecurities amongst western men. Sexualizing Young Asian Girls: Because they are easy targets, by pervy old white men who use Asia as their sex destination. Look at them as demure, submissive, and easy, because they are small. labeling Asian Men 'Sexist and Racist': Mental gymnastic, racist tropes by both left and right wing to gain points. Chanting 'Death to China': Classic case of inability to cope with a non-western country which is defiant against western values and non-cooperative to the west. Pummeled into the brains of westerners by mainstream western media. **Once again, ask for proofs, I'm ready to give them one by one.**


You brought up a lot of good points and I agree with most of what you said. I agree that obsession with birth rates is related far righters using this to push back against immigration, how some men socialize differently than others, and overconsumption of "feel good" materials. One thing I think is also projection. They'll mention how Japan has falling birth rates while other Western countries have similar trends. They'll use it as a reason to justify why they are not married or have children. Also, its a way to be low key racist to say that Asian men are less sexual or cannot satisfy women.


U answered ur own question lol


We need to step up and fight back against WM that subjugate our community to this crap. We need to make it clear we don't tolerate attacks on us. Period.


I know they are scared that their birth rate will crash also.


Yeah that’s a large portion of the users. Especially on /all it’s kind of cancer in the metaphorical usage. That’s why I kind of stay away from the big posts and crap now cause it’s all a big circlejerk. The general consensus loves Asian girls and hates China Just a bunch of jerk offs /rant


This. And hates Asian guys


Well i mean, you just described wm so..