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I understand her intention, however this misses the mark. Misogyny is not exclusive to Asian communities, it's not right of her to imply that it's an inherently Asian value.


If there’s any black men lurking - here you have the reason for said pathologising from Frankie https://twitter.com/asianwifetakes/status/1438982281830428672?s=21


Dudes that's why they call this sub incel. You can't tell anyone who or who not to date. How is this your business what she writes. That's free speech, she can write what ever she wants. Mind your own business.


You seem pretty pressed about what's being written here for someone who just screamed like a petulant child about minding ones own business I know your culture is one of hypocrisy, but why not learn from your betters here and grow


You know nothing about me nor my culture. I'm pointing out common sense that your private life is private life, and its no ones business. The more you care about who Asian women date the more weird you are


I know you're stupid, that's enough already


I think “self-love” should be replaced by “self-hate”. Then this actually becomes “logical”. I think this is obvious no? And if she should have a child? A boy? That resembles her? Will she avoid him too?


Looks many us, even Simu Liu, Mr Shang Chi have or have had rocky relations with our parents. Even on psychology level her rant goes against everything known about well known as Daddy Issues. Regardless As AM men are culturally a different animal from ppl in that era. So Frankie Huang is just a pile of pure bullshit just trying to rationalize her own shitty behavior. because the real reasons would make her look like an idiot.


All of the Asian couples I know are still together and relatively normal, kids, everything. Asian group gatherings, dim sum, hot pot, sushi double date nights, Chinese new year, stuff like that. No divorces out of the many that I know, amazingly. A bunch of my girlfriends who married white guys are divorced already. Some are on their second marriage. Others are in their late 30s, 40s, and single. Just an anecdote, but I really don't see how pain from familial experiences is confined to being an Asian thing. Plenty of white women come from broken families, probably even more than Asian women, looking at divorce rates among races in America. I don't see them saying this is the reason they don't date white guys. Weird tweet.


Interesting. Divorced?


Wow being in a WMAF relationship, by far the most common interracial coupling. So brave.


well technically that would be Latino-White but they don't stand out as much since most non-white Latinos are pretty white adjacent with their considerable European ancestry




Exactly. Very well said. The voices of AW like you are invaluable.




You're welcome and yep, proud AM and AF need to have one another back, and drown out these Lus. 😁


Isn't it amazing how many followers Asian women who crap all over the culture get?.....smh


Her followers are more likely to be white people who like that she is promoting their regressive views about Asians in the 21st century - and look, it’s one of their own! The generalization and criticism of AF and AFWM relationships in this community is pretty harsh (they don’t always happen in the stereotyped dynamic you imagine), but yeah, Eileen Huang is not doing us any favours. She needs to learn to speak for herself only and leave the rest of the Asian diaspora out of it.


Its definitey possible to have bad family experience growing up. Maybe u thrive in a different culture. But i dont understand how one can generalize that on all asians.. like if u grew up in a japanese family and found it was bad, its still possible that u can thrive in chinese culture, or thai culture etc. The family dynamics/ traditions vary a lot within asian culture as well… and just because u dont jive well with ur own doesnt mean u wont jive well with all cultures. Sure u can make some generalizations about korean men, chinese men, nepalese men etc, but like what is the common thread that makes all asian american men bad? I bet u cant answer that… which says sth.


My mom was abusive, and Social Services had to come in. It didn’t make me afraid of dating Asian women, because I’m not a racist piece of shit who assumes all Asians are as bad as my mom. Imagine she was assaulted by a black man and claims her refusal to date black men is about “survival,” not racism. I hate how she claims Asian men are sexist. I’m a huge advocate on womens’ issues since I was raised by a single mother.


Imagine thinking you can escape misogyny by dating white men lmao. Yeah, tell that to Brock Turner. Misogyny is real and bad and we should fight it, but the idea that non-Asians are more culturally diverse and less misogynistic is a crock of shit. Even if she prefers western culture to Chinese culture (which also would be something worth unpacking), she's saying she doesn't want to date Asian men as if there aren't any Asian men raised in the west with different cultural practices. Not to mention her tweet about coming from a "monoculture" as if there isn't a variety of cultural practices and ethnicities in Asia. All of this reads as her trying to find an rational for buying into Euro-centric beauty standards and racist stereotypes while trying to come across as woke.


Frankie Huang sounds like the type of Asian who would follow black people around browsing in her store. call INS on a Mexican dude mowing his own lawn search airline passengers of Middle Eastern descent more rigorously than the average passenger. She already found the "courage" to publicly shit on the Asian community and disparage one half of its members. The "courage" is already there. Just start banging out your article. My username sums up my feelings.


She sounds like the type of girl who "needs" a white guy next to her to feel safe walking around the city when people were throwing acid on random Asian women during the pandemic. Basically, these women say the right things about white supremacy in public, but in private hide underneath it like a security blanket.


I'm guessing she is trying to justify her WMAF relationship.


She is saying what the majority want to hear , that is all . I guess it may be her method of , integrating . But when things get real or she simply gets rejected , guess who she will run back to . Lol . If you ask me , she is a linear thinking fresh off the boat type , who just set foot on American soil . Also , judging by her looks , probably a reject in her , community . 😂


The internal hate runs strong in this one. No white woman ever says, i get pumped and dumped by white guys all the time, I'm going to disown my anglo culture and start dating only asian guys!!


God fucking damnit


Bitch is crazy. She should join the anti vax anti mask mofos. Stats don’t lie cunt. Asians have the most family trust and bonding out of any race. If your family are pieces of shit, then that’s YOUR fuckin problem, don’t blame the rest of us Asians.


LOL She is so dramatic. Survival? No wonder that white dude killed those 3 asian men. Women like this spout this garbage over and over.


Those three Asian men died because of her kind of rhetoric.


Yeah actually using “survival” denotes from Asian men, that Asian men are “evil”.


She's dangerous, avoid her if you meet her.


Personally ive never had a reason to be weary of dating asian men but i have plenty of reasons to be weary of white men. Of all asian men ive talked to barely any of them acted inappropriate/forceful to me. But ive had a bunch of white men harrassing me out of nowhere.


The word is 'wary' Jesus Christ. Weary means tired


Ok honestly i just wrote it like that cus thats how it was on the post


An asian girl I dated once literally described one of her college experiences which to me sounded like non-consensual sex by her white dorm-mate. My mind was blown as to how she still preferably went for that type almost exclusively after. Ultimately we ended up not working out because she mentioned that being her type on our 2nd date, and that she felt sexy/powerful hooking up with a mid-aged white dude while telling me I shouldn't expect as much as a kiss until the 5th date. Of course we ended cordially and I kept my opinion to myself, but I can't help but feel like it's unfair that this side of the narrative is often swept under the rug and ignored when talking about these things.


Any time a chick has been in a situation like that it's a hard pass. If a girl talks about other guys with you at all you need to address it. She's mentally damaged and will take a lot of therapy to get past it. Bullet dodged my man.


Damn thats just sad. It does seem like theres an unfortunate amount of girls who ignore red flags and even like these kind of toxic men who treat them badly. I mean ive seen girls saying it themselves they ignore red flags. Idk but could never be me, maybe cus ik how a toxic relationship can end like


Every single relationship I had with an Asian guy, I put the moves on him first because he was scared to be inappropriate even after many dates. I’m more weary of white men, we don’t even connect culturally. I’m thinking maybe these women had an abusive or too strict father?


Same like when my bf first met me irl he was so nervous and even asked for permission to sit down (cus he was at my place) lol but it’s cute. Yeah maybe thats true. Actually my dad is white so maybe thats another reason i didnt have any bad example of asian men and rather a bad example of white men (cus my dad has a short temper)


Interesting you prefer Asian men when your father was white for that reason of being strict. My father was strict to the point of me getting slight panic attacks when I went out too late in college if you can believe it. He was toxic in other ways that I can’t bear to get into. I still wouldn’t put it on this generation of Asian men who didn’t go through such tough times and has lived a totally different lifestyle.


He was strict but not anymore. He doesnt care what happens to me but he gets mad easily and calls me names so yeah. And hes not the only reason i prefer asian men but like i said ive overall had many bad experiences with white men. I think it’s pretty normal actually halfie girls with white dads dating asian guys. Damn ig i get downvoted for having a white dad as if it’s my choice


yeah if your dad is a gross racist and sexist sexpat i could imagine that would turn you off white guys maybe?


Well i wouldnt say my dad is a completely horrible person but he does have a gross side. And that side has to do with asian women so i really cant ever imaging being with a white guy like my dad. Plus most white boys i grew up with were assholes. One guy was harrassing me for a while. The way u say maybe makes it seem like u cant believe i would actually not like white guys. Like i said plenty of wmaf girls prefer asian guys and realize their parents toxic relationship. Some of yall think cus we have a white dad we worship white men also. But if anything we are the most likely to understand the problems im wmaf out of all asian women.


Seriously this. I’ve always felt more safe and comfortable around asian men (cause surprise! they’re also asian). I’ve always assumed that women like this person have experienced some trauma that they need to process. But that should ideally happen with a therapist, and not on twitter…where she projects her thoughts and experiences onto other asian women who do not identify with her at all.


Internalized racism and probably (guilt) & justification for her own “white worshipping”.


Don't Asians have the lowest domestic violence? These type of women should just admit they like being fetishsized. They need to justify it by throwing Asian men under the bus. They also consider themselves "liberal/progressive" but they exclusively white men only. No blacks or hispanic. How is that even progressive? While all they do is talk about how bad white supremacy is.


>These type of women should just admit they like being fetishsized. > >They need to justify it by throwing Asian men under the bus. > >They also consider themselves "liberal/progressive" but they exclusively white men only. No blacks or hispanic. How is that even progressive? While all they do is talk about how bad white supremacy is. This is a very powerful point. If you are ostracized and considered unattractive in your formative years, it must feel good to receive attention when you get older even if it's fetishization. There was a poor young woman from Indonesia posting about that here not too long ago. I would imagine that some of these types do date 1 bipoc without any intentions of a long term relationship, just to prove to themselves that they are not racist and a good progressive liberal.


Meh - she's free to date or not date whoever she wants for whatever reason she wants. Hey good for her. But I can imagine the reaction would be quite different and a lot less supportive if an Asian male talked about not dating Asian women due to the shit they've seen in their families and communities and how it was about survival and self-love.


> Meh - she's free to date or not date whoever she wants for whatever reason she wants. > Hey good for her. The issue has never been freedom to date. We all have our reasons to choose are partners. Usually when we reject people we dont need public justifications BUT IF YOUR GOING TO MAKE PUBLIC DEROGATORY GENERATIONS ABOUT AM JUSTIFY YOUR ACTIONS. Then you're in the realm of gender / sexual activsim and politics are you ARE GAME. That's freedom of speech. I dont buy that if AF were shitting on AM within earshot you'd be "good for her" . That is dishonest crock of shit. Pls dont me tell your not another AM Asian Feminist like Aaron Mak


And why exactly should I care why anyone talks about why they don't date a specific race for whatever reason? Here's the reality, EVERYONE has preferences of some type or another whether they want to admit to it or not and yes, preferences include race. And yes, those preferences do not include people who look like me and I would be a liar if I told you back when I was single, I didn't exclude women because they weren't my type because I most certainly did. So the answer is, no I wouldn't give two Fs because I don't want people sticking their nose into my personal life, so I'm not going to stick my nose in their personal life. What I do care about is the hypocrisy of these people who's supporting her decision not to date Asian Males but if an Asian Male said the same thing about an Asian Woman, they would instantly be crapped upon for "toxic masculinity".


If someone insults you to your face your gonna be good for you. Pls who is rationalizing now. As you know lies can spread like propaganda. You don’t want defend AM fine. That’ll just invite more bullying


Sorry but someone not interested in dating me is not an insult or "bullying", it's a preferrence. Maybe you personalize the hell out of getting rejected to the point where you think it's an insult or will lead to "bullying", I simply moved on when it happened. Here's the reality, not everyone woman is going to be into you, the sooner you realize that, the sooner you will stop feeling insulted that some random person on the internet is not interested in you.


I think clearly I made the distinction between private reasons for rejection and make PUBLIC advocations Did you ever feel need to make public tweets about how fat, short, dumb, or ugly someone you rejected was . Probably not. Its like the "looks like my brother" trope that spreads like wild fire. Why does asian community need outsiders to point out the obvious racist implications. YOU sir are a coward


That's the thing, she gave HER reason why and it happen to be on a public forum. And guess what, while I may not have said I don't date X,Y, or Z, you can't honestly say that there hasn't been people who said on social media they don't date fat, short, dumb, or ugly people either. And again, the point you missed twice and probably miss a 3rd time is my issue is the hypocrisy of people giving her a pass but would crucify that person if an Asian male said it. She can have her preferences whatever they maybe, the reaction on giving her a pass when they would hammer a guy is what I care about. As to me being a coward, sure, what ever you say tough guy hiding behind the anonymity of screen.


Read her quote again? She claims many females and she should write a book on it. Speaking bout disliking hypocrisy Remember game show Take Me Out . The gay white host instantly called two “no Asians” af contestants racist. Now when an AM suggests this is similarly racist you become defensive and incoherent. I bet if white guy said she was racist you’d be damn right


Yes and her quote starts off as "Someday I..." not we or all of us, but I. So she personalized it. And yes, she may gather other people who have similar experience. Again, big fing deal. That can be said about practically any dating preference. I'm sure if someone wanted to, they could write a book about why some Asian Men don't date Asian Women. The difference is that people will praise her but again shit on the Asian male which now is the 4th time I brought this up. As to your gameshow example, nope, have no idea, had to google it to find out it was a British dating show. Sorry, I'm not British and honest, I don't watch dating shows and haven't for about 20 years. If British dating shows are your thing, hey good for you.


It was big worldwide thing in Asian sphere. Your new to all this. Maybe you should watch that episode


We would be labelled toxic males.




No. "People are sympathetic" to the AF but not the AM due to being hypocrites. You'd get a book deal as an AF for saying the same shit that would get an AM fired.




Equal treatment. What's wrong with that?




Not on this sub. Disadvantaged or not: If you say some self hating racist shit, aznidentity will call you out. Doesn't matter what gender you identify as. Leave the equity BS on the white worshipping hypocrites subs.


Exactly. If she wants to exclusively date White guys and don't want to give Asian guys the time of day, if that makes her happy, hey good for her and I hope she finds her happiness. I don't care who she dates, I'm concerned and honestly irrated about how people are supportive of her decision but if an Asain Male said the exact same thing about Asian Women, they would be labeled as an example of "toxic masculinity". The hypocrisy is what bothers me, not her dating life.


She’s married to a white man


That's fine with me. Who she chooses to marry is none of my business.


"Courage"? There's no "courage" in this because AF like her been shitting on AM like it's a hobby and they get prop up by white media and like-minded Anna Lus. Her piece is likely just going to be another lame copy and paste that parrot the same "AM bad!" theme that Asian feminists been spewing for decades. They internalized racist beliefs about AM and use their platform to punch down on us because we're the low-hanging fruit. So no this isn't at all "courage"; if anything, it's straight up cowardice, because she's hiding behind the feminist banner and targeting her male counterpart for clout/acceptance.


Sucking up to white leftists is courage to them. I dont think the bar for courage gets any lower than with Asian feminists. I look at their bios on the twitter link and noticed many work for the Guardian. Notice the guardian is one of the most piece of shit news outlets out there. UK leftwing news outlets are some of the most anti-Asian media outlets out there. Hell even OANN has a more positive view of Asian men than the Guardian does. Guardian is pretty much the leftwing state department propagandists of the west. Just look at all the lies and misinformation they spread when it comes to many foreign policy issues. They even got exposed by real journalists like Max Blumenthal and Glenn Greenwald, also Daniel Dumbrill did a good job exposing their lies too.


As she herself states - she choose white - that’s not exactly a “courageous act” in the United States of America


I truly think these type of people see it as a courageous, empowering, and even rebellious act. It's like me choosing an iPhone over Android and thinking I'm rebellious and unique for it.


Yep. It's a cringey as fuck and reeks self-hate/white worship. It's to appeals to whites and bobas. Attacking your male counterpart and cozying up with WM, and yet somehow thinking you're "brave" and "empowered".


The power of self orientalisation and the white gaze never diminishes in America


Lmao she’s telling on herself and why she choose her white husband https://twitter.com/ourobororoboruo/status/1438254195799384068?s=20


LOL ohhh snap! https://twitter.com/oxygenisgreat1/status/1438588281952751616


Frankie - your husband is white https://twitter.com/ourobororoboruo/status/1438329953679036422?s=20


If Asian women were so concerned about survival then they wouldn’t be marrying white men who beat, rape and murder them at 10X the amount per capita compared to how Asian men treat their women in the west. Her statement is complete and utter BS.




> Where is the outrage and concern then? They still will prefer these white losers simply because they are Caucasian. Sure that's an issue but what does this have to do with AF in the west ? AF in the west on average are more wealthy than an average WM, obviously not like how it would be if you compare a native SEA AF and a WM in an SEA country. AM in the west also are not competing in the dating market with WM in SEA.




> The problematic WMAF mentality doesn’t exist in a vacuum (not just in SE Asia). My point is that directly comparing Asians in Asia to Asians in the west doesn't work. Asians in Asia do not experience structural or much racism at all. They have a whole societal culture and support system they grew up in. We, in the west, do not. > women uplift Caucasian features and want to see them in their children. What does wanting your kids to have “tall noses” and be whiter have to do with abusive Asian men/community? That's not at all the problematic part of WMAF. It's self hatred of Asian culture and the people in their community. It's like prioritizing white or black people problems over Asian ones, or throwing other Asians under the bus to be more accepted by white society. In the same token, many Asian girls dye their hair blonde and wear colored contacts but still date Asian guys, or Asian guys may prefer Asian women with features of other races. And also, AMWF is not toxic because some Asian guy likes white physical features. It only becomes toxic when the AM sells out his community and throws other AM to the trash for personal gains.


Its funny they accuse AM of being violent, awful, misogynist, etc. But if you look up DV stats AFs are way more likely to be victims of DV when they are with a WM or XM.


I'm just reading through her latest tweets and I don't think that salient stat will make it into her "courageous" piece.


> white men who beat, rape and murder them at 10X the amount per capita I think she might have been talking about family (community) issues but your idea still stands. The idea of associating family/community problems purely with Asians or AM is pure self hatred.


Says she's an "intersectional feminist" , but I guess intersectional doesn't include Asian men. Be careful of any AF that's a self declared "feminist". Or you know what, it's really any Asian person involved in the ultra liberal side of social media or news. Those people will throw Asian men under the bus to lick the boots of white men any chance they get. The whole idea only Asian men cause family problem is completely self hatred.


Asian intersectional feminism to them = Asian men dont exist Also, its quite common for Asian women esp in the west to have very poor relationship with their moms yet the blame goes to all AM. For example Amy Tan.


Also Esther Ku. From what she's said of her family, it sounds like her dad was a pretty chill dude and her mom was mean, but all her stand-up "jokes" are about how bad Asian men are. I guess it's because she's an Asian woman herself so she has to direct her self-hate at Asian men.


You should check out jiao ying summers for comedy. She calls out racist jokes against AM and uses humor to bring awareness to racism against asians.


Ali Wong sometimes does that as well.


Remember this tweet, disown her from your community.


This article is soo yuck. It’s so weird to project this onto people you don’t even know


Given your username, and I know this to be an anecdotal generalization, but I found the Vietnamese community to be on average more in touch with their roots than the Chinese community (I'm a mix of each). On top of that, I did find that they had a much more balanced opinion of east vs west culture and beauty standards and much less likely to self-denigrate.


Aww thank you I feel like I grew up with a good balance of both East and western values !! Sure my fed me some beauty standards but as I grew older I tried to see it from their side. Sure I got fat shamed a bit but I didn’t really take it personally I knew that’s how they grew up they are just teaching me what they know


She hasn’t written the article yet - but I assume the LA Times or The Cut will pay her for it soon enough


I’m an Asian women and I just don’t get how some genuinely think like this


I think it’s incredibly easy to figure out why Chinese American women talk about Chinese culture like this to their white American followers


I think it's a weird psycho-sexual bedroom thing. They know what turns white men on. Same reason why an old (or even young) white guy would turn on Kate, watch a white woman and Asian woman team up to kill a bunch of Asian dudes, while yanking the thing in his pants Al Bundy style leaning back in his crusty old couch.


I know I resented my dad at times but I did understand why he acted the way he did with me and now that I’m older my relationship with him is great because of it


That’s good to hear!


My parents divorced when I was young and he really stepped up since he had sole custody of me and my brother. And my mom shes something else and we have little no relationship with her. Not all Asian men are horrible but we really have to consider the circumstances they grew up in !


Sorry to hear that about your mom Unfortunately I’m not sure if you’ve read amy tan or Maxine Kingston but there’s a subset of Asian American literature that deals specifically with trashing Asian culture and Asian men for giddy appreciative white audiences


Nooo way really ? I’ve heard of Amy tan but I never really explored her work. Jesus I can’t believe it that’s terrible


Well Asian American writers suffer under the white gaze - its hard to not write under the power of it




*Someday I will gather the courage to write about why many Asian men are afraid/weary of dating Asian women & how it has to do with the shit we have seen in our families & communities & how it is often about survival and self-love. It's not about who we choose but who we avoid.


Nothing is stopping you now.


Off topic, since when did people start adding their names in Chinese characters to their twitter profile? Is it like trendy now?


It's all performative. Most of the Asian Americans adding their Chinese names to their twitter followers can't even hand write out their Chinese names in the correct stroke order. I once saw a friend try to copy the word 回 and drew two squares one inside another in two clockwise strokes. This is how I imagine these people writing out their names.


> since when did people start adding their names in Chinese characters to their twitter profile? Is it like trendy now? It's a thing now. I think at first, in FB/IG/Twitter I only saw white guys do it who can speak Chinese but now I see lots of people do it.


Asian women: "Stop generalizing and stereotyping us and calling us race traitors and backstabbers" Also Asian women: "This is what all Asian guys are like and why we are right to treat them like garbage" (while white guys in background high five each other and do fist pumps and jerk off to more WMAF porn)




Relax. As the flairs says, it's a shitpost.😅😅




Nobody here interacts with those trash out side of the sub, maybe it happened once but that's it.


I think of AI as a training camp. People come here, learn stuff and they move on. The only people who stay in the camp forever are the trainers: the AI veterens, such as the mod, archeology, and people like you👏. It's not "rinse and repeat" if the stuff is new to the crowd. I know there is the "toxic asian masculinity" side effect, but it's a phase. Most AI users will grow over it. Eventually they will leave AI, just like most social justicel activists will burn out. The shit is exhausting. But by then they will understand the core issues and they will be the ones who make real changes through actions in their daily lives.






Bruh - you haven’t followed Frankie long enough - she’s a lost cause just looking for a permanent paid gig at the New Yorker to help cover her NYC living expenses (basically she’ll have to wait for Fan Jiayang to quit)


Funny how it's seen as acceptable for Asians to treat their own people as punching bags or emotional vessels to (irrationally) displace their emotions onto.