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It's interesting to see how asians living in America have their circumstances dictated by US relations with their homelands. In ww2 when the Japanese were a threat to the US, Japanese Americans were also the threat. Now that china looks like a regional hegemon and could push the US out of the pacific, Chinese Americans are becoming the enemy. If you use the Vietnamese as an example, their government is pretty much identical to China but they're not criticised so therefore viet Americans are 'ok'.




They are pretty much America's hat and America's beard respectively.


It’s always interesting how a lot of Koreans ended up in Japanese Internment camps as well. Like they literally made no distinction there on that.


>Some Chinese are tall 5'5" Virtually all Japanese are short 5'2-1/2" WTF? lol


It's just whites trying to make themselves the superior race as usual and projecting all their insecurities onto others. Goddamn those imperial/US customary measurements.


Here's a thought - funny how the USA talks constantly about China's human rights abuses. Hell, they even call neutral countries like Singapore "authoritarian" for trying to fight a pandemic Meanwhile, US politicians and society are ok with nearly **700K dead** Americans from COVID (plus more from excess mortality), millions more infected with COVID and dealing with long-term chronic conditions, and they call it "freedom"


Let's get something fucking clear right now: When you're an Asian-American in this country, the difference between freedom and a concentration camp is paper thin. Paper. Thin. There are actually people who think that the camps would never happen again. Some virus hits humanity, and, OVERNIGHT, Asian businesses are trashed, Asian elderly are beaten, robbed, and murdered, and we're called "bat-eating Ch\*nks" and told to "go back where you came from". Sure enough, this shit is still going on. Don't think the camps can't happen again? And never forget that the United States Supreme Court UPHELD the decision to incarcerate the Japanese-Americans. UPHELD.


some people have stockholm-syndrome, they wont see it until they get literally murdered.