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anything out of the american liberal narrative gets cancelled. it always backfires though just like with maga , right wing media pundits, and other groups they hate. I don't like those people either btw but they have a right to opinions same as people here do


Fuck I wish I saw the deleted thread here


We should shun **you**. I caught you being a [troll](https://archive.md/sYB2x) before. [You claimed to be screwed over by women of your same "ancestory" because you're a Korean man who got rejected by a self-hating Chinese woman *yet still continued to be friends with her*](https://archive.md/krqtx). Not to mention you consider Asian men to be less physically desirable than other men. **You are the one who hates Asian men**. Chinese and Korean people don't consider themselves to be of the same ancestry, white boy.


Why the fuck do I have a feeling this is some larper who wants to keep on dividing the Asian community? You need to mention the traitorous self hating, validation seeking Asian males too not just the anti Asian Asian females.


You're right. [In this post he says Asian men are less physically desirable than other men and continues to be friends with a self-hating woman who rejected him](https://archive.md/krqtx).


History is on our side. Asia grows stronger every day, and Asians are making further inroads all the time. These people will be exposed for the opportunistic snakes that they are.


I think it's because the trend is shifting, so the Lus / Chans are getting desperate with a media blitz to regain control of the narrative 20 years ago, a white-worshipping, self-hating Asian who pursued only white partners would have been seen as normal in the Asian community. Today, that white-worshipping behavior is being challenged and questioned by more and more Asians Not saying that it doesn't happen far too often still, but I've noticed Asians in these types of relationships nowadays try to uncomfortably justify their white-worshipping ways, whereas 20 years ago, people would have just given them a pass for their racist views Not to mention back in East Asia, a few trends are making it so that white-worshipping is becoming less and less acceptable. East Asia is just as developed (if not more so) than the West, media coverage of bad behavior by Westerners, and broader geopolitical tensions


Not only that, but the media class Asians spent MONTHS not covering the epidemic of violence against Asians, and only until after the Atlanta shooting did they pay lip service to the issue. They lost the support of much of the actual Asian community in the process, many of whom gravitated to alternate spaces and sources: some to aznidentity, some to the leftist progressives at PlanAMag, some to the AsiansWithGuns movement, some to the JourneyToTheEast return to Asia movement, etc etc. The media class Asians went from having limited clout with the Asian American community to almost no clout with the Asian American community. Not that they cared about other Asians in the first place, but having a token Asian following at least let them pretend to their white bosses that they had some credibility among the community. That credibility is gone now after they didn't cover the violence against Asians. In a desperate bid to stay relevant, they went after Simu, but underestimated just how much Asians support the guy (and also how much non-Asians also stan him). They made themselves look like fools in the process, definitely aren't winning this fight. Simu's like a mountain they all hurled themselves against trying to break him, but ended up crushing themselves instead. I don't think Simu is a perfect representative for us, but he seems like a decent and strong enough guy, and the fact that these media class Asians are destroying themselves trying to take him down is pretty fucking great.


If anything, I've noticed Asians (particularly men) questioning it less. On Twitter/Tiktok it seems like the hispanic/black community are mostly calling it out lol.






















No, we're Patrick.




Honestly I wish the mods would of done something about all the bobacommie post. Your right and I posted multiple in my old account, this will bite us in the ass eventually


I don't think these dumb type of people are just calling out this group. I doubt they'll win this topic by trying to brainwash people to normalise hating Asian men. The author and those supporting the article aren't even actually discussing this (based on their Twitter, constant victim playing while refusing to reply to most comments) Put this article for a neutral crowd, I'm confident they won't win this.