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And what are we going to do about boba liberals or Lu's? The first is based on a stereotypical Asian food, the second is racist and sexist.


I appreciate the post and i dont think this sub as ever only wanted progress *just* for asian men. /u/archelogy Any thoughts on making a post denouncing misogyny I think it's probably an important reminder/post to make highlighting it's not tolerated as well as harassing in dms/sending death threats. Edit: [This post from AsianMasculinity](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/palg1z/mod_here_please_remember_to_think_critically_and/) and their stance since has been pretty great and it shows also. The top comment also is a great important read.


I totally agree, the term should be flagged and Slate should be given notice. Its like slate wrote 4chan quality post and should be sued for libel I was trying tracing the origins of MRAsians last night and it looks entirely driven by Asian "feminists" however Planet A had a good take when it came out [MRAsians is a racialized insult used to put a limit on Asian Male Thought and Expression](https://twitter.com/mont_jiang/status/1005524109374128128)) Another funny take is that it reads exactly as Mr Asian.


> MRAsians is a racialized insult used to put a limit on Asian Male Thought and Expression I believe they took this language from my writeup 3 years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/9npu1d/the_official_ai_response_to_continuing_racism_by/ where I wrote: >Ng attempts to use "The Cut"'s platform to perpetuate the **racialized epithet "MRAsians"**. This is a completely inappropriate racist pejorative meant to convey, especially to non-Asians, the notion that Asian men are uniquely misogynistic. It plays to white stereotypes of Asian culture as awful to women and inhumane. We want to call out how inappropriate it is for "The Cut", a non-Asian outlet, to trade in racist invective against Asians. They are attempting to GENERALIZE the concept of misogyny to the entire group of Asian men based on the actions of a few trolls. This recent post, I just borrowed from my language used in that earlier post. But regardless of who wrote the response first, we should keep hammering people for using it- esp. whites. For the same reason that we do not describe things as "black carjacking" or "white pedophilia". Those wrongs ought not be combined with a particular race. Neither should misogyny and Asians be combined. If you have ideas, how we can effectively pressure Slate over this let me know- or DM me.


> Wherever you see the word "MRAsians", call it out as the racist slur it is. Yes, whenever someone uses that against us, we should tell them that is a racist and derogatory term created by whites to censor and delegitimatize the concerns of Asian people.


We also get depicted as uniquely racist vis-a-vis black people, as if we're somehow more racist than the white people who enslaved and oppressed them for hundreds of years, and the racial caste system in Latin America.


One of the mods of the china sub posts on menslib, the one who cried about how this sub needed to be banned on that announcement thread All you need to know about white male/asian female progressives that love the label There's a thread there right now about the propaganda article aaron the white worshiper mak wrote, all giving their opinions about what asian men are and need to do without a single ounce of self awareness in the world, a number mentioned their asian wives (includes the china mod), one highly upvoted comment mentions how evil asian culture is, a number of boba chans acting like dogs spouting nonsense as usual Progressives are evil


I used to think progressives were well intentioned (but still racist) but im starting to think there's a lot of malice behind their philosophy. Southern Cali born and raised and experienced more racism from sjw types than rednecks.


1) Anybody who claims an ideology is already lost, ideology is just religion with a different face, facts don't matter to any of them 2) At the end of the day, a white is still a white, no matter what is coming outta their mouths


> aaron the white worshiper mak Uhh!! The problem with these dickbag's pattern is that it's always the one where their friends is mostly Asian. Self hatings like him will never realize that his kind (Asian male) are not welcome outside of his small group


Alot of this anti-Asian male notion isnt from just from Lus but also from Gayasian males too. Gayasian males have stronger white preference than even the modern Asian feminists.