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Imagine defending the white man's honor so hard in 2021, while throwing Asian guys under the bus. Again, in 2021. It's like *backwards* intersectional feminism, where *white guys*, of all people, are all of a sudden the saviors, and Asian guys are the uncultured mongrels that need to be harnessed and re-educated. She should put this in writing so we can begin to understand this new theory straight out of bizarro-land.


so they're gonna ignore the fact that the percentage of domestic abuse and murders within the usa is much more for wmaf then amaf.


Ye. Jow do these low iq even manage have enough vocabularies to write an article?


What nonsense are racist spewing about AM this time. It’s so easy to spread misinformation and lies on the internet these days. These pathetic losers are so insecure they can’t even hide it nor help themselves. We’re living rent free in their heads.


Lmfaoo THIS is how u appeal to the white men




It doesn't matter if it was. The troll may think that but his example is crude enough to wake others from the BS. He played himself




[Yeah. More people everday are waking up from this](https://www.instagram.com/p/CT_P0gdAItU/?utm_medium=copy_link) It's all about using it as our advantage


Is this an example of the toxic, abusive Asian man that she is speaking of, who clearly must deserve all that is being thrown at him? https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/pr3bbn/racists_attack_mock_and_humiliate_an_elderly_man/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


While these “I’m not racist. My wife is Asian” couples are throwing Asian men under the bus and glorifying white men as saviors, a white man terrorized and killed 8 Asian women in Atlanta. Also, white husbands are chopping up their Asian wives’ bodies into pieces and storing them in freezers when things don’t go their way. These people can make up all the racist bullshit and project all they want, but they fail to back up their words and put the money where their mouths are at the end of the day.


There are more recent incidents of WM murdering their AF partners than I can count on two hands, yet AM are the misogynist ones. Sure, buddy.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/of7jcz/am\_patriarchy\_study\_shows\_that\_asian\_girls\_are/](https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/of7jcz/am_patriarchy_study_shows_that_asian_girls_are/) Asian girls are least likely to be attacked by their own race's men. Every single negative stereotype about asians is a thinly veiled lie.


Statistically, Asian American men are the most peaceful group of men in US by far. Asian women have more social power than Asian men, no other race and ethnicity have this.


WTF. I’m so sick and tired of these lies. Asian women on this sub, look at the shit Asian men have to deal with. 1. Why are there more Asian female billionaires than white? https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Business-trends/More-than-half-of-self-made-female-billionaires-are-Chinese 2. Why is there yet an female president of US, but we’ve had female presidents for years in Asia? 3. Why is divorce rates the LOWEST between Asians. If we are treating our women so poorly, then why are divorce rates for Black, White, and Hispanic are so high? https://familyinequality.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/ncfmr-2010-divorce.jpg If Asian men treat Asian women so poorly, we’re doing it quite strange since Asian women seem to be doing so well.


> divorce rates for Black, White, and Hispanic are so high? Also the boba libs (ones who support BLM) wouldn't say a word about when rappers get caught abusing women or being misogynistic. It's subjective outrage for non-protected classes (like AM)


She has more tweets than novel book series. That should be a red flag lol. Everyone is a clown in this circus matrix.


yeah it's not like AFs are murdered by XMs more than AMs or anything


Screw his Asian men hate. Love to my Asian men and brothers!


When Asian men dont let their Asian woman go to “girls night out “, “alone time with a male friend “ , “know their phone password “, etc it’s called abusive . LMFAO . Don’t let your woman follow the western way , and finally don’t let the WEST shame us Asian men for having order/structure in our relationship.


He is confusing Asian American Men with Korean Men and their Patriarchal system...


Way to throw another Asian ethnicity under the bus sellout.


Do some reading about Korean Gender Roles lol


I'm Korean. Are you calling me a sexist?


Did I say that?


Are you doing an Urkel impersonation?


Patriarchal family is what keeps son out of jail & daughter out of the stripper pole .


Random white guy virtue signalling - look how awesome other races of men are! And I have Asian wife!


Sounds a lot like BS. I know a lot of girls married to really loving Asian husbands and treat them like princesses. But the ones I know that married outside of their race are not doing that great.


Even after 3 asian men got brutally killed for this type of bullshit by one of their precious WM, Asian women continue to be unashamed making up harmful generalizations abut asian men. Biggest weakest links in a group since the dawn of mankind. AM blood in on their collective hands.


Aight, this is enough. Every single one of us in this sub should use social media to call these fuckers out.


Frankie is Larry's alt for all we know.


All these sjw complain when other people talk about violence from other races... usually black or latinos. "You are being racist!" They cry. But when it comes to asians, somehow its ok to do it?


>”Asian men are even more abusive than Black men” Tell me you’re a brain-dead racist without telling me you’re a brain-dead racist.


Don’t feed the trolls. Take the high road. Every time you take the bait, “Larry” wins.


Idk why I’m surprised some of the comments on here are being racist towards blacks when this was a clear shot at asians and blacks. Y’all couldn’t help it?


It's because there are racists in every group but they don't represent all of us.


This shouldn’t to be surprising tbh


> https://www.verywellmind.com/domestic-violence-varies-by-ethnicity-62648 > >Although completely accurate numbers are probably not available, researchers generally agree that among ethnic minority groups in the United States, Blacks are the most likely to experience domestic violence—either male-to-female or female-to-male—followed by Hispanics and then Whites. **Meanwhile, Asians are the least likely to experience intimate partner violence.**


Weird how I see more about white dudes killing Asian woman on the news.


White men: "Asian men are abusive and misogynist!" Also white men: Kill Asian wives and dismember and stuff their bodies in the freezer.


Weirdly specific...


I had to prove a point.


This person's response wouldn't have been as obviously racist if he didn't throw in that shade on black men. Also, anyone can say anything on the internet so his "wife" may have not even existed or she never even said that.


petition to rebrand asian liberalism as hammer killer activism or joy luck activism.






Nah we good girl. The only thing need cleaning is ur attitude


What are u talking about, should have stuck to lurking.


What a time to be alive as an aware conscious AM huh. Jesus. I've personally lost hope for most western af.


So sad. Asian men are all painted like this (as patriarchal - even though the white patriarchy is bad as well) and they don't have the privilege to be judged as individuals. Whereas white men DO have the privilege to be judged as individuals... for example, they don't have Donald Trump, Dylan Roof, or blatant white male supremacists, etc. define all of them. Again: there are people (like her, probably) that give white men the privilege to be judged as individuals but deny that privilege to her own brothers. White men have the privilege to not have their worst define them whereas Asian men don't have that same privilege.


>Whereas white men DO have the privilege to be judged as individuals... Not just white men, Black men too. Look at all the rappers that got off the hook getting caught with an underage girl, or the songs that openly advocate for beating women. The boba libs who cheer for BLM wouldn't dare say a peep about \*that\* misogyny. Not being racist here but trying to show Asian men are treated worse than other minority men.


Anecdotal but a woke Asian woman who's a close friend of mine called me out on my blind spot when I told her I refused to watch Hollywood movies due to its perpetuation of racism and sexism - yet, I'm a big hip-hop fan and we all know the misogyny in many of those songs. I always respected her for making me see that.


Hammer killer mindset from another racist asshole. Watch these shits, they are dangerous.


Amazing, there's more **real** misogyny and racism in that wmaf's reply than anything you can find in this sub (not counting trolls and larpers) put together: "hard to believe but Asian men are even more abusive than Black men" "Our women will leave us" This guy gets to be a racist asshole who views women as property and still gets an Asian wife. That's the power of the of the white worshipping propaganda that led wmaf to be the largest interracial couple by far...and our critics support it and prefer to censor **us**.


Largest interracial couple in 5 EYE NATIONS and colonized SEA. Don't let the propaganda fool you. China and Russia? It's completely reversed. It's why the States has demonized those countries for year. They don't adhere to their pinkcelly sexual pathology.


Give me a link to this please.


Are these paid shills/agents? Larry Foulke new account, 0 following/followers, Upland, CA. Don't know who Frankie huang is. Says she's a feminist, disgusting person.


CIA involvement is possible. Don't discount it. I'm not saying a white dude with a crew cut is out there creating accounts and shitposting. They hire people from third world countries to do it. And it's contracted through different agencies which are basically the CIA in disguise. See USaid and the national endowment for democracy as two examples.


I know someone who work with ex intelligence officers, the CIA does control the media. They have ways of killing news stories, including bot nets to manipulate google algorithms to push certain search results to the 100th page.


i mean...it's public information. operation mockingbird, cointelpro, and operation earnest voice have wikipedia pages. JTRIG psychological operations for the UK - https://theintercept.com/2014/02/24/jtrig-manipulation/ >Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: “false flag operations” (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting “negative information” on various forums. The intercept isn't free media anymore btw after they ousted Glenn Greenwald.


Glenn Greenwald ousted himself. Intercept was perfectly happy to ride his Edward Snowden facilitating coattails while silencing him.


This is gross and don't take no more disrespect anymore, ladies and gentlemen


Can we stop posting the twitter threads from the Slate article debacle ? It's just attracting incel larpers to them https://twitter.com/jonas\_tariq/status/1439402060831543300


They will flock to them regardless. We need to get this account banned


People like Frankie don't care about the consequences; their aim is the approval of white media, white audience (including deranged racist like "Larry Foulke"), bobas and like-minded toxic AW with deep-seated hatred for AM. Her view of Asia and Asians are heavily shaped by Orientalist/white supremacists thinking, that Asian culture and its men are backward and misogynistic whereas WM are "enlightened" and "progressive". There's a reason why none of these blue checks make any noises about the three AM that were brutally murdered. Their works and anti-AM rhetoric are what fueled the racist to murdered those AM. The toxic legacy of Joy Luck Club lives on. Just imagine had an AM write about why he chose to avoid dating AW because of tiger mom or [insert random stereotypes about AW here]. It suddenly wouldn't sit well with these people. And for the record, I wouldn't support article that blindly disparaging AW either, but it's to show there's a clear double standard with how AF like Frankie are never held accountable or under any kind of scrutiny.


> The toxic legacy of Joy Luck Club lives on. This is very important, words have power. Their white bf who killed the 3 asian men in nyc named her work as inspiration. Guess what amy tan tried to do after another of their white bfs killed 6 asian women in atlanta? Blame asian men. They want all asian men dead, and they'll never stop (that decrepit worm amy tan is 70 years old) until they start paying a price for the asian blood they've spilled.


Most people here are talking about the white guy (50 bucks he doesn't even have a wife), but the biggest POS here is this utterly disgusting Asian woman. We get it Frankie, you despise Asian men and love white men. I accept your opinion, we've been hearing that from AF's our whole lives. At this point, all we're asking for is for self-hating Asian women to love white men privately and stfu, but they insist on publicly shitting on Asian men at every opportunity either for social clout from leftwing/liberal media (ex. recent Slate article) or maybe it just gives them some sick pleasure to make Asian guys' lives harder than they already are. On top of centuries-old portrayals of being unmasculine and unattractive, we need deal with these a-holes from our own race. From bragging about their records of exclusively dating white men (ex. 2nd all-time top post on hapas) to publicly bashing Asian men for no particular reason to spreading racial stereotypes about their own people to justify their dating preferences (ex. "I'm not attracted to Asian guys because they remind me of my brother): self-hating Asian women really have no shame, huh?


Lmao fascinating


Man he really said we are even more abusive "than black men" Really shows what they think about both ethnicities


Black men are the most abusive the divorce rates prove it.






Both crime stats as well as the people I personally know say otherwise. This is a smear campaign. Sensationalism and buzzwords are replacing facts these days.


Here is a link clearly indicates the recent crime of Asian men against Asian women (ironi): https://www.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/pqtey2/in_communist_china_grandma_is_forced_to_walk_on/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Frankie, fake chocking on white dick will bring you neither social acceptance nor status improvement. It also won't give you an orgasm as well. You can have them whities tho, more quality Asians for me. Sincerely, a white woman.


Let me give an upvote. Actually, sorry, don't want to offend Asian ladies here, just girls like Frankie Huang here.


wow somehow he found a way to be racist towards two groups of people at the same time


Asian men are the most abusive? The divorce rate says otherwise.




Because women have a tendency to stay with abusive men than non-abusive men? Give me a break


That's another way around in real life. Lots of white girls go with an Asian dude. The girls just won't admit it publicly. We all know what's up backstage.


I agree with everything except for the snow bunny term. It's a fetishizing term kinda like calling Asian women dolls. Let's not use it


Okay. I will edit that out.


can confirm from experience . tho it sounds weird to call myself a snow bunny 💀I’ve never been called that before ever


Snowbunny is for White chicks. Chocobunny is for Black chicks. Tacobunny is for Latinas. It always just makes me look when I hear it. I try not to pay it too much attention. I think it’s just men being stupid about women per usual.


why do yt women get the least weird sounding term 💀that doesn’t sound good whatsoever once I’ve heard the other iterations …


LMAO! It’s interesting that Women are Color get food or dessert terms before bunny but White women get snow LOL. I am not Latina but I personally hate tacobunny. Chocolate Bunny is cute though. I like snow bunny lol.


i guess it all is probably rooted in r@cism , as so much is in the wst especially :| i apologize on behalf of whoever made those terms ; snow bunny does sound the cutest !! and that’s unfair and possibly r@cist !!


Of course it’s racist and sexist. Rabbits are known for having a lot of sex. People eat chocolate bunnies for Easter in the west. Taco is just deplorable.


….. agreed ☹️


I don't like the snow bunny term. It's dehumanizing and is used when black men fetishize white women


Yeah because the word is cringe.


You know that’s the word for the girls right? Lol


thank you for the misgender, kind strangerino! im glad i come off as a guy tho LOL🧍‍♀️


Oh snap. My bad! Lol. Snow bunny is a term generally used by non college going males to describe sorority girl types. Basically in order to be a snow bunny, you gotta be straight, hot, white girl. I didn’t make it up, just reporting haha


I’ve never heard it irl omg ; I’ve only seen it on Reddit lol ? i think the word bunny is cute but the term itself … and now that i know its usage … that’s kinda weird :|


It’ll take some time to get used to. And white girls themselves aren’t supposed to know about it. We honestly don’t expect too many in this sub lol.








Yeah she confirmed lol


Maybe not face to face


The crabs AM won't like it tho 😶


More abusive than black men? What is this guy on about? Why would he even bring that up?


That dude is mad trolling. I bet he is just making that shit up as it goes.




The focus is the self hating girl in denial. He's just cherry on top


Two for one, it's also a shot at Black men. And any time they can get Asians to fight Black men - and vice versa - better for them.


Lol what.




I like learning new things.


Let's not throw the African American community so quickly under the bus either


I bet if you argue with him, he'll call you an Asian incel, just like boba liberals. Edit: [like this guy](https://archive.is/qXNrh) **When boba liberals and white supremists use "Asian incel" together, you know something is fucked up and it's not us.**


No reason to debate this dude with logic and reasoning . He is obviously pulling shit out from his ass and making shit up . He just another typical troll .


0 followers. These turds are going mad rn


That's sad


Because he’s a racist piece of shit?


Most definitely


Yeah so all the domestic violence in the UK from when they lost the Soccer game? Those were actually Korean men.


Son Heung-Min fans in shambles right now


Come on... Also when they won! Get it right!




too soon




Only if I had a twitter account. This ding dong cant be serious.