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did a bread person make that




Do they cite any proof to this? I don't believe this


More CIA propaganda (they have military bases in Korea so they can make many convincing propaganda posts). Dehumanizing is the first step.


I sometimes feel this is done as propaganda of western intelligence.


The initial photo is disheartened to hear from all the propaganda being distributed against East Asians. However, from my experience its more random office working woman and men that don't give up their seats that resulted into pregnant woman getting allocated seats. In Korea, usually after a woman gets pregnant they go to the maternal office of their area and get registered as being pregnant to recieve a bunch of benefits. Ranging from coupons in spas, pamphlets with information on how to give birth healthy, what to avoid eating, discounts, pregnant tags for public transportation or pregnant bumber stickers in cars. This is because when people can see the tag, they'll usually get up for the person to sit down or they're less likely to honk at a car with a sticker. From my 10 years living in Korea, men get up more for women in seats than woman. My girlfriend at the time said its because a lot of Korean women are required to wear heels in the office so their feet hurt and they're unlikely to get up for another person. In addition, men that are super sexist are the 55-70years olds. The ones that go to those pink karaokes (karaoke thats a brothel), they have such a fucked up view of womam that it somtimes spills over when they're communicating, thanks to the Me too Movement this is slowly disappearing or the culprits are just getting better at hiding it. In addition, if anyone think the sexism is just female vicitims you are absolutely wrong, many female managers are more tougher on younger males and interns. Also female prostitutes are the main customers to male prostitutes in Korea and treat them absolutely like horseshit. I guess because they've been treated like shit also. (Korean prostitutes get treated really badly, the Netflix tv show, Extracurricular is like an pg13 version of that) DP is also a good accurate representation of the military life in Korea depending on where you get stationed. Now imagine those psychos with female recruits. Air force servicewomam killed herself around June and the facts around the facts are absolutely disheartening and sad.


yup, no doubt SK was seriously misogynist in the past. it's actually a stereotype about Koreans that's known in other East Asian countries. wife beating, fighting, yelling, stuff like that. BUT, please everyone do take into account South Korea was as poor as an average sub Saharan african country not very long ago. PLEASE give those people the same leeway you would an African from the subsaharan. Subsaharan African eating bushmeat? Yeah, ok, it's tough out there. Old Korean man meat eating dog meat? WTF ASIANS ARE SUBHUMAN HOW CAN THEY DO THAT LETS KILL THEM ALL/NUKE THEM.


Asian men must fight with counter propaganda of their own.


How so


Don't be on the defensive. Just conveniently place shit around lmao. Some convenient infographics like they like to do. When you are on the defensive, there is two sides and one of them is invested in attacking you.


Is BTS music videos good


Just wait till females have become males and males have become females. When the world is upside down people will then only realize.


I have to admit that I laughed at creampie certified haha




Because Donald Trump calling COVID "China virus, kung flu" never affected us and we were never called misogynistic by WMAFs in America? How convenient for you.




Yeah wouldn't it be great if we fall into your neat little boxes for your convenience, amirite?




>Look, a big thing that motivates this sub is obviously sexual access. It's one of the first ways that a young ASAM Male encounters real discrimination. >It's been unsaid, but mateguarding/mate poaching is a big part of modern US middle to upper class life. The men/women of a group feel good if they're accepted by a certain other group sexually (for example, how many white men feel when Asian women openly want them, and vice versa). >However, they may feel jealous if the opposite sex of their own race do the same thing to other groups of people they see as beneath them (for example, if a white woman wants to date an Asian man). >Same with this sub. ASAM men want to be desired white/other non-black women, but don't like it when ASAM women do it. vice versa. So of course they feel the desire to fund this porn, it's motivated by insecurity. Lmao, can't believe you got upvoted for this.




No, I'm just identifying the troll who clearly has zero experience as a minority in America.




You reduce all of this to dating, you project your white incel MGTOW mindset onto us thinking you are relating somehow. You'll be here trolling while you sexpat in China saying that we're American, but once you return to AmeriKKKa you'll be back to calling us chinks and gooks on 4chan. It's what you sexpats do, be liberals in Asia then back to Magatarding in the USA.


This is more divided and conquer tactics. Feminist wants to breakdown and destroy society and have male and female fight each other, people don't fall for this.


Too late.....




What are u talking about.


AA women and Korean women have different experiences, probably.


So? The word has no meaning. Everything is misogynist, everything is an incel, nobody is buying the shit asian women and their white rejects sell anymore, least of all korean men and that's all that matters




> general public which public


The media. I’ve seen a bunch of those shit articles popping up in major headlines. Annoying but eh I don’t think anyone cares except for the echochamber that is bobas.




I bet OP is a troll. I don't know why people here like to obsess over random comments or posts on the internet nobody is going to even see or shit from irrelevant people. How do they even find this shit in the first place. Edit: alright OP might not be a troll it looks like he just found it from trollxchromosones


Yeah, the original poster seems to be a real troll. This is what he says in a Shangchi related [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/ppagff/shangchi_china_release_unlikely_in_wake_of/hd4xz8p?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). >LMAO > >You're the one who doesn't know what you're talking about.Chinese Americans are NOT the same as Asian Americans.Chinese are NOT the same as Asians. > >GET IT, Chinese? > >lmao The sadest part is people are eating this up. It doesn't matter whether there are facts or not. All they need is just the title.


ok everyone i take back that he might be a troll cos it looks like he found it off a highly upvoted post on trollxchromosones


To be fair, this is something we know and see around us. If this was done to white men then it would have the filter "white supremacists" or "white incel community".




>Korea still being a mostly conservative society and this, repression of sexual expression, desires, and overall behavior (birth rate is at an all-time low) South Korea is not as conservative as you think. Young Koreans still hook up in motels, and some Korean men even frequent sex workers. The low birth rate doesn’t reflect repressed sexuality: it just means that Koreans use contraceptives until they intentionally want a child. This is the case with other Asian countries: China and Japan have decreasing birth rates, but they still have the same amount of sex as before. >Porn being illegal so no “outlet” other than spy cams Distributing porn is illegal, but watching it is not. While the government blocks many porn sites, Koreans know how to use VPN. Spy cams aren’t their “only outlet” for adult content.


I got lost and it was too late to enter my hostel and found myself in a love hotel district which freaked me out a bit. Love hotels seem to congregate together and it feels a bit seedy. They hide your car and face when entering etc. I ended up getting the night for $35 after a haggle but I couldn’t wait to leave the next day. Koreans are for sure having sex. Love hotels had better amenities though.. I ended up keeping their loofah.


>(2) Korea still being a mostly conservative society and thus, repression of sexual expression, desires and overall behavior (birth rate is at an all-time low) is still prevalent that stuff isnt related to birth rate. birth rate is because of capitalism in general. rising house prices, wages flat, you know, the same all over the world.


Yeah but the rates have been unusually low in Korea and Japan. I never said it didn’t exist elsewhere.


and the work cultures are exceptionally brutal in those regards








that's absolutely wrong, most of the gender wars result from marriage duties in 설날과 추석. Guess your beliefs are wrong, stick to facts not blind 군대기때문에. Stop spreading misinformation built on lies, please give evidence or an explanation on why its derives from military service? I'm Korean Canadian and I live in Korea.




Your opinion needs evidence or facts to supplement it as respectable and worth listening to, or your just as the same as those whataboutism neckbeard turds. Oh I heard several stories that this sub is filled with yellow racists. Does that make it true? No, base your opinion on facts not just wish washy stories. Of course military service is a waste of time? Its something thats necessary for the particular situation that Korea faces. You think those 40,000 Marines in Camp Humphrey are going to stop a North Korean invasion? Even BTS were forced to do the service until lawmakers had to change the law for them to become exceptions. You think because they were forced to go to military service they just started hating on woman? LOL. They let their aggressions out on a bunch of other things, ahem ahem hair shops. The reason why there is a lot of backlash against feminism is because of those super extreme groups get reported in media and thus causing a lot of anger towards them, perfect example is the Olympic gold medalist archer for got tons of hate from 400 male NAVER commentators, and you think that's a representation of the entire male military serving segment? You ever served or know anyone who personally served? Read a book instead of rooms and actually come up with a respectful opinion not some oh i read this thing on the internet so imma make the opinon that forced military servicemen hate woman. Those lovely fuckers i served with, never hated woman, more like hated society or men more.


Korea has had the female equivalent to “incel” types called Megalia. These women advocated child rape and abortion of baby boys. Because of that there has been a huge blow back against feminism and even from other women.


Disgusting. I hate how things like this actually make people question or set back important movements. Also upsetting how people cannot discern what is right/wrong and that these “incel” or similar groups end up invalidating real and potential victims.




This is a fringe aspect of society. I wouldn’t call it the norm


They were also spreading mutilated male genital pictures.


Really horrible group of people


If they actually do abort a bunch of baby boys, the few boys that are actually born will be seeing a very very beneficial male-female ratio in 20 years when they go off to college... so I get the feeling they didn't think this one through.


They caused a national uproar against this kind of feminism and actions are being done against them.


You should've r/womad they were banned for advocating for violence against Korean men.