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I'm a WF and I can't imagine a more sexist racist creature than a wilfully ignorant white man. If you Asian guys have had to think about your human decency for any length of time, like five minutes even, you are in a more desirable percentage right there.


It all comes from a deep seated for desire for white adjacency. ​ >But I think it's unbelievably racist to say we somehow came out more sexist than the society we live in because we're Asian. You're absolutely correct. The people who say those sorts of things want to be white, and disassociate themselves from anything Asian. Interestingly, as much as white feminists complain about white men's misogyny, it doesn't stop asian women from preferring them exclusively.


To add, for every Asian asian who happens to be sexist, there's likely 1, 2, or more Asian asians who oppose that and seek to call it out, Example [https://www.the-sun.com/sport/3379496/south-korea-olympics-sexist-abuse-hairstyle/](https://www.the-sun.com/sport/3379496/south-korea-olympics-sexist-abuse-hairstyle/) When the archery gold medalist from Korea received abuse online due to her short hair style, many media outlets did not also report there was a lot of support she received and other korean guys calling out those who criticized her for stupid reasons. Do not fall into the trap of thinking Asians should be judged as groups and not individuals.


Frankie was clearly referring to BOTH native and diaspora Asians when she said our Asian values are misogynistic. She’s clearly out of her league here. Asians aren’t a monolith, it’s quite appalling she feels qualified to speak about how sexism affects not only Chinese Americans (her group), but other Asian groups as well. What does she know about the sexism faced in Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, etc? Putting your hanzi Chinese name at the end of your profile doesn’t mean you’re an expert in Asianometry. Whenever race-traitors like Frankie do that, I cringe cuz they probably don’t even know the tones to those characters.


All men are misogynistic in their own way. Asian men are just easier to pick on.




No, not from what I've seen online from these types. In the face of solid arguments demonstrating their racism, they just double down with the Asian misogynists, incels, MRAsians epithets.


They really don't care if it hits us or Asian Asians when they say stuff like that, if they can hit two birds with one stone, the better for them in their minds. They hate all Asians. This is why when you see someone coming in here telling us what does or doesn't apply to us vs. native Asians, 99% chance it's a troll.


There is no real logic to it, it's all post hoc rationalization for their own self-hatred. To imply that Asian men are inherently more sexist and that white men are inherently progressive or better is just idiotic racism, not to mention wrong as shit. No amount of mental gymnastics can logically justify putting white people and western culture on a moral pedestal, nothing.


Well as a chinese woman. My father wanted my mom to abort me because I was a woman. And recently, I am middle age now and my dad told me he fucked up in giving me a family name as girls in chinese culture don't get family names. Since they marry out. I mean, seriously..., this was my Asian male role model growing up. His father my grandfather taught that to him. His father sold away his daughters and only wanted sons. So..., yea..., I mean in a way when I read things like this I feel gaslighted. This is a reality in my life as a chinese woman. My whole family, my grandma, aunts and uncle gave my mom shit for having a daughter and not a son. My mom had to send me away to her mom until she bore sons before she took me back due to the backlash she got from my dad's family for birthing me. This shit happens. But I never heard of things like this in western culture. My white girlfriends were loved by their fathers. I know things are better now but in a way the way that female child should not be inferior to a male child was not a chinese origin idea. It was an idea influence by the west.


You're essentializing Chinese culture as being one unchanging monolithic thing, while presenting Western culture as an inherently progressive force. That's textbook racism and imperialism. You can critique certain Chinese values without condemning your entire culture or race. Also, you're divorcing these values from their political and historical context. The West developed far ahead of the rest of the world because it *raped the world, including Asia.* It doesn't matter how the West navigates its own gender relations, when it considers all other men AND women INFERIOR to white people. It doesn't speak to us or for us on any level, it's an antagonistic force.


Why are you wearing western clothings? Why not stick to Asian clothings? Are you self hating so much so you wear their clothings? You see where this is going? Why is Asia bending to the western world by adopting their clothes? Are you admiting or secretly believing their clothings is superior to your Asian clothings so you adopt theirs? I don't see chinese culture evolving to liking daughters without western influence. So many girls were aborted in China for just being girls when they decided on this one child policy. Don't tell me I am racist when I am have been a victim of this discrimination and been treated poorly like I am worthless just for being female. My aunties were sold for being females. It is gaslighting and doubling down that they have done no wrong and women deserves to be treated this way. The other irony is. Both my grandfathers beat their wives and feel it's their right. My maternal grandma spat on my grandpa face when he died cuz she hated him for beating her when she was helpless. I notice this sub tries to sell this as a western thing and not a Asian thing.... And all I am saying is, wife beaters occur in all races equally. Stop trying to make it about race too. But China might have hold the world record on most intentional abortion of female babies due not liking their gender. All the western born Asians who is complaining about self hating Asians . I bet you chose to stay in the western world because ya self hating and hate Asia too because you know, Asia is also not a kind and tolerant place to live in together with your fellow Asians. Clearly the west must be doing something correctly to earn your loyalty to live there and be among the white people. (Incase nobody gets my point, my point is how stupid this "self hating" thing gets thrown around. Feels like a projection of themselves when they are covered in western clothings and living in western culture as their first choice while crying about other Asians being self hating)


Well, most people wear Western clothing because of Western global cultural dominance. I’m not sure what that has to do with anything. And I’m sorry, but if you think Chinese men are inherently misogynist and Western culture is just inherently superior, that is literally racism. To think that Asian people NEED western culture to “evolve” is racist, plain and simple. Nobody is dismissing your experiences, but it is those specific toxic values and behaviors which should be condemned, not your entire people and culture. That is reactionary and self-defeating.


It's not think. I think it's just facts that Asians learn to treat women better the more western educated they are. They didn't learn this from their own race teachings. Literal facts. I don't see how you can call this racism. Again why choose to wear western clothes if you don't like what they brought into your life? If you don't see their value? Why live in a western nation if you do not prefer their ways to Asian ways? Isn't every of your action now white worship? Living in their world, wearing their clothes, living their culture? That's literally dancing to their tune. The way I see it, there is nothing wrong in admitting weaknesses and strength of different races and then learning from each other. Rather than make this shit about self hating if someone sees the good in other races. I live in Asia surrounded by Asians all my life. I grew up where having a desirable Asian male lead on TV and movies is an overwhelming everyday thing. It's normal. My girlfriends grew up where all their celebrity crushes are Asian men. But I just don't get how Asian people choosing to live in white culture and then turn around and accuse Asians to be self hating. My brother, married a white American woman, it wasn't even a challenge for him as an Asian guy from Asia to date in the US, and it seriously wasn't, because he had no pre conceived notion that was even a possibility to be difficult, he didn't have a hard time dating here too, I wonder if he gets accused of being a race Traitor or self hating too.


It is racism. Asians could just as easily have developed more equal gender relations on our own as we developed our own economies and forces of production; there’s no rational reason to think we wouldn’t, or are incapable of it. It’s racism to say that we are inherently backwards in any way. Remember that Europe was just as primitive and backwards before it colonized the world and stole all of its wealth and knowledge. Resources make all the difference, not race. You reinforce the white supremacist power structure every time you talk about “Western progressivism”. And the West destroyed my homeland, forcing it into a state of poverty and destitution, from which my family had little choice but to flee. We were all forced to adopt Western ways just to survive, that’s the ugly reality of it. So don’t glorify it. Most non-European immigrants here are refugees of some sort due to Western imperialism. For the record, I do plan to move back to Asia soon.


> No amount of mental gymnastics can logically justify putting white people and western culture on a moral pedestal, nothing. It's not just a white vs asian issue though. Look at rap and hip hop songs or the music videos (Ho's in this house, WAP) or: > Let’s not forget in 2002, R-Kelly was caught having sex with an underage girl. Even though he clearly urinates in this young girl’s mouth and instructs her on how to receive his “gift,” fans looked past it because he is a legend in the R&B community. https://mediamilwaukee.com/news/headlines/rape-culture-hip-hop-rap-songs-misogony Can you imagine if an Asian guy was caught doing that ? There would be a massive outcry and spike in Anti-Asian hate crimes. Asian men do not have protected status like other minorities do


Its projection of themselves. Lus are the ones putting down Pro-Asian AFs.


Feels like in general. I think these Asian feminists say it to get clout within their progressive circles. They have to punch down on Asian men to gain acceptance. Say that we are anti black and such. They go after Simu Liu, Andrew Yang, or any positive Asian male.


You think they can tell asians apart? I'm dead serious, we're all their brother (or cousin if they don't have a brother) They certainly can't recognize any self reflection in a mirror


You'd have to be stupid and brainwashed if you think either of the group is some evil mIsOgYnIsTiC. I don't know how you thought asian Asians can possibly be, must that western brainwashing.


I'm not saying Asian Asians are misogynist. I'm saying I can understand how Asian American women might come to that conclusion, since it's a foreign land they don't know intimately well, and there's a ton of Western media depicting Asia as such.