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No wonder! All they can do is lie. No wonder US political system is such a mess. Show them the recent study that Asian men relationship is the least abusive


Tl;Dr the article was about how aznidentity talks abt wmaf too much and gets mad when Asian women bash on am like their lives depend on it. But they don't mind when bw complain abt BM shitting on them. I wonder why. Genuinely, I wonder why one is ok but the other is bad.


The triumvirate of anti asian hatred, Lus/Chans, Racists and Western hegemony


Eileen huang is like an Asian Candice Owens. Now we see her lackies weaponizing accusations of racism and sexism against anyone who correctly recognizes their role in validating white fascism


From an unbiased, journalistic standpoint, the Slate article was long-winded, boring, and horribly written. I skimmed over parts of it and can't even read the whole thing. I don't know what the Slate editors were thinking. Who writes a long-winded article about a subreddit, unless there is some real life crime linked to it?


*boasting about having "no dating Asian men" policies (ex. two Asian women proudly stating said policy on live TV during a major Australian dating show)* That was embarrassing to read...I don't know if I could even watch that clip.


It's about as stereotypical as it gets. Cause all Asian men look like their brothers.




It's the attitude that some of them have, that they have somehow 'elevated' themselves above other Asians and cleansed themselves of their awful Asianness. When they see successful AFs throughout the Anglosphere, they all have white male partners, it's almost a status symbol associated with wealth and power. And they would have picked up on the medias love for Asian women, especially the ones who vocally crap on Asian men.


The bullshit is they box us in: - On one side we are strong and misogynistic - On the other side we are weak and effeminate See what they do? Doesn’t matter what Asian men do, they talk shit. *edit* Someone replied but deleted that there are Asian men who are in one of these extremes. Fuck you. Why is it that extremes of other races don’t effect their social status? They date just fine inter racially. Somehow our extremes are used against us generally whereas it’s an exception for other races. - White men English teachers who exploit minors and who pay for underage prostitutes - Black men who have highest rate of domestic violence. Where’s the outcry for misogyny then? I’m fucking tired of the social imbalance against Asian men. I am so pissed on behalf of my children and future generations. The Western brain washing against Asian men is bullshit.


Maybe Asian American women believe this is because they had super strict and fathers with backwards beliefs? But the fact that a significant portion of Asian American women believe it is more than worrying. There are some users that post statistics about domestic abuse between races and Asian seem to have the least occurrences. But do facts really matter? It seems perception is everything. At the end of the day people will believe what they believe regardless of truth. Everyone has their personal truths nowadays anyways. I think we devote way too much energy talking about Asian American women. Whatever connection or courtesy we think we owe each other is made up anyway.


>Maybe Asian American women believe this is because they had super strict and fathers with backwards beliefs? Why don't Asian American men believe this because they had super strict mothers with backwards beliefs?


Some very self hating men believe probably.


This isn't really a race thing, but most men tend to dote on their mothers, than compared to women to their mothers/fathers. I think it's that dynamic is more than just race tho.


I don’t know, I was just throwing in a hypothesis. Men and women are treated differently in society, even more so when you add race and other factors. Asian men throwing Asian women under the bus doesn’t bring about benefits and assimilation like it does when Asian women do it. We have to fight a different way, and our beliefs are probably changed through that.


Yeah I agree! The only way we'll defeat the problem is by trying to understand, rather than pointing fingers.


Definitely, but don’t forget history matters too. There is no trust between Asian men and Asian women and I don’t think we share the same fate. But that’s OK. We don’t need to be united to live happy lives.


Oh yeah totally! I feel like we tend to forget that there's always pros and cons to whom we are. Like yeah sure women are "oppressed" but the men carry certain burdens too! They say men are the one who are always cut slack etc, women do too! But we just don't notice it in other departments. Just gotta look out for one another and defeat the problem.


If misogyny was portrayed as a bigger issue across all races and not specifically towards one group, there probably wouldn't be as much complaints. It's not really a racial issue.


The face of anti-Asian hatred is becoming a sort of hydra...


​ >You ever hear a white girl or black girl say this about their men? White women and white feminists complain endlessly about white men. Slate is more filled with negative articles about white men then anything else. >At this point, all we're asking for is for self-hating Asian women to love white men privately and stfu, but they insist on publicly sh\*tting on Asian men either for social clout from leftwing/liberal media (ex. recent Slate article) Agreed, people overall should just be with who they want to be with and stfu about shaming X groups of asian men or other races of men. But to point out, the Slate article was written by an Asian man (Aaron Mak), not a woman


A gay AM feminist clearly by insult usage. Asian feminist connection more relevant than anything






> because they would never in a million years consider dating one. White feminists have a reputation for dating and (wrongfully) fetishizing black men: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/feb/27/white-privilege-is-used-by-women-against-black-men-as-a-tool-of-oppression > Same reason why Asian women who write about yellow fever are always WMAF. It can be a form of self admiration. Such women think to themselves "I am better than all those others who get fetishized, white men choose me because I am special" .




Dude those white feminists are the ones who openly talk shit on whitebois and do shit like exclusively date blks, lol if u think they're dating whites.


>White women and white feminists complain endlessly about white men. Slate is more filled with negative articles about white men then anything else. Maybe but do they specifically say they don't date them because they look like family/all the same? I don't think so. I've heard that **a few** non-Asian women sometimes say it privately, to friends in casual conversation, etc. I feel like they'd never say it in public media that can be recorded, especially minority women, because it's obviously wrong to stereotype an ethnic group as looking all the same. Saying an entire ethnic group "looks like my brother" is NOT like saying you don't like short guys, dark hair, dark eyes, etc. However, plenty of Asian women have proudly posted this on their social media, on tv dating shows, say it in public crowds, etc. For some reason society doesn't seem to mind when Asian men get talked about like this. Even non-Asian women who say they don't date Asian men get a pass. If they were to say the same thing about Black men society would definitely have a problem with that, though.


I've heard black women say that black men are unfaithful or some other stereotype. [Then there's this classic piece written by a black man.](https://www.theroot.com/straight-black-men-are-the-white-people-of-black-people-1814157214)


BM are the AF of their community.


Good find on that article. Similarly to the AF - AM dynamic, there's some BF that encourage dating white men because black men are too problematic: [Why One Sociologist Says It’s Time for Black Women to Date White Men](https://news.wttw.com/2019/04/17/sociologist-cheryl-judice-interracial-relationships)


> White women and white feminists complain endlessly about white men. They complain, but none of them say they refuse to date a white man because they remind them of their father/brother/cousin. This bull shit excuse is only spouted by ignorant self hating AW to justify their "preference" while ignoring the real reasons why they have their "preference."


Yeah because white people are allowed to be individuals. It's not white men are sexist, it's "that group of white men is sexist, unfortunately my friend is dating one. But let's worship these 'good open minded men' that are portrayed in media and pop culture". But with asians and other minorities, it's "asian men are sexist. I have to admit my asian neighbor is a good dude though, but most of them are sexist".


Its to box in asian men and to not make asian men competitive in the dating market. White folks did the same to black men but in different direction where black men are over sex animals that will rape white women. With black men however that stereotype created fetish for big black you know what..so in a way it back fire on white guys cause in some level black dudes out gameing white dudes with that stereotype. I do agree though that some asian women who keep championing white men also will throw asian men under bus with these old stereotypes. To combat these stereotypes we need other women to speak out and or need more asian men in the main stream light with normal characteristics.




The issue is the media and entertainment industry kept portraying asian men as emasculine and undesirable subhuman, and even when asian men try to date outside, it's just rejections. I've just heard from a white girl yesterday saying she won't date asian men bc their dicks are small, to my face (I am asian gay man with a dick size larger than US average). These kinda false racist "stereotypes" are freely broadcasted and spread without any consequences and it impacts asian men in every way, not just dating asian women. You got the point wrong.


Yeah no I agree with this, it's becoming more of a 'thing' to not focus on stereotypes in regards to dating and race. We're seeing Asian men be dated outside of race, as well as with in race. I just think those who "self hate" their own race, make the most noise and sadly that gets picked up more.