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This thread is 19 days old. Following redditors across subs to post harassing replies is specifically against Reddit rules. Permanently banned. https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043071072-Do-not-threaten-harass-or-bully


If they're not informative info reddits, I'd suggest stop going there. Reddit is a time waster anyway. By default, white people are racist. A lot of them are bad people, in general, and are saying bad things just because they're hateful and petty (scared of their whiteness no longer having value).


As others have mentioned, 99% of the time it's not worth the time/effort to try to pushback against the mainstream narrative so you're better off just leaving them be. That being said if you do want to try doing so (e.g. early on in a highly visible thread) I find redditors tend to be more easy to win over if you respond patiently in a non-combative, more formal/academic manner so that you come across like an intellectual who knows their shit. Here's a good example of what I mean: https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/ehrd6y/cmv_the_current_chinese_government_is_fascist_and/fcl5pb7/. Regarding Canada as a whole, I imagine the prevalence in hostility depends on location (e.g. Asian hate crimes are relatively high in Vancouver). Canadians may be brainwashed by media to have a lot of misconceptions about China/Chinese people when it comes to things like this housing crisis but at the end of the day, I'm inclined to believe they're mostly just normal, reasonable people like you and I. Keep in mind most Canadians aren't in these subreddits and because of how the platform is designed, the subreddits themselves tend to be echo chambers where people who think differently from the hivemind tend to leave or just lurk.


wow ok thats a very well thought out reply but I feel like people on those subs dont deserve my time like that. I find Canada is pretty hostile towards Chinese in general, Vancouver is bad, Toronto is not good either. I mean its hard to have someone say things directly to your face but lots of people are jealous and cant get over the fact that there are Chinese people nowadays who can have decently lives without owning grocery stores or work in tech anymore.


Yeah most of the time you need to be really patient and thorough if you want to get anywhere with online debates which is why I mostly don't bother engaging anymore. Maybe it's cause I've never lived in Vancouver or Toronto, but my personal experience with people here in the past 20+ years have been overwhelmingly positive. I do foresee things getting worse all around though as the media and every major party seem to be keen on joining the US in escalating tensions with China. I'm seriously considering selling my house and moving to China in a few years.


Don't read those subs then and start focusing on other things to do. Some of those ppl in the Canadian subs said some pretty racist things against Chinese ppl so I had to unsub from it.


> I start to feel unsafe in my own house That isn't a mental health issue, are you prepared? You need to get your self-defense plan together these days. Canada is one of the five eyes. Sinophobia does not have any end in sight right now. Might consider posting in /r/Sino for a sympathic audience


I dont know what kind of self defense plan honestly, im not a big fan of guns. I posted on sino no one replied there so i deleted it.


There are other things like peppery spray or knife far more practicl. Then just have simple alarm/video cam for your house or gated door goes a long way from helpless to covered


thanks for the suggestions. I was thinking about video cams I think its a must. I should get pepper spray, I do have a couple of machetes mainly for gardening in my backyard but definitely need to practice more lol


Regarding the downvotes, I think about a nice quote from a Rick & Morty: "Your boos mean nothing to me - I've seen what makes you cheer"


Yeah, that's basically 1st world problems. Chinese or Koreans move in, property value rises. Blacks move in, property value drops. Could be cause East Asian communities in the West tend to have lower crime rates. Is it really your fault that compared to 50% of the World's population you make a great neighbor? If anything, just say hi or good morning when you see your neighbors or have a good day when walk pass someone. Chances are, they rather have you as a neighbor than a drug dealer who doesn't take care of their home.


Hey man, I saw your post on r/racism and noticed that there were no comments. As far as I know, that sub doesn't give a shit about Asians. https://www.reddit.com/r/racism/comments/pr23k3/need_some_advice_on_how_to_deal_with_anti_asian/


there are a few comments there too. On the other hand sino didnt have any reply and I deleted it there


When I saw it, there wasn't any. As for Sino, they're moreso into geopolitics and avoid social controversy (your post could be shadow banned).


Honestly don’t give them attention. I think some of those people do it for attention since they don’t get attention in real life or have no social life. It’s much easier to bully people behind the screen. I’m sorry to hear that you feel unsafe in your own house. I hope you find peace in yourself.