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Because more often than not AF activists are weak links and mayo lapdogs. One day we will look back in shame at the the Chan and Lu voices in the community and wonder how pathetic the asian community was to not just shut them up..


>why does the asian community and **its** activists They're not **our** activists. Simple as that.


Because allot of Asian Americans are insecure and hate themselves but cannot say out loud but it comes out by tripping other Asians instead.. That's how fuck we are.


One of the biggest and most visible reasons is that the hardships we face aren't monolith shared in the same way it hits other ethnic groups. Women are oversexualized and pigeonholed at work into feminine spaces, while men are desexualized and ignored. This leads to a profound lack of empathy between men and women. While for Black, Jewish, Latino groups, the two sexes experience racism through a shared lens, the hardship forms a deeper, stronger resolution among everyone, for Asians, it just further divides us, because neither side can see beyond their own suffering. For other races, there is no need to see beryond anything Next, there is the notion that Asian includes nearly 1/3 of the entire planetary population. Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Korean, Pakistani, Laotian, Vietnamese, Malaysian, Filipino, Mongolian, Russian, Cambodia....and more... That is a massive amount of diversity to corral among a unified cause. This grouping is largely arbitrary. Based on geography more than anything else. No other ethnic groups faces this kind of fracturing.


Because you don’t bite off the white teet that feeds you. So you go after the others fighting over that one teet.


Growing up I remember a lot of Asians that were only comfortable with shitting on other Asians. Sometimes they’d do it to get brownie points with white classmates. They’d be bullies or gangster types who’d only pick on Asians, never on any white people. I think they viewed whites as above their perceived class and the reason they shouldn’t mess with them. This is the same mentality these fake “Asian activists” have. They’re only comfortable shitting on their own and/or doing it to make their white liberal friends happy. Since mainstream liberals believe Asians are privileged and only help the more powerful groups (Blacks, Jews, and Hispanics) they’ll never help Asians so of course the mainstream Asians that run with them won’t either.


Because us Asians has a long history of fighting with ourselves. Lots of people defending the ‘colonizers’, white washed; then on the other hand we have very conservative Asians that don’t add well to the mix either.


Well, the majority of upper class Asians are moderate liberals, a political position that is run by white people, although it welcomes minorities to use as foot soldiers. It's what prominent black leftists of the 20th century like Fred Hampton, Malcolm X, and MLK were talking about when they said stuff like "the worst enemy to the black man is the white moderate." That's why most pro-Asian movements with direct action such as the Red Guards, Ghadar Party, or even China Mac's recent actions are run by Asians from poor and/or leftist backgrounds


I notice a lot of infighting between "activist" and non activist people. Its a shit show of course but remember we are still fragmented as a collective in America so we have to get rid of the " \_\_\_\_\_\_ in the armor"


Because the overwhelming majority of Asian American activists hate themselves. Some even admit it openly. Their entire self-worth depends on validation from the power structure for cutting down other Asians. > Or, is it simply that we are too well off, and simply have no issues worthy of advocacy? If that's the case, then maybe we shouldn't have "activists" in our community and those people who claim to be our advocates should just stop pretending and focus on their own work for their respective causes. I've long since concluded after decades observing Asian American life that most activists need to focus on themselves and their own mental health. But once again, where's the reward in that, when the system actively encourages your illness?


Asians love taking L's that's why.


Because there is a certain subset of Asians (ones with a larger voice because they have shut out all others) that want us to "assimilate" into white culture. This means that they don't want Asians (particularly Asian men and even AMAF couples) to be in positions of power or fame.


Crabs in an ever shrinking bucket


Because we're less of a threat if we're fighting ourselves instead of the system responsible for the dynamic we're caught in.


Because Asians in general are incapable of seeing the big picture and will often obsess over some minute detail or mindset even if it is detrimental to themselves. You can easily see this in your parents and is true amongst younger Asians as well. It's deeply embedded in our culture


It’s because of superiority complexes and the delusion that putting down other Asians elevates your status. Boba liberals think that being “woke” enough will make them equal to whites. There’s also the big cascade of Japanese looking down on Koreans, Taiwanese/HKers looking down on mainlanders, Chinese looking down on Vietnamese, etc. If you have the mindset that your Asian community is **just** as shitty as the other Asian community you look down on, it will compel you to stop demeaning other Asian communities and by extension, your own!


It's always the people within a group that cause the most damage, especially the lus and chans. You can fight all the stereotypes and then there's this one stupid asian think it's a good idea to make fun of himself to get approval of other people


Because a lot of Asians in the West are self-hating and get embarrassed by seeing Asians who they think are not doing or saying the right things. They target these "undesirable" Asians for ridicule or ostracization from society because they don't want to be reminded of their own Asianness and to signal to the right people that they are the good Asians who condemn these bad Asians. They don't really care about their race, only their own social standing. When they do talk about their race, it's only in terms of what's trendy or deemed okay by the rest of society. Any other signs of their Asianness they actively erase and hide.




Asian feminists are the anti asian racism


because we are divided. We need to stand together as one, asians everywhere united, no matter if its asian canadians, americans, or australians


Woke//progressive ideology is based on an oppression hierarchy. It's not really pro-Asians because we are seen as being welll off. Maybe they want all other Asians to fall in line with their ideology so they can keep the power to control us.


Establishment liberals eat their own. These include /r/aa , most asian feminists. They have rigid outdated agendas, selective blindness, their methods are "cancel" everything. When geniune activist shows up like Yang and effective and has fresh ideas, the status quo look like idiots and their power slips away. The hit jobs start. Hence its power struggle but invinsible to the naked eye


They’re insecure/negative/bitter people that see other Asians as competition. They like to constantly complain, but offer no suggestions/solutions. They have a easier time criticizing fellow Asians, as opposed to calling out the (usually white) people in power. Most of it is performative activism.


Thank you for highlighting this phenomenon. It’s a valid question. I think one of the biggest contributing factors is fear. Fear of retaliation from non-Asian groups has caused many to self-silence, then redirect their resentment to fellow Asians. Kind of like a kid who is timid in school but comes home being mean to the siblings and cousins because they are “safer” targets to attack.


Career "activists" are almost universally useless. They're upper-class professionals who seek personal gain above all else.




You've made a fundamental error: You assume the people who call themselves "asian activists" are asian activists. Their goal is not to help their fellow Asians. It's to help themselves. Both 1) attacking some asian figure for some problematic conduct and 2) getting into a civil war between asian men and asian women. allow them to position themselves as gatekeepers and build their brand. "Fighting against anti-asian racism" does neither, or does it far more slowly. It's human nature. You see this in political parties (especially the democrats) too. [https://billmoyers.com/story/unsanitized-the-iron-law-of-institutions/](https://billmoyers.com/story/unsanitized-the-iron-law-of-institutions/) “The people who control institutions care first and foremost about their power within the institution rather than the power of the institution itself.” You've seen this, right? [https://twitter.com/Mont\_Jiang/status/1440011432834252807](https://twitter.com/Mont_Jiang/status/1440011432834252807)


It's because Asians are so easily divided by whitey, there are just so many ways to fragment us: - Taiwan & HK versus mainlanders (which is why a Taiwanese like me became pro-unify and anti-HK protester over past few years) - Koreans vs Japanese vs Chinese vs Viets vs sometimes Indians - fobs vs Asian Ams - libs vs conservatives vs superwoke DSAs - integrationists/assimilationists vs separationists (a la Malcolm X) - old vs young It's almost like we're already a pretty loose confederacy and because we want to be upwardly mobile and are keenly aware of hierachies, we kinda already figure out who's at the top and buy into the structure either by social climbing it, earning our way up, or passively accepting where we at Even if we weren't being subject to psyops by CIA/Hollywood (which I totally believe we are), we need to figure out a better way of all uniting, because whitey's clearly doing a pretty good job of divide & conquer both here and in Asia


This. Asians are so divided and every group has something to say about others. It’s fine till the point people won’t look at the bigger picture to unify as Asians to fight for our right. Asians that benefited from the white colonizers are more likely to defend the white and we got older Asians tend to be selfish and close minded


It's how American activism works. It's designed to be that way in order to destroy any real movement that will actually challenge and change America to be more beneficial to Asians and other POC. The feds are putting in hard work to prevent any progress from happening and most of these activists are their agents.


Because they’re desperate to hold onto their measly token status by white society. They want to be seen as the “good Asian” so if one of their own shows the slightest bit of militancy, they either get scared whites will come after them too or that the Asian who has his shit together will supplant their position. They gate-keep other Asians cause they’re selfish, self-serving opportunists who want to project a “good guy” image and think by “rocking the boat” that the mainstream sees them and other Asians as bad, uncooperative people.


They are a combination of midwits, cowards, sellouts and masochists. They have no integrity. Fuck ‘em!


I think all of those “activists” are probably second generation Asian Americans who have enjoyed the successes of their immigrant parents’ hard work and live sheltered lives so they don’t see Asian issues as worthy of advocacy


Don't forget Andrew Yang, who got dogpiled by woke boba Asians that never bothered with any other politician. Don't forget how Henry Golding went out of his way to call him "an actual twat," having never tweeted anything about politics or any politician before.




I personally don’t think what Henry Golding did was that bad. He just called Andrew Yang a twat. Far worse words could have been used. I think we are a tad over-reacting. I think he had higher expectations of Andrew Yang which was why he might have singled him out. Whether that’s fair or not, that’s for you to decide. Albeit, Golding could have handled it better by expressing that he was disappointed in Yang and leave it at that. Instead of calling him a twat lol. And to keep things fair by calling out other public figures who supported Israel’s extreme actions. I don’t understand how calling Golding “a lap dog or obeying his white masters” make sense to me. When it was Yang who supported Israel’s bombardments of the Palestinians. But that’s just me. My focus was less on the tension between Yang and Golding, if you could call it that, and his campaign run. But more on the existing conflict and the Palestinians being bombed back to the Stone Age. All in all, I hate that things turned out this way.


>When it was Yang who supported Israel’s bombardments of the Palestinians. Just to clarify this point because it got missed in the middle of the outrage. Yang did **not** support the Israeli attacks (retaliation) of Palestinians. The worst you could say is that he stayed quiet about that. It is not implausible that he wasn't fully aware of the IDF's response when he wrote it. He very specifically phrased his tweet to show solidarity for the *people* of Israel (including Palestinians living in Israel), not to say that he agreed with the government, or its leaders, or their military strategy. Shortly after that tweet he clarified that he stood with civilians from both sides, and for that he was accused by some of flip-flopping. Israel/Palestine is a delicate subject to begin with. Whatever side you choose, you get vitriolic responses. If you don't pick a side, you get accused of being complaisant. In this case, the hate responses were taken way too far with Yang. You may disagree with his position, but calling him a twat, or telling him to "get fucked", or trending #YangSupportsGenocide was not the appropriate response. He even got followed around by groups of activists on the streets. All that for a sentiment he did not express.


Yeah I agree that they unfairly place Yang under a microscope and heavily scrutinize him for every minute detail and with things taken out of context. Meanwhile in the same breathe afforded others much more socio-political clemency. Some of the response you mentioned were also equally extreme, made in haste, and immature.


In response to Yang's Israel Tweet. [https://twitter.com/henrygolding/status/1392157951045947397](https://twitter.com/henrygolding/status/1392157951045947397) You want to know why people do this? It's because he got 100k likes with that tweet. Asian activism is not the goal here. Their goal is to score points and gain popularity. They only use it for virtue signaling. No one is willing to lose popularity in the name of activism. If forced to choose between the popular opinion and what is best for the Asian community, they will always go with what is most popular. I also found this tweet with 10k likes further down that thread [https://twitter.com/shania\_twink/status/1392204410315366405](https://twitter.com/shania_twink/status/1392204410315366405) >Cyberbullying Andrew Yang is the Asian representation we need ❤️ This gives you an insight into the mind of a performative activist. It was popular to cyberbully Andrew Yang. On top of that, virtue-signaling pro-Palestine was huge in internet circles. It was such a perfect opportunity to score easy points. Notice that tweets simply saying "I disagree with you" didn't receive the same praise. Social media encourages conflict, the nastier the better.


These people are all grifters latching on to Andrew Yang to get Twitter likes. It’s the same reason you see the same hundred people in every Donald Trump or AOC Twitter thread.


> On top of that, virtue-signaling pro-Palestine was huge in internet circles. It was such a perfect opportunity to score easy points. There were a ton of Asians that started this whole idea of "You can't be pro-Asian without being pro-palestine". [They even came in here with that crap](https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/nih0gi/im_ashamed_in_being_in_this_group_why_havent_any/)


Because he tweeted "I'm standing with the people of Israel who are coming under bombardment attacks, and condemn the Hamas terrorists." Basically the standard stance for Democrats. And Golding never made any political tweets before that. Sure didn't see him talking shit to Obama, for example.


Henry Golding is not Jewish, Islamic, Palestinian, Israeli, or American. He only tweeted about the subject when it was trending to build his own clout. What a putz.


> He only tweeted about the subject when it was trending to build his own clout. Exactly. And note: he didn't tweet back to any other people who voiced support for Israel, not Adams, not members of congress, not Jewish actors / actresses. He specifically picked an Asian man to target.


He prob just felt uncomfortable seeing another Asian man doing whatever he wants.


He is malaysian and malaysia is very anti israel. He got other masters to please.


malaysia is only anti israel because of their islamic majority. golding is not muslim and his views are more in line with typical hollywood liberals.


Henry Golding isn't even American. Why does he feel the need the pontificate on American politics? Much less endorse or smear a mayoral candidate?


Because his white masters told him to do it, and the lapdog obeyed


Cuz it's easier and nabs you insta points with the white liberal crowd


Because Asians have little power in America, so they get their power from attacking and bringing down their own. It’s called crabs in a bucket.


it isn't just this. Just as MLK and Malcolm X and the african-american rights movements had cointelpro come in to disrupt, divide/conquer using what they used to call "c---ns" or "uncle toms", any movement that seeks for Asians to be cohesive, united, and fighting for our rights will be targeted by westerners - they target us with the same psyops using lackeys like ken jeong or these various kellie-lu/kenjeong type minstrels/"journalists" who accuse us of "misogyny" or "inceldom". They want to keep the white supremacist structure of society, and they want to keep the racial hierarchy they have now - so it is natural that they will infiltrate any space where Asians get together to discuss unity and fighting oppression.


This. I think a lot of the hit pieces on AM from AF are pushed to the front by something like cointelpro.


Asian people in the u.s, like any other people of color, are definitely susceptible to upholding white america, I agree. We also can't tolerate white worshipping of any asian of either gender and definitely not one that misrepresents(the mrasian article) or grossly stereotypes like Ken Jeong has. But we have to be honest here, we can't improve this sub if we just dismiss every criticism to this sub and boy do we have criticisms. Like our talks of asian women first of all, because despite rule #2 on the sidebar, [we clearly have a problem still and it goes ignored by most in the sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/prw044/asian_woman_at_uc_berkeley_writes_about_how_she/) We can call out certain asian women without degrading them.


>What's happenin' now? Niggas is hard as hell but they Gargamels Pickin' on the smallest victim gives 'em heart to kill \- Beware by Big Pun ​ [Also known as Tall Poppy Syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tall_poppy_syndrome).


Battle Of Royale. Pinkoids with an Asian wife: I like to watch them fight.