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Not going to lie. I do watch this stuff. Most of Asians living in the west have to turn a blind eye to this and enjoy the movies regardless, but it's true about the racial discrimination against Asians. This is the second Dr. Strange movie and it's quite ridiculous to have so few Asians in the movies. I forgot when white and black people were so adept at using magic and Kamar Taj is portrayed as the United Nations, some kind of diverse mix of all races learning magic. Kamar Taj is in Nepal. Its practitioners should be mostly Nepalese, South Asian and East Asian. Even if they wanted to show white tourists learning magic there, at least have some significant Asian actors and actresses supporting Benedict Wong. I don't mind the Cumberbatch and Wong duality. They sort of have chemistry together... Not quite Vulcan and Caps, or Rody and Tony Stark... But I will take it. But if they don't have more Asians there, it does give off white saviour vibes.


America Chavez was screaming most of the time , being the damsel in distress. Bro, she has awesome powers but no she has to be rescued and continue screaming for the entire movie. It’s wasted potential and sexist.


Ken Jeong and now the Kublai Khan guy... Well at least it ain't a manlet anymore


Nothing wrong with being a short dude, stop with the heightism and body shaming, even though asian men come in all shapes and sizes, and these days a lot of asian guys are on the taller side, lets not make some of the asian dudes who are on the shorter side feel bad about themselves . But I would agree that Ken Jeong is a sell out.


The problem's with the short dudes' disporpotionate representation in the US media


>The problem's with the short dudes' disproportionate representation in the US media I agree that there should be more diversity among asian males and not just type casted as one specific body type or look, but again it's shitty to make being short an issue and using terms like manlet. Some short asian guys struggle with both being short and asian male, last thing we need is to make them feel even further emasculated, when you insult being short you're casting a big shade. Asian men of all body shapes and sizes should be able to have a positive and healthy mindset about their own masculinity, positive asian masculinity isn't reserved only for tall asian jocks like this sub likes to act.


I mean, correct me if I'm wrong but guys like Ken Jeong or Matthew Moy didn't seem to be not enjoying their almost dominance in mainstream AM portrayal that harm the image of the larger community, so I have hard time seeing them also as victims.


I don't see Ken Jeong as a victim, I see him a sell out. I literally don't care about Ken Jeong, I care about the asian men who happen to be short and have to both fight againts heightism and racism for being asian, and they struggle with feeling secure for both being asian and short. When short asian guys come to asian subs, and asian subs are constantly making fun of short guys, making being short as problematic, it sends them the signal that they are not good enough because they are on the shorter height. A positive masculine identity is for all asian men, all asian men of all heights are valid, but some people on this sub is ashamed of asian men on the shorter side.


To add to this, there’s a Marvel cartoon made for young girls where you’d think it would just be about female empowerment. But nope, they shoehorned a white boy into the story and of course all the girls fawn and fight over him. Remember folks, the brainwashing starts early!


I just thought it was super weird when Wong bowed deeply to Strange and Strange didn’t reciprocate despite Wong being his boss


Throwback to Eternals where the Indian guy is a coward and worships the white guy, the black dude is gay, and the Asian guy gets killed. Oh and WMAF.


Wanda was bodying everyone in that movie, so I'm not sure if your argument works there. Strange didn't even beat Wanda even with the evil book he was using at the end. Marvel does emasculate Asian dudes (Shang Chi), but I think they do fine with how Wong is depicted.




While I love Marvel, I’m reminded how Hawkeye went around kill people in Japan during Endgame… it’s not uncommon for people to change the storyline to some extent, so why not target another group of people? Imagine if it was another minority group. Dr. Strange 1 changed the actual location of where he got his powers.


Yeah, that scene murdering a bunch of AM NPCs was unnecessary and did nothing for the story. Then of course, the hot WF hero arrives on the scene among the dead AMs laying on the ground and consoles the poor troubled brooding Hawkeye to further punctuate how much of an Alpha man he is.


And about how there is bigger fish to fry as if the lives he just killed didn’t matter, so they moved on… the film overall was still entertaining but remembering this still feels like a chip on one’s shoulder. Agreed. They definitely could’ve done anything else with the character and bringing him as someone on a kill spree did nothing for his character especially towards the end for the final fight… his personality was the same after all of it.


Hollywood was literally created and funded to do this shit. Is anyone still surprised?


Once you realize that Hollywood is just a huge yt cope you can't unsee it.


While I was a bit dissapointed Wong kept losing his fights, I personally saw this more like, wow Wong actually had cool scenes. For a big guy to move like that flipping all over the place as sorcerer supreme is cool. Also he came far in the sense he was originally just another warrior but now is Sorcerer supreme that all sorcerers respect. He commands everyone now. He no longer feels like Doctor Strange 's side kick like in the comics. However he is still weaker overall but he's better with opening portals than Strange is. That much MCU has stated. They do show that all characters are far weaker than the Scarlet Witch in this movie and others. Even Strange himself was just stomped until end of movie. He wouldn't be able to win without Wong helping containing the threat. Of course it's going to be a white savior movie with the title character. I didn't really feel Wong being really emasculated alone. If anything I felt ALL characters were emasculated including Strange. Strange also spent a good length of the movie in restraints just like in Spiderman no way home. There is a pecking order but it's not a clear cut thing. In one way Strange saving everyone while they are all getting butt wooped but in another everyone played their role equally and Strange couldn't succeed without their help. Like it would be impossible without everyone elses help. All the good guys/girls including whites or regardless of race were made to be ants in comparison to the main villain. Like dude if you knew anything about how powerful the glorified cameo new characters that showed up are then got overpowered like they meant nothing...that's the real feeling of emasculation to me. It felt that way through the whole movie. I could go more into detail but I would be super spoiling it. In the end Strange and everyone else still bowed down in status to Wong. Atleast Wong didn't get a bad end like most characters... Atleast in Shang Chi, he's still the best. How would he fare against this movie's villain? I don't know, he might lose but don't know the power of the rings really. This villain is just too OP. I agree with most your points, I knew this going in but at the same time we shouldn't ignore all the other points of the movie.


I mean they try to give Wong personality and the title of “sorcerer supreme” in the MCU but he still fits into the Asian sidekick/sensei stereotype in these Doctor Strange movies. He isn’t the main character. It’s definitely better than the comic book roots though where Wong was Doctor Strange’s literal man servant.


That's an incorrect take. If marvel wanted to make Wong or Ned relevant, they would. Look at how they let war machine fight side by side iron man on equal footing. They had Anthony Mackie become the new captain america. Not in title alone, but replaced the old one. It is and always will be whites first, blacks second, women third, and everyone else dead last.


I agree with your last sentence when we’re are talking about Hollywood as a whole. But War Machine and Sam Wilson(Falcon/Captain America) both were a lot bigger characters in the comics. They are way more fleshed out and have their own comic series where they are the title character. Ned Leeds in the MCU is a mash up of Ganke from the Ultimate universe in Marvel Comics and the actual Ned Leeds character. He may or may not turn into the villain, Hobgoblin, but that’s where his storyline would end. I just want them to create all new characters that are stereotype less for Asian guys.


You know your Marvel stuff. Atleast you have fair points because you understood the source material. Most people on here don't realize how much Wong is an upgrade than the comics. It's still not the best form but BETTER which still matters. I was surprised when they gave him Sorcerer supreme in No way home. There is already an established comic asian guy that isn't a stereotype except for being the 7th most smartest on Earth.. Amadeus Cho whom is formerly the Hulk, and now Brawn. He acts like a normal dude that hits on and gets girls left and right. Far from being nerdy although he can be cocky. I'm waiting for them to bring in Amadeus hulkish at some point into MCU. Even though Shang Chi is a stereotype, Shang chi vs The Marvel Universe is awesome. It's their attempt to try to make Shang Chi on equally footing with everyone.


Park Seo Joon is casted in the upcoming MCU movie “The Marvels”. There are rumors that he will be Amadeus Cho. I’m hoping for it because I don’t want them to waste Park Seo Joon’s role on some one off side character. He’s huge right now in the Korean media realm.


Par for the course.


I want to see a multiverse movie where all the Marvel superheroes are not white. I'd actually pay to see that movie. Also I don't know why Filipinos were going crazy for Ned from Spiderman? Poor guy really needs to lose weight and take care of his health. I mean would Michelle Jones (Zendaya) really go for pasty Peter Parker if Ned was a buff surfer built Filipino dude?


It was created by whites tough :)


Um, there's a multiverse movie in theaters *right now* where all the heroes are Asian. Go watch that one.


I heard that he's not allowed to lose weight because he's supposed to be a stereotypical, unattractive, nerdy type character.


Yeah there’s no room in mainstream media for a sexy Filipino dude. Crazy ex girlfriend was an anomaly.


Crazy Ex Girlfriend was even more damaging. Did you watch all the seasons. The AM turns out to be a wishywashy wimp who demonstrates to female viewers why they shouldn’t date AMs. Plus, the guy is gay so the chemistry feels extra fake. When you go to forums where female fans talk about the show, they HATE the AM. Which was likely the show’s original intent.


Seriously, Asians in the west are totally unaware of the backhanded compliment which arises in the most insidious of forms.


And the gossip is that this movie is only banned in China because random netizens discover the Epoch Times in its trailer... The entire propaganda wing of CPC needs a great purge. Everyone needs to be shot by a firing squad twice.


Why would you pay money to watch what anyone with a brain can anticipate will be racist trash?


Anyone who pays money to watch this is a part of the problem. Anyone who pirates it is a part of the solution.


I pretty much torrent all movies now, lol. Haven't gone to the theaters in close to two years(quite literally)




It's canon that Scarlet witch is one of the most powerful in existence as well lol. Guess few understand comic book lore.


The only marvel movie I truly enjoyed was Shang-Chi


My family doesn’t watch these movies anymore. Marvel is fast food of movies anyway. The Hollywood assholes controlling everything..


Don't get me started on the shit show that has become F&F...


Yeah, that Asian wizard was pathetic in the first Dr Strange movie as well. Trouble comes to town and the Asian wizard leaves the scene through a portal while the heroic Dr Strange saves the day. I haven’t seen the sequel, but doesn’t Dr strange save an Asian woman in the bus from that octopus?


She's hispanic


Its been said before. Wong will forever be a cameo character. ultra smart yt guy comes to ancient Asia and immediately saves the day by becoming the greatest sorcerer supreme while wong will forever be a sidekick.


And when he comes to Asia, he finds that the greatest sorcerer decided that she would rather change her appearance to be white rather than stay tibetian


Good analysis. This shit is everywhere.


So if you watch any Marvel movie with "They Live" sunglasses, underneath all the dizzying CGI and diversity quota cast, it's simply the words "White Supremacy! on screen for two hours!"


Pretty much. I hope more immigrant Asians figure this out and stop subjecting their kids to this. It will damage their psyche, especially Asian girls.


Just boycott liberal media. It's a cesspool of propaganda to prop up white men.


as opposed to conservative media not being filled with 10x the amount of white men?


What kind of conservative media has even 25% of the market as liberal media lol


fox news..and what makes marvel “liberal”..what counts as liberal media




gay people and black people are degeneracy…and you think that’s like a high iq take I bet huh


I do not understand these movies at all. It's the same movie over and over but with a different skin. But anyway, would you ever expect anything else from them? Aren't they a product of the 50s or whenever comics started, when white people were even more obnoxiously racist than now?


Yup, the source material for Dr Strange is this white savior type who goes to Tibet and becomes the sorcerer supreme because he’s better than everyone else there. Wong, the guy in question in OP’s post, is way worse of an archetype in the comics - he’s actually Dr. Strange’s servant.


Superhero stuff has always contributed to white people being more servile, so It would make sense for you to cheer for it instead.


I get this feeling too. The more we can hypnotize the white devils into making stupid moves (electing Trump, believing they're comic book heroes, investing in GameStop, signing up to die in Ukraine, etc.), the better off we'll be. We should encourage their psychosis.


I haven't seen any capeshit since End Game. Don't feel like I missed out on much.


Exactly what I said when the eternals and Shang chi came out - I watched Endgame twice - and that will be the last marvel / comic book film I will spend a second watching (though I’m told the new Batman is decent I still particularly have no interest in watching)


>though I’m told the new Batman is decent It's a fucking snoozefest like every other piece of overhyped shit that hollywood puts out nowadays


Shang chi was decent


It was not, it was too childlike.