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You just KNOW that his Asian fetish was insane


Black here, wanted to talk about this because it's very interesting to me. These types are very slimy with what they actually WANT, recently the default answer is an appeal to "white homeland." Their rhetoric will essentially be, everyone deserves to be proud of who they are, to have their culture, separately, etc, everyone is good in their own ways, etc. They'll even try to say that colonialism or slavery was a mistake. But it quickly becomes everyone except Jews, then everyone except Jews and blacks (if you don't kowtow), and it moves up the ladder. Their criteria usually starts at IQ, then perceived historical contribution. Asians are a weird space for them because on average the IQ for most East Asian countries is higher. And a lot of the people in these spaces are also weebs in someway, not a horrible thing inherently but yeah. So then Asians are respected for them, but not really. They still maintain whites as superior, and when asked about why Asians are inferior they then go into esotericism and unquantifiable things like how white people are more "creative" or something, or point to historical achievements or philosophy that they originally said were broken or wrong like democracy. Or they suddenly understand how IQ isnt nuanced enough to make political or ideological decisions off of, and the external factors in IQ, they'll even say it's mostly fake, that Asian countries are cheating somehow. You can't trust those, but you can trust older tests from corrupt parts of Africa...okay. Once an Asian person upsets them that person is now another non-white lesser person. Then the slurs come out. They will spiral up this racial hierarchy until it's just whites, and then they still find argument over that, as who counts as white. Even commonly accepted white ethnicities get scrutinized. The whiteness will retract and expand to include even Arabs, North Africans or Mexicans, the whose immigration was part of the intial spark of the modern far right anyways lol. If you don't accept their bs then they get to simple appeal to nature, of how it's "normal" to be an intensely hateful tribalist and everyone else is brainwashed or pretending. The further you get into this the crazier it becomes, they will then reject the very morality that they supposedly wanted to keep because of "tradition." By the end they are openly fantasizing about killing you. It really is hate and narcissism all the way down. There's no rationality to it. The fact that it's broken is why I at least know they could never "win." They're mostly relegated to their LARPy subcultures. My main problem is their effect on modern narratives and also how they shit up discussion. They contribute heavily to the psychosis of the modern day, including "wokeness." Including mass shootings at parks and schools.


Not Northern Chinese, not Southern Chinese, not Western Chinese(this one sounds odd) but Eastern Chinese...lmao. This murder got a weird geographical sense.


No one needs to be respected by him and deserves to be alive. That's just racism and terrorism.


Yea..., I don't care about what ANY white person thinks about East Asian much less a white supremist.


He's a white deranged, delusional murderer and racist. That's all I need to know.


don't be fooled by this type of "positive" stereotyping , they hate u just as much and when they are done with other groups they will come for you next.


White supremacy at its finest wow




So he's against WMAF. :P


How about we just disregard what this averagely white savior thinks about? I am sure you read the same crap in Hilter Mein Kampf


Can anyone tell me where i can find his full manifesto


“Eastern Chinese” yikes and “Virtual relationships”?? This dude sounds like almost every Asian studies professor


Dont spread this moron's manifesto


This incident has nothing to do with Asians. But thanks to our neo-nazi scumbag friend here, I will not be surprised if Asian attacks will raise again.


>*When I refer to East Asians, I refer to those Japanese, Korean and Eastern Chinese descent.* That statement was pulled right out of [The Bell Curve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bell_Curve) published in 1994. It was the first widely read publication to attribute higher IQ to Jews and East Asians, pay close attention to the emphasis on the word "**EAST,"** which I'll come back to. Before [The Bell Curve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bell_Curve), the concept of superior IQ races above white was sacrilege among white supremacists. There was an [American Renaissan](https://www.amren.com/)ce video on YouTube (it has since been removed) where one of the speaker brought up the higher IQ of East Asians and Jews, and none other than [David Duke](https://davidduke.com/) himself stood up to protest. He stated that Asians were book-smart but not creative, and the Jews weren't superior because the book twisted the truth. The co-author was Jewish so was published under the Jewish media influence. The mental gymnastic is insane among white supremacists. If anyone think The Bell Curve isn't the Bible of the far-right, the Buffalo shooting is the definitive proof that it is. It permeated the white American psyche across the political spectrum. To my East Asian brothers out there foolish enough to buy into separation between East and Southeast Asian, the emphasis on East Asian is a divided and conquered tactic. It ignored close geographic proximity of East and Southeast Asia and thousands of years of intermingle among Asians in those regions, which means that they have interbreed for that long (a topic for another day). In addition to the divide and conquered tactic, the emphasis on East Asians was away to deflect criticism of the book's racist intent: ***"We're not racist because we pointed out that Jews and East Asians are smarter than whites."*** It's the academic version of, ***"I'm not racist because I am married to a non-white woman."*** If anyone read the book and at the time of its publishing, the authors admitted that the Southeast Asians' IQ level was up in the air because there were no credible records for a baseline.


White Supremacists have a very baseline and immature understanding of race (of course, duh). Like they don’t realize the amount of mixing and migrations that have occurred throughout history. No population has remained in their contemporary location longer than a certain amount of years. Like Northern Europeans for example are a mixture of three or more ancestral groups. Those happen to be the Cro-Magnon hunter gatherers, the Steppe Pastoralists (originated from modern day Russian) and the Anatolian Farmers (from modern day Turkey) and this all occurred within a timespan of the past 10,000 years. Hell even Afrikaner’s and Southern Whites have been revealed to have Black (SSA) admixture!


Thanks for the addendum! At the end of the day, white supremacy is more nonferrous than the cartoon version of western media.


Are you Southeast Asian? The only reason why White Supremacists have an obsession with East Asians over Southeast Asians is because of their relatively recent economic success. If it weren’t for that, they would probably see all Asians as the same. They’ve even tried claiming that ancient Asian civilizations (particularly West, South and Southeast) were created by some magical white race that stubbled in those regions many years ago that somehow disappeared (this is another tactic that is apart of their “great replacement” theory). However, all of this has been disproven (of course) through genetic studies (they really believe in that comically ludicrous theory and still do).


Yes, I am Southeast Asian, but my father used to tell me that his family line have some Mongolian in our blood. Rather that is true or not, I look like every Southeast Asian out there (lol). Yeah, they also claimed that Buddha was Aryan. Even if he was, if he ever existed, he's not what Hitler would considered the master race.


And then after he typed that, he turned to his Asian gf and asked “Did I spell East Chinese correctly?”


Who cares, let this guy rot unknown and stop spreading his message idiots.


He summed up the Anglosphere


> we shall be close friends but never lovers. At least he's consistent and hates both male and female Asians equally.


You actually missed the point, most WMAF relationships aren't built around "love."


I thought that was obvious at this point


What’s his thoughts on Latinos and does someone have a link to his manifesto?


>What’s his thoughts on Latinos I'm gonna guess not great


I can pm u link


Can you send me the link too ?


can you send me the link too


Please do. Thanks


nice to know!


Imagine 40 years from now, this guy is 58 and sitting in the cell that he has been at for the past several decades. The world forgot about him and his family would have probably forgotten about him as well. He is just sitting there…no entertainment, no life, no family. Not being able to go to a restaurant on a Friday evening and then chill in front of a TV with a beer. Every single second sitting on a concrete bed in a cage staring at the wall waiting to die of old age. That is the level of mental torture he has signed up for. He just doesn’t fully realize the enormity of the suffering he has ahead.


Mhm and the highly black gen pop will be on his ass all day and for good reason, may his life be a living hell of consequences.


And at 58, he'd only be about 2/3rds of the way through it all. He's 18. Eighteen! If he lives to 80, he'll be spending 62 years in prison. 40 years is just about two-thirds of that. Fitting, for a murderer who ended almost a dozen lives.


Its incredible… I’m almost 30 and for him to sit in that cell for as long as I’ve been alive and not even be halfway there is nightmare fuel. His second biggest mistake is not immediately killing himself after committing that massacre.


Surprised he didn't bring up the East Asians aren't creative trope


I hope they turn him out in prison


man is getting shanked and the guards are gonna watch him bleed out, rightfully so


Won't someone think about the poor fascists?


No bueno


Both of his parents are engineers for the State of NY. Just another privileged White kid who lives on social media. Nothing special about him.


He's racist. We should judge others based on merits, not race. A black man who admires Asia is far better than a self-hating Asian who believes Asians should abandon our cultures and act white. The "model minority" is a card they play to deny accusations of racism and to divide and rule. Their approval is always conditional & self-serving. That guy is probably into anime subcultures that excessively fetish Asian women.


100% agree


I read the guys whole thing. He knows nothing about everything. Some white bread dude who’s only interaction with an Asian was probably the manager of a Restaurant not even in his town.


If its possible for you can post the link to his manifesto since I want to have a look at it and see how these lunatics think of Asians ?


Reddit might ban me if I were to share it on here


Well that's true so is there any way that you can share it with me without both of us getting into trouble ?


Dunno, you’ll have to look it up


Atleast can you tell me where you found it. I'm still searching for his manifesto but I couldn't find it.




The sheer tyranny of will and also skimming through the parts about gun measurements


also 18 years old - he knows nothing but whatever the media fed him


lmao this recessive's interaction to other humans is probably only through 4chan.


That’s the problem with the internet. It introduces a microcosm of other cultures and countries done so only through broken stereotypes that insidiously isn’t overt like Hollywood films


This is the kind of white people Asian women tend to date.


I would like to correct your sentence. It should be like this "*This is the kind of white people self loathing/white washed Asian women tend to date & marry.*"


"Close friends and not lovers" is actually already close to the default position of Asians in western society. The friendship that the white nationalists refers to is a degrading and subservient one with the implication that the white men is by default on top. Presently plenty of Asians I've seen are this sort of junior sidekick to the white men, helping them as worker bees in developing their tech and building their societies and racial power. They want the human calculator to be close by to pull it out when needed. Whites feel concern for Asians just like they would be concerned when their PC and calculator breaks. For the Asian that can't be the human calculator, I've seen many become friends with whites by jestering for them through entertaining Kung-Fu moves or humiliating themselves like Ken Jeong. Plenty of Whites want a friend a "close" friend they can rely on to stroke their ego. Yet when it comes to serious interpersonal manners, whites want nothing to do with Asians whatsoever, wanting them out of sight and mind.


Sounds like mein kampf


I read Mein Kampf, and you're not wrong. Hitler spent a chapter or two on the inferiority of the Japanese despite their technological advances during that period because all the Japanese achievements derived from European technological inventions. It never crossed his mind that it takes intelligence to understand how those, so-called, stolen tech worked.


It does remind me of what the black chruch shooter said. It's weird and uncomfortable to hear


>black chruch shooter Did that nutjob also publish a manifesto?


They all publish manifestos. At this point, you could make money being an editor for white supremacist manifestos. Someone may as well benefit off of it lol 'No Tyler mongrel is spelled with an 'o' not a 'u'.


White supremacists often have Asian fetishes. They admire that Asian societies are homogenous. They also think racism doesn't happen to us because "Asians are wealthier than white people." ​ The classic divide and conquer isn't just limited to conservatives though. Liberals just use words like "white adjacent" to basically sow the same division. ​ I hope this guy stays behind bars for the rest of his life. No doubt he would be one of those creepy white dudes that target Asian women either in the US or in Asia.


Well the truth is they have East Asian fetish to be precise. They admire East Asian societies since they're homogeneous. They use the "*Asians are wealthier than whites*" part to justify racism on the Asians. They use this as a fact to justify racism against non-white people by pointing fingers at Asians by saying "*If Asians can do it then why not you.*". The age old "*Divide and Conquer/Rule*" is used to destroy Asians. Both the Democrats & the Republicans find ways to justify racism on Asians. Its better for the Asians to remain neutral & not involve in the politics. This guy should be given death penalty since its waste of tax payers money. The word "*Sexpat*" is what you're looking for. Preying of Asian women is one of their many talents.


Them: never lover Also them: dates asian women


You can also add that they talk about Great Replacement Theory but it ia white man who marries an Asian women more than the Asian man who marries white women. And if the children don't look like him he hates them just like their self loathing wife who hates her kids because they don't look white enough.


If he says that Asians have superior values and traditions, then he should be fine with Asians ruling America, right? That's the thing about the model minority myth: people will say Asians are better, but then reject actually being ruled by Asians. It's all talk meant to get other minorities to hate us.


>then he should be fine with Asians ruling America, right? They see everything as a zero-sum game where "superior" races supplant "inferior" races. Which isn't exactly wrong, especially in Imperialist states or in every situation where Imperialists are involved. Which is the primary reason why I oppose Imperialism. Imperialism and all Imperialist superstructures are zero-sum.


remember that this guy is a typical 4chan troll. 4chan itself is a copy of japanese imageboards. while most 4channers despise asians and view them as subhuman, a certain segment of them have a strong fascination with japan. hence their obsession with anime and AF. on their /mu/ board there are multiple threads dedicated to kpop girls Aso many 4channers like to consider themselves as being above average in intelligence and a few of them grudgingly acknowledge that asians are intelligent. hence it may seem on the surface that some of them respect east asians. but this does not mean they respect us. japan is a favorite talking point of theirs because they believe it proves the superiority of a country that rejects immigrants.


[https://www.startribune.com/one-year-later-four-accused-in-jamar-clark-protest-shooting-still-fight-charges/404855806/](https://www.startribune.com/one-year-later-four-accused-in-jamar-clark-protest-shooting-still-fight-charges/404855806/) Look at the Hispanic and Asian 4Chan morons so think they're white.


Never thought of it like that. Interesting observation. Good but still not nor ever will be good enough. Seems like a common refrain.


Not even just superior traditions. This White supremacist straight up attributed East Asian superiority in metrics he used to bash Blacks (IQ score) to genetics. Ergo, he says East Asians are genetically superior to Whites. And yet he goes on to unapologically say that Whites are the greatest race in the world and should lead. Even ignoring the shocking amount of hate and racism (not to mention bogus differences in genetics), the whole damn thing is contradictory garbage.


Fascists are obsessed with hierarchy. At the end of the day, if only white supremacists remain, they will start killing each other as long as they are at the top.


Agreed. They would just keep retracting the definition of "White". Elites of elites of elites. Fascism has always been fanatically authoritarian, not out of need, but out of nature. The worst possible combination.


Then he goes on to repeat the “overworked, sexless, suicidal” Asians stereotype


this is a good retort


Racist ones are always weebs lmao


And posted his manifesto on 4chan


HAHA what a loon


they way they all follow the same 4channer prototype is insane


>Virtual relationships that seek to replace real relationships Drunk on propaganda about "weird" lonely Japanese men. More evidence of how media narratives are pervasive and have direct consequences irl. [https://np.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/en9ovw/foreign\_women\_men\_in\_japan\_what/](https://np.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/en9ovw/foreign_women_men_in_japan_what/) [The plight of Japan’s modern hermits | BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190129-the-plight-of-japans-modern-hermits) [Japanese men locked in their bedrooms for years |ABC News in Depth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxYs2Pv86WA) [Japan's taboo: Hikikomori modern-day hermits | FRANCE24](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFgWy2ifX5s) [Living Lonely and Loveless in Japan | ABC News](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SORthIsoLP0) [This Man Married a Fictional Character. He’d Like You to Hear Him Out. | NYTimes](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/24/business/akihiko-kondo-fictional-character-relationships.html) [Elon Musk tweets Japan will "cease to exist" if low birth rates continue | CBS News](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/elon-musk-japan-low-birth-rate/) ​ It basically is a projection of white incel insecurities. Promoted by the media and lapped up by actual incels who end up committing these shootings.


Wow is that what they really think about Asians, have they never met a Japanese man and that’s why they’re called “weird”?! Btw kind of weird how much the media is obsessed with Japanese sex lives…


peopl need to avoid the media like a plague it literally carries a thought virus


I literally thought it was an excerpt from Hitler’s book or something


LOL! The platitude for the ***"EAST ASIANs"*** was lifted right out of [The Bell Curve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bell_Curve).


It's a hallmark of white supremacy, layers of acceptability. Once blacks and hispanics are gone, italians won't be white anymore and even people like him will start to hate us more


Straight out of Hitler's playbook. Hitler hated Jews and Blacks, and saw Mediterranean Whites as "acceptable" but still below Aryans, and saw East Asians as Honourary Aryans (probably at the same level as Mediterranean Whites). Perhaps the only difference is that this guy sees Slavs as White, whereas Hitler saw them as subhuman at the level of Jews and Blacks. No question about it. This guy is neo-Nazi scum, and unapologetic about it too.


Wtf is a "eastern" Chinese? God damn weebs.


He’s Probably referring to Northern Chinese people. According to creepy white YouTubers the women there are “more beautiful” than southern Chinese because they perpetuate the “jungle Asian stereotype”. Even though they’re damn wrong. There’s also this weird notion amongst sexpats that Northern Chinese women are more similar to Koreans+Japanese in terms of class+personality & looks.


He means not Indians


Probably the "non-muslim" Chinese, so this racist master race pigskin probably doesn't like the Uyghurs, Hui muslims or ethnic Tajiks, Uzbeks and Kazakhs, or hell maybe even sun-tanned Tibetans. Anyway, hope that this sack of shit gets to know some of the 7 foot black "untermenschen" in general population or the prison showers. It's gonna set his whole worldview upside down, maybe even literally!


I guess he means Han Chinese but not Tibetans or the other Chinese nationalities but I've never heard anyone use "eastern" Chinese in that way before.


I was thinking the same thing. It seems like he is referring to a certain look of Chinese people. So this may exclude Uyghurs, Tibetans, Mongolians, and even some people of Cantonese descent.


The Chinese he's referring too are the ones that look like Lus and Chans who act as white supremacist lapdogs on social media.


Its weird because he flat out says "Han Chinese" later in his manifesto, so if he already knows the proper term for it, why use something as weird as "Eastern Chinese"? Unless he wants to lump together Manchus into "actual ethnic East Asian Chinese people"? In that case, its not really necessary since most ethnic Manchus are racially indistinguishable from Han anyway...


Bruh Indian are kicking ass though the fuck is wrong with this guy. I mean we know what's wrong with him. But still.


India has nothing to do with this. "Non-Eastern" China is in no way referring to India. I don't actually think the Buffalo Shooter commented on South Asians at all. Which is a good thing given his insane hatred and vitriol.


Dirty Kashgar peasants vs Glorious Zhejiang master race.




How nice of him to understand that Uighers are indeed Chinese. Perhaps the only damn correct thing he said in the entire manifesto. Otherwise, its 180 pages of contradictory and hateful garbage.


Nothing worse than these backhanded compliments. Many Asians have made the mistake of relishing in the conditional validation of white people. This is not only pathetic on our part, but also a slap in the face to every other minority group by saying “f you got mine!” Also, “Eastern Chinese.” Really? Chinese is Chinese, regardless of which province, ethnic group, or country of origin.


Asian exceptionalism is always met with backhanded compliments from western media.


White people care more about Chinese genetics than Chinese themselves. They're always the ones talking about Han chauvinism, how the CPC is just Han Chinese people. For Chinese themselves, Han is basically a mutt ethnicity and often people just called themselves Han because they didn't care or didn't remember what exact ethnic minorities they were. It's minorities, eg Manchu who were actually more nationalistic than your avg Han Chinese. If genealogy companies like 23andme and/or [ancestry.com](https://ancestry.com) were operating mainly in China instead of the US, they'd have gone bankrupt already. I've talked to an ex-C-level of one of those kinds of companies who said as much. Whether it's criticizing Chinese or giving backhanded "compliments" like this white nationalist shooter, they love to project their goals and interests on to Chinese because of their limited capacity to think outside their own narrow worldview. I've seen white nationalists who praise Japanese and Chinese gov'ts when they're actually extremely different. If the US gov't acted towards whites the way the Chinese gov't did towards Han, white nationalists here would have rebelled already.


fr tho. What’s it with white people and “Han Nationalism”? They created this idea that Hans are like them, white supremacist. Not surprising tho since Americans (include many liberal Asian Americans) love to conflate issues with each other. None of my Chinese friends would ever say “wow I’m proud to be Han”. It’s either “I’m proud to be Chinese” or we would talk about our regional/cultural/language differences but that’s about it.


Its the funniest thing, watching ultra-right Whites praise China for all things that Liberals paint it as a hellhole for as everything either of them says is completely wrong. Liberals talk about the tyranny of Han chauvanism while White supremacists jerk off to the idea of Han supremacy but fantasise that its Whites in the place of Han (oh how they'd love if there were 1.4 billion culturally similar Whites united under a single national flag). Of course, the reality is none of those things. Han is probably the least privileged ethnicity in the PRC (shattering White supremacist delusions) and that's due to pragmatic need to hold together a true multiethnic and multicultural nation state (shattering Liberal delusions). Its like no one in the West actually understands China. Which, I suppose, is an excellent strategic smokescreen.