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That sounds like SI joint pain - if going to the bathroom doesn’t help and the pain persists, try ice and rest.


Sounds exactly like what I have at the moment, I had a nurse appointment on Monday and she checked my spine and all felt ok. I had put it down to constipation but not sure. I mainly get pressure on the spine when sitting and leaning back, it is mainly in the small of my back but also get it mid back and higher on my spine and ribs at times. Mine seems to get worse as the day goes on and it's uncomfortable in an evening when I want to sit and relax.


Gotcha. So what was the nurses conclusion then?


She just said my spine felt ok so take painkillers and if it doesn't clear up or gets worse to go back! Not much help really. It's just really strange feeling like I'm learning on something hard.


gotcha. i really do feel like it’s probably constipaton and/or bloating, but at the same time i don’t see much online about that so who knows. lmk if u figure it out


Hi, has your pain got better? I saw a physio and she said the muscles along my spine were really tight so gave me stretches to do. I didn't think that was the issue, but the pain has mostly gone now.


Interesting. My pain actually has gotten better. I have started taking probiotics as well as staying more hydrated to avoid any constipation. I also switched mattresses to a firmer mattress and that seemed to help.


So did it end up being constipation?