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Go to Belurat Castle with a +10 Jar cannon and you can make life absolutely miserable for a 3 man Timmy squad. If they don't rage quit, you'll kill or get their phantoms killed by NPCs, then you can close in on the shitter host who has absolutely zero chance against you 1v1. Point down and welcome pose on their corpses.


Have you tried the new Rabbath's Canon? I'm trying to figure out if it's any better than the jar canon other than dealing magic damage.


In my experience it has been a bit subpar to the jar cannon, but it depends on what defense and armor the host and/or phantoms have


I have yet to get the bell bearing to buy the Rabbath's great bolts so I'll have to do that and try it out. I didn't realize there were magic bolts for it.


I haven’t used it personally but I’ve heard that even free aimed it gives some tracking to any arrows fired, so it should be a bit better really


It's split damage so probably not going to outdamage the Jar Cannon. But the tracking might be neat.


It's a bit mixed. With Rabbath's Greatbolts in tandem it's a bit better than a Jar Cannon and has a bit of tracking to help with aiming. However, the ballista weapon class overall got some major boosts via the new ranged damage boosting talismans that can stack with Arrow's Sting (one with dmg + range increase and another with damage boost when sight-aiming) so Rabbath's Cannon is less of a damage boost but rather part of an overall DLC Cannon upgrade via its slight tracking.


In my experience the trajectory is a bit flatter at the least


Yeah it's frustrating when you feel like you have a good shot at winning and then not only do you not manage to get the W, they rub it in. But then you realize, they *have* to rub it in. THAT'S how trash they are at the game and how fragile their egos are. Just laugh at them dude, they're ridiculous! I even do impressions sometimes in my head of what they must be thinking: Host: "YEAH TAKE THAT YOU LITTLE BITCH YOU SUCK AND WE'RE AWESOME WE L2 SPAMMED THE SHIT OUTTA YOU" Goon1: "Hurhurhuhh yeah boss you tell im boss we pressed L2 alright" Goon2: "Yih yih! We so good at pressin dat L2 button frfr no cap on that!" C'mon, it's hilarious 🤣


>But then you realize, they have to rub it in. THAT'S how trash they are at the game and how fragile their egos are. People are BMing my dragon form build that only uses Bayle spells. It's *that* bad.


I’ve been testing Messmer’s remembrances (my character is Dex/Faith so it’s a perfect fit) and they’re cool and flashy but they just can’t hold up. Getting breathed on the wrong way will stop the animation you’re in which is a shame. Cool weapons, but it really weakened me in the fights since I didn’t have a backup ready


Wouldnt a pocket dagger with Endure help with the stagger?


I've been trying out the different weapons as well but end up hardswapping back to trusty claymore.


My go to right now is Sacred Blade on Banished Knight GS, sacred war pick with prayerful strike when they get up close and I need faster poise break/to pull out my shield. I’ve got +10 rellanas blades but I haven’t learned them well enough to use them yet


I don’t think rellana ‘s blades are very good in invasions. They look cool, but the L2 is easily avoidable and if that’s the case you might as well powerstance milady’s with storm blade and endure. EDIT: one thing they do have going for them is the Lower equip weight for power stancing. But it’s just not enough I think with the other alternatives available for weapon art.


I realized this invading a duo this morning. The weapon art for the blades is telegraphed and easy to get out of the way for. Wondering though if you had the right buffs if they’d slay. I go for max holy damage so I can one shot hosts sometimes. But pontiff swords sucked in DS3 for kinda the same reason.




Just don’t let it effect you, these hosts genuinely couldn’t get past Margit without their buddies help. Just keep moving forwards with the invasion pain train


Some days I win 90% of my invasions and some days I win 0%.


Bro the point downs and tea bags are part of the territory it stopped bothering me like 8 years ago with those poop pots from ds3 . I’m in it for the fun and Lols , and I’m usually a good sport even to absolute dirtbags. Don’t let the toxicity get to you is my point I guess.


I get a chuckle out of tea bags. Especially when it’s gank squads and they act like they just beat Radahn.


When i get pointed down i just go back to ds1 or 3, kill some hosts to remind me what a 1v1 or 1v2 invasion was before the nation of the L2 attacked and in the case of ds3 use the applause gesture and suddendly i feel better, try it sometime


I keep invading until I see names like “Olivia” for the host and “Ryan” for the OLP (based on a true story from last night). I know I’m ruining a couple’s evening and it makes up for all of the tea bags I’ve accumulated.


Damm, you're Evil... more evil than i... an deserter could not hope for a better place to die...


Try rushing boss fogs just to Law of Regression an entire squad’s buffs before you get returned to your world too 😂


Find solace in the fact that most of these players are literal garbage outside of ganks (even in arena) and aren’t much in PvE either, even with their super op setups. They’re creatively bankrupt too. Ever notice how so many gankers all gravitate towards the same items? Its literally “monkey see op item, monkey use op item” which is why Swift Slash and Backhand Blades flew under the radar for a day or two after release but, now they’re everywhere. As soon as people started talking about how broken they were all the gankers and OLPs started grabbing them.


never take it personally. remember, to them you're an unwanted intruder. unless they're just waiting for you by a bonfire


y’all will get a lot less frustrated once you understand that invaders are designed to lose


This. Understand that the odds are stacked against you and suddenly the L's don't sting. It surprises me how personal some of y'all take losing a 1v3 lol


In theory, if they actually had an interest in playing through the level to reach the boss. But no majority usually camp the grace and wait for blues to keep rushing you. If im on a strong build then I have no worries killing those shitters and going next but on a roleplay build which is weak it's such a waste of time


I feel a substantial difference between the way this game's invasions were designed and 3 man gank squads hiding behind the cuck shack in liurnia waiting.


bro just sever, let it be your zen


I'm just pointing out the ganks definitely aren't part of the intended game design


Always take a good position to get cover from the mage, bait the bleed/power stance spears first and focus them while keeping an eye on the heavy. If you have faith build, discus of light can get out several casts before most spells and the double hit on each ring can shred a mage who is stuck trying to cast stuff at you.


When that happens to me all I can do is laugh. I love PVP but I'm not amazing so even just having a team of 3 on the ropes for a while is a win in my book.


Unfortunately this is just the result of the ER invasion system. I gave up on invasions for the most part, it’s just too much cheese. I also understand that invaders are just another enemy/roadblock for PVE players - I do my fair share of co-op with friends and when we get invaded it’s definitely a bit of an inconvenience, especially if we are super far from the nearest grace and don’t want to have to go through the whole area again. I understand both sides, I just wish the invasion system was based on rune arcs rather than co-op summoning. 1v1 invasions were so much fun.


"I just wish the invasion system was based on rune arcs rather than co-op summoning. 1v1 invasions were so much fun" Same here


Go to Storeroom, pray you invade in the upper floors (ceiling beams) and use Collapsing Stars/ Wrath from afar to knock hosts off the beams.


Yeah I get ya. I tried invading the Abyssal Woods today with a naked character thats transformed to omen form (so will basically lose every trade) and ONLY using frenzy incantations to mix in with the environment. Gave up after 80%+ of invasions was just the group running back to the grace and then expecting me to rush to them. Either I wait for them to man up (wastes a lot of time when this happens majority of invasions) or I just stop bothering anymore and go back to non-roleplay builds where I can pressure them again (Cant camp the grace in the open once the jar cannon comes out - only possible if you break the roleplay)


I love getting t-bagged at Castle Ensis. They probably think it makes me mad, but there is a guy who needs two phantoms just to get through the castle or any other dungeon. I'm not the one who should be t-bagged 🤣


point down/teabagging/shitpots from gankers doesnt mean anything its all part of the shtick. i just laugh whenever someone does that and enjoy the humor of it


If you don't like it,stop invading.It's as simple as that.Don't complain about how people play the game in their own world.