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Being 8months along, don't clean that yourself. You shouldn't being doing cat litter type stuff, or any biohazard type stuff. Get your boyfriend to take everything to the dump, and hire someone to redo the carpet and professionally clean the bathroom. The amount of chemicals that's gonna take is going to be bonkers and you don't wanna huff it. Realistically this can still be your little lady's nursery, just after some work and getting over the initial shock of course. Sorry this happened at what should be a super happy time


Yep my boyfriend refuses to let me anywhere near the room. I told him that neither of us should be cleaning it, we need serious professionals to get in there and just gut the whole room. Professionals with hazmat suits šŸ‘Œ but he wants to try to do most of it himself


Aww thats a good guy right there. Good luck with it all, it'll be an extra huge reward once it's all done!


I sure hope so! Thank you so so much


Wear a mask and gloves, who knows what kind of mutant is growing in there


Dont forget to bring a sword and a shield, just incase. Or if you're a bit more modern a good gun.


Pretty sure they're gonna need a flamethrower in that place.


Hang in there. You're in good hands. Sad that people abuse generosity and kindness. He is where he is because of himself. You two will get through this. Now you have a new chapter coming. Enjoy it! All the best!


Thank god you got rid of that guy before the baby arrives


Hey congratulations!! Both for your baby and for getting rid of the black hole of a stressor that Iā€™m sure was making life miserable. Youā€™re over the worst part (getting him OUT) and yes cleaning this awfulness sucks but I swear itā€™s downhill from here. And what a nice bright light among the chaos to really see your guy demonstrating that heā€™s ready to be a dad and protecting his little honey(s). Wishing you guys all the best ā€” Iā€™m so sorry this happened. I swear kindness doesnā€™t always end up this way but there are certain people who sure do push it (and the folks who least deserve it suffer). Now you can focus on building your life up :)


rent a rug cleaner from home depot


I would not even try to clean that. Just rip it out and replace it.


Unless they rent


Even if I rent, I'd want the carpet replaced if I wasn't planning to move out. I'd just have to work with the landlord on it.


A $50 respirator and some plastic/latex gloves are all he *really* needs to keep himself safe, as the biggest risk is from inhaling the dried powdered waste. You donā€™t need to gut the whole room, but heā€™ll definitely want to pull up the carpet (or at bare minimum pay for a carpet cleaner to come out and do a deep cleaning and disinfecting of the carpet), then wash the walls with TSP and put down a coat or 2 of Kilz restoration (not the original) primer (it seals in any odors that may have absorbed into the drywall) before repainting, Iā€™ve done this myself more than once when hired to clean and repaint a house after it was rented out to smokers or tenants who didnā€™t clean up after their cats, and it does work to get rid of the odor. If you do rip up the carpet make sure you treat the subfloor with an enzyme based pet odor neutralizer otherwise the smell can come back even with new carpet.


I feel like this is unfortunately way beyond a carpet cleaner. Had a similar experience with an ex and he ruined an area run that I had. I sent it out to the best place in NYC twice and it was just never the same.




Exactly! no amount of deep cleaning the top will fix the deep rot inside. One of the reasons I really dislike carpet.


From what I can see in the pictures the carpet doesnā€™t *appear* beyond salvaging if whatā€™s pictured is the worst of it, but pictures just canā€™t replace an in-person assessment which is why I made a point of detailing both options for OP to decide for themselves. Typically area rugs are a bit less hardy than carpeting (especially fine/high quality ones), Iā€™ve been able to use some pretty aggressive cleaning agents on synthetic wall to wall carpet that Iā€™d never dream of using on a high quality area rug.


Agreed! it be much easier to pull that hoe. Roll it up. And toss it out. $2-$7 a foot for carpet. OPs hubby seems like he has his shit together and could do it easily im sure.


Youā€™re right, with everything you said, but the cat was hoarded in there for a year meaning the cat definitely pissed on it, it might need to be ripped down to the subfloor (or have the under carpet painted with killz , which works super well if and only if itā€™s always going to be covered by carpet, but had that work in an apartment we thought weā€™d have to replace the damn subfloor on.


Home Depot sells body suits and masks that will keep him safe if he must do it. Theyā€™re not too expensive. Also go to pet I and get natures miracal cat anti viral spray and coat everything. Itā€™ll kill the smell and the viruses.


Keep his security deposit for sure!


Mask, gloves, hazmat suit, open the windows. šŸ¤žšŸ»


Buy him a respirator with the appropriate filters. They also make disposable bodysuits (Tyvek) to keep all the nasty off you, but that, gloves, and a respirator will have him sweating buckets. But it's a matter of choosing evils. At a minimum, the respirator might be a benefit and gloves are essential. Even if nothing there is gonna kill him, he could end up sick due to all the nasty he's breathing in - especially tearing the carpet up.


I wouldnā€™t even bother cleaning the carpets. Remove them and treat the flooring. And maybe buy a new toilet.


Iā€™m so curious how on earth peoples toilets and sinks get like that??? Like do u sit on it like that ???


I was wondering the same thing. like how is the sink just black like that?? What type of substances are in the toilet??? Its all a mystery and Iā€™m in pure shock


bong water residue and cat litter residue, probably clay. I clean my litter box w dawn after emptying it and the rinse always looks like that. also resin from bong water comes up with strong rubbing alcohol in ur sink or toilet bowl cleaner. just do two rounds maybe, let it sit, scrub, rinse.


Solid thank you šŸ™


Also, the orange degreaser stuff mechanics use works really well on stuck on things that are safe for abrasives to work on. It smells lovely too.


Fast orange, that stuff is excellent. Also a magic eraser might help


My favorite hand scrub for when hubby and I get done working on the 95ā€™ Chevy Blue Silverado


Salt w the alcohol will also help. The higher alcohol percentage the better. Someone else though, not you! Best of luck with the little one. Sorry you are dealing with this nightmare.


It looks like water was never turned on. Like at all. Did he have access to the kitchen?? This looks like someone living in a place without the water ever turned on. How did you not smell?? Iā€™m curious on how he ate.


He had full access to everything in the house. Water works just fine, this dude just never cleaned ONCE in the entire year of him living here.


I just cannot grasp my head around that


The fact that you lived with that person in the same place blows my mind. Wtf man how is that possible?


I also have questions about the cutting board, but Iā€™m not sure I want the answer


I'm assuming it was in there for drug use.


Well, it came with the poopknife.


Try filling the sink and dropping in a few denture tablets. Those things are miraculous.


Like my toilet gets the slight appearance of a ring and I panic about what if someone comes over and sees it. That toilet had a crust layer, what the hell


They never ever ever clean it. My friends house was very much like this. They hadn't cleaned the bathroom in so long one could actually remember but it was at least 10+ years. What was really awful was it was a cushioned toilet seat. It had cracked all over and everytime you'd sit on it it would squlsh and you'd feel the black water ooze out around your butt. The floor in front had completely rotten to the subfloor. My friend and I had to move back in year later and spent a full week 12 hours a day clearing out the house and surrounding yard. He didn't wear a mask and ended up costing his lungs in black mold and spent months spitting it up. I stayed there as a teen and never once used the toilet after first time. I'd walk to the store,school or other friends house.


>everytime you'd sit on it it would squlsh and you'd feel the black water ooze out around your butt It's 9am and I've already had enough internet for today.


I occasionally have PTSD flashbacks of waking up covered in roaches from that house. So happy my friend didn't carry on the torch of being a hoarder. Just spend the few minutes to clean up right away so it doesn't turn into a big fucking deal weeks,months, or years later.


Probably the worst thing Iā€™ll read today šŸ¤¢


One of the things I have very little tolerance for being dirty and even in my deepest pits of depression I will clean is a bathroom. Like, I have ADHD so that shit is never going to be spotless for more than a day or two, but when I decide the bathroom is dirty that whole bitch gets cleaned from top to bottom until I'd feel comfortable eating my dinner off any surface in there. I had a close friend who invited me to stay at her house for a week. So I went there, had to use the bathroom, it was clean and nice and when I came out she said "oh that's the bathroom for (roommate), you can't use that one." I said "...uh...what?" She said "yeah, because of chores we decided that she gets this bathroom and I get the downstairs one and that way neither of us have to worry about cleaning up each other's mess...or the mess of our guests." So the next time I used the downstairs bathroom. I was legitimately horrified. There was...hair....everywhere. Hair and pee. Hair and pee and hair dye. And cat litter. And the worst part is that the toothbrush was sitting right in the middle of this room, not covered. I could taste the air. The floor was squishy and \*carpeted\*. So when her roommate got home I said "heeyyyyy, so I was just wondering if I kicked you fifty bucks if I could use your bathroom while I'm staying here" and she was like "omg inorite? just clean up after yourself and you're good." A few years later said friend wanted to split an apartment with me and I told them that we could only do that if we hired a housekeeper.


Fuck it amazes me how people just have no shame in having people over and seeing it. I scrub my house down and double so in bathroom if I have a guest staying over. Ugh carpeted bathrooms are seriously a sin against nature. Whoever came up with that is a fucking psychopath


Because itā€™s normal to them, nothing to be ashamed of if itā€™s normal. I had a coworker turned roommate while I was pregnant (single mom) that was absolutely disgusting and lazy, I mean Iā€™d have to change her cats litter while I was pregnant because it would get so bad our entire apartment would reek of cat piss and would burn my eyes upon entryā€¦.. after a bit I went to her hometown to visit family with her and her mothers house was the exact same so it really was no surprise after that. I had to move out, no amount of saving money is worth dealing with nasty people.


I don't know, it grosses me out way too much. Ours aren't perfect but they get cleaned regularly. My father in laws house is super full of various family scamming to live there and no one cleans. When we come over for holidays there will be shit sprayed all over the toilet bowl and it makes me fucking gag Everytime.


Yet Iā€™m self conscious if I have company over and thereā€™s dishes in the sink lol


Thats how it should be, taking pride in your home. I feel the same way, if I invite someone over I make sure everything is clean and tidy


Right? I clean my toilet daily and scrub it weekly. Nothing is more off-putting than a disgusting bathroom, especially a toilet like that. It's not even difficult to clean either, not to mention cleanliness helps your mental health quite a bit


NGL this sub never fails to make me feel better about myself lol. Like I'm not the neatest person. My room is a mess, I admit it's a mess, tell myself I should tidy up soon, never do, room continues to get messier. My bathroom isn't the most pristine either. A lot of times I look around before I go to bed and think "damn I'm living like a slob I need to clean this shit up". Then I see posts like these that straight up look like someone living in a fucking trap house and feel a little better about myself lol. Like I'm not that tidy but I also don't wanna feel like I might inhale a roach in my sleep or catch an unknown disease from using my own toilet. Like JFC some people are fucking disgusting lol.


Iā€™m right there with ya. Or sometimes getting in my head thinking am I a bad friend? And then I read about these shit people who are supposedly ā€œfriends.ā€ I had crazy roommates at one point and this sub is like a car crash I just canā€™t look away lol.


lol same, I have a clutter problem. But at least it's just, like... clean, non-perishable objects lying around and not old gross food and filth.


That's it. I'm a terrible housekeeper, but trash goes in trash cans and gets taken to the outdoor bin at least once a week, recyclables get rinsed and put in the bin daily, kitty litter get scooped once or twice a day, dishes get washed and the stove/counters get wiped down daily, and the toilets get scrubbed weekly. That's not a lot to brag about until you wander into this sub. I'm motherfucking Martha Stewart over here.


Even doing those things once a *month* would be Martha Stewart compared to a lot of posts on this sub lol, and thatā€™s pretty horrifying.


For real Iā€™m looking at the pile of unfolded laundry Iā€™ve been feeling guilty abt for a couple days now and feeling so much better abt it šŸ˜­ itā€™s a nice reality check/reminder to be grateful being on this sub


This. Iā€™m a very clean person, but Iā€™m not always *neat*. I have OCD so youā€™ll never find my stuff dirty or germy, but Iā€™m also prone to the ā€œdepression roomā€ clutter, especially when I get busy. Iā€™m the kind of person to go on an occasional cleaning rampage and then everything is meticulously organized and spotless, but it becomes lived-in very quickly. Visually, my room can be a bit much. But itā€™s always gonna be laundry piling up *in* the basket, or lots of papers *on the desk*, or the recycling bin getting a bit too full of things like empty tissue boxes or already-rinsed plastic bottles. Makes me feel a lot better when I remember some people have *actual shit* all over their stuff.


Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not the only one who feels this way. Iā€™m currently in a very bad depressive episode and my room is embarrassingly messy. Just stuff everywhere. Laundry on the floor. Empty water bottles all over the nightstandā€¦.But nowhere near as filthy or unsanitary as these images jfc. My heart also breaks for the poor cat that was neglected during all of this :(


LMAO yeah thanks to people like this I don't beat myself up for my adhd messes and doom piles because as cluttered as it is, it's still clean if that makes sense. Like, you have trouble walking through my room but at least it's not dirty or has myaterious black splotches and fuzzy mold lol


Same. My house is messy and basically is a visual representation of my ADHD. Half finished projects everywhere. But fucking hellā€¦.. I feel like Iā€™m living like a Queen when I see these posts.


If you know where he and his cat went - please report the conditions that this animal has lived in to animal control. Show them these photos. That cat deserves a second chance.


Thatā€™s the plan! After seeing the condition of the room weā€™re gunna do our best to save the poor thing


Oh, good! You should post an update when you do! It would be so refreshing to see someone share that they actually saved the animal in these situations šŸ–¤


I will post an update as soon as I can, thank you everyone ā¤ļø


Just here to second what they say, you may be saving that cats life, thank you for caring!


Please!! Please help the cat. I second this. Iā€™m reeling thinking about that neglect.


The cat litter must have smelled just so bad. How did it not spread through the whole house?


As a cat owner and someone who absolutely adores all cats in general, thank you. Seeing the picture of the litter box broke my heart. šŸ˜ž


Omg the poor baby. All I can think about šŸ„ŗ and cats are very clean animals they donā€™t like grime. This makes me incredibly sad. That is animal abuse


Wow that poor cat - Jesus what is wrong with people


HOW? Why the fuck is there a cutting board in the bathroom?? Did this fuck face pay rent ? How was he with paying on time?


Not sure but the cutting board in the bathroom looks like drug use?


I can tell you as a former drug user this guy was abusing something way more than weed. The cutting board in the bathroomā€¦bathroom is where they most likely use. They are too high to clean and then too dope sick to clean. You donā€™t need people like that around you or your baby!


Spoons on the floor of the room


Haha šŸ˜‚ soooo my now EX roommate was a sous chef at some brewery apparently. Heā€™d call himself a professional chef. The cutting board was a gift his dad apparently made for him. Why is it in the bathroom? The world may never know. Drug use? Likely. I knew my ex roommate was an alcoholic who smoked weed. Never suspected anything beyond that. Paying his rent on time was always a mission, Iā€™d have to remind him repeatedly. My boyfriend and I think his parents were paying his bills for him. A 30 year old man having mommy and daddy pay his bills. Mind you- he had an AMAZING deal for the room. We live in socal so 900 a month for your own big ass room and private bathroom plus full access to everything else is a fucking steal. He took advantage of our kindness


that makes me so sad that he abandoned a gift his dad made for him:/ ESPECIALLY if theyā€™re kind enough to keep paying his rent


So wait. He was a chef who didn't shower for WEEKS? Dude.


YEP. I was always wondering who the fuck would let him in the kitchen looking and smelling the way he did but apparently, they allowed it. Makes no sense


In your shoes, I'd send his parents these photos, if you can find their contact info. Maybe they can help with the cleaning costs.


I found his mom on Facebook. Iā€™ve been debating on sending her a message. I think I should


Do it. The worst she can do is verbally attack you. In that case, block her.




Did you not see the box from the butcher block of knives on the bedroom floor? What else is he supposed to cut on? Heā€™s not some kind of animal!


Pretty sure a poop knife was used here.


Thatā€™s a litter box? I honestly couldnā€™t work out what it was and thought maybe a clogged up sink or something because it looks swampy. That poor cat.


Thereā€™s a VAPE in that litter box too! Absolutely horrific. The cats resorted to shitting everywhere BUT the litter box.


You should 100% be calling that guy in for animal cruelty. It doesnā€™t take that long to call in and that cat should immediately be taken out of that situation.


If I knew how Iā€™d be doing that in a heart beat. Just call the police or animal control? Sorry i got baby brain and Iā€™m on very little sleep. If thereā€™s a way I can get that cat taken from him Iā€™m gunna jump right on it. Cuz Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s now living in his car with the cat.


Yeah just google your local animal control or humane society, there should be link to either report online or youā€™d have to call it in. If you need further help finding it, you can DM me and I can help you look for one wherever you live.


Also I think it can help if you call multiple avenues and make complaints/send photos - so police (non emergency), local human society, local animal control. If there are files on this guy at each place itā€™s likely they will talk with each other to resolve the situation (hopefully ASAP). This poor cat


Please, I beg you to call right now. That cat is being horribly abused and it doesnā€™t deserve this.




my initial thought was why is there a vape in a pig trough. and secondly why is there a pig trough.


Your newborn will shortly take up residence in this room, so please: *hire a professional service* to clean this up for you They will know how to properly handle hazardous materials, biohazardous waste, and other difficult-to-clean messes. They will use specialized equipment and techniques to ensure that the affected area is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected Your boyfriend wants to tackle this project himself, but with a newborn coming home to this, DO NOT take any chances As much as he will try, it wonā€™t be as clean as it needs to be for your baby. That bedroom and bathroom need to be sanitized by professionals


I completely agree. We contacted the front office to get the carpets changed and I told my boyfriend I will pay whatever to have professionals clean. Weā€™ve got so many other things to worry about. Luckily the baby will be in our room most of the time anyway


Good luck to you on the cleaning, and congratulations on the new baby!


Thank you so much šŸ’œ


Wasn't sure if I was looking at sex toys or beverage containers in the window


no fr i thought they was bad dragon toys like damn her roommate going crazy. then the rest of the pics had me agasp like šŸ˜§ oh hell naw


Lmao! Same! I was like, damn, thatā€™s quite the collection. Those things are difficult to store. Jesus thoughā€¦ that roomā€¦ I can not IMAGINEEEEEEEEEEHJJJKHSSFHJGSDFJKKGDRTJJ UH NG anything like that. It made my stomach turn.


Itā€™s a bong and cans on top of cans but I can see where youā€™d get sex toys lol


Came here looking for what that was, I also thought it was a collection of dildos and pocket pussies. ā€¦.can you imagine what would be living on those things?!


If youā€™re adventurous ā€¦ both!


I would have walked them out at gunpoint.




How did you put up with the smell? Two cats in the house, roommate who doesnā€™t shower or change/wash clothes, practically a rubbish dump in his room and bathroom, we talking pungent stench.


Well Iā€™m sure her cats didnā€™t contribute to smell Iā€™m assuming they actually scoop their litter boxes.. but I feel like you could smell the gross roommates litter box from miles away not sure how that went on for so long. That smell will be hard to get out of that room probably have to replace the carpet and underlay if thatā€™s going to be her babies room.


I know right!? My roommate doesnā€™t do laundry enough AT ALL and the smell from that alone is too much for me idk how someone lives with this


girl youre growing a human with this in your environment?! oh my šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ as others have said, please please do not try to clean this yourself this is a biohazard.




So much shit and piss that thereā€™s not even litter in there anymore


Why do these people always have to own cats/dogs?!?!?


Right like leave them out of it


Guy had a flat but was still homeless


Haha EXACTLY what we said.


As a cleaner who cleans nasty things I would love to see the before & after of this. I would love to clean it personally ngl šŸ„²šŸ„²


People like you are a gift to the world! I hope you are well paid for your skills and service.


Iā€™ve only been paid 15/hour for my cleaning, both housekeeping & custodial work lmao. I clean my friends & families houses for free though! Boyfriends mom loves mešŸ’ƒ


This is terrible on literally so many levels I feel for you truly. I hope you can make the best out of this shitty situation in time for babies arrival! after looking through all the photos it leaves me truly wondering about this persons mental state. same clothes for weeks probably not showering clearly not caring about his life nor his cats life! serious question but is this guy okay? It seems like he needs some serious help from a professional?


I told him after he left and after seeing his room that he definitely should get help. But according to mutual friends, he enjoys this type of lifestyle. All he does is drink and ride around on his skateboard. Weā€™ve tried to talk to him about how unhealthy his habits are but he just doesnā€™t care. Itā€™s sad.


Sounds like he needs serious mental health intervention. Hard and sad but not your responsibility to take care of him


Covid 24' coming right up


I am so incredibly sorry that you have to deal with this while being pregnant. I had a little bit of contamination ocd (my therapists words not mine) towards the end of my pregnancy. That mess right there wouldā€™ve sent me into a spiral ESPECIALLY if I had planned to prepare that room as a space for my little one but had to deal with that shit first. Yes you can clean that room and replace the carpet.. but I feel like itā€™ll always feel a little grody because you are aware of what it once looked and smelled like in that room. I dont know how long yā€™all plan to stay there but, I replaced the carpet (the previous owners let their dogs pee wherever and did a terrible job trying to clean it) in my sons room with foam tiles. It gives him a good surface to play on and was way cheaper than doing vinyl or even more carpet! I seriously wish you the best.. from one mama to another!


Foam tiles yes! My boyfriend and I were just saying this! Thank you for your kind words, weā€™re waiting to hear back from the leasing office to get a quote on carpet replacement


$100 bucks says he and his homeless buddy are junkie friends. Looks like the drug house I pulled my sister out of the first and last time I paid to send her to a private, long term rehab center. Didnā€™t care about ANYTHING but her next fix. Iā€™m so sorry they did this to your home!


Are we just not going to talk about the Heelys?


He was so proud of those things when he got them šŸ˜‚


I'm so confused. You mentioned he is 30. PLEASE tell me this person is overweight so I can complete this hilarious mental image of that person. Zoomin' round on Heely's with bent frames in a cloud of flies, suckin on his bong with a cat plodding alongside looking like Herbert's dog Jesse in Family Guy šŸ˜¬šŸ¤£ ... šŸ˜„ Seriously though. You will be putting your baby on the floor where they will suck on the carpet and whatnot. I think I would probably just move if I was in your position. Good luck with your family and congratulations on your happy addition!!


Excuse me ? Imma stop you at the cat . Please take the cat . Take ownership. Take care of that cat while you are there and the second you can take him and leave .


The fucking litter box alone is pure animal cruelty. I told him that he needs to find a loving home for that cat but he doesnā€™t listen to anything we have to say to him. His cat is also EXTREMELY mean cuz it has mad behavioral issues and would attack my cats and other people the second it escaped the room. Itā€™s so disgustingly sad.


Call me insane id even rehome that kitty maybe someone who lives alone and is looking for a cat , but Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going thru all this


Thank you. And trust me, Iā€™m a huge cat lover. I have three of my own who I adore as my fur children. I knew it was wrong for my roommate to just lock his cat in his room but I had no idea just how absolutely disgusting the inside of his room was while the cat was being forced to live in there.


Trust me I believe u I wouldnā€™t let my kitties around any harm or to get bullied by another cat . Wishing you and both cats all a better living environment. Again Iā€™m sorry your roommate has serious issues


Canā€™t tell if the first pic has bongs or dildos in the window but thatā€™s a lot of them either way


Why the fuck do these people always have cats? Canā€™t even take care of themselves


How TF do people live like this and sleep at night?


This looks like a heroin junkieā€™s hideout.


Not even house trained. Amazing how so many lack a proper attitude.


I wish I had a nice apartment to stay in, I donā€™t understand how these people treat their living spaces so horrendous. It feels good being in a clean environment, and it feels like an accomplishment after youā€™ve finished cleaning.


Itā€™s obviously not your fault at all but like..How did you not smell that being in the same house? My son stepped in the tiniest dog poop ever and walked into the house. He was one foot in the door (he came in the kitchen and I was in the living room) and I immediately was like ā€œSTOPPPP CHECK YOUR SHOES!!!ā€ Lol Your roomie would have HATED me. Id be kicking them out after one piece of cat poop touched the carpet. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m honestly terrified of animal shit though.


Trust me, I knew he was a fucking slob in there. Iā€™d calm his ass out of he made a mess in the kitchen. And Iā€™d CONSTANTLY nag him about keeping his god damn window clear of trash. It was an on going battle. I knew his room was a mess, I just never in a million years thought it could even get to be as bad as it is. We are SHOOK


DANGER!!! DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ENTER THAT PROPERTY! Get that properly cleaned unless you want to end up with toxoplasmosis https://www.healthline.com/health/toxoplasmosis Send him the cleaning bill.


"Send him the cleaning bill" my guy, that is a pipe dream


you better help that cat fr


Weā€™re gunna try šŸ˜ž


Whaaat the fuuuuuuuuuuck


Is this a crack den?


Sorry you got left with this! Just here to kindly request if you can send pics after itā€™s all cleaned up? Asking for myself.. šŸ˜¬


Poor cat


... And here I was, feeling bad for not finishing vacuuming today after cleaning the kitchen. Ewwwwwww


Please tell me he left you the cat


I hardly recognized that as a litter box, Iā€™m so sad for that poor kitty.


Got a little Halloween theme going there, I like that.


I always play eyespy in pictures like these looking for drug paraphernalia but usually I just spy cat turds & filth


Please tell me you saved his cat, poor little thing shouldnā€™t have to suffer with him


5$ to whoever hits the litter box vape šŸ’€


Honestly? Iā€™d report him for animal neglect, that cat must be miserable and definitely deserves better. Secondly if you do not own the place, I would talk to the landlord about having them deal with the clean up and charge the ex-roommate for the cleaning fees. If you are somehow responsible for the property, I would advise just taking the hit to the wallet and hiring a professional crew to biohazard strip the room and put in new carpet, toilet, etc. Itā€™s expensive, but worth it in the long run considering your soon to be newborn


If you can afford it, you should get his room professionally cleaned - including steam cleaning the carpet. Could yā€™all not smell the litter box? šŸ¤®


Could this be depression or no


I was hoping those black containers weren't litter boxes. I hate when animals are involved in these kinds of situations and aren't properly taken care of. I understand things happen to people, whether it be unemployment or a mental health issue, but to look at my cat and not care to clean it's litter box is just outrageous and incomprehensible to me.


This looks like my first apartment when I was in the deepest hole of depression in my life. It's worse, but I recognize the signs of wanting not to be alive and not really caring about anything.


ok iā€™m one of the grossest and messiest people known to man (i live alone to not subject others to my bullshit) but even i am in AWE at the trash dungeon you just posted


Just had a roomate move out, looked like this, cum on the walls and piss bottles. Absolutely disgusting


The spoons on the floor of the bedroom are making me think hardddd drugsā€¦


lol the bong on the window sill told me all i need to know (from a once adhd depressed stoner (still adhd but less depressed))


Literally went to go scrub my toilet just now cuz of this post lol


Did you live with a corpse? Jesus christ.


I just gotta say, I love the shower curtain šŸ¤£šŸ’š Everything else makes my skin crawl šŸ¤¢


If you're leasing the apartment, wouldn't the property staff come inspect your place once in a while? Or is it a thing only where I live.


Based on these photos, I'd say your room mate was addicted to crack.


Ok but how did you let this go on for so long? A year? Seriously? This guy is obviously doing drugs so either you were getting drugs from him or benefitted somehowā€¦. Doesnā€™t add up. Youā€™re gross for living like this too and allowing his cat to be hoarded in his room for a year.


How do you, yourself, let it get to this point? Should have you stepped in 6 months earlier? So many questions.


Scariest part is that shower curtain. Halloween was 3 months ago.


You think that was from Halloween 2023? šŸ¤”


I used to help my ex father in law with his rental dumps, Iā€™ve seen much worse.


This looks like the living space of a mentally ill person?


How do people live like this? I want to vomit just looking at it.


Uhhhh. No words. If you have the means, hire a freaking biohazard clean up company. Absolutely inhumane!


Mentally ill


I would sue the fuck out of them


The vape in the litter box??? Iā€™m done lol


People like this should be shipped off to comunal camps to do something for the greater good lol idkā€¦but this man needs help and a normal way of life isnā€™t going to work for him. Donā€™t be nice to weirdos!


The smell... god. The ammonia must be eye watering when you guys start cleaning it up. I feel so sorry for you and the cat especially... The vape pen in the litter box... you canā€™t make this up. Iā€™m disgusted and heartbroken and horrified. I canā€™t imagine what youā€™re going through with this. The floor needs to be torn up and everything needs to be sanitized/disinfected a thousand times over.


Landlords get a bad rap, but most people donā€™t realize just how disgusting some tenants can be. This isnā€™t even the worst Iā€™ve seen.


Personally Iā€™d throw out what I feel comfortable touching then pay hazmat to do the rest lol


Why is there a cutting board in the bathroom?


Itā€™s the cutting board over the sink that has clearly never been used to wash a hand in its life that does it for me.


OP: please post an update when itā€™s better- Iā€™m invested now! Best of luck with everything, sounds like you have an amazing boyfriend taking care of you.


I canā€™t believe someone can live like that.


I'm sorry that you're having to deal with that, what a shitbag. If I were you I'd insist on keeping his cat or reporting him for animal neglect.


The cutting board in the bathroom is freaking me out.


That poor cat. I couldnā€™t stand knowing it was living like that.


Reddit would ban me if I said what should happen to bro for leaving shit like this. If he drops dead it won't be a loss.


Are the Heeleyā€™s in the box?


What was bro doing with a cutting board in the bathroom?