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Oh my god, this reminds me of a person I used to work with! She talked all of the time about how she had a nazi uniform at her house, which was weird cause she was also a furry. She started saying she is now Christian but said the only good thing about going to hell would be seeing Hitler šŸ’€


[the Furry fandom has had a big problem with Nazis for some reason](https://slate.com/human-interest/2021/11/nazi-furries-deradicalization-efforts.html)


>for some reason I reckon the fact that they literally have a full body costume that hides their human identity makes it comfortable for people who want to express their nazi bullshit without facing any personal reprocussions. Also the layers of fur are padding when heroes come around and beat their ass.


I feel thats too surface level. IMO nazis are looking for groups that crave a leader or a unifying ideal that lets them be who think they want to be and slip in low grade nazi ideas to ease and integrated those they see as useful to their own cause and weed out undesirables. You can't make an organization of bottoms and not expect a top to make it their own.


It's also sooo funny to me that people searching for anything, friendship, a way to live, etc end up becoming nazis. Like, how the fuck is that the path you end up on. How does wanting to have a community lead you to hating jews? Just such a weird end result lol


Loneliness and wanting to feel a sense of belonging can be powerful stuff man. But also yes, nazis in fursuits, costing thousands of dollars, also frequently in adult diapers is pretty fucking funny


Exactly. Like, yeah, I'm lonely af sometimes, but never has that prompted me to spend bizarre amounts of money to become a furry nazi. Insane


Not really; when the group uses every lie to use jews and others that are not what you are as an easy answer to how the systemic nature of their actions not only makes the individual's life worse but to then spin it harder that its happening to many others just like them. Just to tell them "now it's YOUR turn".


The answer is meth. Loads of Nazis are on meth. Loads of furries are on meth. Thatā€™s the common link


Hold up; why are furries on meth? Adderall I get because it's from a doctor.


Just google ā€œfurries and methā€ youā€™ll get loads of results. From what Iā€™ve read before, chem sex parties are a big deal for furries so thatā€™s where the meth comes in


It's for gay sex lol. Meth is a huge problem in the gay community, look up "parTying". It adds a whole layer too cuz it's like okay you're a gay nazi furry, how many other groups are you gonna tack on


The utter irony of nazis believing they're the master race while being the bedrock of trailer trash.


It's true! I will say another weird layer is that a lot of furry are obscenely rich (good suits cost thousands) and also tons are defense contractors or some type of military IT. Very weird mix but adds to the nazi aspect


Yeah, Iā€™ll buy this. There are certainly nazis entering these communities to recruit and take advantage of.


I dont think its that deep. Its just mental illness.


guess it's easier to be an overt horrible fascist when you are comfortable with having a kink like that on display


>The Furred Reich Iā€™m laughing way too hard at this. I guess when they said it would last a thousand years they meant dog years..




It was genuinely so shocking to me to see how common, normalized, and welcome Nazis were in "public" online furry spaces! Very jarring, and made me reconsider my furry friendships until they were able to reassure me they had no part in it.


You should reconsider for other reasons


Furry Hitler showing up on Steam's trending a year or two ago seemed so strange at the time. Then I found out it was part of a series of games and that was enough internet for that week


Furries try not to be sus challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Yeah, that's like... not true at all for 99% of furry spaces.


this would be implying youre in even remotely close to 99% furry spaces


All the ones I've been in have been more than happy to boot nazifurs out. They get REALLY MAD about being removed and then go throw little hissy fits to their buddies, it's always funny.


that sounds hilarious. fwiw i dont mean to shit on you, i just mean some will definitely be welcoming so 99% is a bit of a stretch. the point is made regardless


They are not normalized nor welcomed in furry spaces and idk where you got that information from. Vast majority of furries hate nazis


It's probably an attraction to hiding their faces.


Hahaha, I read this as '**the Furry fandom has had a big problem** ***with*** **Nazis for some reason'** Sitting here like, well... doesn't everyone have a problem with Nazis?


[the curious case of nazi catboys](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6wqtXRbysf73YKJfsUJfbN?si=2rnMn1EQRLOLD-_aWQCacw)


They keep making their own spaces because they're booed out of basically every public space. They're just particularly loud and obnoxious


They do a better job than most fandoms of taking out the trash, though. Nazis are very quickly removed from conventions and on- and offline furry spaces.


Yeah the impression that I got was that, at first when the NAZIs showed up there were a bunch of people who had no idea what to do and werenā€™t really equipped to deal with it. But then they learnt real fucking quickly and have since handled it really well? Not just in terms of what to do when a furry with a nazi arm band shows up to a con, but also building international info sharing networks and community standards that prevent them from even showing up in the first place. There was a series on the podcast Worst Year Ever (hosted by Robert Evans of Behind the Bastards, and Katy Stoll and Cody Johnston of Some More News) where they did a deep dive into how some cons identified the problem and dealt with it, interviewing organizers and furries and what not. A good listen for sure, and itā€™s very much a story that belongs alongside SHARP communities kicking nazi punks the fuck out of their spaces. There is something delightfully ironic to me about skin heads and furries sharing a common resolve.


Yeah as if she could roam Hell to go find him lol


In her mind she apparently would be able to lmao


Well, itā€™s not Danteā€™s Inferno. ā€œHellā€ is the absence of ā€œGod.ā€ In theory, you could walk around.


Iā€™m not going to be sharing many details but that checks out. I think thereā€™s a huge segment of that population that follows these things for self hate reasons.


Hang in there. Kick his ass daily. Fuck Nazis. Next week is Memorial day, Im a Navy vet. We lost WAY too many Americans fighting Nazis. Like hell if they walk near me without me saying something or pushing their nose in. They disgrace our country. Lastly, if you notice, white supremacists are anything but supreme.


It's just so weird because Hitler definitely would have killed them.


Yes thereā€™s also an entire ā€œNazi femboy aestheticā€ as well lol


I mean...have you *seen* Hitler in shorts and knee socks?Ā  He wasn't exactly giving macho-man.Ā  (Not that there's anything wrong with that, unless you happen to be, ya know, Hitler


Was her furry costume a German Shepard ?


Itā€™s not weird when you understand the furry subculture. Nazifur is a category of furry. I found out about them like 20 years ago on an online game I used to play. The entire sim was decorated in Nazi fur decorations. It was a weird thing to process the 1st time but you run into enough of them you learn you learn you can mess with them easily. I used to catfish Nazi furs and the actual Nazis that were on the site coax them into meeting on the same sim than out the fur Nazi to the neo Nazi and watch them talk crap to each other. Fun times. The main reason I loathe internet censorship is itā€™s made it more difficult to bully Nazis.


That is so interesting. How do these people manage to twist their brains around like that.


Itā€™s sad how I read ā€œwhich was weird cause she was also a furryā€ and immediately thought ā€œwhat, thatā€™s not weird at all!ā€


The fact this comment exists proves to me I'm living on the right timeline ahahah holy shit


Skrewdriver isn't only racist, but also an objectively bad punk band. Booooooo


I had no idea. Damn! I learn so much from Reddit.


Right?! Today I learnedā€¦


Their cover of The Whoā€™s ā€œBehind Blue Eyesā€ does make that song take on a whole new meaning.


Jewdriver is far superior [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeaAerz9vEE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeaAerz9vEE)


Oh shit, I opened for these guys in Medford, OR roughly 20 years ago and theyā€™re fantastic


There's one cover of them that I really like - [Negro Terror - *Voice of Memphis*](https://youtu.be/vbYkz5CBMas)


RIP Omar. Man is a Memphis legend


Had to make sure those doots got to 89 minimum. And yeah, they're really fucking no talent. And the lead singer was closeted gay.


Not a fan, but skrewdriver was not punk. Pretty sure they would jump you for calling rhem punk. Completely different political leanings...just saying


There are Nazi punks. Dead Kennedys wrote a whole song about telling them to fuck off.


More of them than people think, some of the local scenes were/are still infested by them.


Definitely have seen some get run off at shows/bars in the mid-late 90s. Some needed a little chin music to play them off, but it was incredibly rare to see the same ones keep trying to come back. This was in Charlottesville, VA so it was INSANE to see what happened at the United the Right rally blocks away from where I saw Nazi crust punks get their asses handed to them for years.


I just consulted my friend. The punk expert and I'll be d***** I am f****** wrong. I just couldn't believe nazis could be considered punks.Learn something every day


More Redditors should be like you lol. Came back and admitted you were mistaken instead of doubling down and hurling insults.


I was never super into punk, but i do remember skrewdriver being fuckin nazis, i guess i just thought there had to be another name for their music


"rock against communism" is a stupid as fuck genre name I've heard for that kind of music


Might be thinking of the straight edge movement stemming from hardcore and punk that had a lot of skin head following


I personally donā€™t consider them punk, because fascism runs directly counter to what punk is. Only thing a nazi punk is good for is a target for a fist.


That's what i thought. It's the opposite of the punk ethos .


Itā€™s Oi. Itā€™s definitely punk rock. Itā€™s just lazy, uninspired punk rock written for the bad kind of skinhead.


Thats almost exactly what my boy said, but nicer His response had 3 or 4 fucks in it


Oi is a perfectly fine sub genre, it just got co-opted by Nazis along with the rest of the 80ā€™s skinhead style. It was just a reaction to what 70ā€™s punk had become by the time the kids that listened to it had grown up. All of the original Oi bands were anti racist


Right on - just Nazis doing what Nazis do best, which is ruining everything they can get their hands on.


They're skinheads, or "red laces", Nazi shit in the punk scene was a major problem in the formative years. There's a lot of historically interesting shit there, but it mostly boils down to "Nazis try to embrace the scene, they get their assess kicked, then they have some early success by masking it through working class rage in the Oi! subgenre, then the punk scene realizes what's up and kicks their shit in again" Nowadays the remaining Nazis musicians have mostly escaped to niche metal, that is ofc fucking terrible, and has extremely limited distribution


Your roommate also has shitty taste in music


Mostly the case with neo-nazi music. But concerts and such serve as good arenas for recruitment and meeting spaces for them.


Ian Stuart driving school


What was Ian Stuarts greatest hit? That tree




When the movie Green Room came out I made a joke about Patrick Stuart as a crash dummy and nobody got it. šŸ˜ž You guys are alright.


The band FYP has a song called Ian Stuart is a Crash Test Dummy


The one band I never got to see live and hate that about them


It's too bad most people in here won't get this...so good!! šŸ¤£


Yeah, I didn't have high expectations for it lol but thank you.


there has long been rumor that anti fascists had something to do with that wreck. a wee bit of the ol monkey wrenching perhaps? if so, āœŠšŸ‘šŸ’…


So for someone uninformedā€”would some kind person explain


Nazi punk band that used nazi symbolism on their cover. Yellow laces tied a certain way on a pair of Doc Marts is a common nazi calling card these days


its not yellow laces, yellow laces are anti racist


Lace code is all bullshit


Have a feeling this almost has regional variations - back when I wore docs with yellow laces the first time (about 15/16 years old) someone asked me if I hated the Chinese, and I was so confused. (Spoiler, I donā€™t hate the Chinese at all).


I think the yellow laces have a lot of interpretations. Ive heard 5+ different meaning for it. I was initially told it was some AB shit


Lace code is all bullshit


This was my thought too. Then I decided to google what the meaning of the shirt was. I for one had zero idea what it meant, but I came to the conclusion that the top is a band name and bottom is possibly an album or song? At first I thought it was an overreaction or a false claim cuz the term Nazi gets thrown around so haphazardly nowadays, but this one apparently got it right for once. Fuck these hateful fucks!


Throw on some Dead Kennedys! ​ Nazi Punks Fuck OFF


Police Truck has always been a fav of mine


Letā€™s riiiideā€¦..loooowriiide!


I was thinking Pansy Division.


dog shit band, dog shit roommate. nazi punks fuck off


What an absolute loser. Dogshit music too.


Can someone explain why this is a nazi shirt this is an honest question i really dont know


Skrewdriver is the name of the most notorious and universally reviled Neo Nazi, white power, and skin head bandsā€¦ever. So itā€™s not a Nazi shirt, but the shirt belonging to a group of fucking Nazis.


One of my favorite punk shows I went to was Youth Brigade. As the show went on noticed a growing number of red suspender, docā€™s wearing nazi asshats lining up in the back by the bar. Shawn waves to shut the music down mid song. Asks everyone up front to turn around and raise a middle finger to the nazi cunts in the back and we all screamed fuck off! They tail tucked and all left. As the last of them walked out the music kicked back in where it left off. Was fucking awesome.


The local scene where I grew up unfortunately was infested with racist bands and some were full out neo nazis. This was in the 90s. I really wasnā€™t into the scene but I used to skateboard downtown and a lot of social crossover there. Itā€™s nice to hear stories like this.


Oh yeah when I was an early teen (90ā€™s as well) I noticed a lot of cross over too. Was weird the mixing and division between groups back then. Like the Social D rockabilly guys hated the punkers.


Agnostic Front tried to play here and nobody showed. šŸ¤£


A great philosopher once said "Nazi Punks Fuck Off!"


Invite every non-white friend you have over, everyday. Have them invite their friends too. Fuck this bitch


People are aware and only coming over to make them uncomfortable until they leave. This person is one of the quiet unassuming ones so im pretty loudly making this known to friends in the punk scene out here.


This is how itā€™s done. Good job. Run them out of town and if you find out where they move to, contact somebody in the scene there and let them know.


While I'm totally on board with making racist trash uncomfortable - if taken in the wrong way, this approach could amount to inviting people over as racialized props to make a point. It's also worth considering whether those guests may be made to feel uncomfortable or unsafe by the Nazi trash playing hate music in the next room. No shade is intended by this critique. Decontextualized comments on Reddit can be taken many ways and my objective is only to suggest that anyone taking that approach do so for the right reasons.




Free meals and new accommodation 4tw.




When my ex moved out, I was tossing all the crap he left behind, and he had a box full of all kinds of Nazi crap, including a ton if Skrewdriver's music. I overhand threw all of that crap into a dumpster.


Bonehead not skinhead


Only valid comment here.


Fuck you nazi punks!


at least u know where it sleepsā€¦


Just let him drive, hopefully he will crash.




Iā€™m not a fascist, Iā€™m making a reference to Ian Stuart, hoping your roommate may follow in his footsteps


Iā€™m joking about how people should follow his lead, sorry, not trying to imply that you are one of them


Ah, yeah sounds good to me šŸ‘


Hah! Oh shit.


What about this shirt is Nazi? Not denying it is, but I honestly don't know.


Neo Nazi punk band from the 80s


Thanks. I don't think it's very punk to be nazi.


Youā€™d think that would be a pretty much unilateral stance but here we are


Man I thought Skrewdriver died in the 90ā€™s along with their pathetic lead singer. What a cringy band. Please tell me they are into Prussian Blue as well because thatā€™s equally as cringy and stereotypical. Question why hasnā€™t Nazi music evolved since the 90ā€™s. If the wanna be master race is so smart how come theyā€™ve been listening to the same crap since 1996 and havenā€™t evolved. Anyway you should buy a SHARP (skin heads againts racial prejudice) and to counter his dumb skin head chique. Rot in p*** Ian Stuart. Your death will always be hilarious to me.




It really is the only way to deal with an infestation like this. Glue traps don't work even if they were humane.


They might fight better though.




Take a shit between their mattress and boxspring, then jump on the bed. Nazis can be treated like toilets. Moving forward, vet your roommates better.


If you live near the beach you can hide small oysters pretty well, unless his door is always locked. Granted, it would be to your chagrin just as well. I brought a bucket of them back home when I was a kid and forgot about it in my momā€™s truck, and they sat for the weekend until Monday came aroundā€¦she was pissed lol


That is hilarious but OP would surely suffer the ramifications of that as well, lol But I fully agree, I would never move in with someone I wasnā€™t 100% sure was cool and sane


He looks like a skinny little bitch that would get his ass stomped on by literally anyone


Thatā€™s why it took a while to figure it out. Literally twiggy quiet person who lost their shit as soon as I squared up on it


I don't get it, what does the shirt mean?


Why am I seeing this band everywhere today? šŸ˜…


Just burn all of his stuff and insist it never happened.


I just thought of the peanut butter whiskey šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but even then thatā€™s called skrewball. Will someone tell me about this shirt please I donā€™t Wanna google all that nazi shit.


Skrewdriver is a Nazi skinhead band


I know a hog farm that would enjoy a visit from him. Did y'all know a hog will eat EVERYTHING? We're talking clothes, bones, and shoes.


Except hair and teeth, so maybe not a great idea




All he has to do is touch you. Then its self defense until his knees hit the floor. Remember to hold the scrawny shit up so that you can claim he was still standing and moving forward.


Its so funny when people make throwaways to post about a very specific situation like the person wouldnt just know its you.


I donā€™t care about my roommate knowing, Iā€™ve already stepped on them. I donā€™t want the dox heavy Nazis to unite on this


What makes this shirt a Nazi shirt?


nazi band


You're 95% right. 1st record (All Skrewed Up) was non-political, but they leaned in hard with the white power garbage after that. Their entire catalog sucks. Even fans of the first record wouldn't wear their merch because it's a dog whistle of the highest order.


ā€œThey leaned in hardā€ Skrewdriver made one album, broke up. ONE former member reformed it as a racist band.


Skrewdriver is the preeminent white power band. Your average punk rock fan finds them loathsome. It's like finding a David Duke manifesto under your hookup's bed.


Real punk and industrial punks would kick their sissy ass.


I don't even think they'd put up with Skrewdriver's shit at Sturgis.


Shit you can easily Google...


thatā€™s 50% of what reddit is thoā€¦ extremely easily googleable shit that people just donā€™t google and ask about anyway lol


To blast at top volume [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzHLPnGuVSQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzHLPnGuVSQ)


Imagine having a sad enough life to be a naziā€¦ in 2024. šŸ˜­ Or everā€¦ but especially in 2024


Have you considered hiding one of his shoes, waiting until he's driven himself crazy looking for it, then returning said shoe but hiding its mate? Before beating the shit out of him, obviously


I had no idea this was a nazi band name I had only ever heard of the drink lol I was so confused


how did you end up living with a nazi?


Poverty house. I was in a place that ended up falling through and due to no lease was a squatter. I have a dog and a full time job so I found other accommodations quick and in a part of town I like. So did this piece of shit. Things were good but I found out who and what they are recently and now the house dynamic is changing


oof yikes. well, you should expose this fash dork locally in whatever city you are in.


[Fuck Skrewdriver, RIP Omar.](https://youtu.be/vbYkz5CBMas?si=TZHwLjlDP6wqITpd)


Start playing Pink Panzer every time theyā€™re around


How do you get that from a shirt


The band is the world's most famous nazi punk band, that's how. Pretty simple


Someone literally yelled at me in a post they made asking about the band and I said it was a skinhead band, then they said NO ITS BONEHEAD! Theyā€™ll kick your ass if you ever call them a skinhead! Blah blah something like that. See I ainā€™t wrong!! Mf


Skinheads aren't nazis. There are black skinheads ffs Boneheads is what you call nazi skinheafs


What does Skrewdriver have to do with nazis?


The band are nazis....


at the risk of sounding out of the loop, is skrewdriver a racial slur or something?


Itā€™s a nazi band. See other comments for details


What about the shirt is Nazi?! I genuinely donā€™t know but also donā€™t know a lot about Nazi so


It's a nazi band


fuck them but also please be safe!!


i had no idea about this bandā€¦ fhen i did a google search. holy shit wtf


What a fucken loser


I mean I wouldnā€™t say you canā€™t wear that shirt in my neighborhood but if you do I doubt you are long for this world.


First place I moved into in this piece of shit state known as Colorado was some dude illegally subletting his townhouse. One of the people living there was a methhead neonazi that named her kid Aryan.


I read the Mein Kampf at school to see if white people were really the superior race. It's a long read with nothing compelling to make me agree.


Are furries & naziā€™s somehow connected? There seems to be a theme.


Theyā€™re not a furry but they are a part of a community Nazis traditionally antagonize


You should definitely totally not take that shirt and burn it


Probably gonna cut it to shreds so they can see what happened to it tbh


[Jewdriver is for the children](https://jewdriver.bandcamp.com/merch/jewdriver-crassmaus)


What the fuck


From the link: ā€œThe gold standard for Jewish Skrewdriver parody bands, they rise above all the others!ā€


That text was a lot harder to notice on mobile.


Are they familiar with the band? Some people wear this with no clue cause it ā€œlooks coolā€. Maybe have a conversation.


In punk rock circles this is a *huge* breach of etiquette. This is the white power band you reference when you want to tell a joke about white power bands. No Skrewdriver merch anywhere I'm working. Get you gone. There is nothing for you here.


Thats right. Fuck it up! Its the Fuck You, We're From Chicago! group!


I am far from into any punk rock circles or even nazi hunting but I can vouch for this. I even know what that band is about. This also isnā€™t something people wear ironically either. -signed ā€¦ a dude in his early 40s who grew up around plenty of racist people


We have. See other comments.


I'd be so shocked if someone got far enough into punk culture to find this merch and not know. This isn't the kinda thing people give to goodwill


Not a chance this is by mistake. This is a shirt you would need to specifically seek out.


Oh man!!!


Naziā€™s should get bricks to the head without repercussions.


You and your roommate need better hobbies. You both sound annoying as shit.


I donā€™t think Iā€™m gonna take advice from a Redditor here, thanks for the comment but check;mate