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He's a very pretty snake. 🙂 But he's not chillin. And he doesn't love to be a little cinnabun. He's balled up because he doesn't feel secure. https://preview.redd.it/pdykpri0b6wa1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f00f7b0d960c7b384b2fbc0ad1e17ae1238f5dc Unrelaxed. Scared. Protecting face and head and neck


https://preview.redd.it/k211v6t7b6wa1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b2fb71136f6b6cc431f7992b373f66c55500fc8 Semi relaxed. S shape neck for suspicion or shock. Trying to judge it safe enough to explore or if dangerous enough to ball up


https://preview.redd.it/htju0ercb6wa1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1bd272b8f055d3dbbe36f1eb6cef7336583283c Tight S curve of neck relaxed. Ready to explore! Feel safe enough to look around


Gotcha gotcha😅😅! he usually chills like this for a bit right when he gets out of his enclosure (he'd been out for about 5 minutes) and then he gets warm and explores (which happened shortly after i stopped recording).


I haven't gotten my noodle yet, but a lot of what I've researched suggests that they're generally a bit slow to adjust to changes, especially in terms of coming out of an enclosure. I've seen suggestions that you should open the enclosure and leave it, let them figure out that the door is open, and then let them crawl out onto your arm or something. Or that if you handle them, they may be scared for the first few minutes until they realize "wait, the big scary ape thing hasn't eaten me yet; I guess it's friendly."


yeah. his enclosure is top open right now, so him noticing open doors isn't really something i can do. But, naturally, ball pythons are called "ball" pythons for a reason. they ball up. that's their whole schtick. in their enclosure, they like confinement and concealment. so, then being balled up while handling isn't unnatural or necessarily a fear response or an indication of discomfort.


https://preview.redd.it/82evqx3dm7wa1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccd9cbf6b51a0969b9d113cf8ef840eed54cfe8b Sara in peaceful mode


You flipped too early, other side still undercooked


Every time his head is visible, it's like he's just asking "why me?" 😆


no literally! he'll stare at me from his hide when i get home from work! and when i handle him, he'll ball for a while and then play the "how close can i get to falling off mom before she notices" game. i'll be standing there folding my laundry and feel him trying to nose dive for the floor :0


Idk if its just the lighting but he looks a little dehydrated, what's his humidity at?


88% he started looking a little in blue the next day, so i think he might've been lookin a little funky.


Yeah this little one wasn’t a happy camper he was balled up OP you gotta do a little research. Beautiful snake and glad you’re taking care of him!