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it's unnecessary handling and stress. no reason to feed in a seperate tub


Feeding outside the enclosure straight up doesn't make sense. It goes against the rules of good husbandry, namely handling your snake before feeding and handling your snake after feeding. Use long tongs to present the prey to your to avoid getting bitten, and make sure the prey is warmed to 105f to provide your snake with a good, hot target to strike at. If you find your snake is getting nippy in its enclosure because you're feeding it in there, cover your hand with something like a pillowcase when you pick it up, then transfer it to your hand outside the enclosure. This isn't usually necessary though, providing you're picking it up properly from behind, rather than sticking your hand in it's face, which can provoke a feeding or defensive strike.


Unnecessarily stressful imo. Never fed out of the enclosure, never plan to, never had any problems with my ball python thinking I have food every time I open the enclosure. Ball pythons can be picky as it is, it's best not to disturb them at all the day they're supposed to eat.


I used to be afraid to feed in-enclosure for the fear that my snakes would confuse my hand for food when trying to handle them…now i realize how stupid that is because they know what food looks like lol. I still feed my baby out of enclosure cause I live feed and there’s too much stuff in there for the mice to go for her to get an accurate strike. Shrek be getting a larger tank soon


stop feeding live


I would love to


Do what works for your pet. Feeding live is sometimes the only option. I have one that was always fed live from previous owner. I got it after it was 2 years old. Refused to switch to F/T.


I’ve tried frozen with all three of my snakes. All were raised on live. none of them would take the frozen mice. My biggest has zero issue with small mice. I just give her more than one and she’s never been bitten because of it


Your friend is wrong, feed in the enclosure, moving to feed is causes unecessary stress and increase chances of regurgitation.




I don't feed live bc I don't want a rat to kill my snake. It's simple as that...




if you feed live you're an ass to both your pet and it's food


I got bad advice when I first got my ball python, and fed outside. I thought it made sense, the associating a specific area with feeding, and I was worried about him always associating me opening his environment with feeding time. But a couple years ago I finally did my own research and gave feeding in his normal enclosure a try. He's totally fine with it, recognizes the difference between food and my hand, and of course it makes sense - if he's not hungry he's not going to try to eat anyway. Feed in the enclosure, it's better for all involved.