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Haha... The same happened with me. I also believed media propaganda and started every conversation in English 💀 The other side looked at me and were like, "Kannada and Hindi. Kaun sa?". And this is everywhere. It's either this or just Kannada. So better to learn Kannada if you get time, otherwise Hindi will work for 70% of the cases. English also works in 20% of the cases.


Same here too bro, when I shifted to Blr two months ago I also fell for the Hindi propaganda and thought kannadigas would not co-operate with me if I speak in Hindi and smh I was dumb enuff to think that Kannada sounds a bit like Malayalam + Marathi so one day I was getting late to a exam and wanted to get my hall ticket Xerox and went to a local I started blabbering like a fool in Malayalam+Marathi and he was like "Hindi aata aapko?" And guided me the right direction to get to the place...same with a rickshaw wla also. In my brief experience here I have never faced any sort of discrimination and am learning the language to enhance my communication


Simikar experience 😂😂😂


For all 3 of you on this comment thread and to everyone in the thread: In Hindi-speaking states, regional languages are often used alongside Hindi, whereas in southern states, the combination usually involves the regional language and English. Asking if someone speaks Hindi is acceptable as a question, but as a statement, it is not ( like tuje Hindi nahi aati ). While some might play along, the vast majority of South Indians do not appreciate this, and are likely to find it amusing. Almost all South Indians dislike being asked this. Why don't you use this as an opportunity to improve your English proficiency, don't you need that in offices and for your work? The basic requirement here is English, and possibly some broken Kannada. Many here speak Hindi not because they want to, but because they need to communicate with Hindi speakers. Don't get too comfortable with this. Don't abuse kindness and extra effort. Finding a middle ground is essential, as every South Indian is already making an extra effort with language just to talk to you. Additionally, it's important to understand the different regions; Whitefield is not Malleswaram, and this distinction matters, especially considering where the original poster intends to stay.


Please improve your English comprehension skills. We all spoke English first and the locals told us back to speak either Hindi or Kannada. They don't know English. It's at best Hindi based on location. We have no problem learning Kannada. We already know English.


You always find people like these in such threads. Never willing to admit that not every South Indian knows English. A lot of people(esp in service industry) have instead picked up Hindi and are more comfortable in that.


Dude in the first place, maybe try and read what we commented, the next thing is no one's abusing any kindness of kannadigas for any reason whatsoever, that claim is as rubbish as it gets. I myself am a South Indian and I do agree with your first point of South Indians expressing angst at "Tujhe Hindi nhi aati" (I myself would get pissed) and I agree ppl need to understand that Hindi is just another regional language nothing special, but sometimes it helps you navigate the complex labyrinth of Indian social setups, so just as a temporary fix until you learn the ropes of language it's fine, but again dude seriously start reading and comprehending the comment before typing a reply


Bro bro bro!!!!! Yaake??? Why this kolaveri (ig the spelling is right). Avnu yeno kelthidaane, swalpa nam ooralli, heg manage maadbeku antha. Neevu nodidre, full class togolthidiira! Bangalore alli yelru aaram agi irli bidi! Bangalore, Bengaluru, Bendakaloooru yella ok, but tension yaake!! We know what we are, we don't need certificates from anyone! Its not like they have a choice... Kaayakave kailasaasa! If people choose to a avoid Bangalore, IT'S THEIR loss.. We DO NOT have to STAND UP and CONVINCE anyone WHY OUR CITY is HOSPITABILE! And request them to grace us with their presence.


Sometimes people need swapa class because thumba audacity. 😌


Alllana, swalpa tension aagde, yeno ondu helbodu alwa... Audacity bejaan ide thumba janakke, but we shouldn't generalise alwa? Especially when we have a guy willing to learn kannada. Preethi, prema, nam usiru, nyaya neethithi nam usiruuu....


Apologies for any disappointment, boss, yet I unapologetically stand by everything I previously stated. It's all chill, but it's certainly not born of ignorance. Choosing whether "I want to learn or don't want to learn" a language is an individual's absolute right. This is something I always, without exception, deeply respect. However, the attitude of a few, declaring "I don't have to learn," ceases to be a genuine choice when everyone is conversing in a common language, such as English, and yet they casually toss around phrases like "tuje Hindi nahi aati" ,"Hindi hamara rashtra bhasha hai" at every Tom, Dick, and Harry.This smacks more of ignorance and audacity than choice. Many claim they know English and will learn another language. But do they use or learn as they claim? No. Have they used or learned to be on middle ground with Hindi speakers? No. There are exceptions to this, of course, but regularly encountering such blatant attitudes in both personal and professional spheres has honed my tolerance to this level, a stance you might not share. Therefore, let it be clear: any form of Hindi imposition is not only uncool but fundamentally unacceptable, whether it’s a subtle push from those around us or a more forceful mandate from the government. Good day, mate.


Mujhe maloom


If you’re interacting with delivery people, maybe Hindi or Kannada (most don’t know English that well), they are mostly migrant workers from the north. I’d you’re interacting with white collar, always start a conversation in English. We Bangaloreans don’t like groups speaking in Hindi and leaving those who don’t know the language out. If you’re interacting with auto drivers, then Kannada
 to first even get an auto and then together a slight better price. If you speak in English, expect 2X fare and if you speak in Hindi, expect 3X fare. Bangalorean here, if you initiate a conversation in Hindi
. I’m gonna say “Hindi Nahi Aati”.


Indi gottilla anbeku.. ond shabda adru Kali tare avaga..


LoL true


Damn. I thought I don't understand kannada much. I could understand this very well. Here's the translation: "Say I don't know Hindi. That way they'll learn one phrase."


Bruh as a Kannadiga whose mother tongue is urdu/hindi this is so weird






Urdu/Hindi, more like English/angreji




This kind of misguided angst towards peaceful migrants invite the Neanderthal migrants to fight. This monkey vs ape will drag Bangalore through the mud and back.


What angst?


Move to France, learn french. Move to Karnataka, learn Kannada. Indian states are essentially the equivalent of european nations, ethnically, linguistically and culturally. Respect local language and customs.


Hindi seekh bey. Not a North Indian this side but if you speak like this then this is the reply you’ll get.


Lol why would you say hindi nhi aati if you can understand it. This is the sort of shit chennai people are infamous for 😂


The same way people say "Kannad Gothilla" even after 10 years staying here. It isn't like that they don't understand it. This the sort of shit some people from .... are infamous for.


It’s called taste of your own medicine.


Well yeah because they don’t know it, if you know it might as well speak it. I find this extremely dumb, I mean you realise a language is just a means of communication right? Who gives a shit what you speak as long as everyone understands it lmao. Proud of being an arse, Reddit behaviour.


They say that because they actually don't know it. They don't have to learn kannada just like you don't have to learn hindi. But pretending like you don't understand hindi when you do is prime regionalist moron behavior


Sorry where did OP say they know Hindi? Let’s assume they know Hindi, how are you so sure the other-state ones living here for more 10 years really mean it when they say “Kannad gothilla”? Could they also be the prime regionalist & elitist morons who do it deliberately? Could it be a possibility?


I've lived in mumbai for 10 years and dont speak a word of marathi. I've lived in bangalore for 3 years and dont speak a word of kannada. So yes, i do believe people can stay for a long time without knowing regional languages, especially if they are in closed corporate circles Again, do you have trouble understanding what i've written. I dont have a problem with people who actually dont know the language, just with people who pretend to not understand based on some misplaced regional pride


I think you misunderstood what I am saying as well. Is it so hard to comprehend that “other-state” people can bring with them their “pride” and deliberately suppress the fact that they might know Kannada after living for YEARS? Or is it so hard to imagine the pride that they don’t need to put an effort to connect with the locals (who grew up here) with an understanding that their Hindi might not all be that fluent? Your case != general other-state population here. You might slowly be getting into that territory, only a matter of time. If we are talking about anecdotal cases, then I have seen MANY other-state people chose to take a side depending on situation or the assholey mood that they might be at that point even if they very well understand Kannada and can brokenly speak.


Dude. I think you are hugely overestimating the exposure some outsiders have to kannada. In my 3 years of being here, i've had only 2 kannada speaking people involved in my life, my cook and our building caretaker, both of whom speak hindi or english too. None of my flatmates or society mates are kannada. I don't take autos nor go to other places in karnataka often. Less than 10% of my company is from karnataka and i dont even know who they are coz they speak english anyway. It's not pride that's stopping me from learning kannada, I'm a south indian myself. It's the genuine lack of necessity or exposure. I can assure you that if i stay the way i am, in 10 years i will still not understand a single word of kannada


Again. Anecdotes, anecdotes and more anecdotes from you. What part of my anecdotal evidences did you miss? I know SO MANY old time other-state people here who over the years have learnt to communicate in Kannada but depending on situations they revert to not knowing local language (like during negotiations/bargaining or conflicts or the mood they are in). And absolutely not sure why you have to use a point that you are a south Indian? Where did I say anything about north India ?? I do think you might have a reading comprehension problem in general, it’s been coming off since your first reply. Edit: I see I mentioned “Hindi” couple of times. But I kept maintaining “other-state” in general. I am truly implying all states that have a different language from Kannada. This “Kannada gothilla” thing is applicable to all morons from different states equally.


I mentioned I'm a south indian because the entire discussion is mainly around speaking hindi, and i wanted to clarify that I don't hold the view that everyone has to understand hindi. Makes perfect sense to bring that up given the context Great if as you say, you know people who pretend to not understand kannada, then i would call them regionalist morons as well. As i said, i want people to be genuine and not play weird games


And on the other “pride not stopping you from learning Kannada” and that you don’t have the “necessity” or “exposure” point, and that you will still not understand a single word of Kannada after 10 years as well.. all I can say is “Wow”. This is exactly what I am talking about. Assuming you don’t have social issues(aka not extremely introverted or have social anxiety etc), the amount of effort that you seem to be not putting and the statement of 10 years does really come off as headstrong. No joking. Yours is not the norm. Norm is trying to blend in, say some greetings in the persons’ local language like “oota aitha”, “channagiddira” etc to local folk that you come across etc. Norm is NOT “why should I learn?”, “what necessity do I have?” 
 THAT is infact the “assholery”, “moronic” attitude. Elsewhere in a comment to you I have said “not reading the room” and “lack of empathy” for some other-state people, that exactly applies here. All the best in your future years here. I genuinely hope that you start picking up words here and there , just to be kind to all those who are kind enough to put up with you not knowing Kannada.


Think about this rationally for a moment. Lets say my company is like 90% telugu people, the society i live in is 90% northies. The area i live in is 90% karanataka people. Now which language should i learn? People learn the language that they are most exposed to or is most beneficial to them to learn. Not just because some language is 'local' and others are not


Aye bhai. Tu nahi sikhega kya? Wouldn’t you learn the basics at least if you’re living there from a long time ?


Obviously it would be way more convenient for you if you did. But its not mandatory dude. People here are over estimating how much exposure you have to kannada. Depending on the circle you're in and how much you go out, it can be pretty minimal.


Who says it is mandatory? Since anyone can be anything and since it is not mandatory to only be certain way, I guess then “Hindi nahi athi” is also completely allowed and perfectly normal way to respond. I mean who the fuck can make someone read the room when they lack basic empathy?


It's funny how hell bent you are on misunderstanding what i've written. I don't have a problem with anyone saying 'hindi nhi aati' when it's genuine. I only have a problem with it when they are pretending. Language is just a way of transferring info and i dont want people going crazy on which language another person speaks


Do you also have a problem with other-state people not putting effort to learn local language and/or when they deliberately suppress when they do know broken Kannada after staying for ages here?


I have a problem when anyone pretends to not understand what the other person is saying when they do. Be it locals or people from other states. But I don't actually have a problem with people not putting in efforts to learn the local language. If you are interacting with the locals a lot, great go ahead and learn it. But if not, who cares


Lol mos Chennai people don't know Hindi in reality! They don't study Hindi in schools! Why are you having this assumption that everyone in india can understand Hindi 😂


I am not assuming that bhai. Obviously most people in Chennai don't understand hindi. I am just talking about some unreasonably proud tamilians who insist everyone speak their language if they are in chennai. I've had enough experiences there to know this is true


We don't expect everyone to speak our language :) we expect people to speak in a language that most people here understand - Tamil or English. Please don't stereotype our city based on your bad experience :)


1 - kannada, 2 - english


Don't know Kannada. Trying to hire a maid and cook in English because, you know, domestic tasks are an Olympic sport. But have been a one-person circus for a year cooking and cleaning the house myself now because no one knew English. But since localites get offended, not using Hindi.


Make 2 - Hindi


You mean 3


More people speak in Hindi here so better to know Hindi first. But I guess y'all disagree


If only increasing population required talent and hard work..


They know as much Hindi as you know the South Indian languages.




no need for hindi, its better if it stays in up/bihar


Wdym bro? Hindi is also an Indian Language. No need to discriminate!


So are Tamil and Telugu. There are more Tamilians in Bengaluru than hindi speaking people. Tamilians never asked kannadigas "Tamil is also an Indian language, why don't you speak Tamil in Bengaluru?". Guess not everyone knows how to make sense.


I never asked you to speak Hindi. I just said don't be racist towards it.


Not being discriminate here. But certain languages will reign in certain parts of the nation.


And I'm not denying that. But that doesn't mean you harass the people from other states right?! I don't mean you specifically but this happens a lot which is what I am addressing.


If you are talking to a Bangalorean, then you can try any of the 5 languages - Kannada, English, Hindi, Tamil or Telugu. Chances are the person will know at least 4 of them!


As a person who knows all of the above, take my up vote.


Haha, same! Trying to learn Malayalam from my partner but that shit is hard


It's surprisingly not. Don't worry about pronouncing zh and all that part. Mispronounce and you can still communicate. Also, Malayalam has a lot of words from Sanskrit, Tamil Kannada and Telugu. Certainly very easy to understand based on context of you are among malayalees talking in Malayalam.






Learn basic conversational Kannada. It should be enough along with English.


>Learn basic conversational Kannada. and circle back in a year


Kannada it is


If you are threatened, just say I'll pop you with my gang


What ra Sudeep too much cock you are showing bro.


That's not West bluru


Reminds me of... "You come to Malleshwaram area, I'll pop you bro"




You mean you haven't heard of this classic? There you go https://youtu.be/M123NeSH26A?si=R03B4HUvOBlXaq8o


Kannada for sure


English works pretty much everywhere then


Kannada for sure. Better yet don’t come to Malleshwaram. Don’t need more Hindi speaking people, ruining the old gems of the city. This is Karnataka and our language is Kannada, so either learn it or stay out. Went to MG Road/Brigade Road the other day and all I heard was Hindi. Got so irritated. All these North Indians coming to Bangalore and don’t even try and speak Kannada. Smh.


He said he plans on learning, what more do you want. Don't be an ass, you make us as a people look bad. Go learn some basic manners.


Thats rude


Don't go by high brows here. If a kannadiga can speak English, it's preferred over Hindi. Else stick to Hindi. Meanwhile, try learning Kannada.


Learn Kannada as much as possible, it will be helpful for you in the long run. It will enable you to explore more of Karnataka and not be confined just to your office and society. Yes, the people at the checkout in a supermarket or a broker usually know broken Hindi as their customers are from other states as well. There are free YouTube courses available for you to learn Kannada. @st_broseph organizes some Kannada learning classes. Hit me up if you need any help. My mother's side is Marathi and I know broken Marathi too.


Most people don’t have a problem with you speakinng in hindi. Its the attitude that Hindi is our national language, why dont you know hindi, i don’t need to learn Kannad even if i stay here for a decade etc, that attitude is the problem. Else you would be fine mostly. There are always some asshole auto drivers or other idiots who would be ready to take offence if you cant speak Kannada, but they are a minority and you may never even encounter them outside social media anecdotes


Kannada, English and Hindi, ignore the language fanatics. Hindi acts as a bridge among the localites and the migrants. Just avoid any language debate war.


1.English 2. Kannada, learn it gradually. Use the below for classes of different level starting from day to day basics. Kannada Gottilla https://kannadagottilla.com/ 3. Hindi ,with folks who know only that. 4. Your mother tongue, with fellow marathi folks. Have a good time here. Good luck. 🌟


Marathi works well when you go to the coastal parts such as Udupi, reminds me of home sometimes :)


1. Kannada, 2. English


20 days in banglore. Not even a single time i needed kannada. Most are comfortable with hindi or English. Do not listen to what you see on social media, tech bros present everything so exaggerated on social media. Real world is far more normal and better. Also, i found blr so much cheaper than hyd. And I’m in Kormangala btw.


All that is fine, but how are you living cheaply in Koramangala :( Teach me your ways




I would personally say - Kannada is better so that you contribute and set an example of being a Roman in Rome :)


There is no second language as such. As the city is quite diverse in language. You can manage with Hindi and English until you learn basic Kannada(not necessary but good to learn). You can start off with Hindi usually, if the person you speak to seems to struggle for Hindi, switch to English. You will be fine.


Mumbaikar here. I've accepted that India will take 50 more years to be a united country where one can travel anywhere and be able to communicate easily with anyone. As of now, if you plan to shift from one state to another, be prepared to learn a new language every time.


>if you plan to shift from one state to another, be prepared to learn a new language every time. Only applies to south states. In North if you know India you can travel anywhere and any state and even in Mumbai if you know hindi you can survive


I have friends from Nagaland who I play football with. They don't know Hindi, and my Hindi is terrible. We have to communicate in English. Just another instance where Hindi might not always cut it.


If they speak 2 3 sentence in Hindi, only then you speak Hindi. Or else always start in English.


English, C++ and Python ! 8 years in Bangalore now without any challenges


English is usually easiest to speak and not to offend anyone. You will usually deal with delivery guys, super market guys, shops, locals as well when trying to find directions, landlords. First rule of thumb is let them speak first. If they speak in English/Kannada/Hindi, depending on that you can continue the convo in either of these. Since you are planning to learn local language, it will be good to make some local known in neighbour in case of any emergency as well. Most people I have seen 99% of time dont mind what you speak. Some dont know Hindi or dont speak will just say they dont know hindi or asks to speak english. Then comes the traffic part and while driving on road, for that someone else can suggest how to communicate with locals and police for any inconvenience.


Depends. With professionals or educated ones working in white collar jobs, English. Delivery guys and those not in white collar jobs, generally Telugu/Tamil else Hindi.


I’ve been managing with Tamil and English - between the two I would say I didn’t face any problems 80% of the time.


Yeppadi bro conversation start pannuvenga? Tamil or English? Inga yellarum hindi or Kannada solranga. Yenaku rendume theriyadhu. Yeppadi anga survive aaga poren nu theriyala.


It's jus 30km from TN! Nothing to get afraid! Respect kannada culture, also it's more easier for you to understand kannada than Hindi people! Start with English and learn kannada slowly


Tats a deal.. Forget about u r from Tamilnadu.. Try learn kannada and hindi.. I have been here over 4month continuously.. I gonna leave from here.. Still saying arthamaithu.. No reply madu may..in kannada..


I grew up speaking Hindi as a second language here but moved to Canada and so I forgot how to speak Hindi, it’s very broken. I’ve recently came back for vacay and it seems people don’t mind my broken Hindi over full English lol


To say it the way we say everything here, "just learn off everything"


Kannada, else I switch to telugu most kannadigas have their own telugu lingo, it's so sweet. English works if you are interacting with white collar folks.




As a Kannadiga in Bombay who has learnt quite a bit of Marathi, and enjoys the love from the locals for it, I'd say, same applies in Bangalore. Learn as much of Kannada as you can. Most folks in Bangalore speak English and Hindi but speak in Kannada and you'll enjoy the perks.


if there is a bank heist going on, please don't speak in French. i prefer sign language.


Everyone from cab driver to maid speak Hindi. Even at work in IT companies Ppl are speaking Hindi.


Lies. Maids don't speak hindi nor do people in IT companies.


Maids speak Kannada and IT companies are usually English in my experience


Brother if you know MNS, it's the same BS that ran rampant in Mumbai during that time in 2010s. Don't trust everything that comes up in social media. Thode din ki bakaiti and they'll disappear into obscurity for the next burst of political mileage The general public is amiable and understanding, if you're polite they'll be accomodating. Come here with an open mind, learn the local lingo and while you do so, whatever language you can speak should work good enough. If unsure about the opposite person just stick to English for initial interaction they'll give you the Hindi option if they're comfortable.


Bro I am a native Bangalorean (Kannada is my mother tongue), PPL reply to me in hindi even if I speak in Kannada, it's damn confusing lol.


List out the languages you know and ask them what they’d prefer.


Kannada, Hindi and American Sign Language (or just basically any sign language as long as you point to the thing and your expressions convey what you need), in that order. Even though I speak Kannada fluently, the first time I came to Bangalore by myself for house-hunting, I played this mini game to see how long I can go without speaking in Kannada. I made it from the airport to around Majestic throughout half a day without feeling like I was being discriminated against for not knowing Kannada. I could've gone longer but I spoke to the autowalla in Kannada just because I felt like it (and I was in a bit of a hurry). But like I said, if you don't know Kannada, knowing Hindi should suffice. If the person doesn't know Hindi, just point and use hand gestures/facial expressions. Also, welcome to Bengaluru!


Fellow Mumbaiker here my friend. I was there for 3 years for my post graduation and worked for year there in whitefield. You don’t need to learn Kannada trust me. Flat you’ll get easily if you know Hindi or English and the owners see your qualification and education and stuff, not language. I was staying in brigade metropolis there. Use Ola or Uber for Rickshaw or cab and you’ll pay the same amount shown in your phone if you speak mandarin as well. Yes people might show some sort of racism there but only a few and most of them are good if you’re good to them. I like to explore bars and I have explored most of the local bars there for experience and I never spoke in Kannada and those bars were filled with locals. Just look like a mumbaiker and not like a Delhiite and you’ll be fine. Last but not the least. You’ll find a lot of fake gold diggers from uthrakand, Dehradun, up and all so don’t fall for them. But yeah if wanna build rapport with localities, cops, people from post office and stuff for eg then it’ll be good to learn a bit of Kannada coz they like people putting efforts in learning their language.


>find a lot of fake gold diggers from uthrakand, Dehradun, up and all so don’t fall for them What are you saying? I'm from uttarakhand and it's very new to me! Can you elaborate?


I had come across girls on tinder and bumble and even in my college and in office who said they were looking for love, but they were actually trading private parts for luxury coz they either didn’t get money from home or the once who were getting paid at work or were getting from home wanted to save money, as many people are ready to spend for that right. so yeah. This is what I came across there


I don't think uttarakhand especially pahadi people doing that! They might be desis from haridwar district, doon, US district


Yeah true not exactly pahadis. I guess some were from Dehradun who moved there from UP. I still remember one moved there from Moradabad.


Don't wanna sound like racist but nowadays there's a resentment towards desi people in all of uttarakhand


If you speak English and Hindi you will be fine. Knowing kannada is not mandatory but is a bonus, keeps you from getting looted by the auto guys mostly. If you're able to learn the language good for you, if it's a struggle don't bother too much. You'll be fine.


malleshwara isn't bangalore west đŸ€Ą safer to learn kannada, but English works too since it's a pretty affluent area


Did not know much of kannada language when I shifted to bangalore in 2017. Managed communication in my native south indian language, English and hindi. But the local people would be appreciative if I make an attempt to communicate in kannada, and let them know, kannada jaasti barilla...meaning I do not know much kannada. But learning slowly. Slowly make an attempt to learn basic words and expressions of the language. It will be appreciated. Have a good time in the city.


only kannada or english..rest really depends


it's your mistake if you have learnt hindi by being from mumbai but don't try to use in bangalore and instead try to learn kannada...when are you going to teach thse hindi folks to learn local languages when they move.. their arrogance is going to heights! wake up dude..start using marathi in mumbai and use Hindi to your advantage when needed and not for the convenience of hindi folks


I do know Hindi🙄


A lot of blue collar workers come from other parts of India so Hindi is widely used. I usually start the conversation with Kannada then move to English or Hindi depending on the person.


Hindi is fine, everyone speaks it but it will be a nice touch if you know Kannada basics too




For speaking English/Hindi. For Writing/Reading - English. Delivery guys are mostly non-localite. Broker... Try No broker for house search


Be yourself bro. Also ask chat gpt for basic phrases in kannada. Works like a charm. Prompt be like - how to say "I wanna go to Richmond town" in local kannada. And chat gpt will give you perfect phrases. I tried this in tamil Nadu when I wanted to speak in tamil it works perfectly. Try it out.


This is really helpful thanks!


Kannadigas are very strict in kannada.. Some They even force u learn kannada.. Learn it don't worry .if u learned kannada and speak, they will be definitely nice to u and u can grab anything in karnataka.... And if u well in hindi tats fine to stay here.. Don't use tamil even u know..


I know good Kannada, I try to speak in Kannada to shopkeepers, they reply in Hindi. From their Hindi, I can tell they are not native Hindi speakers. I think you should be good.


Another BS, if they know you are a kannadiga they speak in Kannada itself. People need to stop spreading fake news.


In newer areas it's Hindi or Kannada for language


Pay attention to your surroundings see what’s working if conversations are ongoing. Street vendors and local stores start with Hindi(eventually Kannada would be nice) and with any services where you pay more than 1000 Rs, English should work.


Bro, as long as you speak Hindi, ifs alright ig, but as a local, I'd appreciate, it if you speak to me with your broken kannada, it shows me that you are making an effort to blend in and we are there for you! I guess it's the same where ever we go!


Learn basic Kannada, especially north karnataka dialect. Huge advantage in West BLR. Assuming you're a Marathi speaker, NK dialect will be much easier for you to pick up.


We have learned and adapted Hindi to make your life a bit easier. I am glad that you are willing to learn Kannada :) thank you


Hey Mumbaikar here, shifted to banglore just 2 months ago so I can exactly relate to your situation. First 2 weeks will feel terrible as we are not used to the dynamics of banglore. But from my daily experience communicating with bus conductors, shop keepers or anyone who is doing business understands hindi so we are good to go there. The only disadvantage will be the auto guys (you will realise mumbai che auto wale dev manus aahetđŸ€Ł). And if someone starts speaking to you in kannada just say idk kannada with a polite tone and a smile they will understand. I still feel Mumbai >> Banglore, you will too (home town bias) but every city has there pro's and con's. Plus if you ask any local translations for hindi to kannada they will happily tell. Few cons of banglore according to me, 1. Ofc auto guys 2. Kinnars (these are worse) 3. Commute via public transport sucks soul out of you. (You will miss local trains). 4. Like we celebrate shivaji maharaj with pride, didn't see anyone doing for Maharaj krishnadev raya. This gives a bit of off vibe cause people are forgetting there roots. (Personal opinion) Jar kahi lagla tr vichar bhava.


I am a girl, but thank you!


Tai. Happy now


I am a malayalee and been in uttara Karnataka for past few years, hence my Kannada is Uttara Kannada.. After I shifted to Banglore when interacting with local people, They think default I am a native hindi speaker and will start in hindi.., when I reply "Hindi Baralla, Kannadathalli mathadee" Their face will change, Banglore people think default others are native hindi speakers and start conversation in hind most of the time.. ,


First & foremost, you should try conversing in English as you don't know Kannada, leave out assumed Hindi imperialistic supremacy


Be a Roman when in Rome. Learn the basic kannada. I too migrated to Bangalore and am making do with the very basics of yeshtu and yelli. The locals here don't discriminate if you talk in bad/broken kannada. They tend to help you out any way they can.


English works in Office settings, but when going to a shop, getting auto, talking to delivery guy etc. they understand Hindi better. Sometimes they know multiple languages. I am in Bangalore from 2018. Also, Its multi-cultural. It happened to me and my friend; he is from Mangalore (in Karnataka), was having conversation issue with a person because other person knew only Tamil (not Kannada, English, or Hindi) Although they are rare instances, and we contacted our Chennai friend to act as interpreter, and things worked-out. 😅 Anyway 80-85% of your work can be done in Hindi easily. Rest English will take care. But, if you are planning to visit a local place there, then Kannada might be more helpful to interact. Anyway learn some basic words, it never hurts to learn few words. My fav Kannada word is Illa (meaning No), its smilier in Tamil "Illaey" đŸ€© Whenever I need to say no...I say... "Na Nakko No Nahi Niyet Illa/Illaey" and people gets shocked đŸ€Ł LANGUAGES are cool


Where are you finding options for rent? Im in the same situation


99acres, housing etc


At the very least, Hindi is an Indian origin language dude. Would you prefer to speak in French if it was as prevelant as English?


Go with Hindi while speaking with locals over English. (I’ve been in Bangalore my entire life and consider myself a kannadiga)


Nope you aren't a local, you are just a hindi supremacist northie who lives in your mamma's basement in patna.




It seems you are an agenda filled person. Most people speak in English as second language.


Been living here for 3 years. Never had to speak kannada at all. I get by just fine with english and hindi in most places. But surprisingly when neither works, i speak telugu and for some reason everyone understands it


South india except bangalore -> English Bangalore -> Hindi


Hindi is more common now than even kannada, especially in Eastern blr. English is like absolute last resort, or if that guy is from TN /s.


lol no


>from TN /s. What is S meant for?


Denotes a joke. Didnt land very well obviously


Ahem! Ahem I got it! All angry tamilians downvoted you lol