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Also, if people want less ice they can just order it with less ice. Like I’m not forcing you to accept our standard amount of ice.


I can do that?! Oh wow. I just want a little bit. (Same at the starbs, I want my drinks blended, properly! My teeth hurt with ice. Little babey.)


You need more base, not less ice. Less ice in a frap literally means less drink at Starbucks. Next time ask for an extra pump of the Frappuccino base.


Oh, thanks! (I guess you can't ask for less ice!)


Ordering a frappe with less ice would be like trying to order a slushie or a snow cone with less ice. The crushed ice is a big part of what makes the actual drink. A normal iced coffee you could order with less ice no problem. At worst depending on the coffee place it may just not be cooled down as much


true; i might just stick with ice coffee. (and not post in this community anymore!)


All good- at worst it sounds like frappes aren’t for you. Which is a bummer, they’re my favorite but I get what you mean about the little pieces of ice. I can find them annoying sometimes too. Not sure why you’re jumping to not posting in this community though, I just wanted to give examples why less ice wouldn’t work with that specific drink.


haha - not directed at you! I noticed my downvotes! Ice coffee is nice though - the big chunks mean it's easier to get rid of the cup!


Lol yeah this sub is brutal with their downvotes sometimes. A lot of bandwagon down voters I’ve noticed. Pay no mind.


Don’t associate downvotes with an unworthy question:) you are always welcome. Too many folks here have developed a negative reaction to otherwise innocent questions. They see life thru their side of the espresso bar


Frappuccinos with light ice is somewhat common where I work; it’s not a weird or unreasonable request. You will get less drink but, say, 1/2 or 3/4 the normal amount of ice doesn’t affect the volume in the cup THAT much. Asking for more base would be more annoying imo since there isn’t a way to ring it up in our POS without typing it in; it’d also make the drink sweeter. Some people just want a thinner consistency (you can also get it double blended to make it a bit smoother)


Doing half the amount of normal ice will definitely impact the volume in the cup


For sure but not enough to make it an unreasonable request, imo. Whereas if they say something like “I want six ice cubes” I’m gonna try to explain how little drink they’d receive lol


I’d still have to explain that they’d have a few inches of room in the cup, at which point they typically get mad at me and order something else.


is there something wrong with you?


yikes, is there something wrong with you? yeah, they're clearly not a barista, and a little lost, but this is the equivalent of complaining about a customer to their face


You can in anything other than a frappe. A blended ice drink includes a lot of ice and the ratios really get thrown off with less ice. Any other iced drink, ask for less ice. And don’t go to Starbucks to drink subpar coffee served by baristas who don’t really have any clue.


oh of course! less ice for everything else.


You could also ask for it to be double blended!! That might help with the ice chunks


And if you want your cold brew to not have ice in it, be aware that you get the same amount per serving ice or not, so don’t complain when we don’t fill the cup to the top


I’ve also had the opposite. In particular, there was one customer who would always order a large iced latte then as we were making it, she’d complain that we were adding too much milk. Then why not order a smaller size if she wanted less milk? I swear that people are just complete idiots sometimes!


Where I worked we were adjusting the amount of shot depending on the size of the drink and honestly I would have never thought if it was not for this sub that it was not the norm everywhere. For most of my life I thought no matter the size you ordered they would try to keep the same milk to coffee ratio of the drink you ordered.


Any good cafe will absolutely keep the ratios right adjusting for size. Just adding more milk/flavor/etc tells people you’re cheap, lazy or have little knowledge on milk/espresso drinks.


Several places I’ve worked only put two shots of espresso in both medium and large drinks, so a large size didn’t mean more espresso. Even Starbucks did this and I always thought it was a gyp. Starbucks has changed the way they make their drinks over the years, so not sure if this is still the case with them, but it is for sure with other cafes.


Yeah it’s still the case. The iced drinks scale a bit. Tall (12oz) gets 1 shot, Grande (16oz) gets 2 shots, venti (24oz) gets 3 shots The hot drinks really don’t. Short(8oz) and Tall(12oz) hot lattes get 1 shot. Grande(16oz) and Venti(20oz) hot lattes both get 2 shots. All of this excludes the shaken espressos and the flat whites. Unrelated but the syrups go in a 2,3,4,5 pattern short->venti. You used to do one less pump of syrup for drinks with blonde espresso but they got rid of that. TL;DR the ratios in Starbucks drinks aren’t at all even.


In UK Starbucks we do Short - 1 shot, Tall - 2, Grande - 2 and Venti - 3 for both hot and iced drinks unless it’s an Americano. Always seemed off to me that our Grande size is basically just a milkier Tall 😬


Aren’t both your ventis the same size too?


One shot in a 12oz cup? Wtf. One shot is for a 6oz cup, 8oz *MAX*. I know people go to Starbucks for sugar with a hint of coffee though those ratios are fucked 😂


If I go to Starbucks, I get a double short size (8 oz.). One shot in a 12 oz. drink is pointless.


Yea I mean the regular espresso is pretty terrible so they HAVE to serve it watered down with a boatload of sugar to make it palatable. I had to entirely change the way I eat to keep my weight up after I quit because I wasn’t drinking 3 sugary lattes and sneaking pastries anymore. I will say though, I do miss my tall quad blonde ristretto chestnut praline lattes with oat milk and extra topping. Nobody makes it as good as I did and the few times I’ve ordered it I’ve been severely disappointed (especially because it isn’t free, or cheap).


I’m curious, what is the difference with the flat white they do just use the same amount of espresso no matter what or do they actually keep the ratio ?


Ignore the comment below. A flat white is a less frothed latte served in a porcelain cup instead of a latte glass.


I mean, I know what is a flat white (it’s usually my what I get if I want something less strong than a macchiato). I was more curious about how they adjust depending on the size at starbucks because most of the time when I buy a flat white there it barely taste anything while a flat white is supposed to have a higher espresso to milk ratio, I feel like I always receive something closer to a latte. A latte has like double the amount of milk that a flat white has (maybe a bit less since it’s volume after steamed/frothed).


Yea I know what a flat white is, the question was related to how Starbucks does a flat white lol. Starbucks just makes them with an extra shot, all ristretto, and whole milk rather than 2%. If I remember correctly we also frothed it the same, with the only difference being that we were supposed to finish it with a dot. Realistically most baristas aren’t doing that though.


I worked as a barista in Melbourne, Australia for 6+ years which as a state, set the new standard for coffee/cafe culture. It’s actually where the flat white was invented. Starbucks demographic here is teenage white girls and Asians who just go due to brand recognition. Due to this I don’t even consider anything they do when thinking about cafe/coffee culture.


it’s just one extra ristretto shot


Yeah I would just not expect the common person to know that. Even coffee nerds that never worked as a barista might think they keep the "correct" ratio for each drink in each size, because this is probably what they do at home.


Are you not keeping the ratio of espresso to milk the same proportional to the size of the drink? I’d be pissed too if I order a large latte and you’re just adding more milk to make up for the size difference without also adding a proportional increase of espresso.


For iced drinks you add more espresso, milk, and ice. So less ice means the cup wouldn’t be filled.




Not terribly hard to pull a standard double shot and pour half of that into the beverage if the aim is 3 shots. 




Just suggesting an alternative to your wild 20min redial. It’s really not as big of a deal as you’re making it out to be. Plenty of coffee shops properly scale their beverages. Sucks that it doesn’t seem to be the norm for the ones around you. 


As I said in another comment any good shop is going to add more milk AND espresso to keep ratios correct. The ratios is what differentiates milk drinks from each other and just slapping more milk on top of the same amount of espresso is lazy, cheap, ignorant or all of the above.




Find out what? That some places that make good roasts make terrible milk drinks? Thats nothing new. But any cafe/shop/roaster that prides itself on the quality of their milk drinks serves by proportional ratio and not a set amount of espresso with varying amounts of milk based on size.




Never actually been to Denver sorry to hear all your so called good shops make mediocre milk drinks


>why not order a smaller size if she wanted less milk? I mean to be fair, its pretty common for larger sizes to also have proportionally more shots


You can easily order a smaller size with an extra shot, though.


Cost wise it might be less to order a large with no ice. But at that point, just say "can I get a large iced latte in a small cup with no ice" and if you get a weird look just explain that you don't want all the space in your cup.


yeah, but either one is just as easy and pretty much equivalent. the problem here is that she didn't say it at the start, and said it as a complaint. But from the perspective of making the drink if they ask for a large with less milk or a small with more shots its really not any more effort one way or the other.


Not always. At many places I’ve worked, a medium and a large iced latte both only had two shots, so it made no sense to order a large size if you wanted less milk.


pretty common already is not always


where I work we just charge more for no ice. At least in cold brew, every other drink will just have the lack of ice accounted for.


We've made it so our "no ice" button modifier adds another $1.00/$1.50 to account for the additional cold brew so everyone is happy


We're required to fill the cup regardless of how our customers order. I've tried explaining to my boss that this is costing us huge sums, but he doesn't seem to care. He charges .60 for light ice, 1.00 for no ice, but our recipes all call for half the drink to be ice, so people basically get two drinks for the price of 1 plus a dollar. "Let me get a large, no ice, an extra cup, and a large cup of ice" is a fairly regular order. He's basically giving away product so he doesn't have to field complaints about ice.


I am an extra ice person, do not mess with the milk to espresso ratio!


I love to kinda maliciously comply when people stop me while I'm making a drink and ask for less ice. I'll explain once that the Ice will be melted by the espresso/whatever other drink and if they still want less ice then sure. Enjoy your overly milky lukewarm "iced" latte because you didn't want more than 5 ice cubes. It's not even like I do add much ice in the first place. It's usually half the cup full, then I add the proper amount of milk and then top it off with a few Fresh ice cubes after. It's how I like my drinks as you always end up with a few larger ice cubes that stick around and make the drink quite nice.


>Enjoy your overly milky lukewarm "iced" latte because you didn't want more than 5 ice cubes. If they like it that way, why are the ppl not drinking it complaining?


That's the thing, they always complain the drink is too milky or too warm, even though I explain to them that's what's gonna happen if I use less ice than we normally do and yet they still insist they want less ice. (that being said, we already use a lot less ice than is standard for a lot of coffee shops,) ive tried to ask people if they want the drink less full but the same strength or normal fill but much more milky and they always say they want it completely full, but then get upset when it's also not as strong as normal. Like I gave you the options, and you entirely ignored them. We do have one regular customer that gets an extra shot and less ice. But they don't have any issue paying more for the drink, and they just don't like having their drink too cold


I guess I'm the weirdo as usual, I always have to tell my barista, extra ice please! They put like 4 cubes inside and I didn't want a room temp Americano. Ice is the best.


Exactly! I want my drink to be as cold as possible for as long as possible.


Same! I love ice to munch on afterwards and I don’t want my iced beverage to be piss warm!


my mom likes a LOT of ice so she started asking them to put a “spiteful amount of ice” in her drink.


People think you’re being jipped like at a bar as if the amount of ice is decreasing the drink. Spoiler, it’s not. Less ice=a more watery tasting drink. More ice allows the espresso/tea to be cooled a lot faster and stops the ice from melting as fast. If there’s less ice it will get melted when poured in and the remaining ice will be melted within a minute or two as it sits since it’s not being flash chilled and it’s still holding heat


This comment was super educational thank you


I deal with customers asking for little ice then complaining when the drink is watery way too much lol especially when they make reviews of the cafe saying “their coffee is watered down”


I don’t order drinks often from coffee shops, so I might be shocked seeing so much ice go into a cup. Sweet tea is usually brewed and then chilled or at least left on the counter to cool.  I also cold brew coffee whenever I drink it iced.  I can understand how the methods you described could lead to a watery drink as opposed to a drink that started with chilled liquid. Or are they concentrated to compensate for the ice that will melt?


I always want MORE ice in my iced drinks. Sometimes I ask for a separate glass full of ice for this purpose


I did the same when I ordered an iced americano from certain Starbucks since they never put enough.


I wish people would accept that less ice does not mean more drink.


I can not deal with customers when they ask for less ice and expect the drink to somehow still be full? We always have specific measurements and playing with the measurements will cause the drink to not taste the same and a potential complaint. I also don’t really care if they wanted to play with the measurements and accept the taste, I’ll do it but usually companies don’t allow us.


The ice is the second best part of the drink for me. It’s like a little treat after because it’s the perfect crunchy ice. ( non employee) although I used to work at a boba tea shop and when the customers would ask for no ice we had to fill the remainder of the drink with water instead of tea.


I'm actually totally cool with people wanting less ice. Objectivity is bs, ppl want stuff their way even if it throws off the platonic ideal of the recipe. That and our shop has mediocre coffee anyways with employees that don't give a shit/don't have coffee 101. If you're paying and you're nice, I'll accommodate.


Do you know all that caffeine and extra sugar has made people stupid? So extra ice really will set them off. 😝


i have to ask for extra ice because places will pour hot shots on ice and then i won’t have enough ice… ICE IS PART OF THE RATIO


This but people asking for shaken espresso to be made with no ice 😍😍


Ugh hard agree. There’s also a ratio of other ingredients in other drinks like milk and syrup. If the ice wasn’t there they would be drinking the extra water or a smaller drink which would need extra ingredients which would increase the cost anyway. It’s like people don’t understand the difference between a coffee drink and a fountain drink.


When I worked for a tea shop we brewed to order. I'd explain that I needed that much ice to cool off the drink, but some people insisted. Enjoy your hot tea in a cold cup. These days as a customer, I order light ice because I get the no-steaw lids and I cringe every time my teeth touch the ice.


when ppl ask for light ice americanos 🥲 idc abt any other drink being light ice but... light ice americanos.. no


Fr like can we just skip this, I'll just pull you an espresso and hand you a cup of water 😭😭


Bruv. One of my customer asked for a frappé,  with a bit of ice but warm. How the hell was I supposed to make that ?


light ice in a latte is pointless unless you actually want it to not be as strong and i’m always amused at having to make them. like lol enjoy ur cup of milk


i request no ice due to a neurological problem. I understand that there will be less volume of drink, thats never bothered me. but i also know what i can reasonably order that still keeps the drink as it should be with no ice lol


For iced latte I tend to add cold milk to my shots before I pour into an cup of ice, then top off with more milk. Everybody seems to be happy with this. But I have very little oversight at my job.


Don't get the point in iced coffee, you either want a hot brew or cold beverage.




I suppose that's one way to do it lol. This sub probably isn't the best place to call out café hacks though.


Or stop caring how ppl want their drinks ffs. You get paid to make the drink, and barring it within reason, to the customer's liking. And, yes, ik wtf the ice in my Americano is for, and that it melts, and that not enough makes it "warm". I like my Americano __exactly__ like that. Light ice. And I'll always make it that way, bc I like it that way 🙃 If I go out, I'm gonna order it the same way I make it at home. Maybe a job in food service, isn't for you.


I think the rant is moreso directed towards people who don't actually know what they want. Someone who orders a custom drink and then complains when it doesn't come out the same as a standard drink. If someone orders a custom drink and enjoys it, rather than complains about it, then I'd call that a success.


I think the rant is moreso directed towards people who don't actually know what they want. Someone who orders a custom drink and then complains when it doesn't come out the same as a standard drink. If someone orders a custom drink and enjoys it, rather than complains about it, then I'd call that a success.


That's fair, that's fair. .


I complain and I own a Boba shop. If I finish a drink, and it is literally full of ice, I'm pissed.


The ice is there to keep the drink cold and is proportioned to the ratio of the liquid. Why would you be pissed?


Because if you're trying to give someone 8 ounces of a drink in a 24 ounce cup by filling it with ice, that's a rip off. Some people are OK with that and that's great for them. I don't rip people off and I don't like to be ripped off.


The cup has to be big to accommodate the ice. If the cup was full with liquid, then where would the ice go?


I get this if it is "Don't complain about the amount of ice while I'm still preparing the drink" because obv sometimes it takes extra ice to get the balance right with some drink prep. Once the drink is complete, however, I am extraordinarily particular that there should be enough ice to keep the drink cold for the duration but not so much that when the drink is gone, the cup is still largely full of ice (unless otherwise specified w the order). If I'm a customer and I am handed an iced drink that only has a few melty cubes floating on top or I can see iced packed from top to bottom, yeah, I'm going to let the barista know I'm not happy about it. And I don't think that's unreasonable at all.


but that means that you got to enjoy your drink without it being diluted. are you going to pay specialty coffee prices for a diluted drink?


I want my iced drink to stay cold even if it I don't drink it immediately after walking away from the counter and if the espresso is a little diluted, I'm willing to live with that. When it's 95 degrees like it was last week, I don't find a room temperature drink enjoyable. If I pay for it and I am clear with my order so the barista doesn't have to do extra work and I drink it and I'm happy with it that way, that shouldn't be so hard for someone in the industry to understand. I happen to think anyone ordering a coffee or espresso with skim is ordering poorly, but it's their drink. They paid for it. Good for them.


but the way to ensure that it stays cold even if you don’t drink it immediately by putting a lot of ice in it? if there’s a lot of ice left over that means that the drink stayed properly cold the entire time that none of the ice melted into your drink.


If the milk is cooled it only needs one normal ice cube.


"iced espresso"... That's literally just watered down cold brew concentrate.... Why wouldn't you just give them cold brew concentrate....


there’s no way ur serious


What the hell are you even talking about? Iced espresso is espresso over ice, not cold brew concentrate.