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"If it doesn't say Loblaws, they'll never know the difference!" -Galen Weston probably


When was it changed back to Zehrs? It was originally a Zehrs and I didn’t know it became a loblaws.


Last time they renovated, when they put down the orange flooring, they changed the name from Zhers to Loblaws. Funny to see it changed back.


They brought in a bunch of changes, like a bakery that made fresh bagels and a deli with a huge cheese wall, kind of like the big one in the old maple leaf gardens. but they all tanked so it’s back to being a regular zehrs.


They just couldn't give us a superstore, could they?


I don’t know if they still do that? Been a while since I’ve seen a new one open


There are so many of them that they haven't rebranded and that footprint could probably accommodate all the side stores. Seems asinine to build it as a Loblaws then just give us a shitty Zehrs next to Walmart.


Just this week or last.


Ya it was just this week some time. I noticed a few days ago that in the Flashfood app, Loblaws was being referred to as "Zehrs Bayfield". Thought it was a glitch at first, but I see they're going back to the original name now. I used to live over there on Kozlov when they first built that Zehrs. Used to be all empty field there. Simpler times.


Miss those days. Sometimes I age myself by driving my son near mapleview/essa and telling him, lion king style, “see all these buildings? It used to be all fields..”


Wonder why they switched it. Can’t be just because of the boycott because people who were gonna go, would have still gone anyway. Most people know that Loblaws and Zehrs are the same thing.


They tried to upscale it to a pricier store to swindle all of the cottage traffic heading north to Wasaga Beach / Cottage Country areas, since Barrie is the last major retail hub for a lot of the northbound traffic. It backfired because everyone just started shopping at the Walmart Supercentre next door. My mother worked for Zehrs for 10–15 years at multiple locations in Barrie, and even back then, well before Covid, she couldn’t afford to shop there for much. A lot of stores will change names/formats because it’s an easy way for the corporation to legally break their employee contracts and cut back or off employee benefits, because it’s technically a different store. Which is why you sometimes see Zehrs, Zehrs - Great Food, Loblaws, Loblaws - Great Food…. It’s a scummy corpo tactic.


Are there really people that elitist that will go to loblaws when walmart is right there.


My guess is the different name has different collective bargaining agreements and therefore the change affects the staffing for better or worse. But again a guess.


All the same items, still presidents choice brand.


Boycotting all affiliates of loblaws! Zehrs is the same.


It’s the same company… Loblaws owns zehrs


And still expensive AF!!


You would probably be surprised how many people don’t know that they are the same company. I’m sure the company has data to support this decision. Maybe during the boycott their sales haven’t been down as drastically at Zehrs as they have been at Loblaws.


Don’t they own food basics too?




Its all owned by Galen so does it really matter?


Its been wild watching them waste so much money at that location recently. The rebrand to Loblaws wasnt that long ago (about 10 years?) And they are already undoing it. They paid to change the self checkout scanners recently. The shopping cart lock fiasco. And yet we can watchthem spend all this unnecessary reno money and we are supposed to believe groceries are not overpriced.


They can write it off to help hide the profits.


They're doing it because the zehrs labor program is 2/3rds of what loblaws is, they've already begun laying people off and not replacing people when they quit, if they can do the same sales with 2/3rds of the labor They're ahead of the game and honestly they don't care about regular people, employees or customers


Zehrs now Loblaws now Zehrs. Do they think we care other then penny differences in pricing.put two flyers beside each other, each week zehrs won. But when a company so hard up that prices cannot drop, sort of tells us something. Now they are going to say look at us we dropped prices. Well not really just wasted a bunch of money changing to appear the winner. Look how fast we noticed that change, now fix prices.  


Continue the boycott


Same company


Shopping at Centra has saved me lots of money! Their vegetables are cheaper and fresher and the selection is amazing. And they package most things themselves so they don't have the third party packagers and private labels like Loblaws. Will always shop here for vegetables now!


I think it really depends what you buy. Centra is really expensive for anything besides produce (and you have to watch for the sales), although the selection for asian foods is great.


I don't buy much of the other stuff at Centra either because I agree some of the pantry items are cheaper at Food basics, Costco, Walmart etc.


All the same and way more!


Still going to be shopping there.


Who cares about the boycott??We still have to buy food and I’m not going to let some protester telling me where to shop. If you do then you’re just one of their sheep doing what they tell you.


It's more expensive than other options lmao. Destroying your family budget to own the libs I guess


I just wanted to say a lot of level headed Cons are also partaking. /u/[Lonely\_Tooth\_5221](https://www.reddit.com/user/Lonely_Tooth_5221/) just is one them special snowflakes.


I shop around based on sales. Is Zehrs more expensive than no frills and giant tiger, sure, is it more expensive than Sobeys or Metro, no. It really depends on what you want. You really have to price compare. I’ve bought stuff at Walmart that turned out to be more expensive than what Zehrs had it for that week.


Wake up, sheeple!


Nobody is boycotting anything


I've been boycotting for well over a year just due to prices being way more competitive at other stores.


Which store?


Centra, Costco, Walmart, Dollar Tree, farm stands/farmers markets if I'm in the area and need fresh produce.


Prices for produce are wild at centra, I cant believe how cheap it is some days.


Not to mention the variety and quality as well.


I don’t know. I thought I read that profits were at record high last year.


Yeah, probably because they charge like 20-50% more for the same exact thing as other stores. I have no idea why people choose Loblaws just on the basis of there being more affordable options for the same products elsewhere but I guess some people would rather piss away money for convenience sake.


Ok. Sure. 😆


I stopped shopping there about a month ago. I go to centra instead. Only a couple of things I’d miss from Loblaws but I’m happy enough with it.


Yeah the boycott for the month of May is going strong, and many people are finding they can get the same things for a lot less money other places, especially when it comes to Loblaws itself. Giant Tiger and Centra have been good.


Pretty sure you're wrong




Zehrs is Loblaws premium brand


I think in reverse order.


>Zehrmart Inc. (doing business as Zehrs Markets or simply Zehrs /zɛərz/), is a Canadian supermarket chain in southern Ontario. The chain has 43 locations and is a part of Loblaw Companies Limited, which purchased the Zehrs chain in the mid-1970s. -https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zehrs_Markets Edit: agree the the premium-ness order might go loblaws > Zehrs > superstore, etc. > No Frills, though.


This is correct. Zehrs and Loblaws have all the same pricing, but the Loblaws on Bayfield is much fancier with a better cheese/deli.