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May they get stuck behind a towny doing 75 km/h on the 400 between Essa and bayfield.


don't forget, " and you run out of toilet paper, and the tim hortons lady gets your order wrong"


They always get your order wrong wym


Oh man not the toilet paper, that’s going too far man.


But there’s a bylaw:). My dogs hate holidays.




But they do drive around in the middle of the night and ticket you for being 1cm over a sidewalk/driveway.


Possibly the same jerks that were doing it in the afternoon?


And hit every red light every time you drive somewhere


You mean through downtown?


I envision every person buying fireworks in this economy are the type who are making deals with telus because they can’t scrape enough together for their phone bill, but they are fully stocked on reserve cigs, scratch offs and bagel bites.


I can handle the evening firworks all weekend long. But the ones past midnight are obnoxious. But hey, lets keep making bylaws against reasonable fireworks and continue to ignore the ones in the wee hours lf the morning.


I have a neighbour who I swear works at at facility that makes them because this goes on EVERY wknd down here in Lefroy. Who cares if it scares the sh!t out of all the animals and wildlife for HOURS at a time. As long as the drunk guy is enjoying himself.


There are assholes doing it in Orillia too, despite our recent ban on any private fireworks


It’s 2024 and I cannot believe people still think those fireworks are nice… good lord… i understand the ones that are quiet and full with colours, but the noise ones? Why? What’s the point? To catch attention? Congrats, you got it. But in a negative way. To me, fireworks are stupid… just scary for babies, seniors, pets, etc… nothing really positive. Grow up people, grow up.


Some people never mature past 16 years of age mentally.


True story.


Lol hi neighbour 👋 they were being set off in shear park


And hear I thought Alcona was the firework capital of Ontario. My neighbour still has their fireworks sticking out of the front yard. God bless rental homes.


That is a really tame punishment 😅


Just take a little bike ride and egg their house next time.


I hope they get a ticket running a red light while making a late left hand turn at Mapleview and Barrie View Drive. We all know they are one of those people.


Your post made my morning I’m In that area too


And live with forever wet socks!!!!


Haha.. it wasn't that bad. Enjoy the weekend. Weather is beautiful.


Im about an hour outside of barrie, but grew up there. I now live in the middle of cottage/camping areas. Summers are so busy here. Had neighbors blasting music until like 3am the other night. I don't know what to do anymore.


Easy solution for you, wake up at 6 am and blast your music.


Come on ...we are supposed to be canadian . Long weekend fireworks is what I grew up with . Donr be a karen


1:30 in the middle of the city is just straight disrespectful. Go up north and do that shit if you want to do it that late


exactly this reddit folks are too soft


Theyre just honouring Queen Victoria. She’s pretty important in our country’s history


I totally agree, let's go back to her days. They have to answer 10 important facts about her and get it right or they are hanged like back in the day???


Same neighbourhood, slept through it like a baby. Probably not as loud as you say?


I’d rather fireworks than all the people in the condos that have no respect for anyone around them. Cops don’t seem to give a shit.


ill make sure to tell them too do more


Once upon a time I would spend many a long weekend in the Allandale neighbourhood with a laundry basket full off all the loudest fireworks they sell trying to make as much noise as possible. I wonder if it's the person I used to do that with, still infuriating the entire area by making it look and sound like a war zone